Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord

Yuki’s Metamorphosis

Yuki strode into her room and sat down on her bed. Her room was basic and had little in it except a few posters and some plushies. Her pod was opposite her bed. The room was small, so she couldn’t have a desk or dresser, so she mainly used some plastic bins in her closet to store her clothes.


She was moving some of her things to her mom’s room so Naomi could have a bit more space. At least until they could get a bigger house. Yuki thought back to her school this week. Her old friend and nemesis, Aria Greenwood, had turned over a new leaf and was trying to return to her good graces.


The trio of bullies ended up separating after the incident. Aria found herself alone and with no friends. Yuki felt bad for the girl. She still couldn’t bring herself to fully forgive her but watching her stumble through school as some of the other students jeered at her pulled at her heartstrings. So Yuki has been slowly spending time with Aria as she has started to shut herself off from everyone.


Yuki had just finished her homework and wanted to dive into the game for the night. Throughout the week, she had been helping the Faery Queen with attacks from the Unseelie. They continued to hound the Summer Court, intent on capturing the Faery Queen’s daughter.


Yuki used a rebirth shrine and changed herself into what is known as a High Faery. She was just as tall as the Queen with bright, beautiful blue and silver wings. Her skin had an amber and gold hue that sparkled in the sunlight. Her eyes were like two brilliant emeralds, and her hair became a platinum blonde that seemed to radiate light from her.


She found out the elves and faeries were very similar, which was no surprise considering that elves are also considered fae in many other fictions. Only, her extra part was more…hidden. Faeries could change their genitals at will, often just having nothing there until the need arose. Most faeries reproduced asexually with themselves though they could mate with other races. Faeries were strange like that.


After her rebirth, the faeries welcomed her into their fold more freely. She found she could teleport short distances as long as she could see it. She would pop into a cloud of mist and reform at her destination. Yuki also kept the skills she gained from her halfling race, allowing her to be more stealthy and agile.


Yuki had finally logged in and appeared in the room she was assigned to in the palace. Yuki walked to the central garden, where she found the Faery Queen and her daughter laughing could be heard. The garden was an exotic place of beauty. There are flowers and plants of every color everywhere. Flowers as tall as a person that dripped its nectar down its petals for all to enjoy. The garden around the palace always had that smell that would come after a good rain.


“Hello friend Lenora.” The Faery Queen said to Yuki. She then motioned her hands up at the darkening sky with several smaller glowing faeries flying around. “It is a beautiful night, is it not?”


The calm night silence was broken by a loud howl. The Faery Queen stood up quickly with terror visible on her face. Moments later, a second howl was heard. All the faeries in the garden were panicking as they promptly scrambled. A third howl washed over us, and the Faery Queen called everyone to arms.


“We are under attack. Everyone to arms, we have Cú Sidhe coming our way.” The Faery Queen bellowed.


Soon the large garden filled with Summer Court soldiers. Everyone was poised for action to erupt at any moment. Tension was thick in the air. The tree line off in the distance spewed forth an amalgamation of creatures.


Yuki recognized some of them. Brownies and Red Caps she fought previously. Floating spectral, wailing women that she knew to be Bean Sídhe. Next to follow were several armored headless figures on horses, also known as Dullahan.


Followed were creatures that stood on one leg, with one arm wielding clubs and one eye. Their singular arm and leg rippled with powerful muscle as they charged. Behind them were several large black dogs about the size of a horse with burning eyes.


Cackling could be heard from a witch in the back, surrounded by three men. She unleashed spells from her hands, slamming into the garden. The Faery Queen’s expression darkened as she saw the forces arrayed against her. Still, she soon paled once she saw a massive figure emerge from the forest. That was a large cyclops standing over the invading army, shooting a beam of light out of its eye.


“What is the leader of the Fomóire doing here?” The Queen asked in disbelief. The faeries of the Summer Court rallied their soldiers and charged. Yuki stood there in shock for a moment. Trying to process how she had logged in just before a full-on raid of the Summer Court.


Yuki quickly gathered her thoughts and jumped into the battle in a puff of mist. She drew her sword and quickly cut down one of the red caps before her. She then moved her hands in a pattern and chanted a verse. The ground erupted in vines that ensnared her enemies and dragged them into the earth.


