Rise of the Guild Master

We’re Doing It

The rest of my fateful night with Opalina went exactly as she promised. She woke me up a few hours after sleeping and rode my cock for yet another hour before we finally turned in for the night proper. We awoke as lovers and shared a slow, tender kiss and made love with a gentleness neither of us could afford the night before.

Just like old times she feeds me a hearty breakfast of pancakes, bacon, hash browns and a dozen other items leaving me with two hefty bags of leftovers to bring home with me considering the rest of last night’s dinner.

That’s not all I leave with, either. I couldn’t turn her down regarding the gold that was promised to me... not after how greatly it offended her.

It hurts my pride, and I now know that that’s a flaw I need to work on. It’s ok for Opal to want to help me. It’s... ok for me to LET her help me. This money will help me buy a Catgirl maid so that the Guild can FINALLY get the proper cleaning it really, really needs.

It’s the first real step forward we’ve made. I just need to quiet the consistently negative part of my brain that insists I didn’t ‘earn’ it.

Opalina lets me go with another kiss and insists on letting me return home to my girls. Surprisingly, I think she was too embarrassed to escort me back and be grilled endlessly by the girls about how everything went. I mention how they’d likely love to see her, but all she could do in response was blush and give me half hearted excuses.

Whatever the case, she lets me go and I make my way home under the dreadfully scary condition that I carry a giant bag of 100,000G out in the open on the streets of Dewhurst. Not a healthy prospect at all.

There were several attempted muggings and although I escaped unharmed from all of them, the last was rather dicey. Luckily Milly the Catboy was in the area and courageously held the thugs off in exchange for some of my leftovers. He’s a good boy, so I pay him his sausage and go on my way. It sure is a good thing I made sure the butcher stayed away from him, or else who knows what might have happened to me...

When I get home, both my girls are in the entrance hall waiting for me. Sam is sorting the day’s new quests and Zutiria is reading a book while idly holding up a treat for the Little Sir to nibble on. The rat goes back in her hat as soon as I arrive, and both girls rush to my side.

“Boss! Whatcha got in the- WOAH you need a bath. You smell like you had a good time.” Sam says in a bratty tone, flashing me a winning smile.

“Take these to the kitchen, please.” I roll my eyes and thrust the leftovers into her hands. “Though there’s breakfast in the smaller one if either of you want some.”

“Sure thing!” Sam raises her eyebrow suggestively before doing as I say.

Did things go well, Sir?’ The little lady surprises me by wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into a tight, tight hug as if she missed me dearly, despite me only being gone for a night. Throwing the sack of gold on the nearest table I reach down and scoop her up so that I’m carrying the petite woman in my arms and smiling face to face with her.

“It went about as well as it could have gone.” I confirm.

She smiles peacefully, and leans in to kiss me on the cheek. ‘You seem very happy. I’m glad. Sammy and I both want the doctor to become a bigger part of our lives with you.

“How about you? Did you sleep ok? I was worried about leaving you alone for the night.”

Zutiria blushes from my concern. ‘Yes, Sammy took good care of me.

Suddenly appearing before us again, Sam wraps her arm around my shoulder and laughs. “In more ways than one, am I right?” She raises her hand for someone to high five it, but neither I or the Mage reciprocate.

Her highness sighs and limply drops her hand back to her side. “You guys are no fun. What’s in the other bag?”

“A gift.” I lean down to return Zutiria to her own two feet and make my way to the gold. “Opalina insisted that she pay for one of the Catgirl maids we want to buy, and I couldn’t say no. It’s... 100,000G.”

Both girls look at me in astonishment.

Breaking the silence, Sam shakes her head in disbelief. “Boss, did you seriously fuck the chick so hard she paid you for it?” She can scarcely hold back the laughter building in her.

Even Zutiria can’t help but smile and roll her eyes. ‘This has been a good week for us. Counting that gift, the payment from the butcher, and the money Sammy and I got when we sold the steezweed... that’s well over 300,000G.

