One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 62 – Cocoyasi Village 5.

[Chapter Size: 3471 Words.]
Third Person POV
Cocoyasi Island, East Blue.



"The sea! The sea is frozen!" he said with the same voice shouted in despair.
Everyone looked to where the sea had been until a moment ago; everything was frozen, as if Admiral Aokiji were here.
"Even after so many strange events today, now Nami, who became so powerful, and the sea freezes without anyone knowing why? What must have she done for someone else. What the hell is happening here?!" Arlong said, bewildered.
Seeing the frozen sea, Arlong could only clench his fists in frustration; his gaze then turned to Nami.

"Let's face it together! We can still defeat her! Let's end this human!" Arlong said, standing up and encouraging his companions, indicating that he would join the group.

"YES!" The remaining fish-men shouted, gaining a new determination as they grabbed their firearms and blades.

Nami looked at all of them with the same determined eyes, ready to face them. Breathing a little heavily, she struggled with endurance because even with all the newly acquired power, she still didn't have much stamina. After using many attacks that consumed her energy, she muttered to herself, "I need to defeat him, I can do this!" All spectators turned their attention to what would be the final battle, about to unfold before them.
"Will Nami-Sama be okay?" Shirahoshi asked with a worried expression.

"Trust Nami, if she's in real danger, we'll intervene..." Luffy stated.

"What should we do with these fish-men, Luffy?" Johnny asked Hachi and the other two who had just awakened.

"Leave them there to watch the fight. Let's see what we can do with them once Nami finishes with Arlong." Luffy said, slapping the dazed people in the face.

"Hey... What did you say, human? Arlong won't let this pass!" one of them shouted.

"Look ahead. Arlong is being defeated by Nami." Luffy declared, making them realize for the first time where they were, in a heavily destroyed Arlong Park, while half of their companions lay on the ground.

"Hey... Arlong, everyone!" Hachi shouted in concern, but no one paid attention; everyone was focused on the upcoming battle.

"ATTACK!" Arlong ordered, launching water droplets with his hands while his companions ran towards Nami; some shot at the girl.
Instead of gaining distance, Nami went straight for the group, dodging water droplets and bullets while gaining speed as she flapped her wings.
Closing her fists, she managed to approach the first and punched the first fish-man that appeared.
"Garuda: Vacuum Blast Punch!" She shouted.
By uttering the words "Garuda: Vacuum Blast Punch," Nami channeled her energy, forming a fist charged with power. The ensuing impact was spectacular; a deafening *BOOM!* echoed through Arlong Park. The ground trembled with the intensity of the explosion, and a shockwave spread, creating cracks in the ground and raising dust clouds.

The fish-men near the epicenter were thrown into the air like puppets, their bodies spinning uncontrollably like unrestrained kites. The surrounding area was impregnated with the smoke from the explosion, temporarily obscuring vision and creating a tense atmosphere.

As the debris cleared, revealing the destruction caused by the attack, Nami showed no hesitation. Her wings flapped even more vigorously, propelling her towards the stunned fish-men. Seeing that they had no choice, her enemies attacked the Straw Hat navigator again, and the fight began anew.

Nami executed agile and graceful movements, like a deadly dance. Her wings beat to the rhythm of the battle, creating air currents that made the fish-men waver. She glided among the enemies, leaving trails of green light with her sharp claws as she was surrounded.

A fish-man tried to attack her with a spear, but Nami anticipated the move, elegantly dodging and slashing him with her claws.

Another fish-man tried to surprise her from behind, but Nami spun in the air, creating a small sphere of wind that protected her as she launched her claws in his direction.

A barrage of bullets was fired in her direction, but with agility, Nami avoided each projectile, dancing through the battlefield.

With a quick movement, she conjured a sharp wind chain that cut through a row of fish-men, leaving them stunned before she finished with a precise blow.

A group of fish-men approached, but Nami, harnessing the power of the wind, created a barrier of air that pushed them away before diving among them with her claws, creating a series of precise cuts.

The battle unfolded like an intricate choreography, a chaotic dance of agile movements, meticulously controlled explosions, and precise cuts, all orchestrated by Nami's unparalleled skill. With each deafening roar of a BOOOM! or BANG!, she responded with a display of ability and power that defied expectations, maximizing her newly acquired capabilities.

"Is that Nami?!" exclaimed Genzo, wide-eyed, surprised by the girl's skill, even though he had already seen some of her power; her vision of destroying Arlong Park's ground was still unbelievable.

"I've never seen her fight like this before. She's amazing!" Johnny commented, with a mix of surprise and admiration.

