Parker Luck

Chapter 45: Bright Future

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* High above New York city, the year 2044, a high speed chase was underway.

Two armoured figures raced through the sky, one astride a hovering platform and clad in purple and green and the other in a purple suit of high tech armour and propelled by rockets. "More power to thrusters!" A female voice came from the armoured figure. As she gave the command the legs of the suit fused together, morphing into a single larger rocket which provided her with the boost she needed. "You're not getting away this time Kang." She shouted to her target who turned around and scowled, "Iron Woman, you continue to be a thorn in my side." He snarled.

His distain was met by Iron Woman firing repulsor beams from her gauntlets' palms. Kang dodged the first blasts and then, waving his hand, a forcefield appeared around him which the next beams hit harmlessly. Undeterred, the heroine increased the blasts' intensity but they were still incapable of breaking the shields. The conqueror was growing irritated with Iron Woman's persistence and small portal appeared from nowhere which Kang withdrew a high tech blaster to fire at the woman who had to cease her assault to evade. This provided Kang with the opportunity he needed and another portal opened up, this time much larger. "No!" The heroine cried out but was too late to stop the conqueror from vanishing somewhere in spacetime.

She remained hovering there for a while before going back to HQ to plan her next move. A few minutes later Avengers Tower greeted her, Stark Industries having reacquired it as an additional base for the expanded team. Once she'd landed the heroine's armour flowed off, retracting into a small device on her chest to reveal a young woman who shook her brown hair loose. 

Lost Katherine Langford Avengers: Endgame scene surfaces on Disney Plus - Polygon

Although she was now a grown woman and had been part of the Avengers for a while now, Morgan couldn't help but give a stupid grin every time she entered the base of Earth's Mightiest heroes. The roster had changed since she was a girl but there were still some familiar faces amongst them. One of them was her mother, "Hi sweetie. Nice to see you but what're you doing here? I thought you were taking some time off." Pepper had spent a while on the team as Rescue before retiring to let Morgan take her place but still visited them regularly.

"I was but then Kang showed up, I tried to catch him but he got away." The younger Stark explained, "I was hoping to use the tower's computers to see if I could track him." She then paused as a thought occurred to her, "Is uh, Peter here?" She asked, aiming for casual, missing. For pretty much as long as she could remember she'd had a massive crush on the webslinger which had intensified as they'd aged. She knew all about his luck with the ladies which made her a little jealous but also made her want him more. She did grudgingly admit that he'd likely never see her as anything other than a little sister but she could still hope.

Pepper suppressed a smile at her daughter's poorly hidden interest. She couldn't exactly blame her, Peter had grown into a fine man. "No he's off-world at the minute, helping Carol and the Skrull queen negotiate peace between them and the Kree." She said, by which she meant that he was most likely screwing both their brains out.

Morgan tried not to show her disappointment and walked off to the tower's computer. "Computer, analyse incoming data transmission." The brunette instructed before materialising her helmet and speaking to her suit's AI, "H.A.P.P.Y, link with Avengers mainframe and transfer all data from the last encounter with Kang and bring up any pre-existing data we have on him." Soon a slew of information was presented going back to the first record of him by Hope and the Langs but, despite their previous run ins with the time-traveller, the Avengers knew very little about him. Stark poured through the records with hours passing with little to show for it and she was starting to think it had all been a waste of time until she noticed that every time Kang had appeared there'd been a surge of quantum energy which she realised came from his time travelling tech.

Now with a lead, Iron Woman called up an old friend. Bruce Banner appeared on screen and Morgan greeted him warmly before quickly getting to business, "Do you guys still have the quantum tech from the time heist?" She asked, "It's in storage somewhere, why?" The aged Hulk asked. "I think I can modify it and repurpose it to track Kang if he shows up again." Morgan explained.

As soon as she'd been given the go ahead, she armoured up and flew to the Avengers compound.

After much tinkering and some not-so-legal accessing of Stark Industries' satellites, the quantum energy trackers were up and running.

Weeks passed with nothing to show for it when suddenly they got a ping, conveniently in New York. Morgan didn't care about why he'd returned and Iron Woman flew off to confront him.

