One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 58 – Cocoyasi Village 1.

[Chapter Size: 3132 Words.]
Third Person POV
Cocoyasi Island, East Blue.



"The sea has finally calmed!" Nami said relieved; she was tired of destroying giant waves with the power of the wind until just recently. Time passed, and they found themselves getting closer and closer to the island.

"What's that in the sea?" Yamato suddenly asked; everyone was going about their normal routines as they waited to reach Nami's island.

"What did you see, Yamato?" Luffy asked beside her.

"I think it's a fish-man; he's circling our ship right now," she said.

"So, it's one of Arlong's scouts..." Luffy thought for a moment.

"Yamato, Nami, and I are Devil Fruit users... and we're the strongest here. I don't think Reiju or Zoro could fight a fish-man in the middle of the sea. I have to get him out of the water... I might have a plan for that, remembering how arrogant they are, I believe this will work." Luffy smiled with a possibility, his eyes shining with the excitement of a cunning strategist.

"Shirahoshi, my princess, come here. I want to tell you something." Luffy's call echoed, and Shirahoshi, curious, went to him. That simple title, "my princess," attracted many suspicious looks. It was a rare display of formality from Luffy, making everyone alert, anticipating something unusual.


"Hm?! Are you sure, Luffy-sama?" Someone's whispering voice in the crowd echoed with surprise and doubt.

"Of course. Hahahaha, I think it's a good plan; can you do it?" Luffy asked, smiling at the princess. His eyes conveyed unwavering confidence as Shirahoshi looked at Luffy with a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. The air was charged with expectation as the plan began to unfold, involving not only physical challenge but also intrigue and strategy.

"All right, I can do it, Luffy-Sama!" She said, determined, clenching a fist, the sea bubbles around her seeming to tremble with the intensity of her decision.

"That's great, be ready!" Luffy spoke with contagious enthusiasm, as if about to reveal the most amazing trick in the world.

"What do you think they're going to do?" Usopp asked, curious, his observant eyes sharp for any twists in the situation.

"Honestly, I think I'd regret hearing the answer..." Reiju muttered with a touch of concern, her mind trying to anticipate the next events.

"Luffy, you better not do anything that harms the integrity of that mermaid!" Nami growled, casting a warning glance at the captain, knowing that his ideas didn't always follow the conventional script.

A moment later.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIS BEAUTIFUL MERMAID IS MINE! I'VE CAPTURED THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MERMAID IN THE WORLD!" Luffy shouted, laughing uproariously at the bow of his ship, balanced on Ifrit's head, while holding Shirahoshi, who was tied in front of him, as if displaying a trophy in a marine comedy parade.

The crew members looked at this scene with stunned eyes, their minds calculating how to retrieve the fish-man at the bottom of the ship in this strange and embarrassing way. It was a mix of surprise and confusion, making the situation even more hilarious.

"HMMMMMM!!! LUFFY-SAMA, BAD, don't say so many embarrassing things!" Shirahoshi couldn't help but complain, her voice mixing with the collective laughter that took over the ship.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Yamato had shark-tooth eyes and a bewildered expression when she saw this scene, her face a mix of surprise and confusion.

"Is she blushing?!" Reiju said, letting the cigarette fall from her mouth, her eyes watching the scene with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"She looks happy! What's going on between those two, huh?" Kuina was angry, her brows furrowed as she tried to understand what was happening.

"Was it supposed to be a trap, or an opportunity for them to flirt with each other?" Nami was angry too, crossing her arms in indignation.

"No woman can escape the charms of Brother Luffy; he's so cool!" Johnny and Yosaku exclaimed in admiration, their eyes shining with a mix of surprise and envy.

"What do you mean, no woman!" Nami shouted and used her powers; two enormous claws appeared in the air and threw the bounty hunters away, a gesture of pure frustration.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Try to be a little more convincing, Shirahoshi, that fish-man will think we're setting a trap for him if you speak like that..." Luffy said into the ears of a blushing Shirahoshi, his voice full of mischief.

