Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch87- Fight!

As Kensei walked away, Yoruichi, Isane, Lisa, and Mashiro gathered around Kazuki, who had unsheathed his Zanpakuto and gently laid it across his lap. Each of them conveyed a wordless sense of support and curiosity. They knew the tournament was more than just a show of skill; it was a glimpse into the paths they'd soon tread.

In the arena, Kensei squared off against Aizen. Both of their Zanpakutos gleamed under the bright sunlight. The air seemed to grow dense as each readied their stance.

"Begin!" Sasakibe ordered.

Kensei charged forward, his Zanpakuto drawn back for a quick strike. Aizen parried effortlessly, his own blade meeting Kensei’s with a flash of sparks. They moved in a complex dance of slashes and feints, neither gaining a clear advantage. To the onlookers, it was evident both were highly skilled, but what mattered was who could take that crucial extra step beyond skill—into the realm of mastery.

From his seat, Kazuki focused intently, sensing the undercurrents of Kensei’s and Aizen's spiritual pressures. He wasn't just watching as a spectator; he was analyzing as a combatant.

Kensei lunged, his Zanpakuto arcing through the air, only to be parried by Aizen with a flick of his wrist. The two separated and immediately rushed towards each other again, their feet using Hoho techniques to close the gap in an instant.

"Shakkahō!" Aizen chanted, and a red ball of fire shot towards Kensei.

"Hadō 31. Shakkahō," Kensei responded, canceling out Aizen's attack with a similar orb of his own. The fireballs collided and exploded in a burst of light, the shockwave sending dust into the air.

They both used Shunpo to disappear from sight, reappearing on opposite ends of the arena.

"Nice try, Aizen," Kensei smirked.

"You're not doing too bad yourself," Aizen responded.

In a split second, Kensei was in front of Aizen, his Zanpakuto aimed at his midsection. But Aizen was quicker, using Bakudō 21, Sekienton, to release a smokescreen and confuse his enemy.

The cloud of smoke obscured vision but not spiritual pressure. Kensei lunged through it, his blade cutting through the dense air. It connected with Aizen's sword, sparks flying from the clash.

The arena was cleared of the smokescreen by the sheer force of their strikes, and they once again separated, locking eyes as they prepared for another round.

"Enough games," Kensei said, taking a deep breath.

"I couldn't agree more," Aizen replied.

Aizen started, "Shatter, Kyōka Suigetsu," as his sword dissolved into the air. Kensei didn't miss a beat, responding, "Blow it Away, Tachikaze." His own blade glowed briefly before transforming into a serrated combat knife.

The arena seemed to change. Water illusions, resembling Aizen himself, popped up around Kensei. The air was saturated with the scent of dampness, enhancing the believability of Aizen's mirages.

"I've always been a fan of water features," Aizen remarked, watching as Kensei attacked one of his illusions. It burst like a water balloon, splashing fluid across the arena.

Kensei gritted his teeth. "I don't have time for your games, Aizen."

"Who says they're games?" Aizen replied. Another illusion dashed at Kensei, but he was ready this time, slashing it away with his transformed Zanpakuto.

Back in the stands, Yoruichi, Isane, Lisa, and Mashiro held their breath. Kazuki watched, his eyes narrowed, mentally plotting strategies and outcomes. He shared an implicit understanding with his friend and more-than-friends: the stakes were far higher than they appeared.

Kensei burst into motion, shattering several illusions in rapid succession, cutting through Aizen's fog of deception. Or so he believed.

"Quite the display," Aizen mused, reappearing to the side of Kensei. "However…"

Kensei's eyes widened briefly as Aizen reappeared behind him, slashing diagonally across his back. "Got you."

But Kensei twisted at the last second, mitigating the damage. "You're going to have to do better than that."

Aizen chuckled. "Ah, but I intend to."

The captains and recruits looked on, some discussing the tactics employed, others simply absorbing the spectacle. All felt the tension between the fighters, even if they weren't privy to Aizen's true abilities.

Both combatants locked eyes, took a breath, and leapt towards each other. Their blades collided mid-air, causing a small shockwave. For a moment, their spiritual pressures clashed like thunderstorms, each vying for dominance.

Soon, Aizen's water illusions dissipated, leaving the bespectacled combatant visibly fatigued. Seizing his opportunity, Kensei appeared beside him, pressing his blade to Aizen's neck.

"I won," Kensei declared, a tone of finality in his voice.

Aizen's lips curled into a knowing smile. "You did."

The tension in the air lifted like a released spring, and the captains nodded in unison, a tacit acknowledgment of the battle's conclusion. The graduates, compelled by the awe of the duel, burst into applause. Kensei returned to the stands, where his friends were gathered.

As Kensei sat down, Kazuki offered him a nod and a warm smile. Kensei met the gesture, but his eyes shifted, as though grappling with a fleeting thought he couldn't quite catch.

Chōjirō Sasakibe stepped forth once more. "Lisa Yadōmaru versus Yoruichi Shihouin," he announced, his voice as clear as a bell.

The next set of combatants moved to the center of the arena, Lisa and Yoruichi, both draped in an aura of purpose and readiness.

For years, Lisa and Yoruichi had always been friends, never having the need to cross blades. Now they found themselves sharing more than just friendship; they shared affections with Kazuki as well. Still, neither had ever sparred with the other. A palpable, yet friendly tension filled the room, ratcheting up the stakes for the duel to come.

Yoruichi stepped forward with Mugen Kage unsheathed. The dark wakizashi seemed to pull the light into itself, a suitable counterpart to Lisa's Tetsu Ryūjin. The azure nōdachi shimmered gently in Lisa's grip, the dragon engravings almost coming to life.

"Ready when you are," Lisa said, her grip tightening on the hilt of her sword.

Yoruichi grinned, "This is going to be interesting."


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