This time she caught Kang by surprise, tackling him in mid air and sending them crashing down. Like before, Kang pulled a blaster from a portal but Morgan was ready and blocked his shots with a shield before changing to a blade and slicing through it. "I don't have time for this." Once again Kang prepared to time travel but Iron Woman wasn't about to let that happen. "Not this time!" She fired a blast which struck Kang full on, causing his suit to spark and the portal he'd opened flicker and distort. "Stupid girl; you've damaged my device, who knows where it'll send us." Kang shouted as the portal enveloped them.

Morgan felt like she was in a blender as she was hurtled along at unnatural speed and she did her best not to vomit but suddenly there was light at the end of the tunnel. The next thing she knew she was plummeting and barely engaged her thrusters in time. "Urgh. Where, when, are we H.A.P.P.Y?" She asked her AI. "It appears to be New York City but approximately twenty years in the past." The synthesised voice replied. "Any way of getting back?" Her question elicited the verbal equivalent of a shrug, "Great now what?" She wondered. After some thinking she had an idea, it was a longshot but it might pay off, "Maybe the team can help." Morgan muttered as she tuned into the Avengers frequency, "Hello? Any Avengers in the area? I need help." She sent the call out but was met with silence so kept trying.

"Who is this?" A youthful sounding voice suddenly answered, "How'd you get this frequency?" Stark didn't get chance to answer as the voice spoke over her, "Stay where you are I'm coming to you." The brunette did as she was told and landed on a nearby rooftop to look out for whoever was coming.

"No way." The figure was approaching by swinging and was wearing a familiar red and black suit. "Peter."

"Who are you and how did you get that armour?" Spidey understandably had questions and was wary of the newcomer, Iron Man tech in the wrong hands could be very dangerous and they were also able to access Avenger communications. "Firstly I made this armour." Morgan said defensively, "Who I am is... complicated." She dissolved her armour to show herself, "I'm Morgan Stark but I'm from the future."

Parker was inclined to believe her but couldn't take the chance. "K.A.R.E.N can you do a DNA scan?" He asked and a few minutes later the results came, "Her DNA's a match, she is who she says she is." That rose further questions, "How?" Being primary amongst them so Iron Woman explained what had happened. Peter groaned when he heard the words 'time travel', having bad memories of almost being stranded in the '40's.

Although he wasn't exactly the Peter she knew, Morgan was still enamoured with his teenage self and fought not to blush around him. Peter's feelings were more complicated as on the one hand he knew Morgan as a little girl who was at odds with the attractive woman who'd agreed to accompany him back to the compound.

After much questioning and explaining the team eventually agreed to let her stay at the compound until they could find a way to send her back to the future.

"So I know you can't say too much, changing the timeline and all, but is there anything you can tell me about the future?" Spidey's curiosity drove him to inquire as the two sat in the lounge later on. Morgan gave a small laugh "You're still alive if that's what you're wondering." That was admittedly a relief for the teen. "Well the Avengers are still around, flying cars are a thing, oh and Bruce looks like this now. Check it out." She projected an image of Hulk from her gauntlet, white haired, bearded and with a bald crown. "He calls himself The Maestro now." The brunettes laughed.

A devious idea suddenly came to the heroine and she shot a sly glance around. "You're still popular with women." She paused for a beat to build her courage, "In fact we're lovers too." Her heart raced as she said it, hoping he'd believe her. "We are?" The teen hero seemed to buy it so Morgan kept pushing, "I saved myself for you." That was true as she'd desperately wanted her first time to be with Peter. Spidey's previous experiences left him open to believe pretty much anything when it came to women. "When did it happen?" He figured he might as well know the details. Stark hadn't expected this and had to think of something on the fly, "It wasn't long after my eighteenth, a late present." She rambled, "We did it in the compound."

Morgan continued to narrate their alleged time together and noticed a bulge in the teen's pants. "You know, we could always do it early." She said, poorly hiding how much she wanted to. Never one to resist such an offer, Peter agreed and seconds later Morgan's lips attached to his and they quickly transitioned to a bedroom.

