Neon Dragons - A Cyberpunk Isekai LitRPG Story

Chapter 61 - Escalation

Facing the trio in front of me, my senses were on high alert, waiting for them to make the first move.

Fight or flight instincts had fully kicked in, though flight seemed off the table with them blocking the only straightforward exit. My only other option would involve a mad dash through the front and a vault over the counter—not exactly a graceful nor low-key escape.

“She doesn’t sound like she is being reasonable. I don’t appreciate someone yelling at my little Jade like that,” the oldest of the three declared, her piercing blue eyes locking onto me with a suffocating intensity.

Jade stepped in front of her, hands still raised in a gesture meant to calm the waters. “She has every right to be mad, Sapphira! I told you I would handle this. Now, stop antagonising her! You’re just making this more difficult!” she implored, her voice firm yet pleading.

From Jade’s left, the other woman, who seemed as thrilled to be here as I was, muttered, “...told her she shouldn’t be so hot-headed.”

It appeared she was dragged along more by the older woman’s will than her own volition.

A heavy silence fell over us, thick with tension.

I was half-expecting Mr. Shori to wander into the back at any moment and find us in this weapons-drawn-and-pointing-at-each-other style standoff, which would complicate things further.

But, fortunately, it seemed Sapphira was beginning to yield under Jade's earnest pleas, her resolve wavering as she processed her sister’s words.

With an exasperated sigh, the older woman stepped back towards the door they had entered from and grumbled, "Fine! But this girl better watch her fucking mouth. I’m not going to sit idly by while she yells at you!"

Her words irked me.

It wasn't my fault they had thrown my life into chaos, nor was I wrong in my feelings.

“Aki” was the one who had deceived me all this time and almost gotten me killed; I didn't choose for this to happen!

I had every damn right to be angry.

However, I chose to hold back my retorts, biting my tongue instead.

It was better to keep quiet and watch how things unfolded while keeping a wary eye on the still-agitated woman now lingering by the back-door.

When Jade turned back to face me, her expression was laced with embarrassment and regret. "I’m sorry, Ela. For this just now and… well… everything. You’re right; I did lie to you and Mr. Shori, yet you’ve both shown me nothing but kindness and openness… I ruined your op and nearly got you killed, yet you still saved me and didn’t ask for anything in return. I… I appreciate that, a lot," she said, her voice carrying a sincerity that hadn’t been there before.

The confrontation seemed to have snapped her out of her previous nervousness, bringing a more genuine tone to her apology.

"And that's not just words!" Jade abruptly blurted out, catching me off guard. It seemed my sceptical expression had given away my doubts—I didn't believe a single fucking word of what she was saying.

She edged closer, prompting me instinctively to take a step back.

But then, lowering her voice, she whispered, "Listen, Ela... When you saved me... Your moves... I didn’t tell anyone about it, okay? Not even Vega."

My eyes widened as I grasped the full weight of her words.

'She's talking about [Wall-Runner], isn’t she?!'

That was information I definitely didn't want leaking out, if it hadn't already.

While there were cybernetics that could somewhat mimic my actions, I wasn’t actually equipped with any. Such technology was not only rare but prohibitively expensive, and unwanted attention from those knowledgeable about such tech could mean serious trouble for me.

“I can appreciate that,” I responded quietly, matching her whispered tone. I was careful not to reveal too much relief; I didn't want her to know how genuinely grateful I was for her silence, even if it might have been misplaced trust on her part.

My gaze flicked repeatedly to the other two women, who now stood awkwardly by the door at the back of the stall. They were clearly straining to catch every whisper between Jade and me, but their eavesdropping didn't seem too successful, as Sapphira's irritation grew more palpable by the second.

As Jade took a step back, she added, "I... That's all, really. I just wanted to thank you for saving me and for not letting the corpos take me. I don’t think they would've been too pleased with me sneaking around their floor like that..."

Her voice dwindled into silence, her eyes clouding over as she likely pondered the grim possibilities of what could have happened.

While I didn’t know the exact relationship between the Clawed Beasts and Falkum Industries, it was generally understood that gangs and corporations didn’t like each other; especially in the confined spaces of a megabuilding like Delta.

