Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Walking down the street, Alex felt like a bum but tried to ignore it.

'Thank god it's early in the morning so there aren't many people around to see me looking like this' Alex thought as he walked while looking around the streets.

'It is also the perfect time to try out the ability I trained during the last month'

Taking out his phone, Alex didn't even turn it on and only looked at the black screen, looking for his reflection however there was none.

He couldn't see his own reflection.

'I also tried this with my phone camera and it works out, it seems like the 'side effect' has turned into an active ability' Alex thought as he remembered how he had tried once and forgotten about it until he went to brush his hair that night and found no reflection in the mirror.

'I have to remember to turn it off however otherwise I'll definitely raise a lot of red flags if Bella or Charlie were to take a photo with me or just not see me in a mirror' Alex thought as he turned to the right and headed into the dark alley.

His vision allowed him to even see in dark places so it wasn't a problem for Alex to see the end of the Alley where a door was, there were no windows and only a wall surrounded the door.

'So this should be the gathering of some gang or criminal organization huh? Or it just might be a bar, hopefully, I find anyone. Usually, these kinds of places are only active in the late hours of the night' Alex thought as he walked down the Alley.

His footsteps were the only sound in the alley, there were no bird sounds or anything of the sort like Forks had considering the high wildlife around it.

Arriving at the wooden door, Alex knocked three times and waited.

Alex waited and waited until a voice was heard on the other side.

"Who is it?" The voice was gruff and clearly looked to be half asleep.

"A customer," Alex said.

"Fucking hell another random bastard"

That was all Alex heard as he heard the man walk further away inside the building.

'Well, I'm sorry about this then. I even tried to be polite' Alex thought and laid his arm flat against the door.


And the door fell flat on the other side.

Alex dusted his hands off and walked inside.

"Hello!" Alex said as he stared at the man who turned around to look at the door.

Waving at him, Alex saw the man showing his disbelief in his expression.

"You, how!" The man couldn't even say his words properly when his mouth shut itself up.

"Shut up," Alex said as he walked to the man.

"Are you a criminal?" Alex asked next, and once more the man's mouth opened up on its own and gave the answer, whether the man himself wanted it to happen was not an issue.

"Yes, I'm part of the Devil Angels Gang" The man replied with the same gruff tone he had used at the door.

Alex nodded and gave the man a smile.

"Good! Is there anyone else in here?" Alex asked as he looked into the man's eyes, the eyes which were currently quaking.

"No, Everyone else went out, I'm only here because I manage the gang's bar"

"All right, now then I have just a couple more questions and I can let you go is that all right? You can nod or shake your head." Alex said softly to the man.

A quick nod later satisfied Alex as he gave the man another close-eyed smile.

"First question, what size are your shoes?"

"Ten and a half" The man replied quickly, clearly the ability didn't even have to force him anymore as he answered as quickly as possible to get out of the situation.

"Just perfect, hand them over," Alex said as he extended his hand.

A minute later, Alex was wearing his brand-new shoes.

"They look all right," Alex said as he looked at them from different directions and finally nodded.

"Second question, do you have any money on you or around in here?"

A quick nod later, Alex's smile grew wider.

"Good, you are doing so great, now just give me everything you have and that is around here," Alex said as he pointed at the man first and then at the surroundings with his index finger.

"Yes sir" The man answered as his body started moving on its own and in a few minutes handed Alex a bunch of money.

Counting it, Alex quickly found out that it was about one thousand and some spare.

'That's quite a bit and for it to just be in this back alley bar. It's most probably dirty money.' Alex thought and grabbed a leather jacket he found on a bar seat.

"Now then I only have one final question and you will be free all right?" Alex said as he dragged a chair and sat in front of the man.


The man's legs gave way as he entered a kneeling position immediately.

"Have you ever killed, raped, or done anything unforgivable by normal morals of society," Alex asked the man.

The man's eyes seemed to get clouded as a tear streamed down his cheek.

"Yes," The man's voice which at first was gruff was now high-pitched and stuttery as he spoke.

"What exactly have you done? Tell me the reason." Alex asked the man.

"I killed three traitors of the gang, I killed five men in a shooting and I raped a woman we brought here." The man said as he continued to list his crimes one after the other.

Holding his hand up, Alex told the man to stop.

"Do you think that you deserve mercy, Dont tell me what you think right now, tell me deep down have you ever thought that you deserve mercy," Alex asked and waited.

Finally, the man's mouth opened as he spoke out the words while tears continued to stream down his face.

"No, I don't think I deserve mercy." The man stuttered out.

Nodding his head, Alex gave the man his verdict.

"If you had thought that you deserved mercy, I would have killed you in the worst way possible. But I'll just give you a quick end even if you have no need for it and don't deserve it at all." Alex said, extending his palm towards the man's face.
Holding his palm over his temple. Alex uttered a single word.


The man's eyes rolled over immediately as his tears got replaced with streams of blood and he fell down on the floor right the next second.

'I didn't touch him with my fingertips so I shouldn't have left any fingerprints in this place. I made sure of that' Alex thought and then got up, heading towards the outside leaving the dead man's body on the floor as he walked over the fallen door and into the alley.

Final Chapter of the day.
The last two chapters of volume two will be released tomorrow on Patreon.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and support me then check out Patreon at:

Hope you liked this chapter, I wanted to expand more into Port Angels as I'll be doing more stuff there in the future so this was simply an introduction to the city in a roundabout way.

Powerstone goal for an extra chapter: 300

Lots of Love

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