Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 29


During the days that had passed, the intensity that every activity that the clan [ Nine's own Goal ] had, have raised to a certain amount for various reasons.

And of course, being a member of the same clan, Yuki had done the same things.

Though unlike the others, he's not with any of his Clanmates, more like, he doesn't have a group at all.

No, it's not like no one wants to be grouped with him, actually, it was him that suggested doing everything alone.

He wants to do the expedition solo since he believes that it is more faster and efficient if he does it this way. Things that are most unlikely to happen if he's together with someone. That or he just probably doesn't want any liability.

Whatever the case is, his clanmates just let him do his own thing, thinking that he had his reasons, which they understand to some degree.

Also, after two months of grinding, Yuki finally managed to max out his World Terror class. On the other hand, Touch Me still has a long way to go but it won't be that long before he could also do the same.

Given by their activeness as a clan, they're already starting to get recognized by many Players. Though this should be a type of news that they should be happy about, it seems that throughout the whole members, Yuki is the only one who's so happy about this news.

They're indeed recognized, but by the wrong set of Players, and by being recognized means, being targeted by a lot.

As they're climbing within the ranks as a Clan, many Players, or PKers in general, tried to pay a visit and ruin their little clan, though fortunate enough, no one seems to have been successful in doing such a thing.

Since the clan was really active, and all the Members are very enthusiastic, it became a Clan that has a very solid foundation. Something that no Player can break with such ease.

But to grow even stronger, they need to be more active, which is what they're currently doing.

They complete various missions and tasks. Gather some Materials. Do some campaigns. Campaigning that will eventually lead them to some Bosses and Dungeons. Which, whenever it happens, they always take a break, call the rest of the clan, then do it all together.

Days and Months had passed and this kind of thing had always repeated itself.

Explore, Fights, Raids, Meetings, then Repeat. It's what they do over and over again.

This might not change anytime soon, if more, it might be just like this for a very long time.


It's already been a year since the Clan was formed.

The Clan had a total of 31 members now. Due to Yuki's chaotic presence that seemed to have jumbled the timeline for a but, there's some members that he didn't recognize. Though thankfully, no one seems to be missing from the original members of the clan that's supposed to be here, there's just some bunch that has been added.

But all of that didn't affect Yuki that much. Being with the members everyday, all of them became Yuki's friends already. Especially for the first nine members since Yuki had been with them much longer than the others.

Though during these past months, many events had happened within the clan.

The majority of the Clan members had already reached Level 100, some of them have yet to achieve that but they're already close so there's not much of a difference.

They also managed to acquire a lot of materials and items throughout their explorations.

They also discovered a large mining spot somewhere in Nidavellir. Of course, finding such a gem they immediately monopolized that mine as it became the main source of materials for their Equipment and Stuff.

They managed to clean out the Mine after a whole month. They're lucky that no one had found that place other than them so they didn't encounter any sort of troubles.

They really did gain a lot from that mine. Of course, it was equally distributed to all of them, since all of them really need a lot of resources and materials for the weapon, Items, and pieces of equipment that they're planning to create or upgrade. Except for Yuki that is.

Of course, he has tons of kinds of Equipment that need an Upgrade or waiting for creation, but Materials is the last thing he wants in this world. In fact, he needs more free time than that petty amount of Materials.

So when the clan gave Yuki's share to him, he just refused. He just told them that they need it more than him.

Yuki isn't being considerate, though, for others, it might look like it. He simply just can't take it because the amount is too cute for him. It's like a kid, giving pennies to a guy that likes to spend Millions.

They're giving a portion of what they got from a single mine when Yuki, in these past years, had been indulging in mining galore, Milking the sh*t out of every mine in Niflheim, and still complaining about his gains.

It's just too little for him to be content. So it's just like what Yuki said. "Let the kids have their Candies."

So overall, other than Yuki, they're all happy with their gains.

But whatever reason they have, materials are Important for them, since the majority of them are still lacking on Equipments that have good quality. At least, "Good Quality" in their own standards.

But they all managed to overcome it all through teamwork and communication. They're a whole team after all.

But even after all those teamwork and stuff. Arguments among clansmen are inevitable. Conflicts within the clan members grow as days pass by.

There's even a certain day when Touch me had a really huge disagreement with one of the members of the Clan.

According to the other members, they had a really heated up discussion which led the latter to suddenly leave the clan and quit playing the game as well.

This resulted in a very bad atmosphere within the Clan.

During those days, some of the members have been in a very awkward and gloomy situation.

The internal conflict within the Clan back then had left a great scar on some of the Member's hearts.

Only Yuki seemed less affected about the whole situation as he's the one who would sometimes calm his friends down and say some jokes just to lighten up the mood and break the ice between them. He would even go and talk to Momonga and Touch me sometimes since both of them are the most affected by what happened.

According to some of them, it felt like a stain on the glorious memories of a closely-knit clan.

Although the conflict was long over, Touch Me developed some guilt over that past matter, feeling that the wrongdoing he had caused created friction with other clan members ever since.

But even though the rest of the clan members had started to get over it. Sometimes, Yuki would still see Touch me getting troubled by something, even Momonga and Peroroncino had noticed it. They would sometimes go and ask Touch me about it but he's just brushing them off while saying to not worry about it.

But after all that, everything came back to normal.

The whole Clan had gone back to their own businesses and continued to do the things they're doing every day before that ordeal. No one had ever mentioned the things that had happened on those days and they all decided to just forget about it.


Their Clan as a whole, possessed Two world items.

The Atlas and The Hygieia's Chalice.

Those two are founded by Wish III and Tabula while they're on their own explorations. But even though they found it, it was treated as a Clan Treasures.

