Super Urban Master

Chapter 303 - Remove an Arm of Jin Yang When some were pitying Qin Hao, an aged voice

Chapter 303 Remove an Arm of Jin Yang

When some were pitying Qin Hao, an aged voice came from the back of the crowd.

“Do you really believe that the young man will die?”

As the voice emerged, some of those who had been talking looked back.

Behind them, there stood an old man whose eyes deeply sunk into the sockets. His hair, eyebrows and the long strands of beard were all white.

They knew this old man. In semi-ancient martial world, he was almost known by all, especially by those who went out of and into the city through here. At the exit, there was a small inn, whose innkeeper and owner was exactly this old man-Master Kong Ming.

He was also known for his martial strength. It was said that Kong Ming had the supreme power that few people actually had an idea of.

“Master Kong, it is nice to see you here.” Those who had been talking greeted with respect.

Kong Ming nodded and said,” With such a scene, I certainly should come and watch.”

These men turned their heads to the high platform and laughed, “Yes, there is such a scene. Master Kong, do you really think the young man will escape from the master hands of Jinwu Sect?”

At this time, on the platform, not only the leader of Jinwu Sect released a powerful aura, but his master hands popped out and fenced the patio densely with their bodies.

Seeing this, the gawkers retreated from near the platform as far as they could, like the ebbing of the tide. Suddenly the practice field was empty as the timid ones had run away, with only some still remaining at the edge and waiting for what would happen next.

Kong Ming was one of the spectators at the edge.

He was stroking his beard and squinting towards Qin Hao. After his brows knitted for a while, he said in an indifferent voice that:” This young man has hidden his power with Breath Concealing Skill. In fact, he is at the early period of the Void Stage. Although I recognized his stage, I cannot see through his real power.”

Hearing this, those around Kong Ming was deeply surprised:” Master Kong, how could it be that the young man has reached the early period of the Void Stage? He looks at most in his twenties and it is impossible that someone as young as him can make the Void Stage.” These men did not mean to show their suspicion to Kong Ming, but that they could not accept the fact that they were still at the Spirit Stage and had a long way to go before reaching the Void Stage.

In contrast, though the youth on the platform was only half of their age, he reached the Void Stage. What a shame for them!

“Yes. Before seeing him, I myself don’t believe it. Now I know on the road to martial cultivation, there is always an able man, no matter he is a monster or a genius.” Kong Ming sighed.

If Qin Hao knew that someone had penetrated his real power hidden under Breath Concealing Skill, he would be shocked because such a man was definitely horrible.

Certainly, Qin Hao had no time to pay attention to what the people said about him. He glanced around the disciples of Jinwu Sect and showed a grim look.

Among those who surrounded him, people under the Void Stage were not a threat for Qin Hao, except three also at this stage. Fortunately, two of them only newly arrived at the early period of the Void Stage and they would be easy to deal with. But Jin Muyun, who had reached the medium period, made a real danger for Qin Hao.

A medium period master and two early period ones to attack together, that is f**king big pressure!

Jin Muyun noticed the change of Qin Hao’s face, and gave a cold snort: “If you release my son right away, I will leave your body intact. Or else I will let you die without a burial place!”

Qin Hao grinned an evil smile: “A body intact or not is still a body, and what’s the difference? Stop talking your d*mn nonsense. Where are the people from the Serenity House? Don’t let me ask you twice!”

“You are not qualified to bargain with me.” Jin Muyun emitted a violent tide of aura towards Qin Hao. There was a dense smell of death in the air.

Qin Hao was not dwarfed by Jin Muyun. Instead, he remained his posture with his cold eyes and evil smile: “You think you are qualified to bargain with me? What the hell do you think you are?”

How dare this boy offend Jin Muyun in person! What a crazy young man!

The spectators admired Qin Hao’s gut, but also jeered at his arrogance.

Jin Muyun ground his teeth in anger: “If I don’t slaughter you today, I should quit being the leader of Jinwu Sect!”


Hearing a terrible scream, Jin Muyun stopped all of a sudden and stared at the bloody arm, which was taken off from Jin Yang. His eyes were wide open: “Qin Hao, you…”

Qin Hao shocked all the people on the spot including Jin Muyun, by removing an arm of Jin Yang.

“Master Jin, if you dare to make another attempt, I promise you the other arm of your son will be taken in a moment. Do you believe it or not?” Qin Hao kept his evil and chilling smile.

” You…you…” Wrathful as he was that he wished to jump right in front of Qin Hao and tear him apart, Jin Muyun did not dare to move as his son was under Qin’s control.

