Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 42

Chapter 42


When word of Uzushio’s destruction reached her, she was filled with fear, apprehension, anger, rage, and, most of all, loneliness.

Yes, Lady Mito still lived, yet she was nearing the end of her life and would soon depart from the world, entrusting her burden to Kushina and leaving her all alone. She had lost family, she had lost friends, she had lost everything she had held dear on that day.

For years after that day she would wait, eyes locked onto the open skies, watching every messenger hawk, hoping that it would bear word of any survivor. Yet no such word would come and soon enough the vestiges of hope would breathe their last, dying as she resigned herself to a life without family.

And so, years would go by, she would rage, fight, study. She would befriend many people, fight with many people, meet Mikoto, Shizune, and most importantly, meet Minato.

He was the only one who would never laugh at her dreams, who would call her hair a pretty red rather than the usual tomato insult. And she would fall in love, no longer alone, yet still a hole would remain in her heart, yearning for family that may never come.

Yet it would. Tsunade-sama would come bearing the news and would tell her the news she had long lost hope of ever hearing again. Word about Uzumaki, the red devils hunted to the last child, yet lived.

Two more, a woman and a child. Hidden away by a noble and she had expected the worst acutely aware of the shifty nature of those with such power. Yet she had been assured of otherwise, assured that they were well, that her family distant though they may be were being treated well.

It had hurt her that they had not contacted her. She had wept that day, some in relief and some in pain because of that. Yet now the wait was finally over, and she sat infront of the two people she had long wished to meet.

“I had never thought I would see anyone like me again,” her words shook as the Uzumaki woman sat infront of her. Kirin was her name, and she was a bit older than her. And though her memories were shoddy, she was sure that they were cousins, distantly but still cousins.

Ans that meant Kushina was already an aunt. She was already one to Itachi, but still, it was by blood this time.

“Me too. When word of the ambush came, we were outside of the village. I tried to go back, yet by the time I reached the ports, I learned of just what had happened, of how everyone....” and the older woman halted her words, sighing in pain as Kushina’s fingers over the cup tightened in rage. Even after all these years, the rage had seldom lessened.

She felt her chakra burn with her rage, the seal on her belly torching up as the Kyubi fed of her rage.

She sighed and calmed herself down as the older woman continued.

“We were stranded. I saw men searching for us, for any redheads, and hunting them down. So, we went into the forest, I saw many of our kin killed and captured yet I evaded them, as I lived in the forest, until Karin felt ill,” she spoke weakly, and Kushina had met the little girl.

She was a mirror image of Kirin-san and was a jolly child with quite a mouth on her. She was six, of age, to enter the academy.

“She fell ill, and despite my efforts, her condition only deteriorated. And just as I was about to seek the aid of a Hidden Village for her, we were saved. And since that day, due to the magnanimity of Lord Akihito, we have never wanted for anything,” she spoke with reverence, and she did not know how to feel about that.

He was their daimyo, and he had rescued them. Yet he had kept them from her.

“Why did you not contact me?” she asked, seeing her lips thin as she looked down.

“I had seen some of the Shinobi world and feared it, feared what it would mean for Karin. She was a child, and I did not wish to force her into a life I barely understood.” And though she wished to ensure that such a thing would not have happened in Konoha, but she knew that was a lie.

Even recently, the revelations about Shimura’s operations had shocked her. It was all so damning that if it ever got out, it could shake the very foundation of the village.

“I apologize if that was wrong of me. I know how lonely you must have felt, but I had to choose what I thought was best for Karin,” she said. And Kushina waved away her apology.

“No, you do not have to apologize,” she spoke.

“I am just happy that you are alive,” she elaborated, and she was being honest.

“You mentioned something about needing my help?” Kushina asked as she put down her tea. All this ceremony was making her tiresome and restless.

“Indeed,” spoke Kirin san as she put down her cup as well.

“I know it is sudden and presumptuous of me, but Lady Tsunade-sama assured me that you were the best person to talk to about this,” the older redhead began, making her frown.

