So, I'm a witch, so what?

Chapter 26: First piece of the puzzle

{Broken English - Schaft}

Well, here it goes another day, another Eris. Is that what people call the currency of this world? An Eris, uh? I guess we didn't have time to see if the witches used the same currency, but almost everyone on this side of the world uses either Eris or silver coins as payments.

Usually, things are a little tight at home since Bart isn't well paid, but things have changed for the better with the rumors spreading about me and my "sainthood." Who would've thought I would be in such a spotlight after my previous life of chaos and destruction?

Life is better in terms of money, of course, but when it comes to my private and personal life, I can't help myself! I want to put the genie back in the bottle! Who knew being a celebrity well-known to everyone would be such a hassle? I can't catch a damn break!

"Please, holy saint, cure my illness!" "Oh please, holy saint, get rid of my bad luck!" "Holy saint! Holy saint, please hear me!" I'm so tired of the unwanted attention. It was fine at first, but it started to tax me a lot after some days.

It is not easy to sit by and hear people's problems, especially when you can't do anything about so many of them, and even those which I can help, I feel like I'm hardly doing much since I still don't have a good grasp of my powers as a "holy saint." What does the title even mean?

Back in my world, the only saints we had were all dead people you would pray to when in need, and it seems like that's how it works here, even when you're still around. I guess this world is nothing like the Earth. I mean, this world does have different races and strange creatures, after all.

There is something strange about how people praise and speak to me; it seems like their words boost something within me every time, but I can't quite understand what it is. I just feel a little more energized when someone finishes their praise toward me like a little jolt of electricity.

I tried asking Vera for information regarding this feeling, but she says she knows nothing about such an effect and that maybe it has to do with my ego! UGH, that girl, can you believe it? She's basically saying I'm indulging in the sin of pride, which is the deadliest of the sins! I would never do that!

Leaving that aside from the main topic, there's something else bothering me lately besides all the attention. I've begun to feel a strange sensation like something terrible is about to happen soon, although I cannot know what I feel: a sudden anxiety.

What could be making me anxious? I do not think having this much attention on me is much to startle me since I can think of it pretty clearly, but whenever I try to focus on what makes me anxious, my divine pendant begins to glow, and I cannot think of it any further.

Is my power perhaps capable of telling me what is coming, but since my level is not high enough yet, the pendant blessed by god is restricting my access to the information because it would be "unfair?" What is my power anyway? I know it's "darkness," but it behaves like regular magic when training with Vera.

So what makes "dark" power unique, if anything? So far, my unique technique is the "full counter" spell I used back then in the prison, where I spent some days in captivity. According to Vera, such spells do not exist in any magic books she's ever read, and it seems like Bart agrees with her assessment, so I guess unique spells are my power.

No, that can't be it; there's gotta be more to it. If my entire power revolved around being unique, I could not cast common magic spells like Vera said, so could my power be related to copies? Since I've been able to sue every category of spell and magic boost Vera and Bart taught me, I can assume my power is copying stuff.

Yet, even this conclusion would not make sense. Remember the time I fell into despair inside the cell? Back then, when I was being tortured, I fell into deep rage and grief, but then that voice in my head kept repeating, "Dark magic not compatible with 'The Rage series.'" What could that mean then?

If my magic power is supposed to simulate every kind of magic, then why wouldn't it be able to use rage as fuel, but it can use heavenly virtues instead? That also makes for a very dark joke, if you may. A darkness user with holy power! What the heck is this world about? Is this some sort of sick joke from the gods?

No, that cannot be it either. If I'm going based on what I know, then my only options are the god known as "Andromeda," who blessed my pendant with a regulator kind of magic, and that demon that sent me into this world to begin with.

I've been calling it a demon, but I genuinely don't even know if that's its nature. It could simply be a divine being inferior to god itself, or maybe he's not related to the universe that the god of planet Earth, so that's why it didn't want me to mention god's name. Ugh, my head is starting to hurt, and I'm trying to make sense of it.

Why am I here in this world with such a strange power and an unknown objective? Am I supposed to be a hero or a liberator of some sort? I doubt it. I'm not exactly what you would consider a "leader," and also, I'm still extremely young. Give me a break!

Back when I was in the trance of reincarnation, the demon wanted me to trade my soul for something, but what could a demon powerful enough to bring me back to life want from me? If this demon was powerful enough to steal my soul from god and bring me here, then doesn't that mean he could just snatch whatever it wanted from me super easily?

Why would it try to go to such lengths to try and convince me to give it up by my own will? Is something stopping it from attacking me directly? And if so, what could it be? I'm no longer under the protection of my Earth god, so wouldn't that demon simply be able to shake whatever it wants from me here?

I cannot make much sense of it all now because it seems like the puzzle of the demon and its intentions with me are still a mystery, but I do have a few leads I would like to follow to make sense of my existence in this land. It feels like this world calls for me, but why? I want to know.

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