He had underestimated Qin Hao’s real power that faced with a Void Stage master, a Spirit Stage man like Qin Hao would not have the chance to kill his son. He thought he could slay Qin before his son was hurt, but in fact, it was Qin that removed his son’s arm first when he was just about to attack. Qin Hao was so horribly agile.

“I will ask you for the last time. Where are the people from Serenity House? I only give you one minute, and after one minute, they should show up. If they are one second late, your son will lose his last arm; if two seconds late, his leg; if three, his other leg…” Every word of Qin Hao was so d*mn terrible and merciless.

“Save me, Dad. Save me!”

Only hearing what Qin Hao said already made Jin Yang scared to death, so he cried out as loud as he could.

Jin Muyun had no other choice so he ordered in anger: “Take them here!”

“Yes.” One of his men took his order and left.

Jinwu Sect was so efficient and within a minute, the remaining twenty or so people of Serenity House were taken here, including Shi Bingying’s master Yi Jing.

“Master.” A woman’s voice came from the crowd below and a beautiful figure rushed to the high platform.

“Freeze!” Men of Jinwu Sect shouted.

“Let her in!” Qin Hao’s yell was louder like a thunder, within it the sound wave rolling to smash the man who was about to attack Shi Bingying.

Now the man hit by the sound wave trembled for a while and then he backed off with fear. His blood rolled over in his body and his heart was beating several times more quickly than usual. That sound attack was so horrible.

So Shi Bingying rushed smoothly to the platform and to Yi Jing. She held Yi’s hands and burst into tears: “Master, you have suffered so much.”

“Ying, is that really you? My Ying.” Yi Jing was so excited that she immediately held Shi in her arms, and the two hugged each other crying.

Other people were surprised by the changing of the situation on the platform, more surprised by Shi Bingying’s beautiful face. Just now they had been shocked by Ye Siyu’s beauty, but now they found there was also always someone prettier. Compared to Ye, Shi was purer, clearer and holier. You only needed to take a glance of Shi and found she was like an angel in heaven.

“Ying, take them away right now!” Qin Hao’s shouting stopped the two’s tears. It was not the time for crying.

Shi Bingying was awakened from tears by the shout and took Yi Jing’s hand: ” Master, let’s go.”

“Hold on! You can leave, but only after I get my son.” Jin Muyun stopped Shi and Yi. His face was cold as frost.

“First let them leave. Then your son will be released.” Qin Hao would not make a concession.

“Let my son go first.”

“Let them leave first.”

Neither of the two wanted to give in first.

“Ok. I can make a compromise. We set them free at the same time.” Seeing Qin Hao had grabbed the only arm of his son and given that evil smile, Jin had to give in. After all, his son’s life was a hundred times more precious than the Serenity House people.

“You are not qualified to bargain with me. Let them go first, or I cannot promise to keep your son’s only arm. Hah hah.”

Qin Hao’s evil smile scared Jin Yang to death and he screamed hysterically: “Dad! Let them go! Let them go!” He had only one arm left. If he lost it too, he would be a complete wreck.

For him, as Jinwu Sect’s young master, it was impossible to accept becoming a wreck. It would be a real nightmare to him. It would even worse than death.

If Jin Yang had not screamed, Jin Muyun would keep this back-and-forth conversation with Qin Hao. But he felt panic after his son’s shout. He had always been spoiling his son and doing as whatever his son had said, let alone this time his son’s life was in danger.

“Fine, son. Calm down and I will let them go and save you.”Jin Muyun waved his hand reluctantly and his men surrounding Shi and Yi slowly stepped aside to leave a path.

Looking at that path, Shi Bingying did not begin moving. She turned to Qin Hao, a sense of worry leaked from her eyes, “Hao, you…”

“Leave now and don’t worry about me!” Qin Hao stretched his eyes wide open and then shouted to Ye Siyu beside him, “And you, f**k off!”

Ye Siyu quivered with the shout and froze right there like a piece of wood. “I told you to f**k off. Why you are still here? Ying, pull her away.”

“OK. Miss Ye, let’s go.” Shi Bingying had a much higher martial stage than Ye. So Ye, still astounded, pulled by Shi, followed the Serenity House people out.

Although Ye Siyu left the spot, she felt hurt in her heart, because Qin Hao yelled at her and told her to f**k off rudely. Was she really no longer cared about by him?

Seeing Shi Bingying and others walk out of the practice field, Jin Muyun stared at Qin Hao and shout loudly in anger: “Will you now release my son?”

“Certainly. Hah, hah.” Qin Hao put on his evil smile again.

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