“Of our clan’s many Kekkei Genkai, I am blessed with two,” she began, surprising Kushina, as the red-headed woman slid back her sleeve.

“The Eye of the Kagura, which I have been told you share, and the special healing chakra, yet Karin is different,” and Kushina’s lips thinned as she saw the bit mark on her forearm.

“Karin, though, my little girl has been blessed even beyond that,” she spoke somewhat proudly as Kushina’s mind raced, as the dots connected.

“You cannot mean....” she gasped, and the older redhead nodded, confirming her suspicion.

“She has been blessed with all three. And her chakra reserves are greater than a regular child. Despite my wishes, she wishes to become a shinobi like Tsunade-sama, her savior,” she said with a smile as the older redhead lowered her head.

“I cannot help her beyond my limitations, and so I implore you to take her under your wing and help her tread the treacherous world I know nothing about,” the older woman’s vice shook at those words as Kushina sat there awestruck.

There was no need to think about it. She could never deny such a request.

And perhaps this would be good practice for her in preparation for the life that grew inside her womb.


MAHIROY MIYA-Mother of the Third Prince.

Mahirou Miya’s life was over. Her son was dead, and her father’s lands lay besieged, him and her brothers a captive waiting for the daimyo to decide on their fate.

It was all over, the struggle, the plotting, everything was over as she sat in court dressed in a black kimono for mourning as the new daimyo presided over his first session at Court.

Akihito Shirahoshi, the young Jito of Shinoi, sat on the throne, dressed regally as her lord husband once did, as her son was supposed to. Yet unlike before, he did not sit alone, for behind him sat the accursed Princess.

It was an archaic tradition that an Empress would sit behind the daimyo, offering him counsel if he wished so, yet none before the young ji to had ever let the Empress take such a position of power, often regaling them to the more womanly affairs.

Yet the young jito was different, for he placed his Empress behind himself, honoring her beyond that Cur ever deserved.

She grit her teeth as she saw her daughter in that place. She seethed in rage. It was all because of her. Because of that wretched girl. Had she died just like her mother, none of this would have happened.

Her son would be alive. Her father would be alive.

The prime Minister stood up, as the gong was sounded, stilling the whole hall as he spoke in a powerful voice.

“Let the session begin,” and so the young daimyo’s first court session began as many nobles came and began to extoll various gifts of their new daimyo, trying to curry favor with him. Some went bold enough to present their daughters, insulting the Empress behind them, yet there was no shift in his expressions.

Neither at the fanciest swords or dresses nor the most promiscuous of girls, his eyes didn't wander as he sat there impassively, going through the motions. Yet he was a man, and men were fickle. Already, the Daimyo had a concubine, Himiko Chiba, and she had a plan to use her.

Due to the mourning, the young daimyo could not displace her or any of the previous daimyo’s wives for a few months. And as she seethed in revenge and indignation, she promised to utilize that time to get her revenge, if not on the daimyo, then on the one who had caused all this.

That accursed Princess. She would put an end to her as she had done so for her mother, lest it be the last thing she did.

The whole farce continued for some time, and then it would end, with the whole court tense, for the new daimyo had said no word; none knew what went in his head.

“I have seen enough,” he said, his powerful and disappointed voice cutting across the room as the nobles tensed.

“Our country has just come out of a war of tough times which saw many sacrifices from our people. And while many of you would be expecting grandeur celebrations at my ascension, as have happened for many of my predecessors. I shall make it clear right now: I am not those men,” he roared, and his presence filled the room.

“I will not languish in treasures as my people starve, and I shall not let any of you do so as well. Yet I am not blind to the need for celebration,” he added a bit softly.

“So, I announce a Spring gathering in honor of my ascension and the end of the war. And with so, I announce an end to the rationing. Let us rejoice in this new era of peace and pray that it may last us our whole lives,” he announced as the lords clapped.

“But before that,” he announced sharply, and the applause cut short.

“We must deal with an immediate matter, a matter of treason,” he announced, and her heart shrunk as the gates were opened.

“Bring in the accused!”

And she watched as armed guards brought in her father and brothers.


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(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) / Drkest

Have an awesome day!

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