Star Burst of Sector 2814

Star 2

Star Burst

Chapter 2: Sector 2814

By : BigToFu

Betad by: morde24

One Week Later….

Dodging a blast, I skidded along the floor of the training room on my knees while twisting around to face where the blast came from in a smooth motion. My left hand came up to protect my chest with a shield right out of my imagination. My hand tightened around the handle as a staggering force slammed into my recreation of Link's shield from the Legend of Zelda. The triforce that I had emblazoned on the other side of the shield flared to life.

Absorbing the blast from the laser, I took it and rolled with it and then spun around on the spot with the cover I was using while getting lower into the training room's floor. Damn cheating AI, but jokes on her, I am a cheating bastard as well.

Flexing my construct, the shield softened as if it was liquid pulling in the blaster's energy blast. Pulling it in, I then twisted it around like a ribbon before tossing it back with my energy construct as a guide. The hovering drone that was acting as my training partner didn't have enough time to dodge my fast return to sender as it exploded into parts from its own attack.

Jumping forward to dodge the other orb that got into position behind me, I pulled back the construct I had sent out, because why waste energy. The split second that it took for the grappling hook to form, every facet of the tool flashed through my mind. From the leather strap that went underneath my forearm, to the servos that connected to the pressure system that sends and retracts the cable. The construct wrapped itself around my arm and formed a quick brace with a grappling hook on top.

My will had taken my imagination and ran with it creating a work of art on my arm that was beyond photorealistic.

As I rolled over in the air, my environmental shields absorbed a shot from the drone as I finished my flip. Lining up my arm I didn't even wait to eyeball the shot as I just willed the grappling hook to fire.

Instead of crushing it instantly, I was forced to swing to the right as its last brother decided to make itself known. Sadly, I was not greeted with the sweet sweet sound of metal slamming into metal as that little bastard swerved out of the way. What I got in return for my hard work and sweat was a charged beam for my troubles.

I really shouldn't have introduced my ring's AI to the wonders of Mega-man and anime. That thought was pushed aside as I got the notification about civilians escaping. Smiling, I enacted the second part of my plan.

Cables shot out of my back, as if I was an octopus, anchoring me in place as I braced myself and thrust my hands forward to catch the charged shot. Gritting my teeth, my will reinforced my arms, my back, then my legs, as my entire being started to glow a vivid emerald green, I took a slow steady step forward. Then another, and another until I was floating once more and held my arms before me with a spark of luminous sun within my palms.

Wrapping the plasma in a soft shell of willpower I was soon happy with what I had. I then jumped forward while thrusting my hand out as if I was using a ki blast from Dragon Ball Z. The little drone never had a chance with the speeds I was moving.

Grinning at my victory, I threw my hands up in the air in celebration. On the far left wall, a screen appeared showing a female face made up of ones and zeros. Nodding to my ring's AI, I strolled over to the hovering racks of towels and got one to wipe myself down as I enjoyed my well-deserved rest.

"Congratulations on completing the final course, sir."

Nodding my head, I pulled up the stats and looked them over. Sadly, I did not set a course record, but I was alright with that. It was more important to me that I hadn't lost any of my civilians over setting some record. Oddly enough, that wasn't a condition for passing the course.

Scratching my chin, I couldn't help but think about that. It was little things like these that helped me absorb that these are not the Green Lanterns I was used to. Not only that: but after my breakdown and crying fit and once I had set up the base; I realized what I was in charge of.

Not only did I have a combined recreation of the Star Heart and the Lantern on Oa, but I was the one in charge of it all. That amount of power did not come as a rush like I thought it would. No, I was butt fucking terrified about having all of that at my fingertips.

Sad to say, it took me far more than twenty-four hours to get over my shit; and even then, it took another twenty-four for me to get my mind right. Luckily, my ring was the main ring and it was tied to me genetically and psionically. Otherwise, I was pretty certain that my ass would have gotten left to rot here on Mars once I started to break down.

