Overlord: The Origin

Chapter 15

(AN: Exhausting!!)

".. Huh? What are you saying, it's compl-"


They didn't even manage to finish what they're trying to say as Yuki bursted forward then immediately closes the gap between them, startling the two.

"... !!! What the—"

"... Hup!"

The moment when Yuki arrived in front of the two, he didn't waste any moment as he immediately pulls back his spear while casting a skill...

"... [ Overwhelm ]"

...then swing it in front with a big motion, capturing the two within his attack range.

The two were very surprised by this. They indeed expect Yuki to attack, but not so suddenly. They were caught off guard, but fortunately, not that much, that's why they both still managed to react when Yuki attacked.

"... DODGE!!" The Mage Player shouted so suddenly as a spell that he had already cast beforehand activated, making him disappear on his spot then reappear a few steps back. 

The Mage Player managed to get out of Yuki's attack range instantly due to a short-range teleportation spell, but the Armored Player did not manage to get away as he simply just, can't. 

With this kind of sudden attack, the Armored Player knows that he doesn't have any room to dodge, within this close distance and his low agility, he'll just get hit even if he tries. So that leaves him no choice but to meet Yuki's attack head-on.

"... Haa!" The Armored Player raised his sword in an attempt to parry Yuki's spear.


But the next thing that happened when

his sword met Yuki's glowing spear, betrayed all his expectations.

"... Eh?" At first, he questioned himself, why is he flying after he parried that Player's attack? But then, he immediately realized that he isn't flying. He was overwhelmed and got thrown away, violently...



The Armored Player bounced a couple of times on the ground before he finally manages to stop himself, though that only happened cause he crashed into a boulder of solid ice.

[ - 3 HP ]

"... You just caught me off gua—" The Armored Player had immediately stand up while saying something towards Yuki, but he didn't manage to do so as the moment he raised his head to look in front, he immediately saw a spear coming right towards his face.

"... Sh*t" He thought to himself, as he knows that he cannot dodge this nor block it.


But as Yuki thrust his glowing spear towards the Armored Player's face, intending to put him down already, he suddenly stopped midway as his 'gaming sense' tingled. 

".. Oh no." It took him almost instantly to know why his senses tingled. Realizing what it is, he immediately leaps away, gesturing like he wants to avoid something.

"[ Maximize Penetrating Magic: Silver Lance ]"


And just as Yuki leaped away, a Tier Spell that may cause him some problems, flew past through his previous position and immediately hit a nearby boulder.

"... Be careful with that guy, he's also an Early Player like us, and probably, has higher stats and levels." Said by the Mage Player towards the Armored Player as he walks right next to him while eyeing Yuki that just landed from afar.

"... Ye thanks, I also noticed that." The Armored Player said sarcastically as he stands up then walk in front of the Mage Player.

"... But I think that it will be fine. I doubt that he can take the two of us at the same time, that's probably the reason why he's trying so hard to kill you. To separate us. Anyways. Let's just be more careful this time." The Mage Player said with a serious tone as he takes a stance.

"... You're the one to talk." Said by the Armored Player with a grumpy tone, but he clearly understood what the Mage Player said.

"... Alright. Round two. [ Teleportation ]" Said by the Mage Player as he teleports himself in a far distance.

 "... Yosh! Let me return the favor!" The Armored Player roared as he grips his sword then rush towards Yuki with great speed.

".. [ Lesser Dexterity ], [ Medium Strength ]" The Mage Player that teleported from a far distance, casts a Tier spell towards the Armored Player.

"... HAAA! [ Disrupting Strike ]" The Armored Player, after casting his skill, had jumped high towards Yuki while driving his sword in front, an attempt to strike Yuki from above.


But Yuki, after seeing this, didn't prepare to dodge or anything to avoid it, but Instead, he decided to meet it head-on as he raised his spear horizontally to block it.


The two Weapons collided with each other. 

"... Yup, he has greater Stats." The Mage Player muttered as Yuki blocked his empowered attack without any problems.

"... Weak. Is this all you got." Yuki said as he throws an insult towards his opponent, which obviously, agitated him.

"... You piece of— Uwah!" The Armored Player was about to retort but got interrupted since Yuki suddenly tilted his spear, making the Armored Player's sword slides off towards the ground, leaving him open for a second. 

