Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 51 Offers

Chapter 51 Offers

After passing the challenging A rank scores, Alan's game link notified him of his rewards: 1000 XP and 1000 survival points. With a sense of accomplishment, he observed the numbers on his interface and noticed that he had also leveled up.

[Level 13: 10260/11000]

Each gain brought him closer to his overarching plan, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction.

Before he could fully revel in his success, Alan casually approached the still-shocked Crimson Gunner, Merle Rooker, who seemed to be grappling with mixed emotions. Half impressed and half infuriated by what Alan had achieved, the veteran redneck couldn't quite process the turn of events.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, your score is still amazing," Alan said.

However, the atmosphere changed when one of Merle's companions shouted.

"That man must be cheating! Brother!"

"Yes Uncle Merle, let's just kick his ass until he shows his trick!"

In response to the uproar, Merle shouted, "SHUT IT! Quiet, yabbing fools!" He tried to regain control of the situation and put an end to the accusations.

The Crimson Gunner took a deep breath before glaring at Alan and saying, "A bet is a bet! One round! I will follow you for one round! But I will not risk my life for you!"

"Understood, I will brief you on what to do before the game starts." He further assured Merle that if he fulfilled his end of the bargain, Alan would return his precious rifle to him.

However, the irritation still lingered in Merle's demeanor as he called upon his group and left to cool down with a drink in the nearest pub.

While Alan waited for the results of the other participants, a familiar figure approached him. It was an African American man clad in a military uniform, exuding a steady and confident aura.

Alan recognized him immediately; it was none other than Sergeant Dylan O'Connor, his best friend from before his regression.

"You are the one called Alan?" The man's voice was firm yet friendly as he introduced himself and his rank.

Alan was taken aback by the sudden appearance of his old friend. The last time he saw Dylan was during the harrowing events that led to his regression—being torn apart by a massive bug. Seeing his once-missing-in-action comrade alive and strong in front of him, Alan couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Anything I can help you with Sergent?" Alan asked

The Sergeant came with a purpose—one that Alan had anticipated. He was there to recruit him to fill one of the 200 empty spots within the military battalion. He believed that someone with Alan's exceptional abilities would be a valuable addition to their rank. Dylan expressed his optimism, emphasizing that joining the military could increase their chances of survival and possibly bring an end to the brutal game they were trapped in.

Alan's smile persisted as he fondly remembered Dylan's unwavering optimism. Behind the Sergeant's rigid and composed demeanor, he was always striving to remain positive and focused on the best possible outcomes.

"What do you think?"

"Thank you for the offer, Sergent. I really appreciate it," Alan replied sincerely. "I will have to think about it."

The truth was that Alan had already considered the possibility of joining the military. With his exceptional skills and knowledge of the game world, he knew he could be a significant asset to the squad. However, there were other factors to consider—the responsibilities, risks, and potential conflicts with his personal plans.

Seeing that Alan was gazing towards the area where the close combat mission took place, Sergeant Dylan spoke up, "Are you planning to try the close combat mission as well?"

"Yes, Sergeant, I will give it a try," Alan replied confidently.

"That's great. I'll keep my eye on you then" Dylan said, nodding in approval.

The Sergeant reminded him about a reward prepared by the US Military for reaching a high rank in the mission and told him to drop by the commander's center and find him after.

With Alan's extraordinary test result, he had managed to put himself on the radar not only of the New York players but also of the US military. The challenge against the Crimson Gunner had garnered enough attention, leading to a successful debut in the training ground. While Alan never sought the spotlight, he understood the importance of using this opportunity to gain as much attention as possible. Popularity could greatly benefit him in achieving his plan, though joining the military wasn't really part of his plan right now.

Soon enough, Alan's four companions arrived after finishing their obstacle test results, and it was evident from their expressions that they didn't achieve the desired total scores:

[Milo - 740 scores] [Daniel - 650 scores] [Luis - 700 scores] [Vicky - 780 scores]

None of them managed to even reach C rank scores, and this left them feeling a bit embarrassed when comparing their results to Alan's impressive performance. However, Alan was quick to reassure them, saying, "Don't worry, you still have time to try again."

Vicky, always brimming with excitement, expressed her determination to retry with a handgun next, and the others also showed enthusiasm to give the mission another shot.

While Alan didn't openly express it, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment with their results. Such thoughts gave him more reasons to contemplate whether joining the military was the right decision. However, he knew that his companions had potential, and he wanted to see more of them in action before making any conclusions.

For now, Alan decided to hold off on any major decisions and focus on his next plan.

"Alright, who wants to join me for the close combat test?" he asked, extending an invitation to the group.

Milo, the boxer, was quick to accept, and soon enough, everyone else wanted to give the challenge a try. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and determination as they prepared for the close combat missions.

x x

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