The vibration from my wrist pulled me out of my mental mussing. Looking up, I found the screen tracking something through space.

"Talk to me, Athena," I commanded, getting up from my seat to fly and hover before the hologram. From what I could tell, it was a snapshot of pure multicolored light. It was familiar but also not familiar.

"Cosmic anomaly detected," She replied, my eyes widened and I pushed aside the panic that tried to grip me. "Scanning…"

I hovered there for what felt like an eternity before there was another ping and a second image slid right next to the first. Looking up with wide eyes, I finally connected the dots and almost puked from my realization.

Pulling up a keyboard, I started to browse through the latest news from Terra. When I couldn't find what I was looking for, I decided to just enter his name into the search function. On my arrival, I had made the search but gave up with the I AM IRON-Man bullshit because, THE FUCKING FUCK!

That was all I needed to figure out the timeline and I had descended into a complete panic. Yet, now there was a cosmic anomaly with a man shadow inside of it followed by a fucking hammer. I knew where this was going and I was not ready, not one bit, but fuck it if fate doesn't find me interesting.

Getting myself under control, I stared hard at the ring's readout. [Cosmic anomaly, magic in origin.]

Floating in the air, I willed a couch into reality from my ring as I started to weigh the pros and cons for jumping into the timeline now instead of going off to explore until the invasion. For a good thirty minutes, all I could form were actually pro's without many con's.

The major issue would be Odin, but with the nature of my abilities and Thor destroying the Bifrost, I would be a major boon. Granted, I didn't want to be Odin's little errand boy, but the maps of the stars that Asgard kept were a treasure trove unlike any other. Plus, I really wanted to sign up to save what they would call the Nine Realms.

The major cons were actually dying and getting on Loki's shit list. That little shit can hold a grudge for fucking centuries and I did not want my name on that small list of his. So it all came down to who did I want to have favor with and where could I get the most profit out of this venture.

Going off on my own would be far too easy; especially with the ring and its warp capabilities. This was easy because once I had gotten through my self pity episode and finally come up with a plan, I had instantly gone to snatch up a few defunct satellites in orbit around Terra including the two old Wakandan satellites. Once I had acquired them and since I wasn't a thief, I had them repurpose for my needs. Subspace communication was so easy with the knowledge of the blue smurfs at my fingertips.

With the subspace communication relays up and running, it didn't take much to get onto the Nova Corps network and a map of known space. Going out would mean I was on my own, versus if I went and helped Thor and Asgard by extension. Not only would I have an alley with the all-watching eye, but also with the throne. Fuck, I really was talking myself into going down there and helping out.

Fuck my bleeding heart, sigh, "Athena, set the satellites into an overwatch position where ever he landed and keep me apprised of the situation.

"Of course, sir."

Now, I had to get my affairs in order, I couldn't just do this for the sweet sweet loot. I actually had to present myself with a lot of badassitude. Thor respected warriors, while SHIELD would love my pitch and try to milk me for all I was worth. Sadly, I wasn't going to stick around long enough for them to have Black Widow try her seduction routine on me.

Making up my mind, I flew up and out of my projected couch as I twisted and shot out of the training room's airlock. Flying into the oort cloud at the edge of the solar system, I finished up the mining I was doing for the gold and platinum while also cleaning up my little dig site. It was going to be some time until I could make it back and I didn't want to leave any indication that someone had been here.

This was space, after all, better yet, this was marvel space and I would be damned if I left a trail out here in the void for any asshole to find. Once I was finished with my business, I then warped into orbit over the little blue ball that wasn't my Earth.

There was no lying to myself that it didn't hurt to look down on the planet and realize that my family wasn't down there. That my sisters, my brother, nieces, nephews, aunts, were all in another reality and I had to live out the rest of my days because there was no going back.

It was easy to just think, let's open a portal home, or use the infinity stones or any number of bullshit items that lay around within the marvel universe. Yet, the one simple fact that kept me from going home was that there were infinite Earths just as there were realities and I carried the quantum signature of this reality. My soul, because yes, Oa had soul tech I carried the signature of this reality.

