Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 59: Foundation

After turning away from the astonished Remedios, I turned to the masses again. Their faces were full of shock and admiration. "Secure the surroundings. Although the demon is slain, there is more to do for me before the demonic aura dissipates from the corpse. I can't be disturbed in the meantime." The paladins looked like they were about to swear their fealty. I wouldn't even be surprised if they would dedicate their life to me from this moment forward. Not wanting to slack, they stood ramrod straight as they saluted to me. It was almost disturbing to see their gazes, especially the desire to touch me in their eyes.

If they were all women, it would only be weird, but now most of the people who were surrounding me were sweaty men who had fought for an entire day and were covered in blood and dirt. Fortunately, I had restrained my aura, otherwise, I feared they would have a sense overload and be unable to restrain themselves.

"Yes, my Lord!" Neia was the first to shout and the rest followed suit. Devoted shouts sounded out and they quickly ran out to the periphery. With the attitude they were going on about it, they wouldn't allow even the tiniest creature to breach their defense. 

"Not you," I said as I saw Remedios stand up, making her freeze in motion. She wanted to join and lead the others, but I couldn't allow that. Some of her paladins sent her some worried or conflicted looks. She wasn't subtle with her looks of hostility, after all. "Gustav, organize them to create a defense line around this clearing." Obviously, I didn't truly rely on them as I had my maids and Fubuki to secure the surroundings in case anything happened. 

In fact, even Albedo oversaw the situation through a mirror in case something happened. I hadn't called upon her directly since I didn't want anyone to know that she had been called here. There were some excuses I could come up with in case her intervention was needed, but there was no need to make more waves than necessary. I didn't want Demiurge to come in and ask why Albedo was needed for something routine like this.

Gustav saluted and quickly followed my command. Officially, I shouldn't have any right to command them, but who among the devoted would disobey a direct order from the divine? Most soldiers of the army weren't as coordinated, but they quickly followed the lead of the much more organized Paladin Order.

"Stand up and follow me," I said to Remedios, making her stand up and follow me to the corpse silently with her head bowed. I hadn't spoken quietly, so Gustav, some paladins, and some soldiers were able to hear and see her follow my order. Although I didn't fear that anyone would disobey me as were in a Kingdom with a reign that was tightly interwoven with its religion, showing that even the higher-ups of their country bowed their heads would certainly solidify that view.

The news of the current events would spread throughout the country and even beyond the borders, but that was what I wanted. There shouldn't be many who could contend against me and to truly kill me would require the remaining top forces to unite. The greatest threats were the World Items, but with a divine domain created through chaos magic and souls, I could protect myself against anything.

Still, I wanted to build up a good image in the world. The literal angel would be the only other force in the world that could save them in case the future Sorcerer King went rogue.

The only thing left to do was wait and see the attitude of the surrounding countries. I was sure that most would send emissaries to speak to me in the near future, but I won't meet them for now and have Calca deal with them instead. 

I would disappear from the public for now and appear at 'critical' moments when my devil rival strikes. Operation Gehenna would start soon and I was there to save the capital, but that was for the future, right now I had more important things to focus on. 

I glanced at Remedios. "Just stay at a 5-meter distance and don't let anyone get close to me until I tell you to. Do you understand?" 

She instantly bowed to me and shouted affirmatively, "Yes, my Lord!" I continued to stare at her submissive form, causing her body to tremble. She even started to sweat nervously as I held the stare for a couple of seconds. I proceeded to magically draw a line around the corpse that was perfectly 5 meters away.

"Just don't step over this line. It's best if you remain an additional meter away. That's something you can do, right?" She remained in her bowing position.

"Yes, my Lord. I won't mess this up. I'll swear it on my life." There was a determination in her voice to rid her of the shame of having messed up the plans of her sister, the queen, and a literal divine.

"Alright, since you are the strongest one around here, if someone breaches the first line of defense. You will be the only one that can handle any attackers at that point." After saying that I ignored her oath to do her best and walked towards the corpse. Perhaps, I was a bit harsh on her because another version of her was a bitch. She hadn't done anything yet. Of course, it wasn't just about her actions. It was her attitude that had pissed me off when reading.

Obviously, everything was from an opposing view, and even though I had forgotten most of her mishaps, my dislike for her stayed. Obviously, I wasn't a monster and after messing with her a bit, I would just let it be. She wasn't truly at fault after all. The circumstances in the original timeline were messed up and the current circumstances were orchestrated for her to be in this mess.

I shook my head, not interested in thinking about something this insignificant. My attention turned to the corpse. In reality, it was just a prop. Oh, the demon was truly dead, but the corpse was obviously meaningless. It was sacrificed to create the current circumstances that were perfect to disguise the usage of my next item. The outside world would think I was doing something to prophesize or locate the demon, causing my subsequent disappearance, while Nazarick thought I was putting up a show to deceive the world.

