Super Urban Master

Chapter 299 - The Weird Perishment of Famous Sword Sect

Chapter 299 The Weird Perishment of Famous Sword Sect

A week later, Qin Hao and Shi Bingying came to Rong City.

The journey took them half a month, the most of which was spent in climbing Wumeng Mountain. There were no convenient transportation tools like plane and train in the modern city.

In Wumeng Mountain there were ranges with thousands of miles long. The roads were twisted and the mountains were steep. There were no planes or trains and one could only walk. Luckily, both of them were Martial Cultivators. If an ordinary man had been going to pass the ranges, he would have to spend at least half a year.

In Rong City they found Lan Ruorou, wife of Ye Tianping. They got the answer that Ye Tianping and Ye Siyu (her daughter) went back to Medicine Sect with the captive Jin Yang. They had thought about taking Lan Ruorou with them so that they could reunite in Semi-Ancient Martial World.

However, Lan Ruorou had a company to manage and she had to handle with something before she left. Therefore, she stayed in the city and let Ye Tianping and her daughter go back to Medicine Sect first.

That was all Lan Ruorou knew and she had no idea about the rest.

Qin Hao and Shi Bingying had no choice but to leave. On the way back, Shi Bingying looked quite worried, “Hao, what shall we do now?” On her beautiful face there was a helpless look.

“We’ll go to Semi-Ancient Martial World.” Qin Hao gave her a quite relieving answer.

“Now?” Shi Bingying kept asking.

“We’ll first pick Shifu up from capital city and then we’ll go instantly, secretly.” Qin Hao had made the decision. He was quite helpless. Things always worked out like that. Plan always couldn’t keep up with changes. He had planned to leave in three months but now they had to leave much earlier.

“What about Little Monster? If we take Little Monster away, what should General Li do?” Shi Bingying felt guilty about it. After all, it was her affairs that made the thing happen earlier. If Little Monster was taken away earlier, Li Zhanwu would lose a strong support.

Moreover, if they entered the Semi-Ancient Martial World, there would be a lot of experts. When Qin Hao was handling with the whole Jinwu Sect, he should be supported by Little Monster. At least, Little Monster’s help would increase the probability. Or, he could lose himself while failing to save those people.

After taking planes and trains, they arrived in the capital city two days later.

In these days, Bloody Demon King did nothing but cultivated in the flat in Qin Hao’s military region. What depressed him was that he thought he could upgrade at an amazing pace like what he had experienced on the island in the Indian Ocean. However, with half a month’s efforts, he kept unchanged in the early period of Third Stage Martial Cultivator.

Now he realized that in the situation of resource shortage, in the urban world where Spirit Qi almost ran out, it would be extremely hard to upgrade for another level. He wished so hard that he could make progress and then he would be strong enough after entering the Semi-Ancient Martial World and show off the power of Bloody Demon King. It became rather difficult now.

When he felt so depressed, Qin Hao and Shi Bingying came back.

“You are finally back. Is the issue in Shaxian Town handled?” Bloody Demon King asked Qin Hao. He had learned little about the outside world. He would not have known it if he had not paid attention to it.

Qin Hao nodded, “Shifu, it’s all handled. How is your life going here these days?”

“Well, not bad. It’s just that, the air here is bad. We have to move to Semi-Ancient Martial World as quick as possible.” Bloody Demon King was quite depressed. He had to move there as quick as possible if he wanted to make progress in cultivation. That world was the best place for cultivation for its rich Spirit Qi.

In his eyes, even the Semi-Ancient Martial World was a trash place and he had never thought about going there. He just had to pass there to get to Ancient Martial World. The Semi-Ancient Martial World was just a middle station.

“Ok, we will go tomorrow.”

Qin Hao’s words astounded Bloody Demon King.

“Tomorrow? Haven’t you said you would help them solve the issue of Martial Cultivators in this world? You have solved the issue of Martial Cultivators in Shaxian Town. Does that mean you have handled the whole issue?”

Qin Hao shook his head, “I’ll leave Little Monster here to help them. We go first. Now Little Monster is already a Fifth Stage Spirit Beast. No one here will be a threat to it unless Void Stage experts from Semi-Ancient Martial World come to attack.”

“Fifth Stage Spirit Beast, my Lord.” Bloody Demon King was so surprised that he held his breath. One Fifth Stage Spirit Beast might not be that strong. However, that was a Earth Spirit Beast. A Fifth Stage Earth Spirit Beast was definitely a terrible force. It could even rival a Void Stage expert.

“Hao, how did you do that? How could you level Little Monster up to a Fifth Stage Earth Spirit Beast in such short time?” Bloody Demon King was quite curious. He wanted to figure it out.

It was not necessary for Qin Hao to conceal the truth. He told him in detail.

After hearing the truth, Bloody Demon King could not be more regret. He was driven mad for depression. He should have followed them there. So many precious resources had been wasted by the beast and he, Bloody Demon King, had to sit there and cultivate in a dull way.

Given those resources, he might have upgraded for a level.

Unfortunately, it was useless to regret. He had to sigh and said seriously, “Hao, I agree to leave tomorrow. But you have to tell me why. Why you make it so many days earlier?”

Qin Hao would not hide it, either. He then told the story of Serenity House, Shi Bingying’s sect, to him.

Hearing that, Bloody Demon King turned serious, “Hao, if that’s true, you must take Little Monster with you.”

“Ying and I are apparently not strong enough to help you. It depends on yourself. It’s dangerous for you to deal with the whole Jinwu Sect alone. So, you must have Little Monster’s help. It’s now a Fifth Stage Earth Spirit Beast. With its terrible defensive body, an expert in the middle of void Stage won’t hurt it easily.”