I was and still am a weeb, a nerd and geek, hell all of the above, so I knew how to munchkin the shit out of a Dungeons and Dragon campaign. So it wasn't very hard to get to the heart of the matter with a device as powerful as a Green Lantern ring. These things were so powerful: yet all the masses could think about was that shit Ryan Reynolds movie.

One ring on the middle fingers of both hands and one in an interesting location was the full accumulation of the Oan's knowledge from the start of the universe until when I got myself a copy from ROB. Not even the files on sector 666 were redacted to my eyes. Hell, I even had plans to build my own army of manhunters if I so desired. Now, discovering that was a trip almost unlike any other.

With all of that at my command, it hurt knowing that I would never be able to go home. Putting my personal issues aside, it was time to be a GREEN LANTERN.


Putting on the charm, I checked with the satellites in orbit for Thor's location before lowering myself into the atmosphere. With the sun rising over the world, I smiled as I took in the air of Terra. My face split into a slow lazy smile as I came down over the pacific. Flying over the ocean I flexed my will to form a board beneath my feet.

New earth, New Style, and I was going to enjoy my time as the sleek green and black surface board cut through the water beneath me. I was enjoying myself so much that if my ring hadn't alerted me, I wouldn't have realized that I had spent a few hours on the waves like I used to do back home.

Once I got over the rush of surfing once more, I hovered there over the ocean; eyes wide as certain facts came back to me. During my little isolation and training, I had done more than enough research to understand that this wasn't the standard MCU.

Because of course it just couldn't be that easy. There were mutants, Inhumans, and whatever else that was strange in marvel hanging around. This means if my lore was right, there was a celestial corpse somewhere in the arctic circle. Letting out more than enough expletives to make a sailor blush, I twisted out of the waves and shot off towards the North.

Thor could wait, I was about to get my hands on cosmic mojo.

[Avarice levels 20.08 percent.]

Rolling my eyes at the ring's AI, I rolled my neck as we arrived at the arctic circle. Without blinking, a drill was formed before me as I smashed through the ice cap. Diving downwards into the ocean, doing a lazy barrel-roll had me floating upright once more.

[Avarice levels 32.2 percent.]

Of course, it would rise with the amount of greed that I was giving off. If my lore was correct, then I was going to find the body of the Celestial called the Progenitor. Taking a moment to gaze at the beauty that was beneath the surface of the ice. I took it all in before starting a wide spectrum scan of the area.

There was one massive thing I was certain of, and it was that human genetics were compatible with Celestial DNA. During my week of exile, I had made sure to test my genetics with all the tech OA had installed into the ring. Surprisingly the ROB did a damn fine job with me registering from this quantum layer matching the earth and humanity's standard signature.

Granted, I wasn't going to just take a shot of Celestial blood straight as if it was vodka, but the possibilities were endless. Setting my ring to scan for cosmic materials, I started to spiral out from my location.

Spiraling out from my location, I checked miles upon miles as the sun lowered overhead before I found something. I had been out here under the ocean for more than just half the damn day and my frustration was well and truly mounting.

It was right at the moment that I was about to say fuck it and go hang out and have some bro time with Thor when my ring flashed. Deep deep down at about five hundred meters underneath the ocean floor. That's where he was; and can I just say, damn.

The celestial was fucking massive, from what I could see with my ring producing an X-ray scan. From what I could see with the X-ray, his feet alone were a hundred feet in length. I followed my scans further and further as I slowly came to the realization that this being was far larger than the Empire state building and the Eiffel tower.

The body was wrapped in full black armor with a silver lining.

[Avarice levels 68 percent.]

"Okay, okay, I get it, Athena, I'll try and stop being a greedy little mite," I grumbled before sending out the shade of an excavator to move all of the dirt. Swiftly I worked as I listened to a podcast with this world's version of rock & roll.