"Anyway," she resumed, her voice tinged with awkwardness as she seemed unsure of how to wrap up our conversation. "I... I’ll just leave now. You won’t see me again. I'm sorry for lying. I really am... But… It was my job. You know how it is..."

Her words trailed off, leaving a mix of sincerity and resignation hanging in the air.

Somehow, those words jolted me.

Deep down, for some reason, I didn't want Jade to just disappear forever.

Despite my anger, she was the only other person I'd really interacted with in this world that wasn’t part of my family, aside from Mr. Shori, even if it had only been for a few days.

And I had to admit, I understood her situation to some extent.

It wasn’t like “Aki” had decided to mess with me just for kicks. She had been sent here by Vega to do a job, a job she hadn’t even fully completed, according to her own admission about keeping some of my abilities a secret.

Considering all the other options she undoubtedly had, and despite my efforts to stay justifiably angry, the thought of her just... vanishing from my life forever didn’t sit quite right with me.

Perhaps it was the loneliness I felt, the stark realisation that I had no one my own age to confide in, hang out with, or talk to. Recognizing this didn’t make the feeling any less poignant, however.

In the end, this mess wasn’t really her fault; it was Vega’s.

As I watched Jade turn to head towards the back door, with Sapphira and Ruby following, something within me snapped.

“I want to meet Vega,” I blurted out suddenly.

The trio stopped dead in their tracks, as if hit by a bolt of lightning.

I immediately realised I might have severely overstepped with my demand, but by then, I was already too deep into it to back down, even though I wasn't quite sure where I was even heading with this request.

Channelling some of the audacious confidence I had recently adopted at the ExoClinic, I figured a bold approach was best.

"Arrange it. I’ll make time," I declared, trying to sound as assertive as possible.

I noticed Jade quickly and somewhat frantically signalling to Ruby and Sapphira.

Thanks to my [Polyglot] Trait, I could even understand the sign language she used.

{Do not engage! It’s too dangerous. Stay calm.}

I was puzzled by the translation—I couldn’t see what they found so risky about a potential three-on-one scenario if they decided to simply gank me, but I was nonetheless grateful for Jade’s intervention.

“I… We can’t just let you meet Vega, Ela... Listen, I’m really thankful, but that’s... That's just not going to happen,” Jade responded, her voice laced with a hint of panic. “Vega is... indispensable for us. Surely you understand?”

I did not.

It wasn't as though I was requesting a sit-down with the top boss of the Clawed Beasts or anything.

From what I had gathered, Vega seemed more like a middle-management type, possibly involved in intelligence—a far cry from the big boss role. Besides, I had already met him once, and that encounter had turned out mutually beneficial for the both of us.

Reflecting on that meeting, a critical detail suddenly came back to me.

"Arrange it," I stated again, my voice dropping to an icy tone, fortified by my Edge and Ego Attributes helping me maintain my composed persona. "He will make time. After all... He owes me."

A heavy silence fell over us next, thick with shock as the three women stared at me, their faces a tableau of diverse emotions.

Jade's eyes widened in surprise, Ruby seemed intrigued by my audacity, and Sapphira looked as if she was about to explode with anger, her glare seething with fury.

"How fucking dare you, you bitch," Sapphira hissed under her breath, her words dripping with venom. This sharp outburst made Jade quickly turn to her, urgently signalling with her hands.

{Stop! Don't! It’s too dangerous!}

Her frantic gestures aimed to pacify Sapphira, highlighting the delicate and perilous nature of the situation.

It was clear that Sapphira was torn between heeding Jade's warnings and giving in to her anger, with a strong impulse to charge across the kitchen and handle me physically—a feat I had no doubt she could accomplish if my assessment of her capabilities was at all accurate.

Not keen on finding out firsthand, I maintained my cool demeanour and added sharply, "Ask him, then?! Send him a message or something; tell him Ela wants to call in her favour. Surely he has time to respond to a message, right?"

Truthfully, I had no clear plan, but as the situation unfolded, I found myself more and more entangled in this risky bluff.

Initially, I had hoped to keep Jade around, but very rapidly my top priority had shifted dramatically to keeping myself safe from the clearly volatile Sapphira, who seemed ready to tear me apart at the slightest provocation.

A tense silence filled the room again, becoming almost oppressive.