They all agreed that it was a part of the clan and if ever someone wants to use it for something, they all should vote for it. Nobody within them has the right to just use them without any permission from the other members. Even Touch Me himself.

But during this, Yuki voiced out his opinion.

Since Yuki and the Clan were only using a rented base as their "Main Base". And since Yuki knows that the safety of these World Item isn't guaranteed here if they choose to keep them here. He chooses to act and propose the idea to them, that he should hold onto it until they finally have a much secure place.

Though Yuki is friends with all the Clan Members, he's not that close in each and every one of them. So those who don't know Yuki well, especially the new members that joined their Clan not so long ago, doubted Yuki.

Which made Yuki laugh hysterically, confusing those who asked about his capabilities in protecting the World Items.

After that, Yuki immediately slapped them with a massive Flex on their faces.

"... I'm the Strongest Player in the whole YGGDRASIL. The current Rank one. I can trash the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth-ranked Player with ease even if they were to come at me together. So if you believe that I can't protect these World Items, then that means, no one can." [ 🙂 ]

Other than those who know Yuki very well, all of them had seemed to swallow their own tongue.

Some of them, especially those who cannot believe it, looked towards Touch Me as he is the current 3rd Rank Player. Someone that Yuki added in the Players, that according to him, he can easily beat. Their gazes seemed to be saying "... Did you just hear what this b*tch said? Aren't you going to say something about it?"

Which Touch Me replied, much to their disbelief.

"... Well, It's the truth though. Can't argue about that."

After Touch Me said that, Peroronchino followed up, as if to support Yuki's opinion earlier.

"... In any case, it's already a well-known fact that Raizel already holds multiple World Items. Entrusting these two in his hands seemed to be a good idea."

After hearing these, the Clan Members that don't know about these facts about Yuki up until now, had been mind-blown beyond reach.

He is carrying a bunch of World Item around with him ever since?

He is that 1st Rank Player?

Then Why isn't he the Leader?

Why do we not know this?

Why did no one tell us about these? That we have the Current Rank one in our Clan.

These are the questions they had in their mind after all that. They don't know who Raizel is exactly before after these happenings, they just know that he's a high rank Player and an important part of the Clan since he's a founding Member, that's all. No other information other than his name is Raizel.

They don't know him, but they do know the Famous Rank One. About his achievements, the greatness of that Players, the issues he has, the weight of his name, all the Titles he have, the Merits he accumulated, and kinds of stuff like that. For them, as a fellow Heteromorphic Player, the Rank One is their living Idol in YGGDRASIL. And that same Player is with them all along?

A void might ask. How did they not see Yuki's info if anyone in YGGDRASIL can just check someone's basic info such as IGNs through their very own consoles? And why did no one tell anyone about Yuki's real information then? Why did they hide it from the others if they're just going to reveal it in the end like it is a well-known fact that everyone should have known already?

Well, First of all, they didn't hide it, it is just that, no one asked about it.

Second, Yuki has an item that hides his basic information. The only thing that shows when someone checks him up is his Health bar and the always depleted MP bar. He made it like this so PKers wouldn't run away so fast the moment they check his Info.

Lastly, no one really explained it so openly due to Yuki's role in the Clan. Their secret weapon, or the Fail-Safe just in case something goes awry within their Clan. A Noblesse just how Yuki likes to call it.

Anyway, after all those discussions, commotion, and a roller roster of emotions, Yuki finally managed to convince them all to let the World Items stay with him.

But actually, other than worrying about the World Items' safety, he had another reason for insisting that he should take care of it.

In the Original timeline. Atlas was the first World Item founded by Nine's Own Goal, but unfortunately, it was stolen away from them.

That's what happened in the original timeline, but now, due to Yuki's butterfly effect, they found not only one, but two World Items instead.

Yuki didn't mind if the Atlas was stolen, but it is a different topic when it comes to Hygieia's Chalice.

This item is really important. The effects of this World Item will come in and play a big role in Yuki's future plans. Though he doesn't plan to monopolize it, not now at least.

But another Void might ask again. Why he doesn't care about Atlas? That he doesn't even care if it was stolen by the others from their Clan just like how it happened in the Original.

Well, it's not like Yuki doesn't actually care about it, it's just that he also had another reason for this. A theory. This is a theory that Yuki made when he connected the dots from the moment he saw what can the Atlas do, up to the fact that "It was stolen" in the Original timeline.

Well, his theory is that, it's probably meant to be stolen.

The ability of the Atlas is like a World Shaper. By using it, one can literally change the form, landscape, or anything you see within the nine Worlds as you like it to be. Easy to say, it was like, you can freely customize a certain World to your liking if you use Atlas.

But if you do something like that, it will surely be one of the major events in the whole YGGDRASIL. Something like that will surely be stated prior to it, being stolen. But there's not even a record of a Player, doing that or even using that in YGGDRASIL back in the Original timeline.

But when Yuki remembered the picture of the Map of the New World that he saw in his past life. He realized something.

The Map of the New World, resembles the Middle East by a lot.

And Yuki, being none the wiser, didn't want to think that it's just a pure coincidence. So, easy to say, the Atlas made it to the New World.

Yuki theorized that the Player who stole the Atlas from the original timeline, or if not, to whoever it was passed to, is one of the first Players to be Transmigrated in the NW after the server shut down.

Those Players who have the Atlas had probably used it to change the whole New World into the New World he knows.

Even though Yuki knows that this is just a theory of his, he didn't want to take his chances and just decided to follow the same route since if his theory was correct, it'll be his advantage, and if not, it'll be something that he'll greatly regret.

Because the very last thing that Yuki would want, is him, jumping into the New World, only to find out that the New World he got into, is not the same New World he used to know.


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