I reached into my inventory and pulled out an item. Originally, players activating this could gain the ability to recognize fallen angels in a specific environment for a short period. It was a quest item for an expansion pack. Instead of using it, Hermorah thought it was more fitting for me to have it. Fortunately, he was more of a role player than a completionist.

The item itself was already dazzling. A celestial gemstone, shimmering with a myriad of hues, contained within an ornate silver sphere. I opened up the item's description.

Celestial Radiance. (Core)

Forged eons ago by the very fabric of creation itself, the Celestial Radiance predates even the existence of angels. Legends spoke of its creation during the time the Primal Celestials came to be, celestial beings that existed in the primordial void long before the dawn of existence.

The Celestial Radiance embodies the pure essence of what the heavens were built upon. The angels instinctively guarded it with all their might as it opened an esoteric path to understand existence's inner workings. From the beginning of time, the Archangels used it to strengthen themselves, to enlighten themselves, and to illuminate the celestial pathways, allowing even mortals to glimpse at the divine spectrum for a short period until they die or convert into angels.

When activated, the artifact reveals the divine spectrum, a celestial display that unlocks latent potentials within individuals. Bestowing even the most inept individuals with a unique attribute that aligns with their spiritual journey toward enlightenment. It was the foundation on which the heavens were built and sustained themselves since time immemorial.

Dormant as if waiting for an angel that was worthy of using it. The only time it had stirred was during the birth of a particular angel, Azazel, who was outcast by the world tree Yggdrasil due to the immense potential of said angel. The Celestial Radiance subsequently split into ordinary essence and a single core indistinguishable from the rest it created before it twisted fate to come into the angel's possession.

Once consumed the core unlocks the angel's hidden ability to create even the highest order of angels with just enough energy.

To fill the void of the angel's missing core and transcend him to the height he was meant to be. A core to withstand all of existences and all eternities. For the human soul in the angel's body is the one and only to be blessed by the Celestial Radiance. Not to be the son of heaven or heaven's favored one, but to surpass all there was.

My heart quickened as I once again read the description of the item I had so carefully prepared. Every time I used an item I would once again read it to make sure, it wouldn't contradict something I knew by now. My eyes wandered to the braces in the title 'Core', this wasn't something I had changed. It wasn't something I could change.

Although the devs allowed one to change the backstory to cater to the vast role-playing portion of the player base, the title wasn't modifiable as it might be used to hide certain items. The titles would stay the same to avoid scams from happening, so I was damn sure I hadn't changed the title because there was no way for me to.

However, that wasn't all. The last paragraph wasn't something I had changed either. 'To fill the void of the angel's missing core...' I read it again and again, a chill ran down my spine and I couldn't but clench my jaw. Despite everything that had happened, this little detail somehow made me realize what I was dealing with. What I was becoming, how I changed the universe on a scale that was inconceivable.

It was weird to be stuck on something like this in comparison to what I have already experienced. I took a deep shaky breath as I thought it through. My hand clenched around the sphere as it started to tremble. The changes didn't seem to be problematic to me as for everything else, I was already far too deep...

Without hesitating any further, I activated it with a chant that seemed to enforce something into existence. The sphere levitated into the air, releasing a pulse of radiant energy that ascended toward the heavens like a pillar of light. At this moment, the somewhat cloudy sky cleared dramatically, revealing a kaleidoscope of vivid and ever-shifting colors and patterns, weaving through the light of the stars.

It was truly a sight to be seen and also the reason I hadn't used it until now. It could only be activated under a clear sky. After absorbing all the knowledge and power I already had some methods to conceal the effects, though I wasn't sure whether it would affect its functions since in the game it always caused some stars to brighten. Despite my insights into the arcane, I couldn't see through it from its inactive form. Now, I could see clearer and I felt the lore I had written taking effect.

My mind churned with a thousand impressions. It was like I was seeing the birth and death of the entire existence in my mind. Galaxies dying, and universes growing quiet as the last black hole joined entropy. An all-encompassing Nothing spread throughout existence only for something to stir again. The order through entropy stirred into a chaotic mess again to start reality anew and fill the Emptiness with Everything.

My mind wandered to the Chaos Crystal I had absorbed, a singularity of chaotic energy seemed to birth again through the ministration of the Celestial Radiance. It filled my body with heat like a Big Bang had erupted in my heart. Da'at, the Emanation of Emptiness, a realm I was stuck in for quite some time now was immediately broken through.

