Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 279: The Screwed Family (SFW)

Nik sat in the familiar chair on the Souma Family's dining table as three gazes of different intensities observed him in silence. He didn't return to his Scar of Infinity for the time being since he had discussed things extensively with Sokka inside his Reincarnation Chamber once he shopped enough with Ray. The discussion was simple as Nik explained how the changes due to a 'Nameless Entity' has caused their plans to shift. Nik would return during the night once everyone here slept, but he did not want to ruin his flimsy cover since he had his official documents underway.

The craziest thing about the guy Genta took him to was he had some crazy images of the Koban's leader.

As for the rest of the mambo-jumbo on the laptop? Nik didn't understand a thing. He knew he controlled the laptop guy. [Twilight Thief] only works on one person at a time, but that's only for actively controlling the target. For instance, Genta didn't question Nik's appearance or his experiences. The Officer didn't even inquire why they were at a well-known criminal's house! Nik felt complicated about this experience. He knew what he wanted when he aimed for Raat's essence, but to see it in action is another matter. And the listless look on Genta's face as he accepted every reasoning made Nik firm in his belief the less he uses his ability over the people who are nice to him, the better. But the resolve to do 'dirty' things ever since he killed Zhao remained.

His unwillingness to control Mitsuko and others made Nik return to her humble abode. That, and the food. Ursa and the others are great cooks! But Nik took a great liking to the food of this world, not to mention Mitsuko is an outstanding cook.

"Hmm. Yeah, I'm bringing someone over tonight," Nik's sensitive ears pick up Mitsuko's soft voice from the living room as she converses with someone through her all-purpose-living device—The Smartphone.

"I told you to clean up after yourself," she sighs before replying to the question from the other side of the conversation, "No, I won't use it. Don't worry. So, you're fine staying at your friend's? Don't spare me the details, geez."

The tip of Nik's ears constantly twitch until Souko speaks up, "So? Can you refer me to the gym you hit?"

"I trained with the best warrior among a group of warriors before going against some of the most horrifying monsters," Nik tilts his head with a smile. "It's called dieting and calisthenics."

Souko rolls her eyes, not believing his words one bit—even if there is some truth to it since Nik worked out with his body weight until evolving.

"What triggered your memories?" Sayako questions curiously. Nik marvels again at how different the middle sibling looks from the rest.

"They returned to me a day before I left naturally. I could speak then but didn't want to answer too many questions. All my answers would have been meaningless if I failed to return."

"This means you accomplished your objective?" Sayako raises an eyebrow. "Can we know what it was?"

Nik frowns before sighing, "Genta knows, and he understands I'm not a risk. That's why he allowed me to return."

Kurumi frowns, "So, we have to house a complete stranger who is acting like a creep? Besides! Haven't you forgotten something?"

"I did?" Nik blinks.

"Yes!" Kurumi snaps, leaning into him since she sits on the chair beside him. His unflinching gaze, unmoved by her current outfit, despite her low-cut spaghetti strap top, annoys Kurumi further as she pushes her index accusingly into his chest.

"You had some nerve pushing me- ehm… I mean, why didn't you-?" She frowns and turns to look at her snickering siblings. "Oh, shut it! I won the rock-paper-scissors that day!" Her head whips in Nik's direction with another scowl. "What was up with you that night? You were happy to be with Mom, right?"

"Ah, she is saying things out loud," Souko groans.

"He's going to think we are weird," Sayako shakes her head.

"You believe you guys aren't weird?" Nik questions.

"Of course not!" The trio replies with an uncanny sync!

"So?" Kurumi pulls his attention away physically by diving her index against his chest. By now, Nik is sure she wants to cop a feel.

"Honestly?" Nik shrugs, "I really like Mitsuko…-san?'s cooking. And when you pushed away the bowl of rice and snatched those chopsticks, it just triggered some bad memories." The last bit is purely self-indulging to give more credit to his explanation of recalling his memories the night before his disappearance.

"Oh," Kurumi pulls her finger back, adopting a guilty look with another pucker of her lips. "You should have just said something."

"You ran away after throwing a tantrum," Sayako points out.

"Nobody asked you!"

"Speaking of things, nobody asked," Mitsuko's calm chuckle disrupts another tantrum as she walks in, "I talked with your father. He said he will stay with a work friend of his."

Kurumi rolls her eyes. "Oh, please! It's because of you he thinks we are weird."

"And you suddenly care for a creepy stranger's opinion?" Nik smiles, "That's very kind. But back on topic. What is rock-paper-scissor?"

The other four blink and look at him.

"You don't know what that game is?" Mitsuko questions before smiling. "I will teach—"

"We'll teach you after dinner," Souko cuts in with a smirk as she tosses her mother an 'are you serious' look.

