Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 5

Star Burst

Chapter 5 Sector 2814

By: BigToFu


Green Lantern 2814

Thor stood there in all of his glory with power just emitting off of his form in waves. Had to admit that I was stunned for a half a beat. The big man looked down on his hammer with a smile on his face before it shifted into a frown. Then with a mighty heave, he started to spin the hammer and if my ring didn't improve my mind, I would never have been able to witness the rotations.

Thor threw his hand up, the hammer pulling him along and witnessing that completely killed the fanboy joy that I had in my heart. Pain, searing white hot blinding pain erupted from my back as I was knocked off my feet.

Blinding pain was all that I could think about as I cupped my hands over my head to protect my handsome features. The flare of orange behind me was all that I needed to alert me to the fact that I couldn't just lay down in the rubble and call a timeout.

Rolling once then twice more, I brought my hand up, fist facing outwards as I let loose five percent of my total charge into a blast. A burst of green engulfed the titan, washing over it and some of the surroundings. Wood, plaster and concrete all vaporized within seconds and as my blast tapered off, I could admit that I was stunned and in aww.

Okay, maybe there was something to Uru metal after all, but there was no time to think about it as I shot into the sky, dodging a blast aimed for my chest. Getting high into the air, I found the local area shrouded with dark clouds as lightning bolts boomed all around the town.

Face set in to show a cocky smirk, I flew down to play interference until Thor was ready to strike. My hands came up as the handle to a weapon formed as I flew. Ducking low underneath a punch from the titan, I swung upwards with all of my considerable might. Once more, I smashed my mace into the bottom jaw of the uru monster.

This time, the destroyer unit was sent flying into the air on a trajectory towards Thor. He must have figured out what I was planning because Thor came down with a mighty shout right as the destroyer landed.

Cracking into a massive smile at the dust thrown into the air, I put a hand to my ear as I got a beep over the communicator.

"Hey Dom, couldn't keep that doc and those Vikings away, so inbound right now," Clint said over the communications.

I tried, honestly, I really did try real hard not to roll my eyes at the bullshit, but this was Marvel. That meant the hero had to have his dame right by his side as he finished saving the day. Jokes on him though, there was a battle to be had on Asgard and there was no way that I was going to warm some bench.

"Just keep them out of the kill zone, Thor and I are about to wrap this up," I replied back before flying low.

Pulling my hand back, I formed a lasso. I felt the braided cord in my hand as I landed, planting a foot firmly on the ground before swinging my arm forward.

A green halo launched forward with my hand motion quick as a whip. The destroyer never saw my actions as its focus was to set on Thor high in the sky. The swinging motion of the hammer has created a miniature storm and vortex pulling anything that wasn't bolted down upwards.

That changed when my lasso lashed out and warned its way around the destroyer's upper torso. Flying upwards, I then pulled hard on the destroyer as I launched him into the sky towards Thor. Flipping over, I positioned my back to the ground as I pushed both of my hands towards the destroyer, deciding to give it a little help.

The bands binding its arms to its body strengthened and expanded as I pushed it towards Thor who was sporting a massive grin on his features.

"HAVE AT THEE TITAN!" Thor boomed as he brought his hammer down with a mighty boom. I watched as a shockwave blooded into life as it washed over all of the surroundings. My ring flashed a brilliant emerald green as my shields flared brightly to protect me from the shockwave.

My legs braced, but I stood firm as I was buffeted with high speed winds upwards of titanic hurricane forces. Shops shook, windows broke and even cars shifted no matter their weight. The rumbling beneath me went on for thirty more seconds, instead of staying on the ground, I took to the sky as the town shook as if it was a dinghy on the high seas.

Hovering over the buildings, I turned to the other green light and waved at Clint with his little band of misfits. Rolling over in the air, I flew to his side as Thor himself also came down to a hover. Arriving at their side, I arrived just in time to see Thor pull Jane out of the bubble that Clint had created before taking off with her.

Rolling my eyes at the hero complex bullshit, I made a hand motion towards where Thor was heading before also following along. The flight didn't take all that long, yet as I flew, I was also tracking the vehicles that were also on approach. Figured as much and it was a good thing that this time we didn't level anything within the town. Well, maybe a few walls here and there since I was tossed through a couple, but I had already called in a repair drone and it would be here in minutes to fix everything.

Landing a little bit away from Thor, I pulled off a nice and neat three-point super hero landing making sure to enhance myself a bit so there was a nice solid thump. Jane jumped out of Thor's arms as if they were on fire, pretending that they weren't just kissing moments before. Clint came bringing up the rear of the party with the warriors three, Darcy and Eric the soon-to-be mad scientist of the group.

Smirking at the big man, I gave him a good once over as I took in his now transformed state, not bad. Thor was standing there: his royal red cape looking all majestic as fuck with his massive arms and giant ass hammer.