"Hmmmm... I think Luffy-Sama is right; I want to help him!" She said with more determination, a gleam of resolve in her eyes as she tried to get used to the unusual situation.

Luffy smiled at the mermaid's response and, unable to contain himself, shouted again.

"NOW THAT I HAVE MY OWN MERMAID, I'M GOING TO MAKE HER MARRY ME, FILLING HER WITH LOVE AND FILLING THE HOUSE WITH LITTLE HUMANS AND FISH-MEN IN A HOUSE ON SOME HILL ON A SMALL ISLAND! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'M SO EVIL!" Luffy shouted, his laughter echoing theatrically and exaggeratedly, turning the situation into a comedic spectacle for everyone on board.

"SHARKYYYYYYYY!!!!!!" Megalo choked on this, his fish eyes widened, expressing total disbelief at the absurdity of the situation.

"THIS IS SO OVER-THE-TOP!" Reiju shouted indignantly, her face twisted in a mix of confusion and amusement.

"HOW CAN HE SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!" Yamato was boiling with anger, gripping her weapon even tighter, wishing to strike Luffy at that moment.

"Luffy is so relentless..." Usopp murmured, watching the scene with a mix of shock and admiration.

"Why are we here wasting time when we could jump into the water and easily deal with that fish-man?" Zoro scoffed, his serious expression contrasting with the absurdity of the situation.

"I agree with you, Zoro. I'd rather be in the water fighting a fish-man than listening to these things..." Kuina said with a lifeless look, as if Luffy's comedy was simply too much for her to bear.

Nami slapped her own face, an expression of disbelief spreading across her face as she witnessed the absurd situation.

The bounty hunters were unconscious, sprawled on the deck after being thrown by Nami and her powers, like pieces on a board of crazy comedy.

"OUCH?" Chouchou tried to wake them up, licking their faces with a mix of canine confusion and concern.

Meanwhile, Hugo and the others on board could hear some commotion coming from the front ship, but no one could access it to see what was happening. Curiosity grew like a wave, leaving everyone impatient.


"LUFFY-SAMA, DON'T SAY SO MANY EMBARRASSING THINGS; I HAVE TO ASK DADDY BEFORE I MARRY YOU!" Shirahoshi cried in embarrassment, her words echoing in a tone that mixed surprise and embarrassment.

Hearing those words, the entire crew fell to the ground, stunned, as if they had been struck by an unexpected lightning bolt of humor.

"Hm?! Well, that's something we should discuss in the future, princess; first, let's focus on taunting that fish-man." Luffy was stunned, trying to compose himself in the face of the unexpected turn of events.

"But Luffy-Sama, say something less embarrassing!" Shirahoshi cried, her face blushing even more.

"Alright... I will..." Luffy yielded to the girl's demand, but before he could continue, they were interrupted by the sound of water, and a strangely dressed figure landed on the ship the next moment. The new character, unusual and peculiar, seemed to have stepped straight out of a water-themed comedy play. Hachi was furious, his mood already shaken by the fruitless search for any sign of Momoo in the choppy waters. To his surprise, amidst the search, he spotted two ships approaching the island: an imposing pirate warship and another from the Navy.

However, what surprised him the most was the sight of a mermaid being captured by a human, displayed at the ship's prow like a trophy. "What is this mermaid doing here!? She looks familiar, but I can't remember her... Who is she, and how does this inferior human dare to touch her!" Hachi was furious but contained his anger, thinking it best to report to Arlong before taking any action.

As he prepared to leave, he heard the provocative insinuations of that human about his plans with the innocent mermaid. Hachi could no longer stand hearing that and went straight toward the ship.

Upon landing on the vessel, he was faced with a crowd of humans, some with a strange appearance, including one who stood out at almost 3 meters tall. However, Hachi ignored the others, focusing his anger on Luffy and Shirahoshi.

"Hey... inferior human! How dare you take one of ours! I'll kill you!" Hachi drew his swords from their sheaths and positioned them with his six arms quickly.