The three women exchanged significant glances, their silent communication charged with meaning but sadly lost on me, as my [Polyglot] Trait didn't extend to reading minds or interpreting looks.

Finally, the atmosphere subtly shifted as Sapphira's expression softened, her eyes turning a lighter shade of blue. It appeared she was actually sending a message.

'She’s contacting him... I really hope Vega is the kind of guy to honour his word…!'

I thought, a mix of hope and apprehension swirling within me as I waited for her to finish her silent conversation. My anxiety was skyrocketing as I waited with bated breath for any kind of response, cornered at the back of the stall with only a small, albeit very sharp, kitchen knife for defence.

'I do have my combat knife, but whipping it out right now seems like a terrible idea,' I mused, trying to distract myself from the pounding of my heart.

After about thirty gruelling and tension-filled seconds, a flash of surprise crossed Sapphira's face, prompting a quiet sigh of relief from me.

"I... She's fucking telling the truth...?" Sapphira admitted, her voice unusually subdued and utterly confused. "Vega wants to see her... He said to... To treat her well and bring her...?"

I was tempted to flash a smug, victorious smile, but prudence quickly squashed that impulse, reminding me of how close I had come to a dire confrontation.

Meanwhile, Jade turned to me with a look of incredulity, as if she couldn’t believe I had somehow managed to gain favour with her boss before we had even met.

I responded with a nonchalant shrug and set the kitchen knife down on a nearby counter; it was Mr. Shori's property, after all.

“I take it we’re leaving now, then?” I asked casually, nodding towards the back door.

I was still unclear on what my plan actually entailed, but I knew leveraging my newly found advantage was crucial, especially in dealing with Sapphira.

"Ahh... Yes," the oldest of the girls responded, clearly unsettled by the revelation that she might have misjudged me. “Follow us, we’ll lead the way.”

I paused briefly to say, “Just one sec,” before rushing towards the front of the stall, only to nearly run into Mr. Shori, who was standing by the wall that led to the front, long-knives in hand.

“Ah… Mr. Shori…?” I stuttered, caught off guard to see the kind man seemingly prepared for a bloody skirmish.

“Good to see everything well! I worried about Ela, ready to help,” he explained with a broad smile, relief evident in his tone. “But not necessary! Best outcome! You go now, yes? Stay safe.”

I could hardly believe my eyes and ears, but it seemed that Mr. Shori had been very much aware of everything happening in the back of the stall just now. Not just that, but he had been ready to back me up at a moment’s notice, should the situation escalate.

Things started to fall into place for me as I realised, ‘That must be why Jade was telling Ruby and Sapphira it was too dangerous to engage…! They were scared of Mr. Shori’s involvement!’

Today was the day I was going to rack up yet another massive debt with the old man, it seemed.

“Thank you, Mr. Shori,” I said, giving him another deep bow before turning to follow the three women out of the stall.

Leaving Mr. Shori behind gave me an uneasy feeling for a couple of reasons.

First, my shift wasn't over yet, so just walking out felt irresponsible.

But more importantly, I was acutely aware that I was walking away from my only backup, surrounded by people who likely didn't have my best interests at heart.

The unnerving thought crossed my mind that if Vega had simply instructed Sapphira to lure me into a trap—perhaps to some secluded alley for a swift and silent disposal—I was marching straight into their plans, eyes wide open and alarmingly naive.

'You're not very smart, Sera...' I chided myself internally. 'You really need to work on your trust issues. If you'd been more cautious, maybe you wouldn't be in messes like this one over and over.' The whole situation with "Aki" should have been a lesson in itself.

There was only a small chance that this was actually a trap, although still a bit too much of one for me in hindsight, but at this stage, it was too late, as I had already committed to it.

Ultimately, this was a calculated risk.

I simply hoped that my math skills lived up to what I needed them for now.

As we walked, I kept vigilant, scanning our surroundings for potential escape routes as well. I was particularly on the lookout for surfaces that could work with my [Wall-Runner] Perk, which seemed like my best shot at a quick getaway should things go south.

Despite this preparedness, I knew deep down that the moment I had stepped out of the stall, I might have already sealed my fate.

If they decided I was too much of a liability, my chances of making it out unscathed were slim to none...