".. Sh*t!* The Armored Player tried to pull his sword back, but Yuki did not give him time to do so as he immediately raised his spear and swung it towards the Armored Player's head.


The Armored Player managed to react and dodge the attack by leaping backward, making the spear hit nothing but air. 

But Yuki didn't end his attack there as he actually expected the Armored Player to dodge.


Yuki closed the distance instantly again by dashing towards the Armored Player. 

"... Tch!" The Armored Player didn't even have time to breathe as he immediately raises his sword after seeing that Yuki threw an Empowered-Kick towards him, probably to block it.

"... GODDAMMIT!" But he failed to do so. 

His posture is pretty awkward due to the jump he made just to dodge Yuki's first attack, making him unable to dodge or at least block properly.

And since Yuki didn't even give him time to recover his stance, Yuki's Empowered-Kick had obviously connected, making it land on his stomach and thus, sending him flying across the field, again.


"... AGK!" The Armored Player crashed into a Tree and received some damage. 

"... Tch! I should have brought Kamomo instead of him." The Mage Player had become frustrated as he watches his partner getting throw around again.

"... Whatever. [ Twin Penetrating Magic: Fire Arrows ]" Deciding to finally partake in the battle, the Mage Player raised his hand towards Yuki and cast a spell. 

Two magic circles had appeared above him and from this, Big Fire Arrows had shot out and flew towards Yuki at a very fast pace.

Yuki saw this and dodges the incoming attacks by leaning and leaping in different directions.

But as Yuki dodges the Fire arrows that are raining down on him continuously, the Armored Player had already recovered and immediately rushes back towards Yuki.

"..You'll pay for that! [ Pulse Point ] " The Armored Player suddenly became like a blur and every move he made leaves an afterimage on his track. His speed suddenly increased and almost instantly, he arrived in front of Yuki.

" DIEEEE! [ Absolute Edge ]!" The sword of the Armored Player had suddenly glow. He then thrust his sword towards Yuki with full force.

"... This is bad." Yuki muttered as he knows that he won't be able to block it, not with the rain of fire arrows behind him. 

So when he was about to get hit by the sword, Yuki dodged it by rotating his whole body. But the Armored Player, just after Yuki dodged, made a follow-up attack. The Armored Player made a vertical slash towards Yuki, but Yuki saw this and made a high jump towards the air to once again, avoid it.

"... Leave me alone!" Yuki said as he, while in mid-air, rotated his spear and threw it towards the Armored Player. 

Yuki knows that his situation might turn ugly if he were to let them attack continuously, so he needs to do something to halt them from doing so. Especially now that he's still mid-air.

The Armored Player that was about to jump up towards Yuki and do a follow-up attack, just as Yuki thought he would do, saw this and immediately stop. 

"... Ha! Noob!"

But since the spear is going towards his head, he just dodged it by simply crouching.


The spear passed through above the Armored Player's helm and hit the ground behind him.

"... Hahaha. IDIOT!" The Armored Player shouted towards Yuki with a tone full of arrogance.

Yuki just threw his weapon away, his only tool for blocking the next incoming attacks, so it's natural for them to think that this is a stupid move.

But Yuki thought otherwise.

'... Now, that Mage guy's turn.' Yuki thought as he turns his head towards the Mage Player's position, wanting to disrupt any spell that might come from him, but surprisingly, he didn't saw Mage there.


"... Oh sh*t." Yuki suddenly heard something from a different direction. He just realized that the Mage Player must have teleported earlier in a different position to relocate.

Yuki rotated his body to where the sound is coming from and surely, he saw the Mage Player there, casting a spell towards him. Yuki was about to pull out something from his inventory, probably an item that would interrupt and stop the Spell from being cast.

But he's a bit too late.

"... [ Chronosphere ]" 

The Casting time is over and the Mage fired off his spell.

After this happened, Yuki's whole body got engulfed by a big, grey, and transparent dome so suddenly. He didn't manage to do anything as it happened almost instantly. He just noticed that he stopped falling, not just that, but he also can't do anything at all since he was in a stunned and petrified-like state.

"... This is troublesome." Yuki muttered to himself as he looks around.

"... Hahaha! Finally caught you, you slippery bastard!" The Mage Player shouted at him while laughing maniacally.

Just right after that, the Mage Player hurriedly brought out some Mana Potions from his inventory and immediately consumes them, then he raised both his hands towards Yuki again. Prompting that he'll cast another spell.