With my excavator doing all of the work, it took me roughly ten songs before I was able to uncover the full body of the celestial known as the Progenitor. My breath hitched as I took in the massive form before me.

There was just no way to describe that being before me, this was the being that made it all happen if my Marvel lore was correct. This was the being that made the Eternals, the Humans, and the Deviants. This was the being whose blood gave birth to the X-men X-gene.

Holding my ring hand forward, I started to scan the celestial as I took a closer look at him. His cosmic essence casing appeared in the form of an all black armor with silver linings showing and defining his body parts. As I floated upwards to hover over what was easily the head, I noticed the marks around the holes in the armor.

Shit, it was moments like these that made me worry about reality, because the material that was crusted to the holes appeared to be blood. Yet, that also jogged the memories of when i just looked up marvel lore for the hell of it some days.

[Unknown metal detected.]

Hearing that, I could only shake my head, of course, I wouldn't be getting an easy answer scanning Celestial armor. Gathering my wits, I dropped a few probes from my subspace to scan the area before floating over the chest of the big guy.

With the probes at work, I looked down as I hovered there in the arctic gathering myself for what I was about to do next.

Deep breath, slow exhale, deep breath, slow exhale, with my will gathered, I then slammed my hands before me as my aura flared with the blinding force of my imagination. Glowing green lines formed around the body of the Progenitor as the symbol of the Green Lantern corps formed illuminating the darkness.

Then with one mighty push, I shoved both hands downwards forcing the symbol to move with my will. For one heartbeat, nothing happened, then the second heartbeat, my hands trembled. The third had me grinding my teeth as I forced the symbol to encapsulate the Celestial's form before forcing it into my subspace storage.

Elation coursed through my veins like the greatest drugs in the world as my smile became manic, leaning back, I let that jubilation out into the world. "YEEESSSSS!"

[Cosmic anomaly detected, New Mexico.]


Thor was really killing my zen man, really killing my zen. Twisting around on the spot, I flew up and burst into the night air. Up, up, and away I went before orientating my flight properly with a simple orbital check-in with my satellites.

All that was needed was for my flight to shift by twenty-seven degrees towards the equator then fly forward. Things went from long stretches of white to long stretches of green before minor patches of lights started to appear in my vision.

Even as I went sub-orbital breaking who knows how many speed records, I could still look down and see the people. Couldn't deny how damn useful a Green Lantern ring was, might of the mind was what it took paired with imagination.

[You have arrived.]

Cutting the brakes over a little town out in the boonies of New Mexico, Athena had to project an arrow for me to actually figure out where I had to look. Off out a little ways into the low hills were a quick rig complex buzzing like a beehive.

Shaking my head at all the mess that was being made, I took a moment to project a mirror. Giving myself a quick once over, dusting my shoulders off, of course. Making sure that my Green Lantern emblem was seated properly over my heart. My black cargo pants flowed seamlessly into the green armored shirt I wore. I put on an intrigued expression as I descended amongst the fighting men, glowing green to add a splash of color to this darkness.


The first thing that happened as I arrived within a hundred feet of the complex was the attention of one guy hanging from the very top of a tower with a bow in hand. Sending him a cheerful little wave, I kept my descent nice and slow. Just to play it fair, I kept Athena out of their communications network.

Hovering a foot off the ground, I shook my head at Thor, wait, isn't that Sigfried now that he no longer wielded the hammer? Guess I will have to ask him that later, you never know these things, it's always different from reality to reality.

For a moment, I just watched as grown men fought in the mud, then I said fuck it and set my ring to record. Pretty sure I could win some points later with certain people if I just, lets say, happen to slide her a copy of sweaty wet and muddy Thor fighting with all of his muscles showing.

Humming a light tune, I held up a hand as a floor started to form with clear tiles, chairs, and a table in the center. A pair of tweezers formed to remove Thor from where he was beating down one of the SHIELD agents. I may or may not have subspaced a blood and tissue sample with a bit of hair for good measure. Waste not want not after all and even without the hammer, Donald Blake is still a pretty powerful pure blood Asgardian.