The journey was marked by an awkward silence, which I was actually grateful for—it gave me some much-needed space to piece together a basic plan for what was coming next.

Somehow, I had ended up calling in the favour Vega owed me, a promise made in exchange for delivering Mr. Shori's crucial intel on the Red Snakes to the Clawed Beasts.

There was no way I could just show up, joke about it being a misunderstanding or something, and not expect some serious repercussions.

I couldn't afford to be "disappeared."

So, I had quickly crafted a reason for why I needed to cash in this favour now.

As we entered the Downpour, the very club where I had first made contact with the Clawed Beasts, memories of that initial mission flooded back.

A lot had changed since then, yet even more had remained the same.

The main difference was my confidence level; I was far more self-assured in my abilities now. Though still not exactly capable of much, I at least knew which of my very limited strengths I could likely risk to highlight.

I was counting on my Ego and Edge to help steer the rest of the conversations—or at least, that was the preliminary plan of action.

I was ushered through the club, the receptionist immediately recognizing the trio and waving us through the doors, before I was led past publicly accessible cubicles, through a backroom door, and then up a flight of stairs.

With each step, my nerves seemed to crank up a notch, and even my Ego couldn’t smooth over the mounting anxiety. This situation was nerve-wracking, no matter how you sliced it.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t the only one feeling the pressure.

Both Jade and Sapphira appeared to be on edge as well.

Jade's usually more calm demeanour, if my experience with “Aki” was anything to go by, had given way to a noticeable tension, and even Sapphira, so far being the most energetic and aggressive of the group, seemed uncharacteristically timid and uneasy.

Ruby, on the other hand, was the outlier; she remained utterly unfazed by the situation, her demeanour as bored and nonchalant as it had been since we left Mr. Shori’s stall. Her indifference in contrast to our anxiety added an eerie calm to the otherwise tense ascent.

As we reached a large set of heavy, wooden doors, Sapphira paused and announced, "We're here," before knocking. We waited briefly, and then, seemingly without prompt, she swung the doors open and ushered us inside.

Stepping into the room, a unique aroma hit me—a mix of old leather, the mustiness of ageing paper, and a subtle hint of cigar smoke that seemed embedded into the very walls.

It gave the space an air of antiquity and a strange level of authority.

The office itself was fairly spacious, dominated by large bookshelves crammed with volumes that looked ancient, their spines creased and faded from years of use. These books filled the far end of the room, creating a backdrop of scholarly clutter.

I had maybe seen a handful of books in all of the Neon Dragons playthroughs that I had seen, so seeing a whole, massive bookshelf full of them was more than just a bit impressive.

To the right, a cabinet stretched the entire length of the wall, its surface gleaming under the soft, yellow lighting. On the left, a single window opened to a fire escape, offering a bit of a contrast to the room's more scholarly and laid-back feel—an unmistakable, potential escape route for any dealings gone awry within.

In front of the impressive bookshelves sat a massive wooden desk, behind which was a large, plush-looking chair.

Vega was there, seated comfortably, blending in almost seamlessly with the surroundings, his presence as commanding as the office he occupied. The whole setting felt like a carefully staged display of power and knowledge, designed to intimidate and impress anyone that came through these doors—and eerily reminiscent of meeting the big boss in old mafia movies from my past life.

And I had to admit, it definitely worked on me as I couldn’t help but second-guess my earlier assumptions, ‘Did I completely misjudge his position…? Is he actually the boss of the Clawed Beasts or something…?’

As I approached the desk, the three women hung back at the door, remaining silent observers to the unfolding scene.

“Ela,” Vega began, his voice smooth and composed, just as I remembered it, “It’s good to see you again. I do hope that my girls didn’t cause any undue trouble for you?”

'Right to the heart of the matter, masking it with casual concern, huh?' I mused internally. Vega was clearly not here to exchange pleasantries; he was playing a deeper game. 'I'll play along, for now…'

“As a matter of fact,” I replied, my response causing the women behind me to stiffen noticeably, “they did.”

I let that statement hang in the air, giving Vega the chance to respond.

Observing him closely, I searched for any slight indication in his movements, expressions, or emotions that might give me an edge or hint at his true intentions.