Without giving the fish-man time to react, Yamato, already in a bad mood after getting irritated with Luffy and his antics, delivered a punch to the fish with such anger and impatience that it broke the wood beneath him. This, despite the warship being significantly sturdier than any they had faced before.

"Did you-you kill him?!" Luffy asked, visibly alarmed by the strength of the blow.

"And what if I did? I don't care!" Yamato huffed, distancing herself from them with an expression still laden with anger.

"She seems to be in a bad mood..." Shirahoshi said, feeling a shiver of fear at the intensity of Yamato at that moment.

"She'll be fine... Must be that time of the month..." Luffy muttered, shrugging as if the explanation were enough to justify the young woman's behavior.

"This is Hachi, one of Arlong's most trusted!" Nami expressed her surprise as she introduced the fish-man, her gaze denoting a mix of recognition and distrust.

"He's still alive?" Luffy asked, displaying his characteristic surprise, tinged with a hint of disbelief, as he observed the fish-man in front of him.

"I hope he is; Yamato didn't even give me a chance to fight him. I wanted to see that six-sword style!" Zoro complained, his expression indicating a tinge of frustration at the missed opportunity.

"He's alive, but he'll be unconscious for quite some time!" Kuina spoke after examining him, her voice laden with medical pragmatism.

"Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." Hachi could only groan unconsciously, oblivious to everything happening around him as he remained in a state of lethargy induced by the intensity of the blow he received.

"Luffy! You can let go of Shirahoshi now!" Nami complained, crossing her arms and casting a reproachful glance toward the captain.


All eyes turned to Luffy, who still held the princess by the waist, seemingly oblivious to the discomfort he was causing.

"Luffy-Sama, do you like these things?" Shirahoshi asked, curious, while people around awaited the response.




"What a playboy-Sama!"

"I knew our captain was no good!"

"He's a wolf that doesn't even try to hide his claws!"

"Damn womanizer."

"My Toki is betraying me!!"

The women expressed their discontent with Luffy, throwing accusatory and indignant comments.

'I haven't slept with anyone since I arrived in this damn world, but these women are already judging me? At least let me have sex with someone before calling me these things!!' Luffy thought indignantly, his expression revealing a mix of surprise and frustration at the women's misunderstanding of his intentions.

As time passed and the Black Pearl, the Straw Hats' ship, approached Cocoyasi Island, the exuberant and vibrant atmosphere of the region gradually unfolded.

The majestic outline of the Black Pearl stood out against the horizon, its sails billowing in the wind as the polished hull cut through the waters with grace. The tall mast, adorned with Luffy's characteristic flag, fluttered with determination, announcing the presence of the pirates in the area.

As they neared the island, the tropical landscape unfolded before them. The colorful buildings of Cocoyasi village emerged among the lush tree canopies on that side of the island, creating a picturesque and welcoming sight. Palm trees rose along the beaches, swaying gently in the sea breeze.

The nearby waterfall echoed with the gentle sound of water, adding a natural soundtrack to the pirates' arrival. Local flowers exuded sweet fragrances, blending with the salty sea air.

Fishing boats, painted in vibrant colors, were anchored along the coast, witnessing the island's everyday tranquility. The locals began to notice the arrival of the Black Pearl, curious about the newcomers.

The sky, now tinted with light shades of early evening, indicated that sunset was approaching, casting a soft light over the island. Cocoyasi awaited the arrival of the Straw Hats, ready to witness the events that would unfold in Nami's homeland.

The Straw Hats decided not to anchor in the village but to head directly to Nami's house, situated on a hill overlooking the ocean.

The pirate ship maneuvered skillfully, navigating the island's coast until reaching a more secluded cove. The Black Pearl headed for the beach to dock the ship on solid ground.

As Black Pearl approached Cocoyasi Island, they glimpsed an unexpected scene on the beach. A formidable Marine ship was anchored, its tall masts standing out against the blue sky. The Marine flag fluttered in the wind, clearly indicating the presence of naval forces on the island.

"A Marine ship?!" Nami exclaimed at the ship's edge, looking at it with considerable surprise.