Nik stares at the family as a whole before glancing at Kurumi. "About what you said, I thought about it when I was away. And I can't be sorry for it." To be fair, Nik didn't think a lot about it. He was in a world where he could die to any errand spirit's or bender's tricks until he trained enough with Mokshi's blessings.

Kurumi blinks before frowning, "What do you mean?"

"It's simple," Nik shakes his head. "I just come from a place where eating food in peace is a luxury. And I don't mind banging you, but—"

"What are you saying out of a sudden?!" Kurumi grunts, looking away as Nik raises his voice slightly. "I don't mind sleeping with you all." His words attract their attention because the feeling has been mutual for some reason from the family's side. "Maybe that's why I wasn't uncomfortable with the notion of sex rather than losing my food. I just wanted you to know the truth."

Mitsuko sits across from Nik and questions, "So, we didn't turn you off?" She recalls how she had her face pressed into Nik's erection the night before his departure.

"Of course not," Nik shrugs. "You cooked for me, helped me find clothes and eased me into this… life with great care. If anything, I'm indebted to you."

Mitsuko's eyes widen before she smiles sheepishly. "I didn't think so much about it at the time."

Nik nods, knowing full well what she means.

A moment of silence descends in the kitchen as Nik speaks, "So, can we start eating?" He smiles. "I promise I won't slouch here forever. So, I would like to eat as much of your cooking as I can before leaving."

"Or, you could just set the hag straight since she is the one who let you in," Kurumi grumbles under her breath as the corner of Mitsuko's eyes twitches.

"Just so we're clear," Souko opens a can of beer as Mitsuko gets up to bring the food before staring at Nik intensely, "You're saying you can handle all of us?"

"No?" Nik half-shrugs, "I don't mind returning the favor. I doubt you four will last too long." He replies candidly, from one slut to a group of another.

"Hah?!" His plain declaration sets Kurumi off about some juice he is on—whatever she means. Nik simply zones her out. Frankly, Kurumi is cute. He would have considered banging Kurumi to the point she leaves her fatherless ways—but it was before he had a harem of his own. So, returning the favor once and doing his thing isn't so bad for him. And he can take things easy here since there are no eldritch spirits or freaks of nature, bending elements, and whatnot! And as he sees Mitsuko's delicious food on the table, his expression brightens further.

"Hey! I'm talking with you!" Kurumi shifts in her seat with a scowl as she notices Nik blatantly ignoring her.

"Hmm?" His mouth is already full using REGULAR chopsticks. Nik blinks and smiles, "Aih hearb you!"

Kurumi scrunches her nose as Mitsuko smiles, "It's not very nice to speak with a full mouth, Nik."

He nods with a grin as he starts focusing on the food again—fucking delicious!

"Didn't you eat anything in the past seven days?" Sayako smiles, patiently eating as Nik starts his second bowl of rice.

"Oh, I did. But my friends and family can't cook this well!" Nik swallows his food with a satisfied sigh as Mitsuko perks up. "Family?"

"Any older brother?" Souko questions with a knowing smirk.

"Well, I'm an orphan," Nik begins with a shake of his head. "But you can say I have two brothers. One is engaged, and the other is socially inept to a fault!"

'And they are technically my sons, too—kakakakaka!' Nik snickers internally. Of course, this joke wouldn't fly in front of Ursa and Kya since they would tear him into a new one to embarrass their sons.

"Two brothers?" Kurumi scoffs. "And which one are you, the oldest or the middle one?"

"The youngest," Nik chuckles.

The girl sneers in her sisters' direction before leaning over Nik to pat his shoulders, "Must be hard."

'For Sokka and Zuko, yes.' Nik nods at Kurumi, accepting her faux empathy with a smile as he questions. "If you don't mind me asking. Can you tell me what is going on with you and your husband?"

He looks at Mitsuko, who glances at her daughters.

"We were smart enough to figure it out when we were around 10," Sayako shrugs. "And a few neighbors already know the truth, right? He isn't subtle about his preferences—much like you."

"Hmph," Kurumi scoffs. "And that's why I ask again, how is it any different than having a stranger live with us? I seriously want to move out before completing my high school!"

Mitsuko shakes her head before sighing. "It's nothing too strange. My Husband was my High School sweetheart for a year before he found he was attracted to men. The signs were there when he asked for threesomes—with other men instead of my other friends at the time, like Kaya, who you saw in Yuuko's bookstore with Genta." The woman adjusts her glasses and chuckles, "I thought for a few months that he had a cuckold's fantasy. Not that I would mind when it came to him, but our threesomes were mostly… him and HIS friend. I passed my time watching Soap Operas or some other popular shows."

Mitsuko's confession makes Souko chuckle, "It gets me every time!"

Sayako smirks, too. Meanwhile, Kurumi shakes her head like a disappointed mother instead.