Morgan eagerly removed her clothing and helped Peter with his, taking the chance to admire his body with her eyes and her hands. Peter was impressed too, Stark had an excellent figure with creamy skin that practically begged to be touched. His hands grasped her pert breasts to tenderly knead the skin and the hardening nubs tipping them. A thrill went through Morgan as she grasped Peter's length, she was really doing it with him. Parker was forced to remove his hands when the heroine, wanting to get going, dropped to her knees and began worshipping his cock with her hands and tongue. Her fingers caressed the meat, stroking along, whilst her tongue rubbed against the swollen head. The taste was better than she could've imagined and she wanted more. In a matter of seconds her tongue had licked over every inch of Spider-Man's throbbing hardness and it dripped with drool.

Her tongue slithered along, spiralling from head to base, licking slow then fast again all the while she was anticipating what was coming next. Licking her lips, she parted them, closing them around the pink tip in front of them. It tasted even better further in her mouth and she sank forward slightly. Although she'd never had sex, she had practiced with toys and watched a lot of porn in preparation and was able to take the first few inches easily enough. She moaned in delight which made Peter moan in turn as the vibrations made his cock vibrate and both got louder as the brunette woman went further. With more than half of Peter's rod in her mouth Morgan hungrily worked at it, twisting her head from side to side and bobbing it back and forth, savouring the taste of it as she sucked. Feeling a warm wet mouth around his member made the hero moan and he ran his fingers through Stark's hair encouragingly. Taking the encouragement, the mouth worked harder, practically devouring his hardness and lapping up the drops of pre leaking from it. Iron Woman sucked Spidey off with all she'd got, adamant to savour it as much as she could.

Practice had paid off and she was taking his length surprisingly easily so she felt she could do more and upped her efforts, bobbing faster and working her tongue harder. Fluids dripped from the slick member, allowing the brunette to move more smoothly and take a little more in. With a pop, the lips were suddenly removed. Morgan stared for a minute as she prepared to go again and planted a quick kiss on the head before putting her mouth back.

This time Morgan didn't stop and pushed forward to swallow Peter's member to the base. Pride at her achievement rushed through her as she took it all and Spidey's moans were music to her ears. It was difficult at first but her determination saw her through. Not long after she'd engulfed his cock her head began to move again. She gagged a few times but adjusted and was soon deepthroating him with ease, mouth plunging from top to bottom smoothly. Precum leaked readily at Morgan's attentions all of which was lapped up by her tongue or smeared over the length. Lips pursed tight, Morgan gave it all she'd got, grunting each time the member hit the back of her throat as she twisted and bobbed her head.

Stark's enthusiasm outweighed her talent but Peter wasn't complaining, simply enjoying the familiarity of a beautiful woman giving him a blowjob. Of course that was leading to the equally familiar feeling of his load building up. Morgan was blissfully unaware of Peter's state and continued swallowing his meat, loving every second of doing so.

The musky taste of Parker's dick was suddenly accompanied by a warm saltiness. Peter grunted a split second before he came. White strands dripped from the heroine's mouth as she pulled away, coughing and spluttering. She was given a moment to recover before it was her turn and they swapped places on the floor and bed. Now kneeling, Peter immediately got started and shot out his tongue, attaching it to the young woman's eager hole. "Oh god!" Iron Woman cried out as an electric tingle ran from her pussy through her whole body as the webslinger began licking. Her wines increased in volume when he slithered the muscle into her wetness.

Soon the virgin pussy was dripping with juices as pleasure made it tingle. Peter was gentle at first, tracing over her folds and teasing her walls. The fleshy muscle wriggled all over the wetness which was getting wetter by the second under the efforts. A tongue felt a million times better than anything she'd had before. Copying Peter, her hands pressed on his head which pushed the tongue in deeper. Short sharp flicks of his tongue were interspersed with forward thrusts which struck her core and made the pleasure surge. The stiffened tongue jabbed deep inside her before going loose and swirling around. Morgan was in heaven as she was eaten out and had never felt so good in her life as Peter tended to her. The throaty moans coming from Stark grew louder as Peter continued dedicatedly slurping at her tingling pussy. Making sure to lick everything, the teen pressed his face closer to the warm hole and writhed his tongue first fast then slow and back again and all the while juices spilled over it.

