My Third Empire

Chapter 58 - Counterattack

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Looking back at Akado, Colonel Smith stepped back two steps, came to Akado in front of him, and sighed: “This time the National Defense Force has really done too much. The British intelligence has always been able to find you in violation of the Versailles Treaty.” The clues of developing the armed forces without permission, and this time France seems to have discovered more. Your development has made our two countries very uneasy. “

“So what do you personally think?” Akado stared at Colonel Smith and asked, “Do you also think that the German army is a threat, even though it has been completely destroyed by the Treaty of Versailles? Do you think that a hundred thousand defense troops can Fully qualified for Germany’s two-line defense? Don’t forget, Mr. Smith, our neighbor in the east, there is a newly born * nation. “

“So we have been turning a blind eye to the private actions of the German Wehrmacht, do you really think you have concealed everyone?” Smith shrugged and made an indifferent action: “Know that our country’s intelligence personnel and French intelligence Everyone knows that you have a “Pluto Project”, this plan is to secretly expand the size of the National Defense Force, so that it can respond to the threat of the French * team and the Polish army. And the size of the National Defense Force is almost no less than 200,000, but what we still do I didn’t see it. “

“We just want to protect ourselves! Is such a request too much?” Akado said angrily. No matter in which world, it is very difficult for a country to seek dignity abroad. If the war wins, then naturally there will be dignity. If the war fails-Germany and China will have the same ending, it is humiliation.

“Very excessive.” Smith took the pride proudly: “To know that you are a defeated country, your life and death are in our hands. Only when we allow you to protect yourself, you can protect yourself! Understand Is it? “

Akado was silent. This is the power of a victorious country. This is the arrogance and domineering that a victorious country should have. Akado II was a human being and was born on the weak side twice. This kind of humiliation is unforgettable. This time Akado realized the feelings of the infamous Manqing officials signing various contracts-Danfan If they still have a little self-esteem, this taste will hurt their hearts.

However, he is still not allowed to flinch or stand there sentimental, so he raised his head again and continued to stare at Colonel Smith, asking one by one: “You? The word” we “you said contains Many countries, such as France! Are the British Empire and France always one? “

“Of course, we always stand with powerful allies. Oh, it may not be accurate to say that, so to speak-we always stand with justice and truth!” Colonel Smith shook his index finger and shook it. Said.

“When France may dominate the whole of Europe, reappearing the glory of Emperor Napoleon and threatening the British dominance in the world, I hope you will say so.” Akado said while walking back down the steps: “Germany This time it was overwhelmed by the French, only to lose an Akado Rudolph, but after the French dominated the mainland, it was His Majesty George V who fell. “

“Wait!” Smith held out his hand and said loudly in his mouth, “Please wait.”

Akado stopped, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

In the Netherlands, the royal palace, the door of the office of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands was knocked, and then several royal ministers and parliament officials walked in together.

“Your Majesty, this time the French condemnation we have studied and decided to ignore it.” A parliamentary official stepped forward and said: “This move is to protect the fundamental rights and interests of the people of the Kingdom of Holland, and I hope you can support it.”

“I have long said that the French are a group of people who do not know how to be satisfied.” Queen William Minna put down the pen in her hand, looked at her subjects, and slowly said, “They used to ask me to hand over His Majesty Emperor William, I Refused.”

She stood up and walked to the front of her men and said firmly: “Now they are asking me to surrender the technology and assets owned by our people, and I will certainly refuse. Long live the Kingdom of the Netherlands.”

“Your wisdom shines in the stars! Long live the Kingdom of the Netherlands.” All ministers and officials bowed their heads and said respectfully.

A few hours later, the Dutch government issued a short statement: “The great Kingdom of the Netherlands decided not to interfere in the technical cooperation between any company and individual in its country and a German company, nor in any way to establish a joint venture with a German company to serve the Dutch. The French government’s unreasonable demands on the Kingdom of the Netherlands will completely ignore it, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands is disappointed and sorry for the French government’s arrogance and self-righteousness. “

Krupp’s strategy was successful. When he first established the Hiv’s ivs company (also known as the Shipbuilding Engineering Office), he sold 49% of the profitable company to Dutch merchants, including Clark Among the big Dutch capitalists, now the French have come to hope to destroy the company and steal the company’s technology and workers. Of course, they are hated by the Dutch merchants who have already made good profits.

