Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 9 - 453 - Meeting and Preparation

Our Dungeon Training Camp plan, that we had come up with just the other day, was unexpectedly decided to be held one of these days.

The destination, after taking everyone's exploration progress in account, was decided to be ?Food & Livestock Dungeon?---the Extra Dungeon that met with rave reviews of our guild's ladies.

In fact, the road to the depth of ?Food-Dun? was a long one, and in addition to it required huge QP for entry, along with the of any shortcut teleportation circle means there were less than few who were willing to take the path to the end. This of course means rare boss's were hardly touched and that of course their drop in high demand. Want to eat the heavenly delicacy of an extra dungeon? Be my guest and hunt for them yourself.

Besides, all members were in full-drive mode to try the delicacy once again. Haaa, how I wished we had more ?Flute?......

I remember how ?Arc-Arcadia? members were biting their lips in jealousy when our member mentioned their trip to ?Food-Dun?. With that precedent, both guilds would be camping together, furthermore, this dungeon was an exception to ?Ghosts? spawn.

"Woaaah, sick plan, Zephyr-kun!" (Hannah)

"I know right!" (Zephyr)

Hannah said to me with sparkling eyes the first thing when I revealed the plan to guild members at guild room. Fufufu, c'mon, I am all ears for praise anytime!

Sierra, in charge of the plan, picked the explanation after me.

"It's going to be a stayover so I expect it might not suit everyone's liking so feel free to state if you want to opt out. The trip might turn out to be two to three nights and four days long. In addition, it wouldn't be possible to join us in the middle of the expedition, but you can quit in the middle. So even if you have something to attend to, you can still participate."

"We're very much obliged for your consideration......but I wonder if anyone would want to actually quiet their trip to that dungeon midway?" (Rika)

"Hn, that's a hunting ground. I want to hunt there forever." (Karua)

Both Rika and Karua looked amazed when we talked about the possible option of quitting midway.

I know right. Once you taste---ahem, experience the wonder of ?Food-Dun?, you would become its captive.

"I wonder what ingredients we will collect this time~." (Hannah)

"Hannah, this is our chance. We can earn a hafta ingredients we need for our stall." (Alulu)

"I know right! I am already filled with motivation!" (Hannah)

"Alright, then we should add in our list to install a few more rental ?Item Box? in the carriage." (Celestine)

On the one hand, Hannah and Alulu were pepped to max level for their summer festival's stall. Meanwhile, Celestine notes it down to rent few ?Item Box? for the duration from the academy, considering the predicament we were in last time.

"We need to make a list of things we need to rent!" (Maria)

"Alright, leave it to me." (Satoru)

Maria showed her enthusiasm to take on the work immediately but Satoru was more eager for desk work to wash away the stigma of lolicon. The paper work task was handed to Satoru. Maria was great at calculation so I hope they can work together.

Seeing that the topic had shifted to about work, 2nd year Melina-senpai joined in the conversation.

"But are you sure about the rent? Wouldn't purchasing them directly be better in the long run?" (Melina)

As expected of our senior. A precise piece of advice. The hand of Maria and Satoru halted who was sorting the details of our discussion.

"Hmm, senpai's words are indeed worth considering. ?Eden? material collection speed is just off the start. I also think the guild might need more storage space in the near future." (Maria)

"I think it would be better to prioritise buying ?Item Box?. We can get a rental item of course, but it would have to be returned once we get back and the guild doesn't have space to store the item." (Satoru)

Maria and Satoru exchanged their opinions alternatively.

"We can also create a new storage room, but I was thinking along line of borrowing storehouse." (Maria)

"You should stop there, Marianne-san. According to my experience, 80% of items that are stored in a storehouse never see the light of the sun." (Melina)

"It's like a storehouse is their grave, you forget their existence once tossed in that dark space. Ahem. In that case, buying ?Item Box? as suggested is a good idea. They're portable and if we have many of them, we can easily sort out the ingredients in them." (Satoru)

Our three members from the ?Helper? group went back and forth on their suggestion as they thought hard.

They sure have become good friends, haven't they? I guess they must have felt resonance as co-worker out for the same cause, and their cooperation in many tasks has been getting better as well. And since they had someone like Melina-senpai with a number of experiences, Maria and Satoru both looked extremely motivated as well.

Sierra continued the meeting, set the date of departure---which was day after tomorrow while settling on the trip to be 3 nights & 4 days long. The participants were all the present members, including the three helpers, which brought the count to a total of 23.

"But we don't have enough ?Carriage?. Ester isn't here, and Aegis-senpai and Celestine can only carry 13 people at once, so we would have to do it in two rounds."

We had Celestine's carriage strengthened just in anticipation for this day, and now it could carry 8 people at once. But our roles---Aegis-senpai or Celestine as coachman and I, the navigator---couldn't be transferred so this brought the hard limit to 13.

"Will you be able to manage it, Aegis-senpai? I also would like you to get some explanation about the usage of ?Thunder Javelin?."

"It's alright, Sierra-san. However, are you sure I should be using Ester-san's equipment without her permission?"

The most uptodate are published on frёewebnoѵel.ƈo๓.

"You don't have to worry about it. ?Thunder Javelin? is ?Eden? shared property, and I had already received permission from Ester."

It hasn't been that long since Aegis-senpai activated the ?Driving Skill? and ?Driving Attack Manual?---both a part of ?Vehicle? skill---so I guess she wouldn't be able to use ?Thunder Javelin? like Ester from the get go. She needs to atleast get a basic rundown of it.

Sierra and I explained the specific to Aegis-senpai and settled on to start the practise from today without any reservation.

In the start, Aegis-senpai was worried that she might not be able to handle well in the beginning but her experience in riding horses and monsters seemed to have taught her enough know-how, and our carriage was a mechanical variant that didn't use living beings, her fear didn't last long. freёwebnoѵ

From there, everyone began their preparation and then, two days later. We jumped on to start our first plan of Summer Vacation---Our 2nd invasion...cough, I mean our training camp in the ?Food-Dun?.

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