Yosaku, watching closely, murmured, "These fish-men have no idea what hit them."

Meanwhile, some villagers were commenting among themselves, expressing amazement at Nami's transformation and the chaos unfolding in Arlong Park.

"Nami is tearing them apart!"

"I didn't know she was so powerful."

"This is insane! She's facing fish-men as if it's the most natural thing in the world and winning."

The fight continued, and the spectators' reactions were a mix of fascination and bewilderment at Nami's extraordinary display of power.

The sounds of explosions and gunfire echoed through the environment as Nami moved with deadly grace. Even in the storm of water droplet shots and firearms, she persisted, advancing tirelessly. Although some of these attacks managed to reach her, no projectile or charge could penetrate her now notably strengthened and resistant body. The pain, an inevitable result of these impacts, became almost a distant echo in her determination, acting as a kind of anesthesia that propelled her through the fight.

Every punch thrown by Nami was a controlled explosion, covering significant areas of the battlefield. Meanwhile, Arlong watched from afar, helplessly witnessing the defeat of his comrades. The park was impregnated with the echo of explosions, leaving the fish-men unconscious and severely injured, victims of Nami's controlled fury.

"NAMI! YOU DAMN HUMAN!" Arlong's fierce growl echoed as he relentlessly advanced toward the girl after the dust settled a bit.

"Arlong! Your time has come!" Nami retorted firmly, even despite the visible wounds acquired during the fight amidst the fish-men; she faced her worst enemy with some confidence in her eyes.

"HUMAN!" Arlong roared, displaying his sharp teeth as he advanced in a furious attack. Nami, despite her skill in dodging, began to feel an overwhelming exhaustion taking over her in this encounter. Her once agile and precise movements became slower and heavier. The wings that supported her began to gradually dissipate, as if the life force were being drained from her body after fighting for so long.

With each attempt to dodge Arlong's attacks, Nami's fatigue became more evident. Her movements, now compromised by exhaustion, were no longer as efficient. It was in this moment of vulnerability that Arlong, with a ruthless roar, reached her and fiercely bit her shoulder.

"AHHHHHHH!" The cry of pain echoed as Nami felt Arlong's piercing bite on her shoulder.
"I will get revenge on you!" Even in agony, Nami gathered her last reserves of energy, clenching her fists and delivering an explosive vacuum punch against Arlong, using the little power she had left.

*BOOOM!* Arlong didn't have time to dodge the attack and felt the impact, being thrown like a puppet to the other side and colliding brutally with his oriental mansion.

Nami, exhausted and with intense pain in her bleeding shoulder, knelt on the battlefield. The effort to avenge Arlong took its toll, leaving her vulnerable. Some conscious fish-men aimed at Nami at this moment.

Four shots echoed in the air, each finding its target in the fish-men threatening Nami. Usopp, the skilled marksman of the Straw Hats, was strategically positioned at the entrance of Arlong Park. Holding his high-tech rifle, he didn't hesitate to eliminate the enemies targeting his weakened companion. The projectiles, propelled by the advanced precision of the weapon, flew accurately, hitting the fish-men in vital points and neutralizing the imminent threat. Usopp's dexterity with his high-tech rifle was evident in the speed and effectiveness of the shots, ensuring Nami's safety in the face of imminent danger.
As soon as Luffy instructed him, he was ready to save his companion who was in her weakened state at that moment.

Arlong emerged from the house, a wounded and mutilated specter. He lacked teeth, and his right arm hung loosely, supported only by the shoulder. The damage caused by Nami's devastating attack was evident in his weakened form, a sight that contrasted with the triton's usual ferocity. The focused shockwave of air had left severe marks on his robust body.

Facing Nami at a defiant distance, Arlong couldn't hide the hatred in his eyes. Resentment boiled in the atmosphere as he prepared for the final confrontation.

"Arlong, I will defeat you!" declared Nami, though her voice betrayed her fragility.

"What did you say..." Nami was infuriated by this, more than anything, thinking of her mother and how Arlong slaughtered her like an animal.

"YES, I WILL KILL HER LIKE I DID WITH YOUR MOTHER. I STILL REMEMBER THE DESPERATE LOOK ON THAT HUMAN'S FACE TRYING TO SAVE THE PATHETIC LIVES OF TWO CHILDREN! BUT ONCE I KILL YOU, I WILL GO AFTER YOUR SISTER AND ALL THE HUMANS ON THIS ISLAND, INFERIOR BEINGS SHOULD NOT WANT TO FIGHT AGAINST OUR SUPERIOR RACE, THE FISH-MEN!" He screamed like a madman, as he was the only one standing, and many members of his group were dead with this attack; he had the same feeling he had when facing Admiral Kizaru imposingly many years ago, so he was practically mentally disturbed and spoke with all his hatred for the human race.

