Reverend Rizzsanity

Surging Battle Strength

The Caravan was a massive success this time. Many wealthy veterans appeared, purchasing several items. Meanwhile, it was quickly realized that Fang Yuan won the Red Steel Relic Gu. If it were before, the competition between Mo Yan and Chi Shan would have been fierce. But those two had to rush their cultivation. Chi Shan received his Family’s support. Meanwhile, Mo Yan sacrificed her precious trump cards to finance her cultivation.

So, is it any surprise that Mo Yan spent her days regaining some of her methods? Being an Elder allows freedom in certain aspects and binds the Gu Master in other chains. As an Elder, Mo Yan was provided with more luxurious duties. Aside from her weekly stipend of 100 Primeval Stones, Mo Yan was allowed to be an External Affairs Hall management member, like Qing Shu and Chi Shan. The trio faced similar suppression. They became an Elder but had no footing. Qing Shu acted on his own, slightly displeasing the Clan Leader. Meanwhile, Mo Chen and Chi Lian had their considerations, too.

Do you want to be an Elder by defying seniority? It does not mean the Old Ginger will roll over!

In light of recent losses to Beast Tide, the Gu Yue Clan Leader ‘understood’ they needed more initiative. So, the Clan Leader introduced a new group under the External Affairs Hall—Battle Elders.

It was not surprising.

Internal Affairs Hall has its Punishment Hall. Now, the External Affairs Hall charged with tasking outside missions to other Clan Members has its Battle Elders. However, the higher-ups could see how this action tied the three Elders to their earlier duties.

Elder Qing Shu welcomed this change with open arms. It was partly his idea. All he longed to do was use his strength to assist the Clan! How are such changes bad? Meanwhile, understanding politics, Qing Shu spread his influence and reputation by manning the Hall and advising several Gu Masters on efficiently dealing with their missions. Qing Shu’s actions increased his adoptive father’s influence since he was widely recognized as the Clan Leader’s member.

Mo Yan and Chi Shan weren’t active. They only performed duties assigned to them, furiously refining or seeking Rank 3 Gu to promote their battle strength to their corresponding cultivation!

Days fly by as such.

There’s also another rumor in the air—

Mo Yan has a lover.

Being one of the youngest Elders and a beauty, Mo Yan received several marriage proposals. Rumors state that she fought with her Grandfather, not budging from his words and retreating to her privacy to refine Gu. Others understood how marrying Mo Yan could be an incredible political chip for Mo Chen. However, he never expected such fierce resistance! Things wouldn’t have been so tense if Mo Yan hadn’t emerged from her room a few days later with Jade studs pierced in her ears, shocking the Mo Family!

All this happened in the first 20 days after the caravan’s exit.

‘Finally,’ Lo Jik stares at a Gu in his hands. It’s a size 6 bamboo boot’s sole carved with wing patterns on its heel. It’s slightly thicker than usual as a Rank 3 Gu Worm’s aura emerges from its being.

‘Rank 3 Feathered Boots Gu!’ Lo Jik exhales, feeling exhausted.

This Spring is harsh on plenty!

‘I managed to refine the Earth Hole Gu but failed to get the Concealment Mane Gu again. Fur Concealment Gu died during the failure.’ It also injured Lo Jik to rest until a few days ago. However, he wasn’t dissatisfied. He still has options. Instead of Rank 3 Concealment Mane, he can fuse Black Mane alongside the Smell Lock Gu to create a Rank 3 Complete Smell Lock Gu. The two Gu are also easy to feed. Smell Lock Gu feeds on Beasts’ Feces, and the Black Mane Gu consumes vats of oil.

He observes his Second Aperture.

The Hope Gu fills his aperture with the Light of Hope. The Blood Python coils around it like a spoiled child. Scarlet-Red Sea ebbs and flows unceasingly. This is the Middle Stage Rank 2 Primeval Essence! However, Lo Jik didn’t use it to nurture and advance his first Aperture. Fang Yuan and Fang Zheng are the only ones of his batch to possess Rank 2 Middle Stage. The former used a Relic Gu, and the latter cultivated like a madman possessed! How can Lo Jik explain his startling speed if even Mo Bei and Chi Cheng aren’t in the Middle Stage?

