Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 102 A sexy intruder 2

Aron can feel the alterations in the atmosphere of the room. Behind him, a dense cold froze his body, while a gust of hot air battered his face. "I will suggest you let off the boy." Yana kept smiling, even in the midst of the threatening words.

"Hohoho.. I ain't holding him against his will. Rather, he is perfectly satisfied with me." Lucy just trashed the plan of taking off. Met with a worthy opponent,  her pride will not allow her to walk away. 

With no other intention other than rubbing it on Yana's face, she hugged the human boy from behind. Both her hands stationed on his shoulder, she made sure to press her voluptuous chest on his back. To her success, she noticed the necromancer's smile fade away. "So you want to make things difficult?" 

Yana's body released an extraordinary amount of heat. So much so, that the wooden floor under her feet was charred away. Both of the women can easily visualize the massive strength pulsating in each other's veins. 

Between these seemingly immortal ladies, a single human boy was akin to grass stuck in a hurricane. Beside him, he can see the predatory canines protrude from between her lips. 

If he was not mistaken, both of these women were ready for a clash. "I don't like frugal achievements. The more difficult it is to attain something, the more the ecstasy to finally acquire it." Lucy babbled, making sure to lick Aron's nape along the edge in order to pass the message to this newly emerged rival of hers.

*Tap* Yana took a single step, increasing the pressure by multiple folds. At the same time, a dense red flame caught onto her hands. "Haha.. then please be careful. You might burn yourself in the flames of your own desires." She chuckled. 

Lucy was taken aback by the display. Next to her, Aron vividly noticed the shock in her eyes. "Dragonfire.." She uttered before she dragged the boy behind him much like she did while facing the pervy old man from the Necromancy Store. 

"Hahaha.. World has changed quite a lot since my last awakening. To think humans even managed to cultivate something as wild as Dragonfire. Interesting.. Interesting.." Lucy cracked her shoulders. Having feasted upon Aron's blood, she can feel a new rush of adrenaline. 

Standing behind the vampire, Aron watched in disbelief. Wasn't Mrs. Yana a teacher in the Necromancy department? Then why was she using fire magic right now? This made no sense to him. Prior to today, he didn't even know she can manipulate fire as well. 

In front of him, he saw Lucy's nails grow longer as her body began flashing with a red bloody pattern that crisscrossed all over her frame. "Ahem.. Mrs. Yana. Mrs. Lucy. Do you guys really have to fight? I mean, Mrs. Lucy here is already on her way out." 

Both ladies had been intoxicated in their own superiority complex. Aron can see no benefit of this clash whatsoever. This was nothing but a dick-measuring contest as per the little knowledge he held. 

"Also, this.. this is was my first day here." Aron called out in desperation, looking all around he can see the burn marks all over the already decaying walls. Beddings had been reduced to ashes and so were the curtains. A choking smell lingered in the air causing him to have difficulty in breathing.

His miserable face caught the ladies off-guard. "Pffttt..!!" First, it was Lucy, unable to hold on to her gags, she burst out in laughter. Yana followed closely behind. "What's with that face, you brat..? Try to read the atmosphere." Lucy chimed in as she retracted her weapons back into her body. 

"Hahaha.. I guess this is it then. Let's have this some other day, Ms. Vampire." Yana can see Lucy had lost the motivation to engage with her. Like the boy said, this was going to be a  futile fight, meant only to satisfy their egos and nothing else. 

"Yup.. he killed the mood." Lucy took one last look at Aron before walking over to the window. "I am not sure if I should even say this.. but thank you, my little puppy. I will be back to see you." 

The fire around Yana's hands had been snuffed out and she approached the boy, now standing alone in the room. As both of them watched on, Lucy's lips curled in a smile. "I hope you liked the suckling.. hehe.. because I totally enjoyed it." 

With that last sentence meant to sow dissent, the vampire woman leaped out of the window and flew away. Aron remained in the room with Mrs. Yana's burning gaze on himself. 

"Ahem.. I never knew you can control fire as well, Mrs. Yana." Though their room was more or less destroyed at this point, Yana made her way to the only surviving bed. 

"How do you end up as the magnet for trouble everywhere? Also, what's with this new hobby of yours? I didn't know you will be so desperate to even latch onto vampire tities." Yana entirely bypassed his question to make herself comfortable in his bed.

"Ah.. that.." It was an awkward situation to be in. Even knowing that the woman was only pulling his leg, Aron found it hard to answer her with the same innocence he had maintained with Mrs. Yana over the last two years. 

Standing there with his hand scratching the back of his head, Aron was relieved when he heard a commotion outside. 

"Brother.." Next second two boys burst through the doorway before coming to rest when they noticed the lady laying in bed, behind their roommate. 

Both of them recognized the woman. "Greetings to Mrs. Yana." As such, both of them greeted her and then checked on their friend afterward. Chris was worried after witnessing the deteriorated condition of the room.

