Sgt. Golem: Royal Mech Hussar - Stubs Soon!

Bk 2 Ch 13 - Without End

Veronica moved quickly forward through the trees. She had been separated from the others early on and had been trying to circle back to connect with them ever since. Stumbling through the woods, she kept coming across Russian units. So far, she had only exchanged brief cannon fire with them before shifting away to evade.

Suddenly, in the distance, light flared through the trees. She caught a brief glimpse of a Polish robot. Veronica and her mech headed that way fast. Distant crashes and gunfire still drifted to her over the wind and the rain, each boom echoing off the mountain and seeming to come from all around. The light snapped off again, but Veronica continued moving toward where it had been.

Twice, she thought she saw movement near her. When she looked, there was nothing there. Light flared around. Hannah stood in a clearing just ahead of her as dozens of strange golems moved in. To her shock, Veronica saw they were flanking her as well. There was one on either side of her, keeping pace only a dozen yards away. As the light flared, they shifted direction and charged in on her.

She swung her cannon to the one on her right and shot quickly. The golem swerved to dodge, but the explosion of rock and dirt from her cannon shot ripped the construct to pieces.

Veronica swung her gun back to the left, glancing over her shoulder just as the other golem leapt. The leap was impressive, carrying it halfway up the massive robot. It reached out to grab the left arm of her mech, and time seemed to slow for Veronica. She pushed deeper into the link with her mech and wrapped it around her. She jerked the mech’s left arm up and out, catching the golem across the head and chest, sending it tumbling away.

She couldn't tell how injured it was but she wasn’t stopping to make sure it was dead right now, not when her ally needed help. Her mech plunged ahead. They dodged around one more tree, and she was in the same small clearing as Hannah.

Golems swarmed up the side of Hannah’s mech. Her hands were up, and she was knocking them away with blasts of force. Two golems had almost reached her, coming from behind. It was too close for Veronica's cannon; even if she was able to pick one off, the explosion would kill Hannah as well. She would have to use her hands more deftly than ever before.

Veronica threw her consciousness into the river of magic, desperately reaching out to feel its flow. Before her, the mountainside exploded with sensations that assaulted her from every direction. She felt the life flowing up the tree from the soil. She felt the droplets of rain splashing on the ground. In the distance, through the branches, a glow ascended to the sky. Lightning, not yet formed, gathered a half a mile away. All around her, the golems were sickly green outlines, their bodies completely infused with a strange type of magic.

The feel of Hannah's mech was familiar. The power of its desh engine flowing through its veins was a bright blue, and the magic of its link to Hannah was a more suffused glow in a paler blue, blanketing mech and rider both. Bursts of purple energy shot out as Hannah desperately tried to ward off the attackers with force waves.

Before each golem's shape was a fore-image, an effect that Veronica recognized as telling her what the creature intended to do next. They were incredibly bright. There was no doubt or hesitation in these constructs. Their purpose was single-minded and unhesitating, and because of that, the fore-image of their intention was sharp and clear.

Overlaid on the intentions of the golems was another trail of ethereal golden light, representing what was going to happen. The trace only appeared an instant before reality caught up. When the future matched the golem's intent, the effect was invisible. When it deviated, she could see the glowing trail of what would happen.

Flashes of golden arcs burst away, like fireworks from Hannah's mech, each one followed a moment later by the golem blasted away Hannah’s waves of force. Veronica had never seen a fight as chaotic, and spectacular, as this. Even as she lunged to help, armed with this incredible knowledge, she was racked with fear.

One golem reached Hannah and wrapped his hand around her leg. Another was nearby reaching for her. The golems’ speed was terrifying but Veronica's bond was fully realized now, as deeply as it had ever been.

Steel robot hands slashed out with a speed and precision that should’ve been impossible. The metal fist hit the nearest golem and knocked it flying. Then she aimed another, more careful blow at the one grabbing Hannah's leg.

Veronica's punch crushed the golem between fist and armor plate. She pulled the punch so that it sank into the golem's body but did not knock down Hannah's own mech, which merely staggered and then righted itself. The fist had pressed down half the thickness of the golem's torso, crushing everything inside. It hung on for a moment longer with a vice-like grip before tumbling away, a dead ragdoll.

Veronica felt faint relief. She had been worried that the golem would hang on and carry Hannah off her mount.

Deep in the bond, she was her mech, and she-they danced to one side to get a clear shot at the golems climbing up the other side of Hannah's mech. As she did, she swung down with a fist, catching one still on the ground and knocking it away.

Two clung to the front of Hannah's mech. Veronica reached for one even as Hannah recovered and grabbed the other, tossing both away into the darkness.

More golems were coming, but the girls were ready for them. Veronica spun to put her back to Hannah’s, facing off against the ring of artificial men that poured into the clearing. The golems didn't hesitate. As quick as they appeared, they charged.