I stare at my girls slightly slack jawed. A bubbling sense of pride bursts out from my gut and I start laughing, unable to control myself. Before either girl can react to my strange outburst I pounce on them and lift them both up off their feet with one arm. Sam and Zutiria both become giddy and hug me for dear life while I say, “We’re actually getting somewhere, girls...! Can you believe it? 300,000G...!!”

“Damn right I can believe it, Boss. This shit is all on your hands. We’re just the muscle, you tell us what to do.” Sam smirks before punching me playfully in the pec.

“Don’t minimize your roles in our success. Brains help, but the muscle is still the one doing the heavy lifting.” I say while blushing just a tiny bit, trying to downplay the praise because I’m just that unaccustomed to it. And it’s true. I’m probably more proud of them than they’re proud of me.

I agree with Sammy, although your attempts at flattery are always welcomed, Sir.’ Zutiria looks me in the eyes through my glasses with a smile not too dissimilar from Opalina’s, that of a doting older woman. ‘You should be proud of yourself.

“I’m not used to doing that,” I admit whole-heartedly, “But I guess I’m just going to have to get better at it... aren’t I? ”

Both girls pull away from my hug and Sam pumps her fist in the air. “Damn straight! Don’t forget that I’ll beat your ass if you get all mopey on us ever again. I need your help to make me the best adventurer I can be so that I can defeat the Demon Lord and save all the realms!”

I sweat nervously, having blocked Sam’s long term goal out of my recent memories. “Yes, well, let’s just see where things take us for now shall we?”

“Sure thing, Boss!” Sam psychs herself up and is raring to go.

Zutiria notices my hesitation and shoots me a secret message that Sam can’t read. ‘I take it this is a conflict of interest between you two?

I look at the little Mage and reply with my expression, letting her know she’s correct but also that I’m not ready to talk about it with her any time soon.

Understood. I’ll never push you into revealing something you aren’t comfortable with, Sir. You’ve never pushed me, after all.’ Her smile is gentle and understanding, and I’m reminded why I love this little lady so damn much.

“Before we get started for the day, Boss. I think the two of us need to be topped up.” Sam flashes a toothy grin and looks at me with her sharp, emerald glare. Her gloved hand gropes my crotch with no hint of shame at all.

I’ve speculated that your ‘blessing’ has addictive properties, Sir, but I’m much more convinced after having gone a day without it.’ Zutiria’s cheeks turn rosy and excited, looking up to me with eyes half lidded with lust.

“Guess it can’t be helped.” I make an exaggerated sigh and a played up shrug, pretending I’m not ecstatic about getting to fuck two of my favorite girls in all the realms and fill them up until they’re bursting with my cum.

Both Sam and Zutiria look at each other and laugh, before leaning over on the nearest wooden table and raising their asses at me. Each girl wiggles their rear seductively and beckons me forward.

My life has been fully transformed from a horrible depression to an amazing and exciting whirlwind of adventure and sex, and it hasn’t even been a full month since Sam entered my life. The Guild is actually starting to make a tidy profit, I’m standing up for myself in town and starting to fight back against the terrible treatment I’ve recieved and last but not least I’m fucking three different women- all of whom actively want me to find more to share my bed with.

Not sure how I feel about a Goddess meddling in my life, supposedly hooking me up with potential adventurers wholly dependent on her whims, and I certainly am not ecstatic about Sam’s goal tying into my supposed destiny of being the one to defeat the oppressive Demon Lord... or the prospect of probably having to meet her father in the future if I want this relationship to have any sort of permanence...

But when I see two gorgeous asses waiting eagerly for me to rip off their panties and fuck them for all I’m worth, it’s hard to focus on anything but the positives. Because there’s a hell of a lot of them.


I lied. When starting work on 40 today and getting to the point I realized it made more sense to cut my plans for this chapter in half and have this one serve as a sort of end of the arc bookend instead of moving straight on to the next one. So yes, you do get two chapters today still.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.