"Huh, neat; another space dude," The chick in the large sweater clearly meant to hide her chest said, peering at me.

Chuckling, I turned to her, "Not a space dude, but I am a space cop, Dominic Wolf, Green Lantern of Sector Two Eight One Four." I answered Darcy, while Jane watched as I hovered closer, my aura of green illuminating the area.

"And is this your sidekick or something," Darcy asked with a thumb pointing over her shoulder. "Isn't he a little old to be a sidekick?"

Chuckling, I shook my head as I took a step towards the warriors three, "Greetings."

"Well met warrior, that was a fine bout." The large one said and I could only think of him being Volstag with how large his beard was and the ax he carried in his off hand. Hogun said nothing while the one with the stupid little gooteee was trying to talk up Darcy.

Lady Sif on the other hand was looking me over with an interested gaze. That same gaze lowered until it rested on the rings on each hand. Lady Sif then looked up and gave me a small nod before turning her attention back towards Thor. I turned my gaze towards the approaching cars and tried to ignore the sour look on Sif's face as she witnessed Jane and Thor getting all cozy. Yeah, I was not going to touch that with a ten foot pole, not unless she would like me to get into her pants.

Then again, I could just be thinking with my second head, but who could blame me. I'm living in marvel where every heroine was a solid nine or higher. Hell, Lady Sif was a hot ten in her red suit of armor that hugged her frame in all of the right places. I should have seen it coming since she looked a lot like her comic counterpart instead of her MCU counterpart. If I was honest though, they were both hot, but I digress.

As the agents got out of the car, Thor was walking over to where he had landed. Shaking my head at it all, I turned to see agent Coulson giving Barton the side eye. Ignoring that little exchange, I made my way over and got a hand shake from agent Coulson. Right as the pleasantries were over with Jane made herself known by being very vocal.

"You're the agent that stole all our stuff," Jane said, her tone very accusatory while pointing a finger at Coulson.

"We didn't steal, we borrowed," Coulson replied smoothly, not even missing a beat or ruffling his immaculate suit. Letting them have their little byplay, I walked over to Clint before settling into a hover.

Looking him over, I gave him a nod, "Alright, flyboy, this joy rides over, time to give it up."

Clint looked at the ring and I could see the reluctant look on his face, but he never got the chance to say anything as Darcy decided to make her views on what I said known.

"Ohh my gosh, you're breaking up, why?" Darcy exclaimed with a gasp as she watched me hold my hand out as Clint took off the ring. Clint faltered as his face screwed up into a sour look.

Letting out a sigh, I took a step back before looking at her as Clint's green lantern clothing flowed away to be replaced by his Shield agent clothing. Still pretending like I didn't notice the bugs or cameras hidden on his person, I turned my attention towards Darcy with the ring Clint was using. The ring floated above my open palm glowing a beautiful green for all to see.

"No we are not breaking up, I just borrowed the agent because I had some people to save in space." I said to Darcy while ignoring some of the side glances from those around me. "This ring, even though it's a trainee ring, is one of the top ten most powerful tools in the Universe. It lets you breathe in space, create constructs and even travel between the stars within seconds."

Those around turned, captivated as I showed off a few constructs while reabsorbing the trainee ring that I had created for Clint. My constructs shifted from shields to swords and mechanical armors before settling back around me as my streamlined aura.

As I turned around to face everyone, I noticed the side eye that Lady Sif was giving me, but my main focus had shifted to Coulson and his talk with Thor. Thor was roaring to the sky for the watcher of Asgard while Coulson was standing at the side trying to understand the situation.

As I was taking in the situation, the warriors three finally clued into what was going on as they joined Thor. Darcy was still giving me the eyes, but she was ignored as I got closer to Thor to hear what he was saying.

"Something must be wrong, Heimdall is not responding." Thor spoke and you could hear the frustration in his voice.

The warriors three frowned, but a ping from my ring alerted me to the cosmic anomaly brewing overhead. Before I could look upwards, Jane beat me to it as she tugged on Thor's beefy arms. Looking upwards, I hit my grimace at the crack of thunder and lightning that clearly flashed across the sky for all to see. Not only that but with each crack of thunder, the clouds would shift through a kaleidoscope of colors.

There was a burst of light that carried the milti-colors of the rainbow, but on instinct, I dashed forwards with a 'Thor watch out' as I raised a round shield high into the air. Oddly, I felt as if I was bodily picked up and yanked along a line. The sensation was so strange, yet so out of my body that I could barely believe my eyes as I was notified by my ring at the speeds of travel.

Athena also updated me on the unusual scans she was picking up from the bifrost, but I paid none of that any mind as I flew out the end. The first thing I registered was a massive man huddled over a sword. The second thing I noticed was the two giant blue ass mofo's standing there in their loincloth thong things and that shit was a blatant violation to my eyes and common decency.

