One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Batarilla Part 3

"No, it's not Gold Roger, it's Gol D. Roger. At least keep his name right."

Taki leaned on the back of the couch and layed her chin on my head.

"Are you talking about that guy you cried over?"

I squeaked as if I was caught. I then forced out "Yes. That is who we are talking about. Also, don't refer to one of the most important men in the world as 'That guy'. It's disrespectful."

Rouge laughed a little at hearing about me crying at Roger's death.

'I'm so gonna be teased for that by Rosa.'

Then Rouge changed expressions to a flat expression.

"It's good to know that he made that much of an impact on the world."

And we sat for a few seconds before Rosalina, with a blackened face, continued "Gold. Roger. YOU were a crew member of Gold Roger?"

'Oooh this. That's what I forgot already.'

"Yes. I WAS. But you couldn't do anything, for two reasons. I am going to tell you them, and you will need to accept them, no matter if they make sense or not."

Rosalina challenged what I just said, crossing her arms, trying to size me up. "Okay then. Give me some reasons to not bring you to the Marines right now."

"Okay then. First off, a very obvious reason: I don't have a bounty. Not even a little. Second off: I technically was only a crew member because I was picked up or something? I don't really remember much about that, so... Anyways, the third reason: I am probably stronger than almost everyone we come across. So, even if you tried, you could. Not. Catch. Me. Nor could the Marines on the island. It's as simple as those reasons."

Rosalina thought for a second and then switched expressions from stern to happy.

"I am sorry about that Buggy, those are all sound reasons, it would be great if we continued our partnership, taking into consideration how you act normally. I would like to apologize further, but you have a mission you wanted to do."

I turned my head to Rouge, who was scrunching her own body a little, thanks to the uncomfortable atmosphere. Everyone else was in a bit of an uncomfortable mood as well.

Before that mood was gone, I said while whispering "Ah, the fateful personality change. Always happens at the most inconvenient of times."

We spent a couple minutes in silence, the mood still the same. I ended up sipping some tea to calm myself down mentally, mostly because I had felt a tiny bit of Lucifer come out, ready to strike at any moment. I pushed him down just barely, and made a mental note: Study 'Lucifer', along with Chillax and Zen Mode.

Another minute or two passed, and I finally said "You're right, Rosa. I do have something I want to do. I realize that my plan may need to change a little though. I was a bit too optimistic to think that now was the perfect time. Vipeba."

He stopped being slightly uncomfortable, and then said "Ye-Yessir!"

I took a sip of the tea I had in my hand. "I have something for you to do. Over the course of the next.. while, I'll need you to watch over Rouge here, and watch the progress of her child, but I'll need you to be discreet, there's Marines I need you to watch out for."

Turning to look at Rouge for the millionth time, I spoke "Rouge, I want to change fate.. just a little. Because to me, it is maleable, and I'd like to keep it in the same form with some minor tweaks. And it takes you into account as one of those.. minor tweaks."

Rouge sighed. "Changing fate, huh? Roger would approve of that."

"Yes he would. Now! Alice, Mari, we've talked about what I wanted to do, there are little differences, but I'd like you to do what I asked, as your first missions."

I turned to them. "First difference, Vipeba will stay here. Second difference, I need you to help him if he needs it." I turned to him, continuing "Vipeba, I'll need you to ask about everything from Alice here. Um.. you'll learn about it all at some point. I'm going to entrust you with Rouge here."

And finally, going back to Rouge, I said "I'm sorry for dropping all of this on you, but I have some paranoia of you dying. And as I said, I'm trying to change fate, so I would be happy if you just let these three stay with you for the time being."

Rouge became confused.

"Are we making a deal right now?"

Shaking my head, I expressed some thoughts. "No, we are not. If this was a deal, I would've told you beforehand. But this is more of something to change fate, so it's of incredible importance to me that you stay as safe as possible."

"What if I decline the idea of you doing such a thing?"

I leaned forward, putting my elbows on my legs. "If you happened to decline, then you wouldn't have much of a choice. I'd end up leaving them on this island nonetheless, just to make sure. I will have them as a precaution, even if you say anything against it."

Rouge sighed and smiled while shaking her head. "You are overly ambitious, as Roger said. It seems you really want to change how things in the world go, and I am the first change to fate. I will leave it up to you then, exactly what happens, but just make sure my child doesn't die."

"I won't. But I was still to early, so you'll possibly see me again once I leave. You most likely will, but not when your child is born. I don't need Garp to be on my case, or any Marines for that matter."

We spent a couple days in a hotel, simply to keep the Marines off of our back, following the story we, or more like Rosalina, came up with.

Obviously, I used some of the money we had amassed, or more like my own, to go and get new clothes. I did the same thing as on Logue Town, but thanks to Rosalina, we were way less suspicious. I didn't really get anything other than a blue set of dress pants and a matching vest.

Since I was the one paying, Rosalina got a bunch of clothes, which she looked both good and hot in all of them. I really only got them for her because it was the only time I had forgiven anyone in this world, so I just bought her stuff as a way to show that I was also sorry, and that she was forgiven. The only things I really got out of the whole thing was Rosalina is hot in anything, I can't just let go of some things from my past life, and I spent almost 10 million berri in a week or two.

And then, Rosalina, Taki and I were ready to leave. Rouge was still at her home, with Vipeba there, whom I had said "I'll see you sometime, I'll be back for you, so have fun during your stay here."

We were standing on the dock, Alice and Mariga standing in front of me. They were both a little glum.

I lowered myself to their level of eyesight.

"Alice, Mari, I'm not going forever, besides, both of you can join up with me when you're done with your missions. It shouldn't be that hard, right?"

I remembered what I said to Alice several weeks prior.

"Alice, I need you to stay with Rouge for a while, several years at the very least. Now, a Marine named 'Monkey D. Garp will show up to keep this child safe, and I need you to go with him alongside Rouge and her child, I don't care how hard you have to try to go along, you need to. After that, you may be brought to an island called Romance Dawn, this place will be important, not only because of Rouge and her child, but because of other important people I need you to make connections with. There are a couple people. Dadan, a mountain bandit who you should not mind, even with the title, Makino, a bar owner in the nearby town to Dadan's hideout, Whoopslap, the mayor of the town, and at some point, you will meet a kid who befriends the child of Rouge names Sabo, along with the grandson of Garp Luffy, and then you will meet an old friend of mine, Shanks. Befriend all of them, and tell Shanks 'Buggy knew some of your plan'."

And then I hugged her, for a while. Mariga joined the hug as well, which caused me to remember what I said to her as well.

"Mari, what I need you to do is to train, become stronger. While you are like family to me at this point, I don't want you to get hurt because of me. So, while staying with Alice and Rouge, learn how to fight, become stronger in your own way, I want you to be strong, so that in a couple of years, when we meet again, you can join me again, and we can continue to be a family, does that sound good?"

And I let go of them for a second, feeling some slight heartbreak because of what I was doing.

"Don't worry, both of you. The plan changed a little, so when we're done with what Rosalina's doing, we'll be back, and we can see you before you fully start your missions."

I was a little choked up, but stood up after hugging them once more, and walked away, waving back at them, and watching them.

As we set sail, I watched as they were waving back at me.

"Next stop, your home island, Rosa."

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