Still, he wouldn’t mess with those two to motivate them.

Lo Jik already has a lot on his plate.

Two vitality leaves float.

The blood-red, half-burnt Blood Rousing Incense floats alongside the brown earthworm Smell Lock Gu. Strangely, two different mazes of silky web float and ‘stick’ midair. One spiral whorl is formed from pitch-black webs. Meanwhile, the other one is built from resplendent golden silk. The Solar and Lunar Spiders hide in their webs, isolated until called upon.

There’s also a bamboo sole flying midair like a strange spaceship. It’s the Rank 3 Feathered Boots Gu! This Gu is rare not only due to its simple use but also its feeding patterns.

It feeds on wind, water, and bamboo!

No, it’s not ‘either-or.’ It feeds on three things with their total quantity combined into a regular Rank 3 Gu Worm’s feed.

Four Gu linger in the depths of his aperture.

First is an oval stone with a jade’s luster. It stays still, revealing a stabilized aura. It’s the White Jade Gu, Lo Jik’s first defense. Beside it, crawling around is a heavy silkworm barely visible through the drenched black silk wrapped around its body—Rank 2 Black Mane!

The Red Steel Relic Gu is nearby, resting without any movements.

The fourth Gu is strange.

It’s an earthen ring with a diameter of 10 centimeters.

The Rank 2 Earth Hole Gu.

It’s Lo Jik’s storage Gu. This Gu has strict limitations. However, its use is mystical and worth its restrictions. First, a Gu Master must keep the Gu in one’s palm to use it. It leaves a brown circular mark in the palm’s center—easy to identify. It’s why Lo Jik is keeping it inside his aperture until needed. The Gu Master then must place their palm on the ground and activate the Gu. It will form a strange hold a few centimeters away from them with a radius of one meter. It creates a spherical hold in the ground with a volume of 8 cubic meters. One can store and take their items from this hole. Once finished, the Gu will revert these changes, leaving the ground untouched.

It can only be used on earthen surfaces with 8 cubic meters of volume. It won’t work and might get injured if a Gu Master uses it on spots where there isn’t adequate volume of dirt underneath. It is also Lo Jik’s most essence-consuming Gu—needing 30% of Initial Stage Essence for a minute!

However, it's a worthwhile expenditure once one realizes its benefits.

First, the Earth Hole Gu consumes Earth Qi during its use, combining its use and nurturing. Also, Earth Hole Gu uses Earth Qi to keep the items in storage in their original condition! Lo Jik can store perishable goods without fear!

‘Rank 2 Earth Hole, Rank 3 Earth Well, Rank 4 Earth Cave, and Rank 5 Earth Valley—all these Gu have similar functions with widening spaces! However, its later stages are not worthwhile. Even Rank 3 Earth Well is unneeded because the spatial requirements will become too large. Earth Hole is enough for my current needs. It’s better to save and spend on those Rare Gu that can store living things if I want a Rank 3 Storage Gu.’

In his right palm is the Moonglow Gu in the form of a blue crescent tattoo. Inside his brain are the Battle Instinct and Book Worm Gu.

His immediate concerns of possessing Storage, Healing, and Movement Gu are relieved! That’s why Lo Jik isn’t disappointed even if he couldn’t refine a Rank 3 Concealment Mane Gu.

It might look like the pressure for feeding Gu is more on Lo Jik. However, he carefully considered his options and wisely used his gifts and wealth to procure a set of Gu that are easy to feed! Aside from the White Jade Gu’s food he bulk purchased during the Caravan, other Gu are easy to nurture.

Calculating his weekly costs, Lo Jik notes the reduction from the original hundreds to meager 219 Stones. However, his actual costs are lower since he acquired White Jade’s food. His cost for the next four months should be 94 stones plus whatever he uses for Cultivation, with the Battle Instinct Gu being the most expensive to feed.

Content with such growth, Lo Jik decides to rest for… 20 minutes.


His Aperture won’t nurture itself!

Lo Jik wants to raise his second aperture to the Upper Stage quickly and step into the Peak Stage at once! Why would he slow down his cultivation for public appearances when he can cultivate secretly?

