Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord

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During my break, I adjusted my attributes as I gained a few levels, bringing me up to twenty-seven. I had even noticed several of my other skills increase in rank. Once I was done with that, several other players did come up to me to ask how I got so strong. I had told them I had a few lucky encounters as I didn’t want to divulge everything.


Several of the players were saying that the battle was uploaded to the internet. This doesn’t surprise me, as you could sneeze wrong, and a video of it would find itself on the internet. I gathered the girls and our belongings and started the trek to the city.


Seeing how Eri and Leena, the focus of the quest, were leaving, several other players shouted in alarm as they relayed the info to their guildmates or friends. The guilds were the fastest in getting everyone ready to go. I heard a few players complain about finishing the escort quest before getting the XP.


The traveling this time was much better than the last time. Monsters or animals that attacked were met with an army of bored players ready to kill anything that looked at them sideways. I probably would have been alright by myself now that I better understand my abilities.


“Hey Leena, I found I have the [Arcane Magic] skill, but what does that do exactly?” I asked Leena. I wanted to ask her earlier but thought Id save the question for when I separated myself from the noisy players.


“Hmm? Well…it determines what level spells you can learn.” Responded Leena.


“I think I can answer that for you better, Gwyn. Time for ‘Eri’s Info Dump,’” Eri spoke up from my other side.


“Don’t worry, I can take your big info dump,” I responded.


Eri gave me a strange look before placing her hand on her face and sighing loudly. “Gwyn, you need to work on your phrasing.” Eri quickly composed herself and continued on.


“The [Arcane Magic] and [Divine Magic] skills are a bit different than other skills. Normal skills go from rank E to EX. So it would look like E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, X, EX. Maxing out certain Skills can evolve them, which will change their ranking system to numbers starting at 9 and ending at 1, being the highest. Follow me so far?” Eri calmly explained.


“Yeah, so far, so good,” I answered.


“Good, Now magic and other similar skills are a bit different. They require a player to practice magic and study it to get a feel for it. Arcane and divine magic skills both start at zero. That indicates you can only use and learn introductory magic spells. The more you use and study magic, the number will increase to 1, then to 9.” Eri said but then looked a bit nervous as she looked around as if she was making sure nobody was around, then continued speaking.


“I shouldn’t tell you this, but your case is special. Those skills actually go to level 12. Magic is really limited in this world and has certain restrictions in place. Level 9 is the highest for mortals. If you can somehow find a way around this, you can gain what is called Epic Tier spells. Gods are one type of beings that have access to this tier.” Eri explained nervously.


“About sixty percent of players won’t reach anything higher than the fifth level. Those with bloodlines or patrons will have an easier time reaching level 9, but that will still take some work. Only a few players were granted bloodlines when they made their character. Also, finding a patron isn’t that easy either, so most players will go the wizard route unless they stumble upon a patron or find a way to get a bloodline.” Eri continued.


“That was a bit more information than I needed but thanks for dumping that huge load of info on me. I’ll just keep on practicing magic and learning while I do other stuff.” I responded while smirking at Eri.


“Gah! I knew it. Your phrasing was on purpose.” Eri exclaimed loudly, gathering some attention from the other players behind us.


It started to get dark in the game, which was my cue that I should be logging off soon. I also noticed that some of the other players were getting a bit tired. It was then I decided to call it a day.


“Eri, do these players have to wait for me to continue this quest?” I asked Eri.


“Normally, no. In a usual quest like this, the NPC would do their own thing. If they stopped for lunch, other players would have to stop. As for your next question, you are about to ask. Players still get XP for the quest even if they aren’t online for the quest turn-in or if they missed parts of it. Once a quest is completed, it will give out XP rewards based on contributions.” Eri answered. She even knew what I was going to ask next.


“Alright then. So how far until we get to the city?” I asked Eri.


“We would have been there already, but the goblin attack set us back. We should be there tomorrow morning.”


Satisfied with her answer, I helped Leena set up the tent so I could log out. Back in the real world again, I got out of my pod. I took a page out of Yuki’s book and threw on the only oversized T-shirt I had. I was feeling a bit lazy, so I opted to make a quick dinner; mac n cheese and chicken nuggies.


As if Yuki knew dinner was ready, she wandered to the small dining room. “Yes! It’s like you read my mind. I was in the mood for something simple like this.” Yuki exclaimed while scooping up some mac n cheese with her chicken nugget.


“Tomorrow, we are still going out to take a break from the online game. Though I have to log in for a bit to finish up a quest, I will be free afterward.” I said while eating compressed chicken bits.


“Oh yeah! Speaking of quests. I saw a video of your quest online. It was footage of the battle, but there were tons of shots with you in it. Can’t believe my mom was badass. You looked so cool flying around and shooting spells everywhere. Especially when that goblins head exploded. People online are calling you the War Maiden and the Grim Reaper.” Yuki exclaimed excitedly.


“Ah! No! That’s so embarrassing. I don’t need any nicknames.” I said while looking away in embarrassment.


“It’s fine. All top players get a nickname. There is a list online that ranks the top players. You made it into the top one hundred at…well, last place, but hey, that’s still pretty good!” Yuki said.


“It’s not like I am competing anyway. Though I admit, I did have fun cutting loose out there. It was…therapeutic. I wouldn’t mind another quest or event like that again.” I replied.


“Well, you might get it soon. I did hear that something is going to happen in Riadence, the capital city, here soon. I don’t know what, but I probably won’t make it since I am still doing quests for the fairy queen.”


Our chat was soon interrupted by a knock at our door. I was unsure of who it could be at this time. I got up from the table, went to the door, and answered it. I was a bit shocked when I saw who it was. In front of me was a sobbing Naomi. She had two large suitcases and a smaller shoulder bag.


“Naomi! Are you ok? Ah, sorry dumb question. Please come in.” I said as I opened the door wider to allow her entry. She slowly shuffled in, trying to keep her sobs quiet.


“Go sit down in the living room. I’ll make you some tea.” I said as I ushered her into the living room. Yuki saw who had entered and went to comfort Naomi as they sat on the couch.


Shortly after, I brought out some calming tea to help her nerves. “I think I may know what this is about, but if you don’t mind, could you enlighten me,” I said, taking a sip from a cup.


Naomi sat there with her cup in her hands for a moment. Moments later, she brought the shaking cup to her lips. “That is good tea. Well, it’s as you suspect. I confronted my parents about Kaito and not wanting to marry him. It went about as you’d expect. There was a lot of yelling and cursing. My mother slapped me, and I was instantly disinherited. I had just enough time to grab a few belongings.”


Naomi took another sip from her cup and continued. “I did manage to get some of my more important things into storage. I am also glad I took your advice about withdrawing my money because my bank account was frozen shortly after. I guess that’s one of my ex-father’s perks as one of the bank’s board members. I am sorry to show up like this, I didn’t have anywhere else to go, and I didn’t know what to do.”


“It’s fine. You can stay here until you find somewhere to go.” I said. I wasn’t heartless enough to just toss her out.


“I also lost my job. My fath…ex-father, pulled some strings and got me fired. I tried calling my sisters, but none of them responded. Makes me wonder if they sided with him.”


I got up, walked over to Naomi, and hugged her. It seemed to calm her down as she stilled her shaking body slightly.


“It’s ok. We will figure things out. There is a lot we need to catch up on. I was going out with Yuki tomorrow, possibly with Alex as well. You are welcome to join us if it helps you get over this faster.” I said while rubbing her back.


“Thank you. I think I would like that.” Naomi said, sighing into my shoulder.


Wanted this out a bit earlier, but hey I made my Thursday goal at least.

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