"And you didn't know before marriage?" Nik blinks in surprise.

"Oh, it gets better!" Souko covers her mouth, shoulders shuddering as she stifles her giggles.

"I got married because," Mitsuko looks away as red paints her cheeks. "He said we can come to an arrangement if we marry each other. I didn't think too much at the time—"

"She was stupid before she became a slut," Kurumi crystalizes everything with an aloof expression as she eats her food.

"Pfft! Hahaha!" Souko's giggles transform into boisterous laughter while Sayako snickers under her breath.

'So, she is just like me for real,' Nik sends a look of understanding in Mitsuko's direction as she rolls her eyes.

"Don't think I regret my choices. I've had three wonderful children because of my actions."

"I'd love to meet them, too." Nik smiles and nods as Souko chokes on her laughter while Kurumi and Sayako blink before sending unamused glares in his direction.

"But as Kurumi said, why don't you live on your own?" Nik inquires. "Is it because of the money?"

"No," Mitsuko shrugs. "I haven't found anyone to be with, and my 'husband' can use the cover. He wants his image in his company to be as straight as ever even if others think he is a cuckold."

"Oh," Nik mutters before the realization dawns on his face. "OHHH!"

"So?" Mitsuko leans forward. "What do you think?"

"You're a good cook."

The mother smiles gently, "About the fact I told you this secret."

"Would you have said anything if I didn't find out on my own when I entered your bedroom today?"

"No," Misuko speaks honestly.

"Then I think I really don't need to feel bad about how this night ends. It sounds like two different families are living under the same roof—your husband and his 'friends' and you and your daughters."

"You would have felt bad otherwise?" Sayako appreciates the sentiment as Nik nods with a smile.

Kurumi stares at Nik's profile for a while before questioning the same thing Genta did.

"When are you bleaching your hair?"

"It might come as a surprise, but this is my natural skin tone," Nik rolls his eyes. "So never."

"What happened to your eyes? Are they contact lenses?" Mitsuko continued to ask whatever she held back for a while.

"No, my natural eye color."

"Did you inform your family about the many surgeries you are going through?" Sayako inquires. "Don't worry. We don't judge."

"It's natural!"

"Yeah, right!" Souko snorts.

"Nik?" Kurumi looks at him. "You said you snapped that night only because I took your chopsticks, right?"

He tosses Sayako and Souko a frustrated look, understanding why Kurumi is at odds with the duo, before looking at her nodding.

"Yeah. You guys are lucky you get to eat Misuko's cooking so many times."

"Aw, isn't that sweet?" Mitsuko smiles widely, staring at her girls, "You can learn a thing or two from Nik."

"Ignoring that," Kurumi waves her hands as she questions further, "And you don't find it weird at all, right?"

"Compared to the things I've had to do? Not at all."

While Kurumi should have stopped there and questioned what he meant, she stared into his eyes for a second before dropping her chopsticks under the table.


Sayako and Souko work their jaws silently while Mitsuko cannot help but feel amazed. After all, Kurumi ignores their stare, keeping her eyes locked with Nik as she slowly shifts under the table, her honeyed hues no less sensual than the mother of three as her youngest plans to 'persuade' a rather mysterious hunk into making Mitsuko a lucky grandmother!


Alternate Title: Making Hard Choice For Personal Convenience; The Fearful Twilight Thief; The Weak Cousin of Kotoamatsukami; Making Progress; Understanding The Souma Family; Kurumi Wants a Feel; Kurumi Can Be Understanding *Thanos Voice*: Impossible; Slut Familia; Sayako Low-Key Wondering Why She Was Different Than Her Sisters Early-On; Two Families in One Roof; Cuckold Before Gay; Mitsuko Got the Gay Treatment; When Threesome is Truly a Twosome; Mitsuko Seeing Her Highschool Sweetheart Cuck Her: Well, It's Time For Some Good Drama Shows; Stupid Before Slutty is Apt—Cute and Caring, Too; Souko Making Mitsuko's Personal Time Into Family; *Vin Diesel Voice*: Family; The Souma Family is Going To Teach Oral-Tits-Pussy Before Rock-Paper-Scissor; Nik: Understandable. Just Don't Stop Me From Eating; A Man Of Commitment to Food and Cooks; Nik is Going to Fuck The Cook; Kurumi Taking Mitsuko's Role Under The Dinner Table; Nik is Going to Unscrew The Family; Taking Matters Into Own Hands; Nik Can Use Chopsticks; Apparently, Kurumi Can't; Nik Looks at Mitsuko: Bruh, She is Just as Dumb And Slutty as Me!; Mitsuko's Husband Scoring More Foreign Men Than Mitsuko; The Slut Family Rizz; SlutsxSlut


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