‘I haven’t been able to get together with Mo Yan for a while,’ Lo Jik narrows his eyes as he rests. ‘She sent a secret letter stating how Mo Chen wanted Mo Yan to get close to the new A-grader, Zie Qi. Since Fang Zheng is already in the Clan Leader’s faction, Gu Yue Bo cannot openly disparage the former talent for the recent one. After all, Fang Zheng is already at Rank 2 Middle Stage. Meanwhile, Zie Qi is a Middle Stage Rank 1 Gu Master. So, other elders want to bring Zie Qi under their hold and balance their political gains against Gu Yue Bo, whose influence continues to rise under Qing Shu’s efforts. Already frustrated with her family, Mo Yan snapped. While her open declaration of having a lover deterred others, it also brought a spotlight on her. She cannot meet me now.’


That’s what he needs. However, he also needs a good cover. He cannot blindly show his cultivation speed and expect others to not suspect anything! Others won’t openly find issues with him. But what about in secret? The Gu World is mysterious. Lo Jik, despite his growing knowledge, barely scratched its surface! Talents Kang Tian-Yan claimed they don’t understand 1% of Gu Cultivation. How can Lo Jik, despite his shamelessness, have the cheek to admit he’s any better?

Only by reminding himself of his flaws and weaknesses can Lo Jik strive to improve!

‘Speaking of weakness,’ Lo Jik smirks. ‘I didn’t visit the Bazaar these days. I wonder how this act affected Shen Cui.’

Everyone knows Fang Zheng, Mo Bei, and Chi Cheng are improving by leaps and bounds after their seniors became Elders. These three are collectively called the rising generation. With his talent and grit, Fang Zheng performed 6 dangerous missions in these 20 days! Mo Bei’s battle strength surged after he refined Mo Yan’s rare Gu. With his superior’s support, Chi Cheng is not far behind!

On the contrary, their batch also produced the worst Gu Masters.

The wastrel son Fang Yuan spends his time hunting easy game like rabbits. He sold his tavern and other properties to his uncle to purchase the Red Steel Relic Gu. However, others still envy Fang Yuan because he possesses the Nine Leaf Vitality Gu! He can be as lazy as he likes and still earn resources for cultivation.

On the other hand, Lo Jik holes himself in his home, barely seeing the light of the day and not performing any missions. He hasn’t left the village for any mission in the past 20 days, using his small fortune from selling Blood Gu to Qing Shu to live an extravagant life. Others call him a fool! They are right!

How can Lo Jik continue such a lifestyle without a source of income?

That’s why Lo Jik needs that scouting Gu to return to the wilds.

Lo Jik will risk incurring his superior’s suspicions but won’t enter the wilds without appropriate methods. He suspects another wolf king is waiting to pounce on him the second he leaves the village—just his luck!


Shen Cui’s listless expression freezes as she finds a familiar figure munching fruits while chatting with the nearby vendors. Other vendors gave flattering smiles, even offering their chairs as the youth grandly shook his head, choosing to stand and eat while conversing about their daily lives.

Despite being cautious of mortals after Cao’s insidious scheme, Lo Jik takes time to socialize with these vendors. It doesn’t take a lot out of him, and they often have intriguing tidbits about the Village.

Did you know that the hamlets are accumulating more losses due to wolves?

A Rank 1 Gu Master was caught cheating on his Rank 2 wife? That’s an action worth 4 hours of pegging, indeed!

Hmm? There are some rumors about Elder Yao Ji’s Granddaughter and the new A-grader Zie Qi? It’s young love in the spring!

The fruits produced are predicted to be worse? No shit!

Lo Jik effortlessly controls the conversation, stopping briefly to glance at the petite figure slowly walking into the bazaar before continuing indifferently. He doesn’t move from his spot or speak with her. He has no comments on how she isn’t wearing his gift. Well. Shen Cui wore those red clips the few days after the caravan. However, Lo Jik never appeared to purchase fruits.

Some rumors say Lo Jik was depressed about Fang Zheng getting a new A-grade rival!