"... *sigh* Alright. Guess I'll fight seriously." Yuki said with a heavy sigh, like he really doesn't want to do what he's about to do and just has to do it because he has no choice.

Though what he said failed to reach the two as they are both busy talking sh*t about Yuki.

" Ha! F*cking Die! [ Over Maximized Magic: Concentrated Explosion ]!" The Mage Player had cast a spell towards Yuki.

The Spell that the Mage Player had cast is a 9th tier spell. It is an AOE spell that deals damage to a wide range of areas. This spell is powerful and has enough damage output to decrease Yuki's health by a lot and put him in a dangerous situation. If it landed on Yuki that is.

That's only the extent of this spell even though it was enhanced by Over and Maximize magic already, but the Mage and Armor Player thought otherwise. They both thought that this is a sure-kill spell, that there's no way Yuki can survive this. 

They already know that Yuki is stronger than them, but they refused to think that it would be by a large gap. They also saw that Yuki did not cast any spell or notable skill throughout their fight so they thought that Yuki is a Min-Max player.

If that's the case, then Yuki has no way of surviving the Spell. But sadly for them, that's not the case at all.

But they didn't manage to know this because right before the spell can be Cast, the Magic Circle of the Spell, broke apart like shattered glass.

"... Huh? What just happened?"

The Mage Player knows what happened, his Spell got canceled, but he's confused as to why it happened. 

He's pretty sure that he didn't cancel it by accident. His MP has been consumed too, if he canceled it, then the amount of his MP won't decrease and stay the same before he cast the spell.

"... It's not supposed to work that way." The Mage Player said with a tone full of confusion as he navigates his Game Panel to look if something went wrong with the game system itself.


But as he busied himself with his own business, completely forgetting the fact that he's in the middle of a battle, he is suddenly interrupted by the sound of notification and saw that a small window panel had popped out in the corner of his vision.

This caught his attention immediately as he looks at it and read what it says.

"... What!?" Right after reading the context of the window panel, he hurriedly looks towards his partner's spot, the Armored Player.

"... One down. *Chuckles* One to go." 

When the Mage Player looked at his partner's position, he saw that his partner isn't there, but Yuki is. 

A green and bluish line of light was also getting absorbed towards Yuki's body right at the moment. The Mage didn't know what it is and God knows how much he wants to, but he throws off the idea since he has no way of doing that.

"... How in the world?" The Mage said as he looks at the Free and being able to move Yuki.

The Mage Player shifted his gaze and look towards Yuki's previous position and saw that the [ Chronosphere ] he had cast earlier, the one that holds Yuki in his spot, is now gone. He doesn't know how or why but right now, that's not his biggest problem.

He looks back to Yuki and surely, he's still there. Looking at him like how a hunter looks at his prey. He doesn't know if he's just thinking this because of Yuki's creepy avatar but right now, on Mage's vision, Yuki looks very intimidating.

He also noticed that Yuki was now holding a new set of weapons. A Stiletto. He has each of them on his both hands.

Looking at his current situation, the Mage already knows that he can't face Yuki head-on.

He is alone, and being alone as a Mage isn't really a suitable thing to do, especially when facing a Fighter. 

His MP is also very low now. He can still cast a bunch of low-tier spells, but he only has enough to cast one or two high-tier spells.

He can consume Potion to make up for what he's lacking but there's no way that an opponent will just watch an exhausted Mage, consume some potions in front of him.



[ Message ]

Sender: Shinning Yoroi (Party)

— I'll be up in 30 seconds. I'll use teleport scroll after that to go there. Hang on.


"... I need to stall time." The Mage Player thought to himself as he saw the Armored Player's sudden message.

If he stalls enough time, the Armored Player can make it here again. With the two of them together, he will be able to consume Potions and continue the fight.

So with that thought in mind, he made the first move.

"... *sigh* Fine. You got me. We lost, I surrender." The Mage said as he sighed in defeat, raising both his hands in the air.

But Yuki, while looking at the Mage, laughed lightly.

"... Oh, how nice of you. But I'm still going to kill you though." Yuki said, emphasizing the last part.

"... I thought that you're a Merciful person." The Mage said, acting very disappointed.

"... Well, you're not wrong. It might appear thoughtless to you at first, but I'm sure that, it won't take long for you to understand that, Yes indeed, I'm going to kill you, but I'm doing it, Mercifully." Yuki said with his best saint-like impression.

