Slice Of Life In Fantasy World

Chapter 40 40. Sparring With Celestia

Chapter 40 Chapter 40. Sparring With Celestia

Liam looked at her who was standing very relaxed not like that she was about to have fight with him.

He smiled worriedly inside his heart and not thinking much he started chanting the spell at the end he said "Lighting Arc."

As he chanted full spell out of nowhere a bolt of lightning arc shoots out from the sky but not from the clouds itself. It was just from the upper side.

A long curve slower then regular lighting shoots up but as it was about to arrive it subdivided and becomes dozen of lightning bolt hitting towards Celestia.

"Just this" Celestia smiled and said as she moved from her place.

The lighting arc that was about to hit her before didn't even touched her clothes.

"Come again" She said looking at him giving him one more chance to attack her.

Liam groaned inside his heart even though he knows that his spell wouldn't even touch her but when it happened his mood was still a little off.

Looking at her he started chanting again and at last he said "Lighting bolt"

Soon a bolt of lightning from the upper side shoot out and Celestia moved again from her place easily but at this time Liam voice sounded again "Lighting arrow"

Celestia was a little surprised looking at him who has a smile over his mouth while some sweat on his forehead.

The next second the spell touched her but only her foot.

Lighting arrow is a conjuration of lightning into an arrow but it is unstable and less powerful because it is a blunt impact.

Liam was speechless looking at his own spell which was failed to hit her because it was unstable.

"Hehehe sneak attack is not a good thing dear." While saying this Celestia covered her mouth with her hands as she giggled.

On Liam face there was a smile as he said "It is not called sneak attack but strategy."

Hearing him she paused while at this time she and Liam heard a giggle coming from near them.

Liam looked at where the sound was coming from and it was his mother who was laughing.

While his sister had small star inside her eyes. Not only that after giggling and finding out that he was looking at her she give him a thumbs up.

Even though she didn't said anything but he could feel that instead of praising him she was laughing because the sneak attack that he did was converted into strategy by him.

Even though he was a little embarassed but his was usual without any redness.

Celestia paused for a moment after hearing him and said "Is that so? Then it is my turn to attack you."

While she didn't comment on his statement but inside her heart she agreed with him not only her but Lilith also agreed with his approach.

As for Leah 'everything my brother do is right' is she thinking.

In the battle this sneak attack's are called strategy.

'But we are not fighting. I am just giving him some experience and idea how to fight in the future so' she thought and started chanting as she said at last "Frozen winds"

When chanting any spell we do need a wand but it is specially for people's who couldn't control mana and inject it into their spells properly. But Liam had a fine control over his mana so that was not a problem for him.

When Liam heard her he was not prepared at all and was thinking of attacking her again so unprepared he was hit by her spell easily and even if he was prepared he would still be hitted by her spell.

As soon as he was hitted by her spell he sneezed.


His body started to get cold and the only place where he received heat was from the mana inside his body.

But even though he knows that he was destined to lose he still chanted one more time "Lighting ball"

As he said that a ball of lightning conjured into his hands and he released it towards her.

Celestia was a little surprised as he casted a spell even after hitted by her spell.

Because the spell that she had released if a second tier middle stage mage is hitted by it even he will lose his will to fight with her.

But he still released a attack that was a surprise for her because his mage relam is first tier and high stage.

Feeling happy she waved her hands and released the spell that she had casted before.

As for the lighting ball it still didn't hit her or she didn't let it touch her.

Liam felt heatness when she waved her hands and released released the spell.

At this time Celestia said "Very good even after hitted by my spell you can release a spell. You know if a second tier mage is hitted by it even he will lose his will to fight and surrender. It seems your will power is pretty strong. Then this time you attack me again."

Liam was speechless hearing her praise and thought 'It's not that my will power is strong but it's because of my strong body that I had cultivated using 20% mana.'

But he wouldn't be foolish enough to say this but he could feel that inside his body mana reserve was about to clear so he said "Teacher I don't have enough mana to cast a spell again."

"Ahh I remember it now. You are a first tier mage not bad you released four spells on your first try but remember that you could release more spells at the same mana if you control your mana more precisely." While saying she comes to his side as he nodded and they goes back to his mother's and sister side.

Liam know that even though his control over mana is fine but he still need to looks over and control it even more precisely. Before he only created the spells he didn't even checked whether their output is correct as he thought.

Because their was feeling inside his heart that the spell he had created is right so he didn't even checked it. After coming to this new world he started to become lazy.

In some seconds they arrived before his mother's and sister.

When seeing both of them Lilith and Leah stands up while Leah checked his brother.

"Brother are you hurt?" While saying this she touched his body with her soft little hands and looked at her teacher narrowing her eyes a little.

"No I am not hurt. The teacher control her power and didn't hurt me when sparring." Saying this he took her hands into his while her face went red and had a little blush. She felt very sweet as if she was eating honey when her brother took her hands.

When Liam saw her like this he smiled a little as for Lilith and Celestia they just smiled and didn't think much.

They know that she is about to become a brother control. But some how they don't feel anything about it. As for how it is possible for them to not have much thought is because of Liam.

Then Liam looked at Celestia and a idea flashed into his mind as a smirk formed onto his face.


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