These are just meaningless assumptions. However, Shen Cui’s young heart cannot help but wonder if Lo Jik holed himself due to her? Every young girl fantasizes about things. Fang Zheng barely had time for her, focusing on cultivation and missions. What little time he saved was spent on learning from those female seniors. It’s obvious what those women want. However, Fang Zheng cannot look past their schemes.

Isn’t she the same?

Didn’t she seduce Fang Zheng to escape a life of servitude?

Could she seduce Lo Jik? He is better looking, and he once defeated Fang Zheng. The difference in their talent shows when Fang Zheng is progressing toward the Upper Stage while Lo Jik is stranded in the middle stage. However, Shen Cui feels she’s been on the receiving end of things.

Lo Jik spoke to her when it was convenient for him.

He gifted her jewelry when he felt like it.

He suddenly stopped any contact when he saw fit!

Did Shen Cui have any say?


She had a choice to throw those red clips or tell Fang Zheng about it. She didn’t. Could Lo Jik not see that? So, why must he torture Shen Cui with his presence without bothering to even smile and pass meaningful glances in her direction?

Surprising Shen Cui, Lo Jik leaves a few minutes later. Despite the approaching summer, Shen Cui feels cold and lonely, scared about her future. On the one hand, Shen Cui knows Fang Zheng will marry a Gu Master and take her as a concubine. If she’s lucky, Fang Zheng’s wife will be indifferent to her. On the other hand, his wife may just have her secretly killed!

Shen Cui was never blind to Gu Master’s nature. Even if Fang Zheng dotes on her, so what? How long will he care about a corpse?

She cannot help but slightly desire Lo Jik, too.

‘I still have those clips,’ she purses her lips. ‘I should wear them.’


The Next Day.

Shen Cui looks at Lo Jik with expectations in her heart. He indifferently glances at her, too. However, he purposely pauses after noticing the red clips decorating her brown hair. The lass’ heart thumps as she hurriedly glances away, discreetly looking at Lo Jik again, only to find him leaving the Bazaar.

Two days later, Shen Cui meets Lo Jik’s gaze for a few breaths.

Three days later, Shen Cui uses slight makeup, looking chirpier than usual. Her gaze guiltily shifts from Lo Jik as she leaves the area. Even a blind man could see someone scored last night. Sublime for Fang Zheng. At least someone hit, right? Men like Lo Jik could only find pleasure in cultivation and seeing their strength rise.

Five days later, news of Lo Jik stepping into Middle Stage spreads, leaving others with envy as they realize Lo Jik must have used a sizeable chunk of his savings to advance! Shen Cui looked prettier today.

Fang Zheng getting injured during his mission spreads on the eighth day. Lo Jik, who has been keeping tabs on Shen Cui and secretly observing her, knows it’s the right time to motivate Fang Zheng again!


Gu Yue Chi Hua is a Rank 2 Middle Stage Gu Master two years older than Fang Zheng, possessing a C-grade Aptitude. Still, her low aptitude does not take anything from her eye-catching appearance. She is one of the sought-after maidens of the Gu Yue Clan. She is a voluptuous woman and is often seen together with Fang Zheng.

Being part of the Chi Family, she had to bust her ass to invite Fang Zheng for drinks in the tavern. She does not care about the political rivalry between the three groups. If given a chance, she will gladly give up her spot in the family to become Fang Zheng’s wife. She doesn’t have a chance of becoming an Elder like Mo Yan and possessing her freedom to choose her husband.

But if it’s Fang Zheng…

There is only one problem.

Shen Cui.

Chi Hua didn’t dare kill Shen Cui or scheme against the girl. Fang Zheng loves that girl and may use every means to investigate such an event, even if she is a mortal! One must know that Elder Qing favors Fang Zheng despite Zie Qi’s appearance. Who is Qing Shu?

He was the number one Rank 2 Peak Stage Gu master of the Gu Yue Clan. His promotion left that spot empty, arousing fierce competition. Fang Zheng, Mo Bei, and Chi Cheng are ferocious contenders for the title with their rising cultivation and combat expertise!

Still, Chi Hua secretly followed the servant whenever she was free.