Seizing money is like killing a parent. This is a hatred that does n’t stand. The Dutch merchant consortium did n’t disappoint the Germans. They did n’t wait for the news in Germany to launch a crazy counterattack against the French. They first condemned it in international public opinion. French arrogance and **** followed by a series of economic threats, a move that disgraced the French government for a time when it thought it was well prepared to plan how to divide the fruits of victory.

At this moment, in Berlin, Germany, in front of the British Embassy, ​​Akado and Smith were still standing on the steps one by one. Akado stopped walking and looked back at Smith who held his hand on the steps. Stare at each other.

“You are right! General Arcado? Rudolph, a European continent dominated by France is not in the interest of the British Empire. I was convinced by you.” Smith finally broke the silence and nodded. “I will generate electricity.” Report back to the UK and inquire about the handling of this incident. “

“It’s not too late, I think I know the answer now, so that I can let go of the French who want to dominate Europe,” Akado said. “Do you mind if I go in and sit down?”

“Of course! At least you are now my distinguished guest of Smith, please come with me! I prepared very delicious coffee for you.” Smith made a gesture of invitation and said.

Half an hour later, Akado was still in the house drinking a coffee brewed by Colonel Smith personally. Smith was called out by the secretary from the reception room and received the top secret telegram from the British mainland-not a password without translation. Original, but fluent English sentences.

Smith opened the telegraph folder, and the document read: “Colonel Smith, the British Empire is unwilling to face a France that has lost its bondage, and it is even more unwilling to see a powerful French dominate the European continent. It is in line with a certain strength of Germany. For the fundamental interests of the British Empire, the Dutch government ’s attitude has been made clear that the French should not succeed, we are always on the side of the winner, so this time the empire decided to support Germany. God bless, the British Empire and His Majesty George V Long live.”

Closing the file, Smith handed the folder to his female secretary again: “Destroy it immediately! You burned it yourself!”

Watching the female secretary nod and walk away in the hallway, he put on a smile and reopened the door of the reception room. With a very friendly and friendly voice, Akado, who was drinking coffee on the opposite side, said: “Will you come A glass? Isn’t it a very good weather today? “

Akado put down his coffee cup and nodded. “It looks like you haven’t received an order and you will shoot me. Right?”

Smith nodded and said with a smile: “The French will not have the support of the British Empire this time! They do not have enough evidence at hand, at least the information we have obtained from the British side is so displayed. So this time your defense force is surprised Danger … So now it ’s the German ’s turn to express our friendliness, General Arcado Rudolph. This time Britain helped Germany. What benefits does Germany intend to give Britain? “

“The German Navy originally planned to build five armored ships, and now three are under construction, while the other two” Prussia “and” Admiral Ludwig “we will cancel the construction to prove that we did not intend to challenge the British Empire Sea power on the Atlantic Ocean. ”Akado took out documents from Sindra and handed it to Smith:“ Germany will not launch naval vessels above heavy cruisers within three years. What about this proposal? ”

“Your generosity is beyond my expectation! General Akado, I really hope that you will remain in power in Germany, so that the British Empire and Germany will become very friendly partners.” Smith apparently did not expect Akado Zi came up with such attractive conditions, and immediately said with a smile.

“Of course, this is not all the exchange conditions. This condition also includes that the maximum artillery caliber of the German navy destroyer will not be greater than 88 mm-so that the German navy will become a regional force, not an ocean decisive force.” Akado laughed The author added: “So Germany is no longer a challenger of British sea power, but a supporter of relying on British sea power to protect its own rights.”

“Supporters! I like this word very much! Now that the National Defense Force has prepared such an attractive bargaining chip, let’s talk about your conditions.” Smith’s eyes lit up and he looked at Akado and said. This condition made him unexcited, because if the German navy succumbed, then the United Kingdom could save more power to deal with the Japanese navy rising in the Far East and the American navy staring over the ocean.

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