Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch89- Next battle: Kazuki Shiba vs Urahara Kisuke

With a cheeky grin, Hiyori initiated the battle. "Bakudo #1: Sai!" Her incantation briefly paralyzed Mashiro's arms, restricting her movement.

"Hey, no fair!" Mashiro squealed but used Shunpo to close the distance between them almost instantly, breaking the paralysis. Hiyori barely dodged as Mashiro's blade swung in a high arc.

Mashiro zipped around the arena, her Zanpakuto, Hana no Arashi, humming softly in her hand. The vibrant green hilt seemed to glow in the dim light. With each Shunpo, she positioned herself strategically, testing Hiyori's reflexes.

On the other side, Hiyori was a picture of mischief, brandishing her own Zanpakuto casually. The atmosphere tingled with her pent-up energy. "Hado #4: Byakurai," she intoned, sending a stream of condensed energy toward Mashiro.

Effortlessly, Mashiro dodged, leaving an afterimage where she'd stood moments before. Her laugh echoed around the arena. "Your aim needs work!"

Hiyori scowled, visibly annoyed but not perturbed. With a swift motion, she chanted, "Bakudo #21: Sekienton," disappearing behind a smokescreen of red mist.

Mashiro, sensing the trick, unleashed her own Hoho techniques, moving swiftly enough to fan the smoke away and reveal Hiyori's position. "I see you," she declared, charging toward Hiyori.

A clash of blades resounded in the arena, both Shinigami locked in a brief contest of wills. Hiyori struggled to push back, but Mashiro's advantage in raw speed was evident. With a deft flick of her wrist, Mashiro broke the deadlock, sending Hiyori stumbling back.

Back in the arena, Hiyori shook off the mild discomfort and grinned. "Hado #11: Tsuzuri Raiden," she invoked. Electricity surged through her blade, crackling and snapping as she lunged at Mashiro.

With a twist of her body, Mashiro avoided direct contact. "Close, but not close enough!"

The two combatants circled each other cautiously. Hiyori's Kido skills were obviously superior, but Mashiro's mastery of Hoho and Shunpo evened the odds. Plus, Mashiro still had a trump card: Hakuda, the unarmed Shinigami combat art, a skill she hadn't needed to use yet.

Hiyori lashed out with a quick sequence of strikes, her blade a blur. Each attack was expertly parried by Mashiro, who retaliated with a kick that Hiyori narrowly dodged.

"Finally, some Hakuda," Hiyori muttered, the pace of the fight picking up.

Both Mashiro and Hiyori tightened their grips on their respective Zanpakuto, the atmosphere in the arena thickening with anticipation.

"Dance with the Wind, Hana no Arashi!" Mashiro exclaimed, her voice echoing through the stands. Her sword transformed, the blade vanishing as a vibrant, feathered fan appeared in its place, each feather tinged in a different hue, representing various elements.

"Shred, Kubikiri Orochi!" Hiyori commanded. Her blade crackled with energy, extending and sharpening until it resembled a serrated cleaver, glowing faintly in anticipation of the battle to come.

The duel resumed with Mashiro using Shunpo to circle Hiyori at high speeds. She was faster, a blur that Hiyori found challenging to pin down. With a swing of her feathered fan, Mashiro sent a gust of wind—Petal Gale—toward her opponent.

Hiyori blocked with her blade but was pushed back by the force. "Bakudo #9: Hōrin," she chanted, attempting to bind Mashiro's movements with a coiling tendril of spiritual energy.

But Mashiro was too quick. She deftly dodged the Kido spell, and a petal shield—Floral Shield—emerged from her fan, neutralizing Hiyori's attempt. With a flick, she launched an Elemental Dance, sending a projectile of fire toward her classmate.

"Got you!" Mashiro exclaimed, thinking she had the upper hand.

Not to be outdone, Hiyori dodged the fiery projectile and chanted, "Hado #11: Tsuzuri Raiden." Her blade once again crackled with electricity, illuminating the arena with its glow.

Mashiro moved just in time, narrowly avoiding the electrified blade. But in that moment, Hiyori was upon her, her blade singing through the air, each strike precise and forceful.

For a few seconds, it was a dance of clashing metal and flashing Shunpo. They were both skilled, but Mashiro's superior speed was evident. With a burst of Shunpo, she positioned herself above Hiyori and aimed her fan downward.

"Last chance to surrender," she taunted, a wide grin on her face.

Hiyori growled, her energy rising. "Like I'd ever give you the satisfaction!" She lunged at Mashiro with a sudden burst of speed, her blade singing as it met the feathered fan.

"Elemental Dance!" Mashiro shouted, channeling a burst of water from her fan to counter Hiyori's aggressive strike.

The impact sent both combatants skidding backward, each clearly fatigued but not willing to yield. The crowd had gone silent, fixated on the duel that had exceeded everyone's expectations.

With a swift movement, Mashiro put her Hakuda skills to use, lunging forward with a series of rapid kicks aimed at Hiyori's torso.

Taken by surprise, Hiyori barely managed to parry the kicks with her blade. "You—"

Before she could complete her sentence, Mashiro swung her fan one last time, unleashing a final Elemental Dance. A burst of wind, fire, and water converged, overwhelming Hiyori.

There was a collective gasp from the audience as Hiyori was knocked out of the ring, landing gracefully but clearly defeated. Mashiro, breathing heavily, closed her fan, reverting it back to its sealed form.

"I won," she announced, catching her breath.

In the stands, Kazuki offered her a warm, approving nod. Mashiro returned the gesture, her eyes meeting Isane's and Lisa's, who both looked elated at her victory. Yoruichi, sitting next to Kazuki, couldn't contain a proud smile.

Chōjirō Sasakibe, having watched the duel intently, stepped forward. "The match goes to Mashiro Kuna."

As Mashiro made her way back to her friends, Kazuki patted her on the back, his face showing a mix of relief and pride.

"Nice job," he said simply, his tone indicating that the words were an understatement.

Mashiro beamed, taking her seat next to Kazuki. "Thanks," she grinned, her gaze lingering on Kazuki for a moment before shifting.

Chōjirō Sasakibe, the loyal lieutenant, stepped forward once more. His voice broke the lingering tension as he announced, "Next battle: Kazuki Shiba versus Urahara Kisuke."


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