Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

105 Another Encounter Part Three

Another day, another 3,020 words.

Dana led the young man across a nice living room and went down a hallway. They stopped at a closed door and the young man looked confused because Dana knocked on the door.

“Come in.” A slightly muffled female voice said.

Dana opened the door and pulled the young man inside with her.

“Mom? What are you... BEN!” Sally Avril, Benjamin Parker's overweight biology lab partner, exclaimed.

“Sally?” Ben asked, completely confused. “What are yah... doin'... here?” He asked as he noticed the oddly shaped blanket over her and there seemed to be a lot less of her than the last time he saw her.

“It was supposed to be a surprise.” Sally said and glared at her mother. “I had liposuction done on my legs and abdomen.”

“It was a coincidence meeting Ben.” Dana said. “I never thought... you showed me a picture of the guy you liked at school and... when I saw him...”

Sally looked back at Ben. “Hey, wait a minute! Why are you half-naked?”

Ben didn't even try to lie and kept up the act. “It wuz a blind date with a sexy voice.”

Sally blinked her eyes several times a second for a moment, then she stared at her mother. “Excuse me? A blind date? When did that happen?”

“This afternoon.” Dana said. “I received an accidental call and talked to him... and... well...”

Sally let out a sigh. “His accent is fake, mom.”

“Naw, it's as real as yah want it ta be.” Ben said with a smirk. “I wuz wunderin' why she'd agree ta ah date after just ah couple o'sentences... and ah thought it was 'cause ah liked her voice, not 'cause she had ah hankerin' fer mine.”

Dana bit her lip and shivered a little.

“Mom! Get a hold of yourself!” Sally said. “He's in high school!”

Dana let out a sigh and turned to look at Ben. “As soon as I recognized you, I asked you to bring me home. I couldn't let it continue once I knew you were the one helping Sally.”

Ben gave her a warm smile and stepped close. “Now tha' yah know, are yah ready ta keep our date?”

“WHAT?!?” Sally and Dana exclaimed at the same time.

“Ah ain't disappointed a date yet and ah ain't gonna start now.” Ben drawled. “Ah was upset when Sally missed class on Friday, cause all mah othah friends had abandoned me all week and ah thought she did, too. Ah've been goin' through a personal crisis since then and... now tha' ah know she wasn' avoidin' me cause she's hurt an' all, ah gots some making up ta do wit her.”

“But... but...” Sally started to say.

“Ah'm sorry ah can' rightly do ya like ya are, so's I'm gonna do yer mom fer taking good care of yah.” Ben said and scooped Dana up into his arms, which made the woman yelp and then cling to him. “Sally, ya can be shore that as soon as yer recovered, I'm gonna plow yah agin, jus' like ah did at Christmas.”

Sally blushed, as did her mother.

“We won' be datin' er nothin', though. Ah gots othah obligations now. But, ah'm keeping mah word to yer mothah anyways. If'n yool excuse me, ah's got some major lovin' ta share and Penis Parker's mighty eager ta thank the little lady fer bein' so understandin' 'bout alla this.” Ben said and carried Dana over to the bedroom door. “Sally, do ya wanna hear us or not?”

Sally looked conflicted and didn't say anything.

“Ah'll be leavin' one door open and one closed, then.” Ben said with a grin. “Git well soon, Sally. Ah gots ta apologize ta yah ah lot. Like ah lot ah lot. Yah bettah look forward ta it!”

Sally nodded and watched as Ben carried her mother away and heard a door shut. There were soon muffled sounds of moans and then screams of pleasure that were not unlike her own. She wasn't sure why she was okay with having Ben thank her mother like that, then she remembered how great it had felt and her fingers went between her legs and she discovered how wet she was.

It was then that Sally realized it was because she couldn't wait for her turn, just like at Christmas. She was sure that she would be upset later that Ben had screwed her mom, then her finger found a great spot and her thoughts fled as she made herself feel good while she imagined Ben was doing to her what he was probably doing to her mother.


Jubadi stood over the two arrogant people that were so full of themselves that they ignored the obvious threat she represented. Her spear pressed to the man's neck and her foot on the woman's chest, might have changed their opinions slightly.

“I challenge you to call my King the head of a pile of savages and rules over dirt again.” Jubadi said in her best intimidating voice.

“You are... proving my point.” Val's father said through gritted teeth, because if he moved his mouth, he would cut himself on the very sharp spear tip.

“If I was a savage, I would have gutted you and beheaded you before asking you the same thing.” Jubadi said, almost in a growl.