The flow increased the more Peter lapped and the moans grew louder as Morgan approached her climax. Peter kept at it, burying his tongue as far as it could go, wriggling it around and withdrawing it. His tongue worked hard and his efforts were paying off as Stark got closer and closer. "Peter!" She finally cried as her juices sprayed out. Iron Woman was a squirter and the hot fluid splattered over Parker's face and into his mouth.

As she recovered Morgan played with herself a bit as well as toying with Peter's member which was rapidly hardening, much to her pleasure.

Stark signalled her readiness by hooking her legs over her arms and spreading her pussy with her fingers. "I'm ready Peter, fuck me." She tried to project confidence despite her heart racing as her dream was about to come true. The young hero slowly guided his length towards her opening and pushed in. His insertion was met with a cry of mingled pain and pleasure as he took her virginity. With Morgan's reassurance he kept going. As good as her slit being licked felt, it paled in comparison to having a cock in it and pleasure quickly took over. Peter's tenderness helped her adjust as he went in and out. Gradually she loosened up and his movements got smoother. The sheer thrill of finally doing it with Peter, even if he was younger than she would've preferred, helped too.

Morgan gyrated her hips to try and take more of him in so a push of his hips and more than half his member was in. After a second to adjust, Iron Woman was ready to go so Spider-Man inserted the remainder of his length. Upon her insistence, he started to slowly thrust into her and grunted at her tightness. Her warm hole seemed to squeeze Peter's cock as he bucked his hips, causing him to grunt and go harder. Stark liked that and clenched around him to feel his member more.

"Harder." She demanded and wailed when the pace increased. Spidey was rock hard and the buck of his hips steadily got faster and harder, accompanied by skin on skin. His hands joined hers on her legs as he used them for leverage to plunge cockhead first into the warm wetness. Sex toys and fingers couldn't hope to compare to having a flesh and blood dick ploughing her pussy and Morgan couldn't get enough of it, driving her hips back to meet his thrusts and relishing feeling every inch slamming into her. It was better than she'd ever imagined and the pleasure built inside her again. Spidey did his best to maximise her pleasure as well as his own as he continued to fuck her wetness, aiming his length for her sweet spots and for the most part finding them. Euphoria was all Stark could feel as she was repeatedly filled up by the hero's hardness and all she wanted was for him to keep furiously thrusting into her.

The tightness around his length made Peter feel just as good and as he went balls deep he felt his cum getting ready to blow again. He wasn't about to let that stop him though, if anything it egged him on and he kept at it, rapidly sheathing and unsheathing himself in the hole. Ecstasy surged in the lovers as they went at it, consuming them in the fires of lust as cock entered pussy and pussy squeezed cock.

Juices oozed from both of them, making their movements fast and easy as well as staining the sheets. That was just a precursor to the main event though as the longer they fucked, the closer they got to their climaxes. "I'm gonna cuum!" Whined the heroine like a pornstar as the feeling got too much for her. Pleasure was all they could think about and Morgan saw stars as she gave the biggest release of her life, cum splattering all over Peter.

Of course he wasn't much better but was able to hold it for longer. Not much longer though. He gave a series of sloppy, wild, thrusts, further coating his length with Stark's cum, before he too reached his limit. "So close." He said through gritted teeth as he tried to resist.

"Cum inside me please!" Morgan begged and that was what broke Peter's resolve. Spurts of spunk filled the heroine's wetness, smearing on her walls and dripping from his head as he pulled out.

Morgan bathed in the afterglow as well as a sense of achievement for having finally achieved her dream, timeline be dammed.

In the future, Peter's head swam as new memories suddenly appeared; Morgan Stark naked and writhing underneath his teenage self. "Dammit, Morgan what did you do?"


End of Chapter 45.

Next Chapter: Blonde Bombshell

And that's another year done. Happy holidays and Parker Luck will return in January, in the meantime beware of time paradoxes.

I mainly based Kang off his EMH version.

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