Chi Hua noticed how Shen Cui would remove her jade earrings and wear red jade clips before entering the bazaar. It was a bizarre habit. Shen Cui stopped doing that after a few times, and Chi Hua found nothing.

But that didn’t stop her.

How can Chi Hua play with her future prospects like that?

She continued observing the maid until noticing a change.

Gu Yue Lo Jik.

Chi Hua recalls how Lo Jik loves visiting the Bazaar to eat fruits. The Rank 2 Lady failed to notice how Shen Cui acted at Lo Jik’s arrival. However, how could Chi Hua miss Shen Cui wearing those red clips again?

She realizes the truth in the next two days!

There’s something between Lo Jik and Shen Cui! But Chi Hua doesn’t expose them yet. There’s no evidence, and Fang Zheng is rarely in the village. For all Chi Hua knows, the red clip is useless, and maybe Fang Zheng’s present to Shen Cui. After all, Chi Hua has firsthand experience with Fang Zheng’s emotional density.

Fang Zheng returned after a few days, and Shen Cui looked slightly glowing. Chi Hua envies the girl for sleeping with Fang Zheng! However, Hua did not ignore how prettier Shen Cui looked when the news of Lo Jik’s advancement spread!

Chi Hua’s eyes widen when she sees Lo Jik moving past Shen Cui, discreetly brushing his hand against the girl’s butt.

And Shen Cui accepts it with an almost sultry smile!

If only Fang Zheng was here to see this!

Chi Hua forms a plan. She needs Fang Zheng to stay within the clan for a few days while Lo Jik’s and Shen Cui’s interactions grow from meaningful stares to polite conversations.

Heaven blesses her with an opportunity!

Fang Zheng is injured and visiting a tavern with Qing Shu to relax. Meanwhile, Lo Jik has Shen Cui cornered!

That’s what she is waiting for!

Chi Hua moves like a wind, hurriedly rushing into the northern tavern. She slams the door open, attracting a lot of attention. Her heaving breasts make many men press their thighs together as she locates Fang Zheng with Qing Shu.

“Senior Hua?” Fang Zheng blinks, bandages peeking from his robe’s collar. Chi Hua acts as an anxious woman, hurriedly bowing to QIng Shu before snapping, “Hurry, Junior Brother Zheng! I- I saw that Gu Yue Lo Jik with your woman!”

“What?!” Fang Zheng’s nostrils flare. Meanwhile, Qing Shu frowns.


‘She must have taken the bait, right?’ Lo Jik smirks.

Knowing that his actions would also affect the people surrounding his target, Lo Jik observed Shen Cui. He found Chi Hua spying on the girl, too. He quickly put two and two together. How can Lo Jik let go of such a godsent opportunity?

The news of Fang Zheng’s injury was lady luck shining on him.

He would have been a misfortune prick if he hadn’t prepared and didn’t know about Chi Hua. However, he couldn’t feel safe without giving his all to strengthen his scheme.

“Oh? Summer Strawberries?” Lo Jik smiles as he glances at Shen Cui’s basket. They now casually exchange a few words. Shen Cui’s gaze brightens when Lo Jik walks over to her, prompting her to reply with a coy smirk. “Indeed, Lord Lo Jik. Young Master loves these.”

She would be afraid to mention Fang Zheng ordinarily. However, she soon realized that Lo Jik is more receptive to teasing remarks, often having witty replies in store. As expected, Lo Jik picks the thumb-sized green strawberry before eating it.

“No wonder,” he hums, teasing, “Fang Zheng and I have too similar tastes.” He doesn’t forget to glance at the girl, making her slightly flush. He gazes at her hair with a fond expression while whispering, “Follow me. We need to talk.”

Shen Cui hesitates briefly. However, Lo Jik doesn’t go far and waits by a small cottage’s wall. The spot is discreet enough for private conversation and public enough to not give others any ideas.

As she isolates herself with Lo Jik, she hears him snicker and plant a firm hand on the wall by her side. Her heart almost leaps out of her throat when he leans down. “I heard Fang Zheng got injured.”

“Y-Yes,” she replies meekly, no longer teasing the unabashed youth.