The shield that I had created to protect Thor warped and twisted around transforming into a beautifully stylized broadsword. The fact that it had a very uncanny resemblance of the master sword from the legend of Zelda was a complete and utter coincidence.

Both hands gripped the handle of my sword as I swung upwards bisecting the obvious frost giant in half, cutting from underneath his armpit right through the other side of his ribcage. Using the momentum of my swing, I turned on a dime, sword shifting as if it was made of liquid to take up a second form.

Both hands gripped the heavy bolter as the sights aligned with the other frost giant's head, with a nasty wet and chunky boom. The frost giant fell five pounds lighter as whatever used to be his brain matter splattered all over the arriving asgardians.

Thor came barreling out of the portal to pull up short as he became very aware of the carnage within the bifrost chamber. Putting the bolter away, I made a pulse of green fire to clean up the mess while depositing the two bodies into my subspace. Pulsing a green glow outwards, I pulled into a hover next to Thor as he checked over Heimdall.

"Thor, there are at least twenty combatants that I am able to pick up." I said holding out a wireframe map of asgard. It wasn't as detailed as I wanted it because of the defenses, but I could at least get a mockup of the outside.

Thor gave my initial scan a hard look before he came to a decision, "Fandral, Hogun, take Heimdall to the healers, Sif take this one with you, Volstagg sound the alarm."

Without saying anything else, Thor spun his hammer before taking off at high speeds. Standing up, I cast a low shimmering ray to stabilize Heimdall while also scanning him, just in case of course. Some of the wounds healed as his breathing shifted.

Fandral gave me a nod before he took off running at speed, shaking my head at that, I formed a bubble before picking everyone up and taking us across the bifrost.

"Sif, do you have any strategies in mind for our counter charge?" I asked the blonde bombshell as I turned to give her my attention as I flew us through the air.

Sif regarded me with a look before a thoughtful expression came over her face, "The map."

Looking at Sif's hand motion, I nodded my head before projecting a 3D image of asgard for her to see. I noticed how she raised an eyebrow as the bifrost observatory was the only thing shown in detail. All the other buildings were ringed with a wireframe outline. Lucky for us both, it did show the frost giants inside some of the buildings. It was also very clear that the frost giants were also trying to stay out of sight.

Putting our heads together, plans were made, yet I noticed how the warriors three would give me side glances as we spoke. I tried not to think about it, but the title Lady Sif and the warriors three just keep sticking out in my mind.

Sif had me lower the other three outside of a giant domed building before making a gesture upwards. Picking her back up into a green bubble, I then flew us towards the palace as sparks of lightning moved towards the bifrost. I could tell that was none other than Thor battling it out with Loki, but I had to let that go and be in the here and now.

Taking us on a path around the back of the palace, I followed Sifs instructions on where to go so that we could get to the frost giants. It was strange to watch her pick out a side panel to crawl through and not realize that she had indeed grown up in the palace alongside Thor and his brother. And I could already make a few assumptions on where the side panel was located to know that it had to be Loki who found it and pointed it out in their youth.

Ignoring that implication, I followed behind Sif creating a staff in my hand while bringing down the glow of my aura. Sif gave the basic hand sign of three combatants, then the basic sign to take the closest one. Without waiting on me, Sif charged around the corner silent as a whisper.

My staff shifted into two daggers as I went for the slice behind the ankle before following up with one at the neck. Twisting to not let the body fall on top of me, I threw my left dagger out, it turning into a rope catching the far frost giant around an arm.

I applied my super strength with a yank, pulling him towards my location as I got myself ready to strike. That strike that I had wanted to perform was tossed to the wayside as Lady Sif stepped into the way bringing her sword down. There was a swift flash of light as the head fell away from the rest of the body.

Letting Sif do her thing, I stood to the side and transitioned through a few weapons before ending with a sword then shifted it all back into my aura. Sif gave me a look before nodding and leading the way to the next ambush location. We went through two more groups before the alarm started to really let itself be heard.

Yet, Lady Sif and I ignored it as we made out way closer and closer to the royal quarters. Once Lady Sif had made that realization she had picked up the pace and I was right behind her. Three more parties were cleared out on our approach, but as we arrived, it was clear that our help wasn't needed.

Bursting through a hidden door, we came upon down frost giants and a stall status lady wielding a blade. I noticed the grey hair first before the kind smile, then I noticed the shifting body language of Lady Sif. The way things changed and the clear regal aura that this older mature lady was giving off helped me to figure out who she was.

This was Queen Freyja, but before I could say or do anything , there was a massive explosion from outside. We all turned to catch the tail end of a technicolor explosion rising over the buildings that created the view of a perfect skyline.

Well shit, so much for saving Loki.