“Please, don't kill them.” Val said and lightly touched Jubadi's arm without grabbing it or trying to move it away. “It's not worth the paperwork we would have to file at the embassy.”

Her father and her mother stared at her.

“Are you positive? I have diplomatic immunity and cannot be charged or deported for removing such annoying people.” Jubadi responded.

Both parents looked shocked and stopped breathing.

“You don't want to get blood on your nice new coat that Ben made for you.” Val said with a smile. “Although, it should hide the stains long enough to get it cleaned.”

Jubadi nodded and flicked her spear at the side of the man's throat and then at the woman's. A small cut appeared and a little blood came out from each wound. “I have marked you for your insult. Do so again and I will follow the cut all the way through.” She said and leaned over to stare at them. “If you are too dense to understand, I mean that I will become what you fear and behead you like a savage.”

Val's parents nodded several times and started breathing again.

“I will include insults to my student as well.” Jubadi said and stepped off of the woman's chest and collapsed her spear to hang it back on her belt. “She will tell me everything you say to her and about her. If you cannot keep a civil tongue in your heads with your own child while inside your own home, then you are worse than savages, because even savages care for their children more than you do.”

Val had to turn away before her parents could see the satisfied look on her face. She was quite happy that someone had finally told her parents off for their treatment of her. “Jubadi...”

“Yes, I need to go. Our sithandwa is alone and undefended.” Jubadi said. “Keep your phone on and recording all the time.” She said and turned to glare at her parents that were still on the floor. “Remember my words. Any insult means your deaths.”

Both people nodded once.

“Valarie, if our plans change for tomorrow, we will call you.” Jubadi said.

Val shook her head. “I'm not interfering with Ben's and May's only day off together.”

Jubadi smiled. “Good. You are learning. Our duty is to protect him from all threats possible.”

“I understand. Thank you, Jubadi.” Val said and walked over to the front door of the expensive apartment. “I'll see you both on Tuesday.”

Jubadi nodded and left. Almost as soon as the door was shut, two voices rose in anger. In a moment, Jubadi was back inside the apartment and her fists had slammed into the man's and the woman's chests. Both of them dropped to the floor with the wind knocked out of them.

“Attack my student again and I will kill you.” Jubadi said as the pair struggled to breathe. She grabbed them by their necks and picked them both up. She was six feet tall, so when she stood up straight, their feet didn't touch the floor. “Do you understand?”

Both people choked and didn't respond. Jubadi shook them and let them go. She didn't say anything as she gave each of them a light kick to their abdomens and gave them their breath back.

“Learn your lesson, fools!” Jubadi said to them as they groaned in pain.

“Thanks.” Val said and didn't bother hiding the satisfied look on her face anymore. “I can't wait to learn how to do that myself.”

Jubadi nodded and reminded her about recording everything before she left again. There were no loud voices this time and she smiled as she left the building to return to the bus stop. She had a Royal Consort to return to and report a successful mission.


I carefully eased myself out of bed and the heavily sleeping woman didn't stir at all. I had exhausted her fairly quickly, not that I had intended to do that. She just hadn't had sex for a very long time and her orgasms were damn near Earth shaking. I went to the attached bathroom and had a quick shower, dressed in what clothes were in the bedroom, and went out to the front door to finish dressing.

Before I left, I went to Sally's room and saw she was asleep with a big smile on her face. With a lighter heart, I drove Adrian's truck to an all night gas station, filled it up, and drove it back to his house. I parked it and when I stepped out and slung the bag of equipment over my shoulder, I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned towards the house and saw Adrian in one of the upstairs windows.

I gave him two thumbs-up and a grin and he nodded back. I ran down the driveway and around the corner, out of sight, and shot a webline as I swung away. There wasn't much chance that I would get back to my room before Jubadi; but, it didn't hurt to try. How would I explain my absence? Easily. I was on the roof. With my bag of construction equipment. Thinking. Yeah, thinking.

I laughed and lazily swung around a SHIELD monitoring station, secure in my tech that blocked both the cameras and microphones from picking me up. Having full security access to SHIELD was really handy and setting a simple and temporary pause function for whenever I was near their equipment was child's play.

I landed on top of my building and thought about leaving my bag there, or on the fire escape, and shrugged. I wasn't going to bother lying, because there was no point. Jubadi would understand upholding obligations and keeping my word. I went down the fire escape quietly and entered my room, only to see that I had returned first.

I stashed my clothes in the bag and put it into the closet and changed into pyjama bottoms. I went downstairs and sat on the comfy couch. I sunk down into the plushness and laid back before I closed my eyes. I was only slightly worried that the encounter with Val's parents might have gone bad, then chuckled. Jubadi could handle things, even if she had to pummel them to get them to smarten up.