Hearing Bloody Demon King’s words, Qin Hao and Shi Bingying both felt surprised. As for this matter, Bloody Demon King naturally had more understanding than them.

The genuine power of a Fifth Stage Earth Spirit Beast had never been shown to Qin Hao. He just estimated that Little Monster might handle with a Spirit Stage expert. In the urban world, Spirit Stage experts were the most powerful existence among all major sects in the world. However, Little Monster would easily kill them.

However, he had not expected that Little Monster would be strong enough to fight with an expert in the middle period of Void Stage.

A Fifth Stage Earth Spirit Beast and a Fifth Stage Martial Cultivator. These two seemed to be related.

Seen from this perspective, Little Monster could fight with Qin Hao, who was currently a Fifth Stage Martial Cultivator. It equaled to Qin Hao even if it couldn’t win him. At least, the highly tough body would not be easily pierced through.

“Hao, Shifu is right. We might as well wait for Little Monster before we leave.” In fact, the issue had been considered by her on the way back. She was then worried about the safety of her Shifu and other people of Serenity House, so she had not told him. Now Bloody Demon King mentioned it. It was indeed a truth.

Indeed, she was worrying about her Shifu and Serenity House. She did not want Qin Hao to be in danger, either.

“Yes. Ying is very right.” Bloody Demon King followed instantly, “Don’t you have two months left? Hao, you can make it yourself. About one month will suffice.”

“I make it on my own?” Qin Hao was astounded for he had not expected it.

“With your current power, destroying one sect in the urban world is a piece of cake. If you know the location of a sect, if you go yourself, you’ll handle one sect in one or two days. You just need to focus on killing those sects and the rest will be shouldered by Li Zhanwu. Under this premise, you can save much time.”

Bloody Demon King figured out a bloody strategy. If it were Li Zhanwu and others who were going to handle with a sect, they would leave so many people alive. If Qin Hao were going to make it quickly, he would make no more troubles. A few blows would destroy a sect and people would not know the killer before they died.

Nevertheless, it couldn’t be denied that this was the most convenient way.

“By the way, when you’re trying to destroy those sects, don’t forget their cultivation resources. I need them badly. Remember to take more back for me.” That was the purpose of Bloody Demon King.

Qin Hao had a bitter smile in his mind.

“All right, Shifu. I’ll follow your plan. You just wait here for me for a few days. I’ll pick you up when I finished.”

“Okay, make it as quick as possible.”

In one of the ten thousand mountains in the southwestern area of the nation, a troop was marching in the flourishing forests of Cloud Ridge.

In this troop, there were Martial Cultivators and military forces. The leading man was Li Zhanwu.

Li Zhanwu had enjoyed a few days of joy from victory and authority. Under his leadership, a few sects had been conquered, including Sky Cauldron Sect and Hundred Flowers Valley.

Counting Crouching-Dragon Temple in it, there were just four left in the seven major sects.

Of course, the Crouching-Dragon Temple made a compromise actively. Li Zhanwu considered the uniqueness of Crouching-Dragon Temple that they were all monks in Buddhism and had done few evil crimes (They were once in the Dragon Group but they did not participate when the group was making conflicts. They had acted in a low profile).

Therefore, Li Zhanwu did not find trouble with them anymore and admitted their rightful place.

Luckily, Qin Hao hadn’t participated. That allowed him to make decisions more freely. If he did not agree and insisted to destroy Crouching-Dragon Temple, he had no way to stop him. Once the guy’s aggressiveness being shown off, he could do anything he wanted.

The bigger fruit was that in the past few days Li Zhanwu had conquered many Martial Cultivators. In this troop now there were people who surrendered. Some of them were Spirit Stage experts, making him stronger and more confident.

This should be the experience of being the supreme leader and commander. If Qin Hao were here, he would be a fake supreme leader.

Now everything was different, and everyone acted according to his orders. He could kill anyone he wanted and no one dared to violate his orders. The status and prestige suppressed by Qin Hao in the past were now growing rapidly.

“General, the Famous Sword Sect, one of the seven major sects, is just in the way ahead. You might as well have a rest. We go and siege them. After rest, you can make the order to kill them all.” A Spirit Stage expert, who had surrendered to Li Zhanwu, besides him came to his front with an ingratiating smile and flattered.

Li Zhanwu stood straight, waved his hands and said, “Not necessary. Siege them instantly and tell them to surrender at once. Or, they will be killed.”

“Yes. Majestic general.” Getting the order, he flattered and rushed with his followers while one man rushed down in a hurry.

“General. Something unusual.” This is a Martial Cultivator for spying, a scout of Sky Group.

Li Zhanwu and others all stopped, “What happened?”

“People of Famous Sword Sect all, all…” The scout ran so fast and he was out of breath.

“Give him water.” Li Zhanwu ordered.

Instantly, water was passed to him by someone.

After drinking water, the scout recovered. He wiped his mouth and reported loudly, “General, the Famous Sword Sect ahead has been destroyed by someone.”

“What?” All the people on the scene were quite astonished, “Being destroyed? Someone made it before us?”

However, apart from the Sky Group, no one else was strong enough to destroy the whole Famous Sword Sect. After all, the Famous Sword Sect was among the famous seven major sects. It couldn’t be just destroyed so easily.

“Let’s go and have a look.” With the order of Li Zhanwu, all of them rushed towards Famous Sword Sect with surprise.

When they arrived at the Famous Sword Sect and saw the scene, they were all astounded.

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