The Mage Player after hearing this dropped both his hands and sigh deeply. 

"... I see." And just after this, he immediately raised his right arm towards Yuki.

" [ Freezing lance ]"

The Mage Player, seeing that his forfeiting act didn't work out, had chosen to do it in a hard way, which is to fight. His MP is surely low, but he's pretty sure that he can last for 30 seconds at least.

"... Huh?"

But as he tried to fire his first Spell off, for some reason, it didn't come out. It's the same as what happened earlier. The Magic Circle for the Spell came out, then broke like shattered glass. His MP decreased too.

" [ Fireball ]" The Mage tried casting another spell again, but as he expected, it ended up with the same fate as the previous ones.

Seeing that it happened, again and again, the Mage lowered down his hand and look towards Yuki, somehow, he's starting to realize what's happening.

"... Is this your doing?" The Mage asked Yuki with a very serious tone.

Yuki, after hearing this, chuckled then answer him...

"... Who knows."

"... Then can you—" The Mage Player is about to say something more, probably to keep the conversations going since he needs to waste time, especially now that fighting isn't an option. 

"... I'm bored already. I know that you're just stalling time anyway."


"... Whatever. Let's just keep things going shall we?"

"... Wai—"

The Mage wants to talk, but Yuki doesn't seem to be interested in chatting anymore since he vanished already within his sight. This caused the Mage to raise his guard.


But suddenly, he heard someone appeared behind him. He heard it and noticed it, he managed to react and was about to cast some short-range teleportation Spells, probably to get away and dodge whatever's coming behind him. He reacted fast, but there's one problem... Whoever appeared behind him, it's too close.


Before the Mage Player could even do anything, he was suddenly pierced by a weapon as he saw something coming out of his right shoulder from behind.

".. Tch! You think this is enough?"

When the Mage turned his head to look behind, obviously, he saw Yuki, holding the Stiletto that pierced through his right shoulder.

But fortunately, he didn't die instantly since it is not that fatal. Obviously, he saw this opportunity to do a counter-attack. The Mage Player had immediately equipped the small knife from his Inventory Quick Equip-Slot and throws a stab on Yuki's neck. 


"... Pathetic."


Before the knife could even reach Yuki, he activated the ability of his weapon. The moment he did that, a strong surge of electricity had suddenly burst out from it and electrocutes the whole body of the Mage.

".. W— what?"

The Mage Player had suddenly received a [ Shocked ] and [ Paralyzed ] status that made him unable to move for a certain amount of time.

"... *giggles* Oh I'm not done." Yuki after this, brings up his other stiletto and pierce it through the Mage's other shoulder.

"... No. No please! Don't! A—at least give me ten— no! five seconds! Just that, and you can kill me. C'mon! I'm begging you! I want to say something! An important thing, so just wait!" The Mage said as he begged Yuki. All his main items are still equipped. All of it are so important. If he is killed by now, he'll surely lost some of it, and chances that it will be his most valuable item are really high. That's why he begged Yuki some time so the moment his abnormal status ends, he can quickly unequip all of it. All he just need is a couple of seconds.


But he immediately realized that there's no way that could ever happen, even just for a couple of seconds since as he continues his plead, the smile on Yuki's face (Avatar) grows. As if he's enjoying what he's seeing. 

"... HAAAA!!! I SAID DON'T YOU PIECE OF SH*T! AGGGHHH—" The Mage roared as he struggles to release himself, but even he knows that such a thing is impossible.

"... HAHAHA. What a pathetic person you are." Yuki said.

"... ARRGGGGGHHH!!!! WHERE ARE YOU YOU USELESS PIECE OF SH*T!!! F*CKING HELP ME!!!" While the Mage continues his struggle.

"... Now I'm excited to see what reaction you'll make when I kill you again." Yuki said in low voice.

After that, he finally decided to end the Mage's suffering as he activates the other Stiletto's ability, but instead of Electrical surges, Flames had suddenly erupted and covered the Mage's whole body almost instantly, thus, bringing his HP down to a flat zero.


With a sound, the avatar of the Mage Player had suddenly disappeared like it was not even there in the first place.

".. Funny enough that the Monster has this particle-like effects when they died, but when it comes to the Players, they just disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Yuki had put back the two stilettos on his inventory after this. The stilettos that he used were one of the items he personally made.