Veronica noticed distantly they wore holsters on their hips. Why didn't they draw it and fire? The small arms would be of limited use against a Hussar's shields but more effective than charging suicidally into a prepared Hussar. As impressive as a golem's body was, going against an alert and capable mech and rider pair was tantamount to suicide. If they had paused and come at them all together, the golems might have had a chance, but instead, they attacked as soon as they could reach the girls, climbing up and apparently trying to pull them off bodily rather than physically.

Somewhere during the onslaught, Veronica realized they were trying to capture the girls alive, which made as little sense as the appearance of the golems in the first place. As they kept coming, she punched and kicked and knocked each one away. If a blow struck one off-center, it fell and came up again with an arm or leg limp, coming on relentlessly. A solid hit knocked them away, which might not kill them outright, but the follow-up impact with a tree or rock would finish the job.

In moments it was over. The small clearing was strewn with bodies. Trees dripped with blood. Crumpled forms lay everywhere.

Veronica glanced back. Hannah was slumped over the head of her mech, gasping for breath and sobbing softly. "Recharge, Hannah! Recharge your istota!"

Hannah nodded feebly and crouched down. A moment later, the blue glow flowed from the torso of her machine and infused her body. She straightened, catching her breath. "Sorry, Veronica. There were just too many of them."

"It's all right. That’s why you have me for backup. We have to find the others." The glow of awareness faded as the battle ended. Veronica reduced her link. She reached down, sliding her hand as far down her mech's torso as she could and reaching for the istota inside.

Now that she had a moment to catch her breath and think, she worried about the others. Where were Angelica, Tamara and Eva? What happened if another army of golems had caught one of them off-guard? What about their supporting soldiers, Sergeant Golem and the others? Had they reacted in time to the threat? And Frank, he was quick with a gun but against a wave of golems he might not stand a chance.

She’d only just started to have companions again. She didn’t want to lose any of them. Veronica stuck out her chin and resolved that she’d find a way to protect them. Her command of magic offered her the ability to do just that. She’d just have to nurture that talent, get better at it, make it a weapon and not just a shield.

“Let’s get moving.”

In the ruined Polish camp, Natasha sneered at the dead form of one of the miserable constructs Frankenstein had sent. She yelled into the darkness beyond the clearing, “You coward! Come out! Can one of you worthless trash speak for your master? Come face me!”

A dozen golems stood in the shadows near trees, half of them carried lanterns, illuminating the clearing. Natasha flipped open her revolver to reload. She wished she had a bigger weapon or a sword.

She reached through her link and nudged her mech closer. The connection faltered again, and Natasha gritted her teeth against the panic rising in her chest. No, she couldn't lose it. Not now! She grasped harder at the link and felt it strengthen.

She was so close now, so close to the power she needed. But with Frankenstein betraying her, was her last chance slipping through her fingers? Panic turned back to anger. "Face me, you double-crossing rat!"

An eerie voice called from the edge of the clearing. It had the same torn-from-a-throat guttural depth as the hapless soldier in the cave had, but it wasn’t the same man at the other end. This one was mad too, but not in the same make-you-afraid-for-your-own-soul kind of way. The difference between a mad dog and a mad king. "You were too slow, Natasha! I was forced to take matters into my own hands!"

"How dare you Frankenstein! Honor your deal! We had an agreement!"

“The agreement was with someone who had a chance at getting the stone. But you have failed time and again.”

"Damn you, I almost have it! Call off your goons!"

The human voice laughed. "It's too late for that!"

From up the mountain, three shots sounded, evenly spaced. "That signal means my creations have her. Goodbye, Widow!" the voice said with a sneer. Then the tone changed, addressing the golems. “Phase two. Kill them all!”

The golems pressed forward. As one, they reached for their holsters. Natasha summoned a shield with her left hand and opened fire with her right. She shot the first golem through the chest and then shifted to shoot the next, even as they raised their guns to point at her.

The golems all fired automatic machine pistols, which sent a fusillade of bullets into her shield, ripping it to shreds. Even as it fell, Natasha threw herself sideways, continuing to fire as she ran and dove for cover.

Something struck her in the arm and hip. She rolled over, got up on her elbows, and lifted her gun again. Two more shots and her revolver clicked down on an empty chamber. Two golems still stood. Both of them were reloading.

Desperately, she reached out through her link. Her mech was almost here. The menacing red robot staggered into the clearing. Natasha could feel her link slipping again.

"No!" she screamed. But it was too late. The link slipped away. Her mech staggered and toppled directly on top of one of the golems, crushing it to the earth.

The other stood, its arm lowered. Its coveralls were torn and covered in slowly spreading dark stains. The golem toppled forward on its face and lay still.

Natasha lay there, gasping hard as she felt the last shreds of her bond fade away.

This was no time to feel sorry for herself. Frankenstein's golem army was inexhaustible. She could already hear more stomping toward the clearing. She sprang up and dashed across the clearing. The best cover was the boulder the Polish girl had hidden behind. Natasha vaulted over the top of it and dropped down beside the other girl.