Clint Barton

Agent Hawkeye

Closing the door behind him, Clint walked into the room noticing his boss standing at one of the windows staring out at DC. Man, he wished he still had that ring, the flight to DC from New Mexico was such a drag.

Clint stood at attention sitting his bag down beside the open chair as he waited on his boss. Honestly, he was trying to hide the smirk on his face because he had some real goodies with him. That week he was away helping the Korbinites, Clint had some real fun exploring their technology and working out how he would be able to apply some of what he learned to his own equipment and gear.

Clint was drawn out of his head as Fury turned around then walked over and took a seat at his desk. Clint watched in silence as Fury inputted a few key punches before the windows darkened and the shades closed over the window. Hell, Clint even had to force down the flinch as his ears picked up the soft click of the clamps locking down the door.

It really went against his instincts and training to be locked in a room where there was only one way in and one way out.

Fury trained his one eye on him and Clint looked right back with his trademark smirk on his lips. Man, six hours on a flight and a day in the tank in case of telepathic control. Even with all of that, Clint wasn't going to show any weakness here.

Fury kept his gaze but spoke without even blinking, "I read your report, but I want to hear your thoughts Barton."

Letting out a sigh, Clint raised a hand to run it through his hair, "I don't even know where to start. Wolfs got a base on Mars of all places, looks very well used, access to spaceships capable of opening wormholes to get from one side of the galaxy to the other. Hell, I wouldn't believe any of it was possible if I hadn't worn a ring myself and ate with aliens."

Fury grunted slightly before leaning forward, "Yes, and you say that Wolf called in help to assist the Korbinites."

Nodding his head, Clint picked up his bag and dumped it on the seat before taking out a flashdrive. Handing it over, he waited for Fury to run the usual programs to check for viruses and bugs before playing the video.

"So I had body cameras in case I was knocked out or had a mindwipe, and here is some of the footage that I got." Clint said as Fury scrolled through the footage. "Check that big guy that's pink with the green armor, well that's Kilowog. One of Wolfs surrbotinates, only one I met, but I did notice from time to time on the map other logos."

"Yeah, Wolf was playing those numbers close to his chest." Fury replied with a nod. The meeting kept going and Clint had to let Fury down on the prospects of Dominic being around earth often.

Hell, with how active the universe was, Clint had to admit he was surprised that Dominic was able to answer a call on earth. The video transitioned from scene to scene and Clint even went over how it felt to use the ring and being able to interact with another alien species.

Then things flowed from one topic to the next after the star charts were shared and Fury's concern about visits from these sets of aliens were put to rest. It didn't come out of left field since Clint was already prepared for such an eventuality.

"So is he willing to offer us any of the technology he has at his disposal?" Fury asked, leaning forward with his fingers stapled together clear intent in his gaze.

Clint played the wince shaking his head from side to side, "Very doubtful to be honest and I don't think we can do anything with it."

"Explain," Fury said sharply.

"The tech these Guardians equip Dominic with is so advanced it might as well be magic," Clint answered with a sigh. "The way I see it, if we were given the tech. Earth would just be stuck in a cycle getting nowhere."

And what cycle is that?" Fury asked, very intrigued.

"Honestly sir, with how advanced the tech is, we would be stuck in the cycle of building the tools to build the tools to build the tools." Clint visibly cringed for Fury to see. "It's not something I believe that's in our best interest."

Clint watched as Fury slowly leaned back in his seat as let out a sigh, putting on his cock sure smirk once more. Clint reached into his bag, pulled something out, then placed it on the table before his boss.

Fury looked at it before gesturing, "What's this?"

"Ohh, just something I picked up while in space." Clint replied, trying not to be too smug. "We might not be able to get our hands on the Green Lantern tech, but nothing said we can't accept gifts from assisting those in need."

Fury's attention was fierce as a hawk as he spared Clint with his one good eye, "Alright, what am I looking at?"

"Tier three power source," Clint said before slapping a few sheets of paper down on the table next to the device. " And here is the translated blueprint on how to make it.

Authors Note:

Man, Dom's just one sneaky bastard, it's like he had inside intel on when the bifrost would come to pick Thor and company up then used it to his advantage.

And that folks is why Clint was given a ring and allowed to tag along. Yeah, the con is massive, and Dom will fake the hell out of it till he can make it. But the best way to do things is to let the so-called super spies make up the backgrounds themselves and it's a lot easier for them to accept it all.

Now, Fury isn't breathing down his neck and will run interference with the World Security Council, because yeah, it's clear that a human will be recruited later. Fury so wants one of his agents with a Green Lantern Ring.

Yeah, he could have just kept to himself and left earth alone while going off to do whatever in space, but home is where the heart is. And let's be honest, we would all go down to earth to meet our favorite heroes.

Anyway, I don't want to spoil everything for you guys, enjoy!

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.

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