Shaking my head as everyone finally turned their attention towards me, I slowly walked down, creating green platforms for effect as I took a seat at the table across from the massive blonde. Thor stood easily seven feet tall, a light beard on his face with electric blue eyes. Muscles chiseled and showed through even the large flannel shirt he wore.

Can I just hot damn for a second, I knew that I was a pretty big guy being six-six more on the muscular side than chubby, but damn, Asgardians sure were built differently.

Thor wasn't just tall, the man was wide and massively built like a brick shithouse. Thor looked around for a bit; anger clear on his features, but I ignored him as I placed the beaten guards on stretchers.

"What manner of sorcery is this?" Thor demanded a hand slamming down on the table. Sadly for him, the table didn't even shake. Guess he isn't all-mighty without that hammer of his, but damn, I do some great work. Thor lifted his hand and you could even see the grain of the wood.

Letting Thor sit for a moment, I let him watch as I gathered the injured. Once I was certain that everyone was taken care of, I turned my attention back to Thor while acting as if I didn't see Coulson glide over with an umbrella in hand.

"Now that the guards have been given medical attention, let me make a simple introduction," I said while tapping the table with a finger. In the center, the Green Lantern symbol made itself known as it floated upwards for all to see. "My name is Dominic Wolf and I'm the Green Lantern assigned to Sector Two Eight One Four. Now, might I ask why you have decided to visit my homeworld?"

Before Thor could answer, there was a clearing of someone's throat at the side. Turning, the sight of a neutral smile was displayed as one of the most disarming but dangerous Agents made himself known.

"What do you want, small man?"

Shaking my head at Thor's speech, I gave the agent my attention. " How can I help you, agent?"

"Coulson, Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD, and you are in a restricted and top-secret area," Phil said naturally as he took a step onto my platform. The man stared me down for a moment before I just shrugged at him and offered a seat. Phil wore the same suit that all secret agents wore in every movie since time immemorial.

"That might be for you Agent Coulson, but this is my jurisdiction seeing as it was a cosmic anomaly that brought Thor Odinson here to our little slice of the great expanse." I said with a wave towards the table's other occupant. "Correct me if I am wrong, Thor, but the cosmic anomaly that brought you here was the Bifrost, right?"

Thor looked at me for a time and I could see him thinking it over. "Correct, and as soon as I am able to recover my hammer, I shall go home."

Nodding my head, I brought up a holo-image in the center of the table. "Ahh, yes, the current cosmic anomaly that has occurred with your presence."

Thor's face split into a smirk, yet it was what I saw through my peripheral vision that told me I was on the right track. Coulson tried to hide it, but I saw the slight widening of his eyes and Athena was giving me feedback on his biometric reactions.

"I believe that if you had asked nicely then the nice Agent would have returned your hammer to you," I said trying to be reasonable.

Thor huffed at me, "Why should I trust thieves and bandits."

"That is a mighty accusation," I said with a shake of my head, turning to the agent. "Do you know of what he speaks?"

Phil didn't even miss a beat as he answered with a negative. The look on Thor's face told me that he was seconds from exploding.

Holding up a hand to forestall him, I spoke. "While I am unaware of what might have drawn your ire, what I am aware of is that your hammer is that way. Fifty meeters, located in the center."

Grunting, Thor got up without another word, but I held up a hand to forestall him just a little bit longer.

"Agent Coulson, before you attempt to forestall us in any way, as the Green Lantern of Sector Two Eight One Four, I will be taking over the handling of the situation," I said before raising my hand, there was a flash of green before Coulson checked his breast pocket. While he was looking over the information that I had Athena draft up as an easy bluff. I made a turn and gestured for Thor to proceed.

Thor said nothing, but the smug that was radiating off the man was palpable and in waves. Walking along at a nice slow even pace, I allowed Thor to travel ahead as Agents parted ways for the big man.