A contrived frown creased Vega’s face as he gestured towards a chair opposite him. “Oof. Well, isn’t that an issue… Care to elaborate? I’d sure love to know how my girls managed to cause trouble, especially since I explicitly told them not to.”

His voice maintained its smooth, controlled quality, giving nothing away about his real thoughts or emotions.

‘Vega is definitely way more experienced with this whole song and dance than I am… I definitely won’t be able to lie my way through here, so the truth will have to do,’ I strategized quickly as I settled into the extremely comfortable cushioned chair.

“Ah, see, it’s not explicitly about them doing it on purpose, really. It’s more the fact that you had one of your girls spy on me for the past weeks, that really pisses me off. I was under the impression we had a professional agreement of sorts, to stay out of each other’s hair. But it appears that I was the only one under that impression?” I purposefully left out anything regarding Mr. Shori, as I didn’t dare risk jeopardising his position with the Clawed Beasts.

This was mostly my fault for getting into this situation, so there was no way I was going to bring him up first.

Feeling Vega was about to respond, I cut him off mid-breath and added, “Not to mention one of your girls nearly getting me fucking killed ‘cause she messed up my op. I even had to go out of my way, save her ass and ended up killing a few of the corpo agents as a result. How do you intend on making up for that, Vega?”

I realised that I was on thin ice with that aggressive stance, but considering the last time I had interacted with him, he had appreciated my more candid side, I seriously hoped that his behaviour back then hadn’t simply been a cover.

At my admission of killing the corpo agent, which I had thrown in hoping to stir some reaction, I heard a surprised gasp from behind me—it was definitely Jade’s, I immediately recognized.

Even Vega seemed taken aback by my frank admission, his eyebrow lifting ever so slightly—a small but telling reaction that my Intuition didn't let me overlook.

“That is very problematic…” Vega admitted, his gaze briefly darting past me to the women waiting at the door. I could almost hear the shift in their posture tightening with tension. Turning his attention back to me, he continued, “I’m sure we will come to an understanding. However, I must clarify that I never intended for things to escalate this way. I was simply seeking more information on you; consider it... Professional interest, if you will.”

He offered me a variety of drinks, which I promptly declined. In this high-stakes environment, I couldn’t afford any distractions.

“One of my girls, Sapphira, informed me that you wanted to call in your favour; is that accurate, or was it merely a way to secure another meeting with my charming self and to highlight the glaring errors my operatives have committed?” He asked, his grin carrying a devilish edge. I wasn’t sure if the smirk was meant for me or directed at the women standing a few metres behind me.

This was the moment I had mentally prepared for during the trip here, yet I wasn’t ready to fully show my hand.

“She was correct. I do want to call in my favour,” I responded with a measured nod, noticing a subtle relaxation from the direction of Sapphira. “But before we proceed with that, I’d like to know exactly where you stand. Are we conducting ourselves as professionals here, or are you planning to dance around the issue, hoping I’ll just forget about it?”

I leaned in closer over the table, lowering my voice and injecting it with a chill that would have made Valeria proud, "One of your operatives nearly got me killed, Vega. Not injured, or maimed; but killed. I'm in trouble with Falkum Industries because they now have dead to deal with as a result of your operative messing up my operation. I had already secured my package but turned back because your operative would've been mincemeat without my intervention.

"And that is all despite my explicit policy of not interacting with you, the Clawed Beasts, or the Byte Wolves in any capacity. I’ve kept my side of the unspoken agreement, yet you’ve trampled over every single aspect of it. Do you want me as an enemy after the favour is dealt with? Because from where I'm standing, it certainly looks like it; the complete and utter lack of respect from you is beyond insulting."

The atmosphere in the office as I finished my rant was so thick I could barely breathe.

Even the three women at the door seemed to freeze in place, their breaths held as we all waited for Vega’s response.

‘That might have been way too much… Please don’t kill me,’ I thought, suddenly aware that I very much might have drastically overplayed my hand. I had gotten too caught up in trying to turn the tables on him, forgetting my actual position in this negotiation—a complete nobody.

My internal panicking was not transmitted to the outside world, however, as my Edge and Ego Attributes were once again working overtime, making sure that I kept a cool and collected outward appearance as I stared down Jade’s boss directly across from me, waiting for his reply…

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