Yuki was glad that she learned some druidic magic from the Queen. A beam of just missed her as it carved the ground and destroyed a building in the garden. Yuki stared at the large cyclops. She had heard of the Fomóire, also known as the Fomorians, a race of giant monstrous creatures.


Yuki ignored the giant. She knew she couldn’t take it on by herself. Yuki focused on whittling down the numbers of the other Unseelie so their forces could concentrate on the more significant threats. She let her full power coarse through her as she summoned a magical shillelagh and smashed it against her foes.


Yuki was surrounded by the large dogs, a Dullahan, the witch, and her entourage of men. She narrowly avoided the lunge of the black dog, which she was thankful for. The dog landed on the ground, leaving scorch marks on the ground.


Feeling she was in danger, Yuki raised her weapon and blocked an attack from the headless horseman. Fighting someone on horseback was annoying as they simply rode by and attacked only to turn around and repeat.


The witch let out a mad cackle as Yuki took a blast of energy to the chest. She had the wind knocked out of her, and her HP had decreased to less than half. However, before she could do anything, Yuki quickly found a heavy net thrown over her. Several creatures had jumped on her, quickly binding her limbs.


“We got what we needed. Tell everyone to fall back!” The witch shouted. Yuki has thrown onto the back of one of the Dullahan’s horses. Shortly she lost consciousness.




Yuki slowly awoke. Her head and chest were throbbing. Her vision was blurry as her eyes adjusted. She could hear screams and some chanting coming from somewhere around her. Her eyes finally adjusted. She could see she was in a dimly lit room. She moved her hand to rub her aching head only to find out that her limbs were bound to something.


Panic took over as she quickly surveyed her surroundings. Yuki found herself bound to some kind of altar. She could see several dead members of the Summer Court around her. Their blood had been drained, and she saw one of the men following the witch put their blood in a bowl. He handed it to the witch, who then added blood from a snake and some other items she wasn’t familiar with.


The witch placed the bowl in a magic circle and started to chant. Some form of energy began to swirl around the formation. The three men brought three female faeries into the circle. Once the chanting reached its crescendo, the faeries were quickly slain. The energy vortex suddenly condensed and then flew into the bowl, causing its contents to boil.


The witch picked up the bowl and moved slowly to Yuki. Yuki started to panic. She flailed her arms and legs, trying to free herself. The witch held the bowl to her mouth, and Yuki turned her head, desperately trying to free herself.


A strong pair of arms held her head in place while another held her mouth open. The witch poured the scalding contents into her mouth as her body jerked and flailed. She tried not to swallow any of it but failed, only sputtering some of it. She felt a scalding sensation flow through her body as she screamed and whimpered.


[Forced Rebirth Initiated.]


She found herself in a black room. Should see nothing.


[Race Change initiated. High Faery > Caorthannach]


[Merging and ordering traits]


[Fae Ancestry created]

[Misty Step > Shadow Step]

[Halfling Agility/Stealth > Shadow Realm Ancestry]

[Vampiric Ancestry added]

[Vampiric Ancestry; Fey Ancestry; Shadow Realm Ancestry > Ancestry of the Deathless One]


The notifications in front of Yuki continued like this for a moment before they disappeared. A Victorian Era mirror slowly rose from the ground before her. Yuki slowly walked to the mirror and looked into it, shocked at what she saw.


No longer did her fairy appearance look back. She had raven black hair with blood-ruby eyes. Her skin was a pale white with a slight silver-blue sheen to it. She could see she had longer canine teeth too. She had a set of horns on her head that started from the front and was sleekly curved to the back of her head. Her wings had changed to black and red, looking almost corrupted. She did feel much more powerful in this form too.


Yuki didn’t get much time to examine herself as she was abruptly pulled back to her body on the alter. She found she was no longer bound. She looked around and the witch and other creatures in the room. They all kneeled on the ground in reverence.


“I humbly welcome you…my Queen,” The witch spoke.


Lots of folklore i found for this chapter. Took me a while to process it.


Also I want to say thanks to those who support me on patreon!

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