"What in the world happened here?" "We heard the alarms and were huddled back to our rooms." Ben added. Aron saw the woman on his bed who had refused to budge and then went on to provide a brief description of the events.

"You mean to say there was an intruder in the Academy?" Anyone will be appalled by the revelation, Chris include. "Even so, why did the person come here?" Ben wasn't sure how his humble room attracted a break-in. 

"We are still working on that. Now can you boys leave us alone for some time? I need to record his first-hand account." Yana chimed in, leaving no room for discussion.

Chris remained unsatisfied but Ben pulled him along. "Sure, Mrs. Yana. We will wait outside." "Take care brother." Aron responded with a nod. 

As the boys left the room, shutting the door on their way out, Yana saw Aron stand in place without moving a muscle. There was an inherent sadness on his face. "Come here." 

With a heavy sigh and a cryptic smile, Aron climbed into the bed, proceeding to embrace Yana in his arms. His depressed face told her something was weighing on his heart. "Tell me. Did she say something mean?" 

Aron didn't reply, snuggling his head deep into the valley of Mrs. Yana's bosom. She held him back, rubbing her hand on his back to calm the kid. "Yeah." He replied after quite a while of pandering.

"Then pay no heed to it. She is not even a human, what will she know about our emotions?" Aron didn't share anything else with her. Lodged in her arms, he was feeling significantly better. 

"You did very well. If I have to be honest, I will say you exceeded my imagination." Yana changed the topic to distract him. "It's only because I had you backing me up. If not for your help, I would not have gotten this chance to live the life of my dreams, Mrs. Yana." 

"Haha.. trying to butter me up? Apart from a few spirit pills, what exactly did I help you with?" Aron released himself from her boobs, now facing the mature woman directly. "You don't know what you mean for me, Mrs. Yana. The affection you showed me can never be quantified." 

So close to her, Aron can observe the spectacularly carved face of the lady of his dreams. Each of the distinct arches and bends visages spoke nothing other than perfection. The flawlessness of her smooth silky only enhanced her bewitching charisma.

Both the boy and the matron peered into each other's deep black eyes. Aron's words of passion had led a small amount of blush to appear on Yana's face. 

This was the limit of Aron's control over himself. The red shade on her already beautiful countenance destroyed the dam holding onto his feelings. 

With his mind shutting down, Aron gently reached out. Their lips met and the world around him went on a toss. To his great fortune, Yana didn't show any reservations, allowing her own lips to get captured.

Yana had deliberately not come forward to see the boy after the amazing performance he put up. He assumed Aron might become too complacent because of all the fame he had collected. 

But looking at the boy now, his attitude hasn't changed at all. Be remained just as humble as the first day she met him. She judged him wrongly. "Mhhuuu.." Yana began responding to his actions with her lips now taking over his. 

None of them realized when the soft peck of the lips turned into a full mouth in mouth sucking contest. Their kiss started quite gentle but with every second passing, their passion kept achieving new limits. 

Aron's hands had taken hold of Yana's large breasts, kneading them amorously. She didn't take offense, rather prodding him by grabbing his small butt cheeks in her hands. 

His earlier words evoked a feeling in her heart that no woman should have for a boy so young that he can be easily mistaken for her own child. Even though she knew this was not the right thing to do, she can't help it this once. 

Once the kiss ended, Yana didn't let the boy separate from her. "It was about your parents, isn't it?" Aron was a boy filled with youthful energy. It's very rare to find him in such a vulnerable state. 

Even though life didn't treat him right, he never let that stop him from dreaming. He never grew bitter nor lost his cheerful smile, even though he belonged to the lowest possible state of society. He was a beacon for all.

Yana can not think of any other subject that can evoke such negative emotions from the boy. "Don't think too much, boy. If you believe in something, then stay strong. Strive to do your best and leave the rest to your fate. There is only so much we can control about our fortune, is it not? Then why waste your time staying down?" 

Yana's peaceful smile was like a blooming flower. Faced with that, Aron could not maintain the gloomy face forever. Eventually, he broke out into a smile as well. 

Chris and Ben stood right outside the door to their hostel room. "It's fine, brother. Mrs. Yana is here. She is one of the powerhouses in this academy. Let her take care of the matter." Ben explained.

"I know who madam Yana is. I can't seem to understand why the intruder will target Aron?" Chris rubbed his palms together. "You think it can be someone from another academy?" He theorized.

While there was no doubt that Greenville Academy was the premier institution in the country for aspiring kids to graduate in magical arts, it was far from being the sole one out there. 

There were a few rival academies as well, all of them situated in and around the capital city. Aron's performance had raised a lot of eyebrows, so it's possible people from the other academies might try to target him. At least how Chris rationalized it. 

But Ben didn't seem to buy the logic. "Targeting a first-year? It's unheard off." He shook his head back and forth. "That's too risky. Not to mention Aron is yet to make a big enough name for himself that will warrant such extreme reaction from the other academies."

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