“Hmm.” Lo Jik whispers, “Good.”

Her eyes widen as Lo Jik raises his brow, crookedly smirking, “Did you think I gave up my White Boar Gu for Fang Zheng? No. I want him to go outside. I want him to get injured. I want him to cultivate and ignore you.” Lo Jik times his words, feeling others approach as he lets his other hand wander down.

“Let go of her!”

Shen Cui doesn’t hear those thundering words when Lo Jik stares into her soul, whispering, “I want you, Cui.”

He smirks at the dazed girl while leaning back, turning to face the scowling Fang Zheng.

It crowds around them as Lo Jik bites the summer strawberry he snuck from Shen Cui’s basket. “Ah,” he smirks. “Batchmate Fang? How are your injuries?”

Shen Cui snaps out of her daze, lowering her head. She feels lucky that Lo Jik’s broad back covers her, allowing her to school her expression.

“Bastard! Let go of my Cui’er!” Fang Zheng snarls as Lo Jik shrugs, stepping aside. Shen Cui looks pale and glances at Fang Zheng pleadingly. Her expressive eyes portray a young girl’s desperate heart.

Tears build in her eyes as she acts her ass off!

“Young Master,” her voice quakes with sorrow.

Fang Zheng’s body shudders as Lo Jik shrugs. “Why are you crying? I only took a few Strawberries.”

“I…” Fang Zheng seethes with a pale face. His eyes burning with hate as he cannot imagine what Lo Jik would commit if he was a few moments late!

“I will kill you!” Fang Zheng snarls. His body only moves a step when Qing Shu calmly puts a hand on Fang Zheng’s shoulder.

“Everyone,” Qing Shu glances at the crowd, demonstrating an Elder’s might. “Leave us,” he commands. “You, too.”

He looks at Chi Hua.

The woman chews her lips in frustration.

“See? Elder Qing is the reasonable one,” Lo Jik snickers as he tosses one of the strawberries to Qing Shu. “Please taste it, Elder Qing. These strawberries are sour. But they leave men like me wanting more.”

Shen Cui’s lips tremble. Even if she can school her expression, she cannot help but notice the difference between the bold Lo Jik and ‘chained’ Fang Zheng.

Qing Shu catches the strawberry, biting it and nodding.

“Indeed, this is delicious. I won’t beat around the bush, Lo Jik. Although I admire your tenacity to endure public pressure and cultivate, I cannot let you commit such acts.”

“What acts?” Lo Jik cocks his head sideways.

“Bastard! Elder Brother, he is still acting the fool!” Fang Zheng grits his teeth.

“Ah!” Lo Jik blinks. “You mean Shen Cui?” He glances at the girl. “Is it wrong for a Gu Master to like others? Don’t worry, Batchmate Fang. I can wait.”

“What?” Fang Zheng frowns while Qing Shu narrows his eyes.

“Well,” Lo Jik leaves Shen Cui’s side while rubbing the back of his head. “You can only marry one person. Only Elders are allowed to maintain two concubines. Once you marry someone, I’ll gladly take Shen Cui’s off your hands. See? Aren’t I reasonable?”

Lo Jik pats Fang Zheng’s shoulder in a friendly manner.


A fierce right hook smashes into Lo Jik’s face as Shen Cui covers her eyes, screaming.

Fang Zheng stares at his bloodied fist. His skin will naturally tear apart when hitting with all his might since he assimilated a Boar’s strength!

Lo Jik slowly sits up, touching his bleeding, tilted nose with a frown as sharp pain floods his senses. He allows himself to grin as blood flows into his mouth, staining his teeth.

“Did I hit a nerve?” Lo Jik snickers. “Do you think I care, Fang Zheng?”

Qing Shu stops Fang Zheng from attacking Lo Jik as Shen Cui’s heart aches at Lo Jik’s injury.

“You think you’re righteous, but I’m the one being honest! Hehe! Want to hit me? Go on! I’m right! I’m already a middle-stage Gu Master. I may not compare to you in talent, but I WILL have your arm the next time you raise your fist. Or did you forget our match?”

Fang Zheng clenches his bloodied fist!