Tifiret, the Emanation of Beauty, was next. A beautiful song, a chorus of a multitude filled with a dream of many dreamers. It tempered the power of the rest of the Emanations. Each aspect a domineering force that made up reality snapped into place and formed a perfect balance, a harmony without extremes or absolutes. 

A tree came to be, forming the trunk from a little seed through the energy, insights, and experience of these aspects. No more were they abstract concepts, now I could see it. A seed bursting into roots through my body, resembling my veins. Some roots were thicker than others, but all contributed to the life of the tree as it spread through the darkness inside my consciousness.

Slowly, a golden glowing trunk with wisps of infinity between its roots appeared. I was the one watering and nurturing this budding sapling with my knowledge and experience, with my energy and time. When I closed my eyes, I could see the potential of life. Birds flying through the air, fish swimming in the river, plants thriving even between stones while a tree supported everything. A towering tree that encompassed all there was and all there will be, shimmering upon all life like the light of a radiant sun, the core of this existence. 

The Celestial Radiance turned into the center of my tree, giving this multitude of complexity the opportunity to flourish in mere seconds. A sun, a golden orb, a glowing center of the tree, and the midpoint between all of its aspects. Energy from each Emanation ran through it as it balanced all. 

Even with my armor which offered a daily output of the energy I could produce in a lifetime, it would have taken me hundreds of years to create a comparable center. Now, I had skipped the time of accumulation. The tree grew and emitted a light of life and might that was incomparable to anything I had witnessed. It was only when the tree reached a couple of hundred meters did its growth slowed down.

The tree was still growing, but it seemed to be missing something. A look at it made it obvious what it was missing. Despite its towering size, it was still just a trunk with roots, the other aspects of the tree were missing, but not for long. I was on the cusp of entering the next stage of growth.

Although it might have sounded like the growth didn't compare to the other items I had used since I had only crossed one realm, there was more to it than just the number of Emanations I mastered. A single Emanation could bring an Archangel all the way to level 120. Until now I advanced after gaining 3 levels each time.

My gaze landed on the tree inside my being. This size wasn't something that could be achieved with just 3 levels of advancing to a new Emanation. With the addition of the peak in Tifiret, I should have been level 118, but the other Emanations advanced another 2 levels. Instead of level 118, I reached level 127.

If I met the me before I could slap myself to death. One had to know that the other Archangels were said to be the highest difficulty among world enemies. Even though I wouldn't claim to beat them all if I were attacked by the Ten Archangels of the Sephira, I wouldn't be afraid either. I grew excited at the notion that I was more powerful than entire guilds combined. Even if Nazarick decided to kill me, I had confidence I could come out unscathed. 

The divine energy from my armor was flowing through Tifiret to be distributed throughout the tree. Compared to the tree's need for energy, it was barely a drop, but even a single drop of water would eventually cause the tree to bloom.

Obviously there was more, I could create angels, even Archangels if I wanted to without needing bodies or devotees. However, the energy needed was too much to be worth it. I thought with my armor and a daily stream of a lifetime's worth of energy, I would have an army soon, but the creation of life needed so much more energy than just to sustain it. After spectating it for a moment longer and seeing no issues with it, I opened my eyes again.

The stars were again hidden by the canvas of the sky. I glanced around and found that the army and paladin order were cleaning up the imps and small demons that I had ordered to 'disrupt' me. The humans were still diligently working to secure the surroundings, eager to defend me. Fubuki and my maids were here as well as my 'hidden trump card'.

"Good. Seems like this ancient artifact didn't fail me." I just said before retracting my wings again as the sphere shattered without its content. Remedios didn't dare to look me in the eyes, but I knew she had heard me as had the paladin order not too far away. They were driven closer to me by the demons and were already in earshot. Still, I said it loud enough with an almost booming ethereal voice that probably everyone heard in the surrounding hundreds of meters.

It wasn't even something I intended but I was currently buzzing with energy, barely containing it within. I only glanced at Remedios before walking away. I had no interest in playing with her for now. With a few words, I informed my maids and Fubuki that everything was fine and they could rest at ease.

There was another item I initially wanted to use, but this had already taken too long. I glanced at the setting sun. Perhaps, everyone on this continent had witnessed this phenomena and anyone that still dared to come to me with ulterior motives would have a trump card to rely on. However, even if they carried World Items, I wouldn't care anymore.

The foundation of my very own World Tree was already set and from it, I gained some intrinsic knowledge about what was possible and what wouldn't be. World Items born from the leaves of Yggdrasil could only affect those that could succumb to its laws or were under its restrictions. Any being that was on the same level or beyond it was outside of its realm of influence. 

Of course, Yggdrasil wouldn't allow anything that was beyond its influence, which was why they were called World Enemies. They were fundamental enemies of the world tree. 