Right as I arrived at the door to the complex, Coulson appeared at my shoulder as if he was there the whole time. "I didn't get your name?"

Smiling at the man because I was more than certain that he was listening in when I first spoke to Thor, but the man had a disarming personality. Then there was the little fact that I was already biased towards him.

Smirking a little, I spoke, "My name is Dominic Wolf and I'm the Green Lantern assigned to Sector Two Eight One Four. And yes, for the record, I am Terran. And no, you won't find much on me, I made sure to leave nothing behind when I got this."

I held my hand up and the ring flashed for Coulson to see.

Phil gave me a calculating gaze before speaking. "And what is that?"

Letting a smile of nostalgia float across my features, I let my shoulders relax as I spoke. "This, mister agent man, is one of the top ten most powerful tools within the known universe. A GREEN LANTERN RING. Bestowed upon me by the Oan's, one of the oldest races in the universe next to Thor's people. "

Phil did that purse lip thing that people do while eyeing my hand speculatively. It was easy to tell what was running through his mind, but like Sun Tzu said. Know yourself and know your enemy and you can win one thousand battles.

I didn't know Coulson personally, but what I did know was a pretty accurate facsimile of the man. That knowledge is what allows me to steer the conversation. Coulson was doing his super spy thing where he allows me to speak, giving up free information because I just want to flex my ego with him being the one to smile and be my yes man.

Unfortunately for him, I was really just taking this time to lay my groundwork for meeting Fury later, hell that little order and requisition form was just icing on the cake to make it appear as if I was super legit. Little do they know, am a fucking outright bastard faking it until I was able to make it.

By the time they even come close to such an understanding, I would already be on my feet with other Green Lantern Corps members I could trust. He does the silent encouragement with little words here and there to steer the conversation, but unfortunately, I needed to be a mushroom until I was ready. Then again, I don't think that they would like to know the truth of the matter, which means that I was keeping them in the dark while feeding them shit.

"Relax Agent Coulson, we are within the same profession, well I am less of a secret agent man and more of a super space cop," I said with a shrug.

Phil gave me a moment before trying to hit where it might have hurt, if only I didn't know how this would go. Maybe he would have had better chances with someone else, but unfortunately for him, I was here today. Too bad, I had to play into the easy tactic of getting a bruised ego.

"I don't see how such a thing is possible," Phil commented as we rounded a corner. At the end, I could see the wide back of Thor as he entered the rain once more, this time standing over his hammer.

"This Green Lantern ring allows one to harness the Will Power within the emotional spectrum," I said easily. "Here on Earth we have a saying, where there is a will, there is a way. The Guardians took that literally."

Before his very eyes, I floated then made a construct that ran through a few forms. It was the simple dog and pony show, but if it works, it works. Coulson fell into silence as he watched me with a critical eye.

He gave me a nod as we continued our easy walk, he gestured to a door and when it opened Thor was kneeling, shit what did I miss. Before even stepping up to the man, I checked with Athena.

[Will… 12%]

[Love… 87%]

[Compasion… 53%]

[Fear… 98%]

[Rage…. Building]

[Avarice… 3%]

[Hope…. Falling]

Standing at the door, I let out one word. "Fuck..."


Yes, the ring isn't the usual ring. Just so you know since he did get ROB'ed, I of course took some liberties. The vast majority of readers on these fanfic websites know about Green Lantern's so I am going to try and treat everyone as if they are wearing adult pants.

Going over the same thing all the time seems more than a little redundant. Yes, I plan to AU the universe because that's what fanfictions are for. Hell, Marvel writes their own fanfiction, doesn't sell, but they own the rights so they can call it canon.

Ohh and it might be self-explanatory for myself and some readers, but the percentages with the types of rings are a clear indicator that it's massively important. It's like maybe other rings run on those types of emotions, I wonder what happens when…...

Happy holiday folks.

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