Naruto: Skill Copying System

Rock Lee’s Utter Defeat

"I must open my inner gates!" Rock Lee said as he landed on the ground. However, he was a little disorientated and blinded, so he didn't see that my body flickered right behind him.

"Leaf Hurricane!!" I spun around and used Rock Lee's Konoha Senpuu against his already battered body. By now, I've already punched and kicked him dozens of times. I held back just enough to not kill the poor guy.

Lee flew in an arch and landed not far away. His body collapsed onto the ground, not moving an inch.

Being the good sport that I was, I calmly let Genma judge if Lee is out or not.

"Hmmm…" Genma hummed from the sideline, but he didn't announce the loss of Rock Lee. He needed Rock Lee to stay down for at least ten seconds.

"I will not lose…. So easy! Gate of Opening, open! Gate of Healing, open! Gate of Life, open!" Lee abused the 10 second countdown to open the first three of his inner gates.

Thanks to opening the Gate of Healing and Gate of Life, Rock Lee was able to reduce the effects of the pepper spray to nil.

His skin turned red, and he jumped up from the ground, distancing himself from Sasuke.

On the stand, Kakashi opened his eyes wide in amazement. He didn't see Rock Lee open these gates in the preliminary matches, so this was the first time that he saw it.

"This is incredible! Attaining this type of power at his age is unbelievable." Kakashi compared Rock Lee to Guy, and Rock Lee had reached this stage a few years ahead of Guy.

"HAHAHA! That's not all… Kakashi my friend! Look, there's still more!" Guy had already given his permission to Lee in advance that he shouldn't hold back at all during the Chunin Tournament.

When Kakashi heard that there's still more to see, he focused on Rock Lee.

"Guess this won't work for now." I flipped the pepper spray bottle before catching it and chucking it into my ninja bag. It probably won't work right now since Lee has his Inner Gates of Healing activated.

I then turned my attention to Rock Lee. It would've been good if Rock Lee gave up, but since he didn't… then I'll just continue to beat him up and humiliate him in front of all the audiences.

"I did not want to go all out during my first match, but your actions have lit the power of youth inside of me, Sasuke-kun!" Lee stated as he grabbed the weights on his legs and threw them to the side.


Two dust domes appeared on top of the place where the weights landed.

"Woah!!! Rock Lee has been wearing all of those weights while being beat up and pepper sprayed? He's so badass… in a good way."

"How much was he even wearing on each leg?!?!"

The crowd exclaimed. The match was getting more and more exciting for them after Rock Lee recovered. They also wondered what the despicable Uchiha was going to do next.

"Now… The fourth gate!! The Gate of Pain, open!!" Veins began to appear on Rock Lee's temples. He currently couldn't use this Gate of Pain for long, so he had to end the match as soon as possible.

"Guess I'll beat you at your own game." I said as I switched my Taijutsu style.

I entered the Gentle Fist stance and veins appeared around the sides of my eyes as I activated Byakugan using the System.

"You… You're just like Neji!" Rock Lee shivered when he saw the veins around Sasuke's eyes. Even the stance was similar to Neji's Gentle Fist.

Before, he felt like he was fighting a mirror image of himself. But now, he feels like he's going against his teammate Neji.

It's as if Sasuke is… a Copy Ninja!!

"But I feel like your power won't be enough to match Neji's!!" Rock Lee declared as he flashed forward with his super speed. He couldn't wait anymore since his inner gates might close if he prolonged the battle.

"I never intend to match Neji's power… because I've already suppressed it." I said as I attacked towards my right with the Gentle Fist.

*Poof!!!* I diverted Lee's attack before accurately aiming at Rock Lee's inner Gate of Pain. I sent my chakra through the gentle fist and closed the gate forcibly.

In its natural state, the Byakugan already has a sensory field. But when added onto the Mind's Eye of Kagura and my Sharingan's ability to track and predict movements… Lee's movement is as slow as a snail's.

Therefore, I'm able to counter attack and close Rock Lee's inner gates with ease.

"!?!?" Rock Lee felt his power returning to the Gate of Life's level. Even at this moment, he had thought that Sasuke was only copying the Gentle Fist… He didn't believe that Sasuke also has the Byakugan.

"Konoha Senpuu!!" Rock Lee used his version of the Leaf's hurricane and kicked, aiming for Sasuke's head.

And it was evaded once again!! His kick was diverted up into the air before a Gentle Fist touched the door of his Gate of Life! His Gate of Life immediately closed with that touch!

Another attack also followed after the first and Rock Lee felt his Gate of Healing close too!

Lee quickly retreated and his face turned to that of fear and puzzlement.

"Impossible! Do you have the Byakugan!?!?!" Lee freaked out when he returned to the first level of the inner gates. Unless one has the Byakugan, they shouldn't be able to effectively point out where to hit to close the inner gates.