Everyone who heard this had mixed feelings. The villagers mostly felt fear from these words, hearing what would happen if Nami couldn't defeat Arlong, but many expressed disgust with it, hoping that Nami would kill him right there.

"Are they really that bad?" Shirahoshi couldn't believe what she heard, with alarmed and frightened eyes.

"Yes, princess, their minds are infected with this kind of ideology. It was this same ideology that killed your mother." Luffy said, earning a disbelieving look from the mermaid.

"That's true, Luffy-Sama? But I don't understand..." She said uncertainly but very shaken.

"Your mother wanted to bring your people to the surface to coexist with our race; that was the dream of Queen Otohime, but some people didn't like that idea..." Luffy began without taking his eyes off the insane Arlong.

"Your mother was murdered, and I know you know who did it..." Luffy spoke, causing a shrink from the princess with those words, and he continued.

However, what you weren't aware of is that this murderer is also contaminated with this ideology that fish-men are superior to humans... This damn mentality only serves to further distance your people from coexisting with humans on the surface. That's why I believe this is the biggest challenge that Fish-Man Island faces right now..." Luffy said calmly, pointing to the unbalanced Arlong for him to continue.

"He is the mentor of this idea, casting a shadow over your kingdom that cost your mother's life, and the fish-men island is being corroded and threatened by this kind of thinking. In the near future, it may find itself on the brink of destruction," Luffy asserted, receiving incredulous looks, especially from the mermaid.

"I..." Shirahoshi began to respond, but was abruptly interrupted.

"Nami looks different..." Yamato, who had returned a short time ago after freezing the sea, suddenly expressed her observation. She was honing her Haki to sense emotions, and although still far from perfection, Yamato could sense the emotional turmoil emanating from Nami at that moment.

Luffy immediately turned his gaze to Nami, who remained kneeling. He still kept a safe distance from Arlong, inside the mansion, as he planned to discuss important matters with the mermaid.

"We should help her; she's already so exhausted." Reiju expressed, watching the navigator in a lamentable state.

"She... She's crying!" Nojiko exclaimed with great concern.

Nami, overwhelmed, heard those words. No one knew, but she was facing a panic attack, flooded with memories that she always tried to forget. Arlong brought back the moment when her mother was killed before her eyes, triggering a crisis while she was in a state of extreme vulnerability, leaving her consumed by despair.

"She's having one of those attacks!" Nojiko exclaimed, and Luffy looked at her with concern as she quickly explained.

"She has anxiety attacks when the memories of that day when our mother was killed come back." Nojiko explained before anyone could react.

"Isn't that bad?!" Usopp nervously asked.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Chouchou also showed concern.

"We need to act; Arlong is starting to move!"

"Shahahahahahaha! In the end, you're just a weak human, Nami, just like your mother. No matter how many powers you have, in the end, you will have the same fate as the poor and useless woman I killed many years ago!" Arlong laughed like a madman as he approached Nami.

"That won't happen!" Kuina declared, preparing to use her new weapon.

"Of course not," Zoro said, drawing his blade slightly from its sheath as well.

"Nami is acting strange; I feel like something terrible is going to happen!" Yamato warned Luffy, who raised an eyebrow. There was no way Arlong could harm Nami with him there, about to act, as Luffy was flexing his feet for that.

The information caught Luffy by surprise, seeing that Nami was facing her traumas with a panic and anxiety attack. He didn't know that the trauma from the childhood tragedy could cause psychological problems for Nami in this way. However, he also recognized that he shouldn't be surprised. This is a real world, not an anime. Of course, people would have their problems and face psychological leviathans with some terrible memories in their minds, no matter how strong they were. He understood that even in a place filled with physical strength and extraordinary abilities, people can still carry deep emotional scars.

Nami remained kneeling, tears streaming down her face as Arlong's cruel words unleashed a storm of emotions within her. Anger, hatred, fear, despair, and sadness collided within her being. They were not just memories but a dormant monster inside her, stirring with fury and wanting to break free.

Raising her gaze, Nami's eyes began to glow in an intense yellow hue as wind started to circulate around her, tossing debris as if they were mere leaves. Arlong's laughter ceased; his steps faltered upon witnessing these haunting changes. Nami, although physically drained, saw her powers resurging before her. Arlong, in turn, felt a terrible premonition, a true imminent danger, an undeniable sense that death was approaching. A monster within Nami was awakening, and the atmosphere around echoed its impending presence.