The girl turned and started to aim her revolver, but Natasha held up an empty hand and took care to keep her own pistol pointed away. "Not me, they're the threat. Cover me while I reload."

The Polish officer was younger than Natasha had first thought. She couldn't have been more than 24. Thankfully, she didn't do a lot of blubbering or asking questions, just turned back and laid down covering fire. Three shots and she was out of bullets as well, but by then Natasha had reloaded. She moved away from the Polish girl and popped up on the other side of the boulder.

Three more golems were crossing the clearing. One of them had a submachine gun. The other two carried large revolvers and lanterns. Natasha cranked off two shots at the one carrying the machine gun before dropping for cover. Bullets whined, and shards of rock sprayed off the boulder.

She had seen the last golem hanging back. It was the strange one that had spoken with Frankenstein’s voice, and unlike the rest it wore a metal band around its head, like a crown made of steel. That was the one she needed to kill, to blind Frankenstein’s eyes and ears.

Trees creaked and branches cracked as something huge moved on the other side of the clearing. The golems shot a barrage, but they weren't aiming at the boulder.

Natasha took a chance and popped up. A Polish mech was stomping into the clearing on the far side. All three golems had turned to engage it.

"No, you fools! The riders, shoot the riders!" The one speaking in Frankenstein's voice sounded desperately. All three golems obeyed immediately, turning back towards Natasha.

The one carrying the submachine gun was covered in blood but didn't seem to be slowed by the wounds. Natasha fired at that one again, aiming carefully for the center of its chest. Then she ducked back to avoid another spray of bullets. “If that mech is you, move quick!" Natasha said as the Polish girl finished reloading. She nodded and ducked her head in what Natasha recognized as her focusing on her link.

With Natasha’s link lost, the Polish girl's mech was their best chance at surviving the golem onslaught. She needed to keep them off of the Polish hussar as long as possible.

Natasha stepped out from behind the rock.

Two golems were charging. The one with a machine gun still faced the Polish mech and had sunk down to one knee. Apparently its wounds were taking their toll.

She opened fire on the first charging golem and struck it with two carefully aimed shots to the chest. It didn't slow down. She fired again, emptying her revolver. The inhuman men continued their charge. Both raised their weapons.

Natasha raised her hand and sent a force blast directly at the first golem. With her bond lost, her istota reserves wouldn't last long.

The wounded golem took the blast wave full force to the chest, halting it in its tracks. The one behind it didn’t stop and both of them went down in a tumble of limbs.

Natasha knew she only had a moment. She took two strides forward and gathered as much istota as she could into her right arm, strengthening it and empowering it. She drove her fist into the top golem's neck with all the force she could muster. An unenhanced strike against such a muscular opponent would have been like a pat on the back. Instead, the blow hit like an axe striking wood. The impact sent shivers up her spine and sent her stumbling back.

She had been hoping to sever its spine, but instead, she only stunned it momentarily. A hand lashed out and grabbed her ankle. Off balance from her own blow, she fell back. She landed hard but immediately kicked out with her other foot, trying to free herself from the monster's grip.

The thing pulled itself up on hands and knees, tugging her towards it. It stared at her with an emotionless intensity that was horrifying. She kicked it in the face with her boot, but it barely noticed.

Suddenly, its eyes bulged out, as a huge metal hand wrapped around its midsection, squeezing and crushing. The polish charger yanked it off the ground. Natasha was pulled along when it didn't immediately release its grip. Golem bones crunched, and then the hand went slack. Natasha dropped free. She scrambled up, spotted one of the golem's dropped pistols and scooped it up before dashing back to the cover of the boulder.

The Polish girl was still there, head down, sitting back against the rock with her head down and eyes closed, focusing solely on her bond. The mech behind them in the clearing stomped and crashed, almost drowning out the disturbing sound of bones crunching under its feet.

In the distance, Natasha could hear the inhuman screams of Frankenstein coming from his mouthpiece golem, ordering others to attack.

Natasha poked her head above the boulder. A squad of three golems appeared at the edge of the clearing. One of them carried a heavy cannon on its shoulder like a living tripod, as the golem behind it operated the weapon. The third carried a satchel probably filled with ammunition.

They swiveled the gun to line it up on the Polish mech.

Boom! The charger fired its autocannon and the golem heavy weapon squad was blown into the air.

Unfortunately, that team was not alone. Another squad appeared, likewise armed with a cannon, and then another squad appeared behind them. The Polish mech ducked between the trees and disappeared.

More lights were moving in the trees. The golems seemed to be all around them. They were about to be overrun.

Something flickered at the edge of Natasha's vision, and she turned. There was nothing there. Then there was a swirl of blackness moving through the trees. Her heart swelled. Mikhail was here. She refrained from shouting to him. She didn't want to call attention if he could get the drop on the golems. But what could he do? They would be resistant to his poisoned knife.

The swirl of the wraith cloak came out of the darkness, looming over her. She paused for a second, looking down, but Mikhail didn't speak. He moved past her and around the rock.

Had he always been that large?

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