Even Kakashi, Might Guy, and the audience were spooked by the battle style of Sasuke Uchiha. Each and everyone of them were completely focused on Sasuke's reply. They wanted to know if he had the Byakugan!!!

The one that was most spooked is Hiashi Hyuga… the Hyuga clan's Patriarch and Hinata's father.

Up on the high building, Hiruzen Sarutobi kept his eyes firmly on Sasuke while the 'Kazekage' trembled. Who knows that's going underneath those thick clothes.

I could feel the tense atmosphere as everyone awaited my reply.

So I decided to amuse them by pulling out another one of my bullshit cards: "MY Sharingan has mutated! Like the Hyugas, I can see your Chakra Points!"

I arrogantly announced to everyone in the stadium. Even if they doubt me, how can they prove me wrong? I'm the only remaining Uchiha in the village after all!

Any bullshit or bullcrap that I spout about the Uchiha clan is the truth and nothing but the truth.



The whole stadium freaked out. They all screamed non-stop. If the Sharingan had really mutated to also see Chakra Points like the Hyuga, then this Dojutsu might have effectively become the strongest within Konoha.

Up in the high buildings, the Kazekage's body twitched violently.

Hiruzen glanced over and wondered if the Kazekage was having an orgasm or something… but he quickly shook his head and turned back to Sasuke. He wanted to dig deeper into Sasuke's secrets once the Chunin Exam was over.

(A/N: Too bad, old man.)

"Now then, Lee… let's get back to business!" I smirked as I charged towards Lee.

Lee knew that this was his last chance to fight back. Hence, he weaved back and forth, trying to confuse Sasuke.

However, all of his moves were diverted, reverted, and parried! It's as if he is just being toyed with by Sasuke!

Then… it came.


Rock Lee felt his inner gate strength completely leaving his body. He had returned to normal after all of his gates were closed in reverse.

Once again, Rock Lee retreated, and he began to wonder whether or not he should continue the match.

But… he realized that it was a mistake to give Sasuke even a second in the match!

Rock Lee saw what looked like a smoke bomb that was thrown over to him right as he was thinking about surrendering!

He recalled the horrible pepper situation that he was in and shivered. He tried to evade the 'smoke bomb' by jumping to the right.


What greeted him was another 'smoke bomb'!

He then jumps left… but he's greeted with yet another 'smoke bomb'!!

Rock Lee looked around himself and kneeled down onto the ground. No matter where he went, it seems that Sasuke had already predicted his movements. He was surrounded by bombs!

I had taken out a total of ten Shit Bombs from my ninja bag, and I threw all of them towards Rock Lee after predicting and tracking his movements with my system skills.

I had concocted these Shit Bombs with the most disgusting odors that I could create with the Expert Biological Science and Advance Cooking Skill.

The smell was so fucking disgusting that my girls stayed away from me for a whole week as I developed the compounds necessary to make the Shit Bombs. Even Karin begged me if I could rent a hotel for her.

In the end, I ended up staying out while letting Karin stay in my apartment. The Hotel residents suffered quite a bit, though.

"OOoraagghhh!!!" Rock Lee placed all four of his hands onto the ground and threw up non-stop.

"OOoraagghhh!!! OOoraagghhh!!!" His vomit made a puddle on the ground, and he pushed his nose into his vomit because its smell is one thousand times better than the shit smoke.

Rock Lee began to feel consciousness… the world began to blur… and he began to lose consciousness inside of the shit smoke. He felt like… his life is waltzing away~


Seeing Rock Lee getting K.O.ed, I took out a bag of powder from my ninja bag and threw it on myself. It was the antidote to the shit bomb… It allows me and one meter around me to be immune to the shit bomb smell.

"Sasuke wins!! Hurry, someone go get Rock Lee!! It's hazardous there!!" Genma immediately called the match and forced the medical staff to come over. He pinched his nose, trying not to throw up.

Even though he wasn't close to the explosions, Genma could smell the shit bomb, and he wanted to run away so badly. However, he still has a job to adhere to.

The Shit Bomb smoke began to quickly rise up…

Up in the participants' platform, Naruto and the others began to smell the shit bombs and they all shook.

"Fuck this!" Temari screamed and waved her large ass fan, throwing out a wind Jutsu.

This wind Jutsu was good for the participants… but it was a different story when it came to the audiences.





Many people in the audience couldn't handle the smell, and they began to throw up one after another. Some people could handle the smell, but when they saw the numerous people puking around them, they also threw up.

They all cursed Sasuke for being a menace to society for creating such a disgusting weapon.

I watched everyone in amusement. If these people can't even handle my Concoction no.2, how can they handle my Concoction No.3 and No.4?

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