"Nami... It's possible that Arlong betrayed you and sent the Marines to take your money without interference..." Luffy commented beside her.

"WHAT?! NO, HE CAN'T DO THAT!" She shouted angrily.

Upon seeing the Marine ship, Nami felt a mix of anger and apprehension. Her eyes filled with tears, not just for the possible betrayal by Arlong but also for the uncertainty about her sister's safety and the village. As tears began to flow around her eyes and winds started to swirl, gaining some green marks traversing her body.

"Calm down, Nami, you're not the same anymore! It must be Captain Nozumi, that's why we didn't find him at the base. Come on, let's go, I want to see his face right now. I want you to bombard that ship now!" announced Luffy, determined. He could simply blow up the ship but chose to announce the presence of the enemy ship rather than attribute the action to a Devil Fruit power.

"Come on, Nami, let's see if your sister is safe."

Without hesitation, Luffy picked up Nami in his arms and jumped off the ship, flying towards the coast, determined to face whatever was coming and ensure Nami's sister's safety. The Black Pearl continued heading for the beach, but Usopp and Shirahoshi soon went to the ship's gun cabins, ready to destroy that ship with some Marines guarding it at the moment.

In a distant scene, amid the tension surrounding the arrival of the Marine ship, a fearless young woman with flowing blue hair, Nojiko, raised her voice against the naval officers.

"You can't do this!" she shouted, defying the maritime authorities now involved in the island's affairs.

Nozumi, an arrogant Marine, taunted Nojiko, mocking her resistance to the justice of the Marines.

"Shut up, civilian! Dare to question the Marines and justice? You'll get shot for meddling in Marine affairs!" he threatened, as tension escalated in the air.

Genzo, an older and more experienced man, tried to intervene, pleading for Nojiko not to get more involved in the situation. He understood the dangers of challenging the Marines and was concerned about the potential consequences for the island's safety.

"Nojiko, we need to avoid conflicts. Fighting against the Marines will only make things worse. I know it's hard, but Nami fought for years to accumulate that money. We must act wisely to protect our community," Genzo tried to persuade, appealing to reason amid the imminent chaos.

Nojiko, with tears in her eyes and her voice filled with indignation, continued to express her revolt in the face of the situation.

"But she was doing it for us, risking her life for so many years! All for Arlong and his henchmen to take it away from her right now!" she cried, revealing all the frustration and anger built up over the years.

Nojiko's words struck Nezumi hard, and the mere insinuation of being called a "dog" by someone else infuriated him. Driven by wounded pride, Nezumi ordered his subordinates:

"What? Who are you calling a dog? Shoot her!"

Immediately, one of the Marines stepped forward from the ranks, wielding his weapon and aiming it directly at Nojiko, while the tense atmosphere on the beach reached its peak.

"Hm?! Ahhh!"
The shot went straight to Nojiko's heart.
Seeing her death before her eyes, she could only think of her sister, hoping she was safe somewhere, anywhere she might be.

A cry of horror echoed on the beach as the shot was fired, ready to pierce Nojiko's heart. A heavy silence followed the gun's explosion, and everyone witnessed the imminent tragedy before them as the girl closed her eyes to avoid seeing her death. However, no pain surged in Nojiko's chest; instead, she felt enveloped by something unexpected. Was it a hug?

Surprised and confused, Nojiko looked up, finding herself in the arms of an unknown man. He stared at her with a seductive and cheerful smile, as if he were very pleased and relieved with the situation.

"Hm?!" Nojiko murmured, still stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

The man, revealing himself as Luffy, looked at her with enthusiasm.

"So, you're Nami's sister? She never told me she had such a beautiful sister!" he exclaimed, revealing his relaxed and uninhibited nature amid the dramatic scene. The contrast between the tense situation and Luffy's laid-back attitude brought an unusual element to the narrative.


Raccoon here:

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- One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!
- Danmachi - Infinite Mana System! - Planning to Maintain 30 Extra Chapters!

- Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic! - Planning to Maintain 10 Extra Chapters!
- Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI!: In development, awaiting the future!

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