Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Alice’s Painting

Gulping the blood down his throat, Alex felt the same exhilarating taste though it was much more muted than when he drank human blood.

'It also varies, one of the people at the bar had really disgusting blood, I wonder what that could have been caused by? Maybe drugs or an overuse of alcohol?' Alex thought as she swirled the remaining blood in his wine glass and then gulped the entire thing down.

Lifting his eyes, he saw the Cullens were looking at him once more.

"Uh, what's wrong? Did I do something?" Alex asked as he looked at them confused.

"No, it's still a bit of a shock to see you drink blood is all," Jasper said as he nodded at Alex.

"Right, I guess it might still be a bit of a shocker knowing the fact that im a vampire," Alex said as he nodded.

"Aren't you shocked about us?" Alice asked as she faced Alex.

Alex shook his head and answered.

"Not really, you all smelled different, not human since the first time I saw you guys. So I wasn't really that surprised when I found out you guys were vampires" Alex said as he turned to face Alice who nodded at the answer she had been given.

"Well then, you guys can do whatever you want. How about you come with me and I show you my room, Alex?" Alice asked as she faced him.

Alex who was also looking in her direction stopped as he thought for a moment and then turned to look at the others, asking permission from Carlisle first.

"You can do whatever Alex, you're a friend of Alice, Jasper, Emmet, and Edythe. That's almost the entire family" Carlisle said as he nodded toward Alex giving his permission.

Turning around once more, Alex nodded at Alice.

"Yeah sure, it would be pretty interesting to see what your room looks like," Alex said as he and Alice got up on their feet.

Heading up the wooden stairs, the two vampires arrived at the second story pretty quickly.

The second story of the mansion was quite similar to the first one, white walls and ceilings surrounded him.

Alex could see the doors leading to each of the Cullen's rooms, they were all white with what looked like an old French palace look.

"The more I look around this place, the more beautiful it looks," Alex said as he looked at the intricately designed interiors and doors of the mansion.

"It was constructed by Jeff Kovel, a renowned architect. It's actually pretty new as it's only been a few years since we arrived back in Forks" Alice said as she headed down the hall towards the last white door.

"It sure does look modern enough to be new," Alex said as he walked alongside her.

Alice opened the last white door in the hall and together with Alex headed inside the room.

The room was purely made of shades of gray and white just like the rest of the mansion, it was quite large and had a kingsized bed in the middle and what looked like hundreds of art supplies next to it.

"You really do like painting huh?" Alex asked as he came closer to the art supplies.

"Ah, yeah I guess so," Alice said as she came closer.

"What was your last project?" Alex asked curiously as he looked around.

The room had been decorated quite a lot more than the rest of the house he saw tens of paintings all around the room.

Most of the paintings were of the forest and the wildlife however there were also some depicting what Alex assumed to be blood and some kind of massacre.

'That's quite the creepy set of paintings to have Alice' Alex thought as he stared at two of the most disturbing paintings in the room.

The left painting depicted a dying man who was bleeding out of his mouth while on his knees and holding what looked like a silver chain.

The right painting on the other hand was much more...

'Intense feels like too soft of a word, i guess Extreme would fit better in this situation' Alex thought as he stared at the oil painting.

The Painting depicted a woman eating a man's shoulder, not drinking their blood but actually eating the man's neck as she licked her fingers.

As he looked at the painting, Alex felt like he should be disgusted, that he should think Alice had gone utterly insane for painting something like that and then framing it on her wall.

'But for some damn reason, I can see its beauty, at least whatever fucked up sense of beauty my body thinks that is' Alex thought as he stared at the painting for a few more seconds and then turned towards Alice once more.

"Your paintings sure are interesting Alice," Alex said with a twitching smile.

"Thank you," Alice said as she perked up and looked at Alex with what he could only call the greatest technique of all time, puppy eyes.

'Her being able to replicate that perfectly is a crime, she should be punished by god for that. Or whatever that guy who brought me here was.' Alex thought and then asked Alice another question.

"So do you do anything besides painting while in here?" Alex asked though he really wasn't expecting how the next part of the conversation would continue.


Hey! So here's the second chapter of the day. I took a nice nap, and I actually know what I'm writing this time instead of my hands just moving on their own.

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Lots of Love

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