He made the Stilettos based on Clementine's weapon in the Anime. Yuki just found it cool to also have something like that, that's why he made one. The concept isn't really that hard, for a game where a sword that can open black holes and spit icy breathes exist, a stiletto that can release fire and lighting isn't something special. 

(AN: The reason why Ainz said in the Anime that Clementine's weapon doesn't exist in YGGDRASIL is that the weapon "Stiletto" itself doesn't exist there. It doesn't belong to any melee weapons.)

After he put the two stilettos back, he walks towards the place where the two Players died.

When Players die in YGGDRASIL, they dropped an item from one of their equipped items before that moment. In this case, the item that has been dropped on Armor Player's equipment is a Necklace item, and the Mage Player is a Ring. The Items looks really good, but Yuki's Items is still much better so he decided to just check it all later then put it all away in his inventory. Like what he usually does.

He looks around the area and spotted his Spear that is laying on the ground. He walks towards it and picks it up.

"... I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I didn't mean to use you for something like that." Yuki said as he touched and caressed his Spear.

Right after that, he put the spear back inside his inventory.

"... *clears throat* Alright, now let's continue the haul."

Yuki said as he brings out a scroll item from his inventory slot. After that, Yuki brings forward his one hand and activates a spell.

"[ Locate ]"

Suddenly, a map appears in front of him and it is showing two red dots.

"... huhu~ There you are.."

Yuki brings up the other scroll and opens it up too.

".. Use item. [ Gate ]"



On a certain area in NIFLHEIM, two players are standing in the middle of Icy Plains.

The Mage Player and the Armored Player.

They are talking about something. Or more like, Arguing about something. The Mage Player sounds so frustrated and angry as he keeps shouting out loud, again and again.

".. ARGHH! F*CK! OF ALL THE ITEMS, I HAVE! WHY!?" Said by the Mage as he punch the poor tree in front of him, repeatedly.


- 0


- 0


- 0

".. Hey, it's fine. We'll just get our revenge later and get better things. We'll make sure to find that guy again. So calm down." Said by the Armored Player as he tried to calm down his friend.


But before he could even finish what he's saying. A black circle, near the two of them, appeared out of nowhere.

Suddenly, a terrifying face had come out from it and stare at the duo.

Obviously, it's no other than the very subject of their argument. Yuki.

"... Hey. Fancy meeting you here." Yuki said as he completely got out of the [ Gate ].

"... Y— YOU!"

".. Wait, how did he-"

The two of them were so surprised that Yuki managed to find both of them that fast. The two of them were playing YGGDRASIL for a while now but they don't know that this kind of thing was possible. 

In the future, this kind of move might be a really common move, that's why some of the players in the future after they have spawned, they will immediately move out of the area and hide to avoid getting spam killed since they can be tracked by the one that killed them.

But since YGGDRASIL is still a pretty new game, this kind of strategy has yet to be made. That's why the two of them were surprised and unaware.

Both of them raised their Weapons but they know that fighting Yuki will be much harder, and being killed once again has a high possibility of happening. Especially now that their levels decreased and one of their important items was dropped.

"... H— hey, we can talk about this man. No need to take things this far." Said by the Armored Player.

".. Yeah, you can just, let us go and we'll promise to not bother you ever again. Let's just act like nothing happened, that we didn't crossed paths. But if you do this, trust me, we'll come back here in group and hunt you down forever." Said by the Mage Player, sounding very serious as he gives off a threat. 

Surprisingly, the Mage's tone turned completely different. Now, though sounds a bit too serious and threatening, he looked calm and compose compare to how he was a couple of seconds ago. Just trashing around while shouting like a madman.

But even if it looks like the Mage has an intention to negotiate, his actual real intention remains unchanging. Cause no matter what Yuki chooses, either he fights them again or lets them walk away, the Mage Player will still call his friends to Hunt Yuki up as an act of revenge.

But, even though he was given a threat, Yuki doesn't seem fazed by this. Instead, he just busted out laughing.

".. Hahaha!—" Yuki laughed for a straight ten seconds then sighed heavily. Though Yuki laughed, one can obviously see that his laugh is pretty fake, that Yuki laughed to just mock the two of them.