"THIS..." Luffy widened his eyes, his mind working quickly to anticipate the possible consequences of what was about to happen.

"Run, get away from the area now!" Luffy's urgent cry reverberated through the crowd, initially stunned, trying to react, but the time had already run out.

Nami's chest began to glow intensely, emitting a green light that captured the attention of everyone present. In a moment of panic, Luffy directed his orders to Yamato.

"YAMATO, create an ice wall! NOW!" The urgency in Luffy's voice left no room for doubt, and Yamato promptly erected an ice wall, separating Arlong Park from the crowd.

Luffy, acting instantly, employed his power on the newly created wall.
[Moa Moa no Mi: Defense, apply 30 times!]

"Wait, what about Nami!?" Nojiko's alarmed cry echoed as she watched the wall forming in front of her and her sister. However, before Luffy could respond, something extraordinary happened, shaking everyone in the next moment.

A violent tremor ran through Arlong Park, announcing the imminent manifestation of the power contained within Nami. Her kneeling figure became the epicenter of a growing storm, and everyone witnessed her frightening transformation.

The green light radiating from her chest intensified, and, in a moment of catharsis, she raised her arms to the heavens and screamed. A black vortex began to form, initially small but growing at every moment so quickly that no one could react. The wind around Nami turned into a deafening roar, and the sky darkened with the shadow of the impending storm.

The vortex expanded rapidly, engulfing Arlong Park in its spiral of destruction. Buildings were torn from their foundations, trees bent and stripped of leaves, while the ground trembled under the growing power of the storm. The gigantic hurricane, created by Nami's fury, devoured everything in its path, an unstoppable force destroying every trace of the park that had once been a symbol of Arlong's power.

The crowd, now separated by the ice wall and protected by Luffy's defense, watched with horror and fascination as the cataclysm unfolded before their eyes. The cutting wind, the deafening noise, and the flickering lights created an apocalyptic sight, marking the emergence of a force that defied human understanding.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Nami's agonizing scream reverberated like a symphony of agony, echoing in everyone's ears as a ominous omen. In an instant, Arlong Park and its wreckage were catapulted by the wind hurricane and, with a deafening crash, collided with the ice wall.

The impact was felt by everyone on the other side, as the icy structure resisted, but not for long. Cracks began to form, challenging the enhanced resistance provided by Yamato and Luffy's combined abilities. Tension grew, and in a spectacular burst, the wall crumbled.

The wind released by the explosion advanced like a hurricane, brutally hitting everything in its path. Luffy and his companions, although trying to resist, were powerless against the overwhelming force. The crowd was thrown backward, flying through the air before falling hundreds of meters away.

While everyone was thrown away by the wind explosion unleashed by Nami, Luffy, realizing the imminent danger, acted quickly. Using his mythical zoan abilities, he concentrated flames in his hands and shot controlled explosions towards the flying debris.

The strategically directed explosions aimed to disintegrate larger fragments that could pose a threat to the people launched by the wind. The crackling fire danced in the air, creating a shower of attacks on the large rocks for the safety of the villagers still in the air from the force of the explosion. Although some debris still reached the ground, Luffy's action minimized the damage and prevented greater tragedies. While some villagers fell unharmed to the ground, albeit stunned and slightly injured, they were fortunate to escape serious harm, while others lay unconscious on the ground.

[Moa Moa no Mi: Weight, apply 20 times!]
Luffy managed to stop by increasing his weight to avoid being blown away by the wind and looked at the "IMPOSSIBLE! SHE ACQUIRED THIS POWER JUST ONE DAY AGO!" Luffy exclaimed in disbelief. After the initial explosion, a colossal hurricane began to form, reaching into the skies and engulfing the entire Arlong base, causing the entire island to feel the wrath of the wind.

Under the vortex that already covered the Arlong base area, small harpies emerged, punctuating the scene with green lights. One, two, dozens of them appeared, all seemingly preparing to attack.

However, Luffy's attention was drawn back to the monstrous hurricane. In the heart of the storm, two giant yellow eyes revealed themselves, blinking intermittently with effects similar to green lightning. The crowd fell silent as an imposing shadow of a colossal figure, about 50 meters tall, began to emerge in the center of that tumultuous manifestation. Four enormous wings stretched on its back, visible whenever the hurricane gleamed with green lights.

"Garuda..." was the only word that managed to escape Luffy's lips as he watched the majestic figure reveal itself, resembling a giant valkyrie emerging from the chaos.
Author's note:
*I hope to have created a suitable development for a scenario where Luffy will have to fight Garuda!
[Images here]

* Thank you in advance, I hope you have a good read.

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