They were the ones who would remain unchanged even if reality wanted to warp them. This change in status was effective the moment a being broke one of its restrictions and officially entered the realm of World Enemies. It was the first shackle I had broken when I advanced to level 101.

Since the very first few days, I was already beyond World Items and their effects. It was rather comical to think that the limitations purely came from the fact that they were World Items and therefore had restricted influence due to the inherent limitation they came with.

My body and mind relaxed significantly when I thought about the fact that I was absolutely invincible to anything this world could throw against me.

Truly, this world couldn't threaten me anymore.


Antilene Heran Fouche heard a door open and looked up from the cube in her hands as the Captain walked out of the door. She noted the contemplating look on his face and could guess what his thoughts were about.

The captain wasn't surprised to see her leaning against the wall opposite the door, it was like he expected her to be there. She picked up her war scythe as she pushed herself from the wall.

"What happened? The Cardinals showed up again."

"I presume you didn't read the copy of the report again?" She snorted as she heard his question. Although she was curious, especially after the encounter the Black Scripture had a few weeks ago in that forest, she couldn't be bothered to read it herself. He would tell her regardless.

"Did you lose another artifact? I thought you weren't mobilized since the debacle of the last time." He was quite composed and only smiled wryly at her remark. It was probably the second greatest shame since starting in the Black Scripture. The first being defeated by her and forced to wash his face with horse piss. Her lips curled up at the thought. "Or is it about the sky changing for a short period?" She inquired, thinking about the whispers from the servants about some divine phenomena.

He nodded at her question. "There are rumors about a true angel appearing in the Holy Kingdom."

"If an 'angel' caused such a commotion then they must be quite powerful." Her eyes seemingly held some yearning, though it looked like the captain didn't want her to think in that direction.

"It had been a couple of days and the angel wasn't seen anymore. It looks like he has already left the Kingdom to hunt a demon. Until now there had been no news about his reappearance. We are prepared to send some emissaries to inquire about him from the queen anyway." He revealed, causing her to release a disappointed sigh.

"So that demon he hunts. Is it the same one that had stolen that dress?"

"That's our current hypothesis."

It wouldn't be simple to meet such a powerful being just because they wanted to and with them hunting each other, she doubted that they would easily reveal their location. Even the queen was unlikely to reveal something even if she knew about the angel's plans.

However, even if he didn't appear anymore, he had already caused quite a stir. After all, there was a reason why all the magic users of the Sunlight Scripture learned how to summon angels.

Now hearing of an angel's appearance it was obvious that the followers of the God of Life would cling to this news. She could already imagine the unrest it would cause in the other Scriptures. A civil war wasn't unlikely.

She glanced to the side as she heard someone hurrying toward them. It was the new captain of the Sunlight Scripture. Although he wasn't as powerful as their previous leader, he was the best they currently had and they couldn't afford to be too picky after being nearly wiped out.

The upcoming times would be quite interesting.


Draudillon Oriculus pinched her nose bridge in annoyance after having sent out that adventurer lolicon. With a sigh, she released her transformation, returning to her natural appearance. Her previous loose dress was now completely filled and stretched, unable to be hidden underneath the cloth.

She wanted to go back to have a drink to ease the stress she had been under but was stopped when someone burst into the throne hall. She frowned for a moment as she looked at her prime minister, who didn't even knock before entering.

He seemed to quickly realize his mistake and bowed with an apology. She waved her hand, urging him to give her the news that had rattled him this much.

"An angel appeared in the Holy Kingdom!" The first sentence stunned her for a moment. 

"An angel?" She asked for confirmation, not knowing the relevance of this news. There were many who could summon angels to help them in battle.

It was like he could read her mind, "It's not a summon. It's a true angel." He hurriedly explained. "It's said that he was responsible for the change in the sky. They also said that he has some relation with the higher-ups of the kingdom and helped them resolve a rebellion that was started by the demon he is hunting."

"You mean..." Her mind turned the information over again in her head. She already knew why the prime minister had immediately sought her, so she too directly made up her mind. There was no disadvantage to sending someone to ask for aid. If this angel decided to help her then they might be able to turn around this war. An angel wouldn't dismiss a plea for help, right?

"Gather a group. We need-"

"Already have, they are just awaiting your order."

"Who did you pick..."


The surrounding countries were all stirred by the phenomena and the subsequent stories of the angel.

However, unbeknownst to all, a dot of light appeared on the top of a mountain. It emitted a blinding light that turned the surroundings in a certain range into daytime. As quickly as the light appeared as quickly did it vanish again. However, a dot remained suspended in the air. If one could see through an impenetrable singularity of insanity-inducing wonders then one could see a towering tree behind it.

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