The apartment door opened and Jubadi came in. I pretended to be asleep as she took off her new coat and her knitted hat. I would never tell her she looked cute wearing it, even when she scowled at me for putting it on her. It kept her head warm and that's what was important.

I felt her approach me and she leaned down near me. I felt my spider-sense tingle a little and her chilled hand touched my right nipple and she squeezed it hard. I didn't react or make a noise.

“You will tell me why you sent me away from my sworn duty, sithandwa.” Jubadi whispered into my ear and her other hand went down to grab my erection and she rubbed it enthusiastically.

“Of course.” I whispered and kissed her without opening my eyes. “Carry me to bed.”

Jubadi bit my ear and scooped me up into her arms in the same manner as I had carried May to bed earlier. She took me upstairs and into my bedroom, placed me on the bed, and gave me a bit of a show as she undressed. When she was naked, except for her protective covering, she turned around to present her ass to me.

“You know what to do.” Jubadi whispered and watched me.

I smiled at her as I sat up and used my teeth to hook the curved rectangular edge and pulled it out with a jerk. Jubadi let out a moan and her eyes widened when I turned it around and licked it off. Before she could comment about it, I put it down on the nightstand and dug my tongue into her. My erection was in her mouth soon after and things devolved from there.

We both groaned and moaned for quite some time before she was cuddled up to me and I explained what had happened that night. We eventually drifted off to sleep and it was quite restful.


Hank Pym stood in his home lab and he couldn't believe what he had just done. He look at the giant piece of steel rebar that he had twisted into a pretzel as if it was made of taffy. That wasn't the surprising thing, though. He was currently one inch tall and his new suit had greatly increased his personal strength when combined with his own Pym Particle technology.

The limit of 60 tons of lifting capacity was only when Hank was full size. When he shrunk down to Ant-Man size, the inherent strength of himself and whatever he wore, was vastly different. By his calculations, he could lift at least double that, or a relative 120 tons, and that was shocking. It would change his whole perspective of how useful Ant-Man could actually be.

Hank turned around and looked at the display backpack that was also on the lab table. He never imagined being able to conceal his suit in such an obvious manner. The compression technology was a wonder and it opened up so many options for new ideas and for his own miniaturizing tech. Using some Pym Particles, he could incorporate the suit into a watch or ring and it would expand and then engulf him.

No longer would it take twenty minutes or more to put his suit on, to check the equipment for a proper fit, or even having to worry about containment sealing. The suit did it automatically and warned if there were any breaches or damage. It was a great suit and the possibilities were nearly endless.

Hank activated hover mode and he floated up off of the table. He turned around slowly and observed the various obstacles he had set up previously. He knew he needed a lot of practice to get used to flying on his own and not on the back of a flying ant, not that he was going to give up on that.

Hiding one's true capabilities was the smartest thing to do, because everyone underestimated you. The surprise on their faces when you do something they never expected, was always worth the extra effort to conceal what you could really do.

Hank smiled and changed to flight mode as he zoomed across the room towards the first hoop. He estimated two minutes for the first run through and he would shrink the hoops each time and would try to keep the same time. It would teach him both precision and control and he looked forward to it. He wanted to be in top form when he finally rescued his one true love.


Scott Lang laid in bed with his very happy wife cuddled into his side. He went over everything that had happened to him and he was honestly shocked. He had apparently quit his job two weeks ago without knowing he did and he was hired out of the blue for another very lucrative one. A very, very lucrative one, which was why his wife had been happier than ever about him going straight.

He almost laughed when she said that, because he hadn't told her that he had been hired because of his criminal past, not in spite of it. Why two men he had never met before wanted to give him such a great opportunity, was beyond him. He wasn't going to question it, though. Like Hank had said, he wasn't going to look this gift horse in the mouth.

When the news that evening had shown the huge scandal about Vistacorp ripping off their customers and earning an extra four million dollars from the intentional errors on their billing forms, it had made Scott's day, because those people had gotten that money back and the public was in an uproar about the underhandedness of the company. Their reputation was tanking and he couldn't have been happier.

Scott looked at his wife's happy face and he was sure that their enthusiastic and pretty reckless lovemaking was going to result in a little bun in the oven. The pill always made her sick, so she stopped taking them, and they hadn't used a condom. It was supposedly a safe day for her and he smiled.

Safe or not, there was a significant deposit made. Scott thought, a little proudly.

The results of their night together would be learned in a few weeks and they would all be happy that it was positive. Cassie always did want to have a little brother.

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