“Let’s go, Cui,” Fang Zheng slowly reaches for Shen Cui, who trembles at the sight of his bleeding fist. Fang Zheng’s heart aches at the sight.

“I’ll be waiting, Shen Cui,” Lo Jik stands as he presses a cloth against his nose.

“She’s never coming here again!” Fang Zheng snaps, leaving with his lover. Qing Shu observes how Lo Jik’s expression turns calm the second Fang Zheng exits.

“Sigh,” he heaves loudly. “This is getting ridiculous, Lo Jik.”

“Heh,” Lo Jik snickers. “Do you think injuries give him the right to respite, Elder Qing? No. Fang Zheng alone cannot use these excuses to rest! There’s already another A-grade talent in the village. I didn’t sacrifice my White Boar Gu to see him get overtaken by a newbie punk!”

“You cannot target Fang Zheng’s lover,” Qing Shu states decisively. “I admire your passion. You are helping Junior Brother in ways I and the Clan Leader cannot. However, it’s overstepping the boundary!”

Lo Jik contemplates before nodding.

“I understand. I will find other ways.”

“Or you can focus on your cultivation. Your cultivation and grit are worthy of praise! Channel it and become productive,” Qing Shu advises as Lo Jik nods, quietly leaving the area.

‘My work is already done. This should be the final nail in the coffin. That Chi Hua wanted to replace Shen Cui. However, I used that big-titted bimbo to solidify Shen Cui’s position in Fang Zheng’s heart. I hope he’s still as emotional when he advances to Rank 3 and marries Shen Cui. It will take months for the situation to ease so I can temporarily forget about Shen Cui.’

He’s done everything he can. His words express how he will try to take Shen Cui’s hand as long as she is unmarried, leaving Fang Zheng with two choices—Killing Lo Jik or Marrying Shen Cui!

Fang Zheng’s cultivation speed is startling. He will have to focus on that to become an elder. Conversely, that will leave Shen Cui lonely.

Words spread in the village.

Fierce rivalry for love!

Lo Jik and Fang Zheng fight for a mortal woman?

Such news shocked several Gu Masters!

Shen Cui dared not leave her house, hiding her red clips for good. Yet, she could never throw them away. His crazed words resound in her mind.

‘He did all that for me. He’s a crazy, lying, and deceitful man! But he will even face famous Elders like Qing Shu… for me.’

Her heart soars. The coming months of loneliness will be hard for her.

Yet, as one says, loneliness only sweetens and matures one’s love.

Can she love Fang Zheng? He is kind, caring, and protective of her. She likes him!

However, her body now aches for her sour strawberry. She wants something that leaves her wanting more.

She wants more of his pleasing smile, witty comebacks, and that arousing display of dominance when he almost seized her lips moments before Fang Zheng’s arrival. She wants to be a sheep for the wolf named Lo Jik to devour.


Alternate Title: The Promising Batch; Refine Gu; The Failure in Possessing Concealment Mane Gu; Mo Yan’s Lover?; Problematic Spotlight; Jade Studs; Bickering Family; The Earth Hole; Your Mama’s Got an Earth Hole, too; Refining Rank 3; Blud Refining Rank 3 Gu and Still Calling Himself Unlucky; The Immensity of Gu Cultivation; Solving Immediate Needs; The Gu Worms; One of the Richest Gu Masters in the Village; Lowered Cost of Living; Tightening Walls; A Need for Scout Gu; Battle Elders; Gu Yue Bo’s Influence Increases; Honeypot Trap for the New A-Grader; Wholesome Qing Shu; Lo Jik and Shen Cui; The Stalking Chi Hua; Quick Fang Zheng! Lo Jik is Cucking You!; Lo Jik Using Righteous Reasons To Steal Yo Girl, Kek!; The Demonic Rizz Goes Hard; Corrupting a Maiden; The Punch; Hitting The Final Nail In the Coffin; Cao Taught Lo Jik Well; A Lecherous Wisdom Path Master in the Making; A Torn Fang Zheng; Shen Cui Wants to be a Lamb?; A Lonely Woman Surrounded By Love; Loneliness Sweetens Love; A Sweet Love is a Crazy One

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