"... *sigh* Your jokes are good, as expected of a professional clown." Yuki said with a tone full of playfulness, and this pissed the two. But when the duo is about to retort, Yuki spoke again but this time, in a completely different tone that made the two shut their mouth.

"... Do you see me as a pushover?" And just after Yuki said this, he disappeared.


... And re-appear behind the Mage Player.


"... F*cking Sh—"

[ You suffered Catastrophic Damage! ]

[ You are now Dead ]

These are the two words that the Mage Player saw before everything around him, became black. He didn't even manage to react or defend.

Immediately after that, Yuki disappeared again then instantly re-appear just before the Armored Player's face.

They're staring at each other at a very close distance. (AN: No homo)

"... HAAA—"

The Armored Player tried to raise his sword in an attempt to attack Yuki first, but Yuki's faster. 

He raised his spear with little to no effort and penetrate the Armored Player's chest. Which had deal another catastrophic damage, resulting in his HP going down to rock bottom.

[ You suffered Catastrophic Damage! ]

[ You are now Dead ]

The Armored Player died. But before he disappears and gets teleported to another area and respawn, he managed to hear Yuki's parting words.

"... See you in a bit." Yuki said as he brought out a scroll from his inventory, with a charming smile on his face (Avatar).



[ Overwhelm ]

— Can be applied to any Weapon. Once applied, the next attack of that particular Weapon will be 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱.

— If the 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 attack has been Parried or Blocked, a 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 effect will be applied in the same attack.

Type: Enhancement (Skill)

Mp Cost: 7

Duration: 10 seconds

Casting Time: Instant

Cooldown: 10 seconds


[ Absolute Edge ]

— Can only be applied to bladed weapons. Once applied, the next attack that the User will make using that Weapon will be an 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 attack.

— The 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 attack will ignore all the 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁's defense stats. 

— The 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗲𝘁 will be in a 𝗕𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 and 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 state if they received damage from the 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 attack.

Type: Enhancement (Skill)

Mp cost: None

Duration: 5 Seconds

Casting Time: Instant

Cooldown: 40 seconds


[ Chronosphere ]

— Creates a big transparent dome, trapping any 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘀 that has been caught inside it.

— Any Invisible 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘀 that has been caught inside the dome will be revealed.

Type: Active (Spell)

MP cost: 9

Duration: 20 seconds

Casting Time: 8 seconds

Cooldown: 00: 18: 30


[ Negating Impulse ]

— Upon activation, a single pulse of a wave will be released in every direction. The wave will travel at a distance of 20 meters, starting from the User's position. Any kind of working Spell that the wave passes through will be 𝗡𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗳𝘆 instantly.

— All 𝗡𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗳𝘆'ed Spells will be Converted into MP stats (User). The amount of converted MP for each converted Spell will be different base on each converted Spell's Mp cost.

(AN: A Fireball spell has 3 Mp cost. So if I Nullify a Fireball, then I'll get 3 Mp. Get it?)

Type: Active (Skill)

Mp cost: None

Duration: None

Casting Time: Instant

Cooldown: 00: 10: 30 PM 


[ 𝔼𝕪𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕀𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ]

— Any kind of Tier Spell from Fifth Tier and below that has been 𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗻 by the User will be 𝗡𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗳𝘆 instantly.

— The User can Learn or Acquire any form of Spells that had been 𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗻. Any unique formats and conditions of the Acquired Spell will be changed according to the User's fitting.

𝗧𝗶𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗹𝗹 - Can be 𝗔𝗰𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗲 instantly.

𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗹𝗹 - Can be 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻.

𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹 - A chance to be able to 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 or 𝗔𝗰𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗲. 

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

— Content Locked

Type: Passive/Active (Skill)

Mp cost: None

Duration: Optional

Cooldown: None

Casting Time: Instant

Activation Cost: Content Locke


𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 - Any kind of buffed attack. Be it by a Spell or a Skill.

𝗞𝗻𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 - A force that can push a target away.

𝗕𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 - Continuously damages a target's health for a certain amount and a certain time.

𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 - Lower down the target's agility and narrow the target's vision for a certain amount of time.

𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘀 - Targetable entity.

𝗡𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗳𝘆 - Forcefully stop a spell or a skill.

𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗻 - Anything within a Player's vision.

𝗔𝗰𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗲 - Will be added to a Player's arsenal and can be used already.

𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 - A Player only has a chance to earn it or not. If successful, they will Acquire it. If not, they will be given a penalty.

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