My Third Empire

Chapter 1219 - Strange fighter

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

No one waited patiently in the war, letting the opportunity of weapon development pass. Even China, which is backward and poor, has developed its own military industry during the War of Resistance Against Japan and completed a lot of weapon imitation and production.

This is still true of China, which has no industrial foundation, not to mention the United States, the most powerful industrial force. So Americans have not given up the pace of catching up with German advanced weapons. On the other hand, they have not given up hope of developing better weapons alone.

Iceland ’s unsinkable Atlantic aircraft carrier has no way to radiate its influence to the British Isles and Norway. One of the main reasons is its distance, which makes the US Air Force aircraft a little embarrassing for bombers. The voyage is indeed enough, but the fighter plane cannot escort.

So before the first plan to use Iceland as a base takeoff bomber to bomb the Norwegian iron ore production area was drawn up, the Americans were developing ultra-long-range **** fighters to **** their strategic bomber b17. However, because of the progress of the development, the Americans had not produced this type of aircraft during the first bombing of Norway, so they could only carry out night bombing with no guarantee of accuracy.

This time, the Americans built this long-range fighter, using two Rolls-Royce high-horsepower engines, plus the fuselage of two p40 fighters to piece together a more powerful ultra-long-range twin-engine heavy fighter: American name It is a p41 fighter.

The p41 fighter is actually another p38 fighter in space and time, but because of the outbreak of war, the United States has gone astray in the development of fighters, so it was only a year late to start service. Of course, the design of this aircraft is not as mature as the p38. It is completely made up of two p40 fighters.

In fact, this kind of aircraft cannot be completely regarded as p38, because its shape is obviously different from p38. P38 has an independent body in the middle, but p41 does not. From this perspective, p41 is more like a relative of the German long-range fighter me109z1, because they are intuitively using two single-engine fighters to piece together a heavy fighter design model.

In any case, American designers used the shortest time to design a long-range **** fighter that meets US requirements. This type of aircraft can fly to Norway with the b17 fighter, which can alleviate the embarrassment of some bombers without escort.

It is precisely because of this type of fighter that the United States and Britain are so bold that outside the traditional Greenland air defense circle, they have more **** fighters to fight the German high seas fleet, but they come only slower.

Because of this reliable backup, it was possible to fight an “evenly matched” air battle with the German Navy at a specific time, so Dudley Bond was finally determined to bet on the fate of the Royal Navy in such a seemingly not dominant Above the naval battle.

A p41 fighter crossed the Allied fleet, followed by the second and third. These twin-engine fighters have a very fast speed, but they are not as flexible as single-engine fighters. However, these planes appeared on the endless sea, but they brought considerable shock to the enemy.

“Young Dragon 4, pay attention to the front! A special enemy fighter! We do not yet know the performance of this enemy aircraft, be careful!” Manipulating his own aircraft, German fighter pilots do not have the habit of flinching. In the sky, they are used to being the protagonist, just like on the sea, the British are used to becoming king and hegemony.

The fw190 fighter jet roared toward its enemy, and after staggering, chasing each other’s tail, the battle became **** again, and the roar of the cannon fluttered between the white clouds.

“Long live the heads of state! The marshals and generals are in a bad situation! The British fleet is turning again and is approaching our direction.” An officer walked in front of Lütjens and Ryder, Li Zhenghui reported : “An unprecedented American aircraft has appeared on the battlefield, and the air superiority has not been able to fully control our hands.”

“New plane?” Lütjens’s eyelids jumped, and he was really about to exhaust all his patience and courage. The emergence of new enemy aircraft means that the German Navy ’s carrier aircraft will suffer more losses, which means that this naval battle will still be uncontrolled again and again. For him, the German Navy ’s carrier fleet For the commander of this, it was too much for him to accept.

“Hurry to take off the reconnaissance plane to confirm that there is another US carrier fleet that we have not discovered in the north?” Lütjens was most worried about the emergence of new forces in the Allied fleet. It also made him suspicious of winning. After all, if there are more American aircraft carriers in the invisible North, then the comparison of the strength of the aircraft carriers on both sides is not 7-2, 7-7, or 7-7? Does it make sense to fight this naval battle?

After the order to continue the investigation from the takeoff reconnaissance plane to the north, Lütjens looked at the not-so-good-looking Marshal Redell, and then he persuaded: “My marshal, we must increase the distance between the fleets. We do n’t have to take risks to lure the British to come up, and it ’s more beneficial for us to distance ourselves. “

After he finished speaking, he looked behind him and found that everyone was still some distance away from them, so he lowered his voice and continued, “None of us dare to say now, whether there is a third or fourth ship in the Allied fleet. Aircraft carriers are consumed in this situation, we do n’t have any benefit, are we?

Ryder also felt that in this situation, keeping his present position was a little too reckless. After considering it, he nodded to Lütjens and agreed: “Maybe you are right, we as generals Having limited front-line ad hoc decision-making power to allow the fleet to adjust course may be a good way to avoid risks. “

“The fleet is slowing down! The course has changed from true north to 25 degrees east-north!” Lütjens received the approval of Rydell and quickly issued an order to adjust the course. The German high seas fleet adjusted its course for the first time after the war, and the entire fleet was aligned with the bow in the direction of Iceland.

Since becoming an aircraft carrier fleet commander, Lütjens has become more and more adapted to his role. He actually did not know that the new main gun equipped with the new heavy cruiser of the German Navy had already defeated allied ships of the same type in terms of rate of fire and accuracy. Coupled with the three battleships in his hand, even if artillery battles actually occurred, the Allied fleet seemed to have no advantage.

However, the commanders who use aircraft carriers to fight, especially the commanders of the German navy, have become accustomed to fighting at the expense of the enemy. In their view, evenly-matched battles are already at a loss. At least giving up the advantages of aircraft carriers is an irrational performance. ,Is not it?

Of course, no one knows that although this time of the turn, the Dudley Bond fleet, which lacked detection capabilities, did not find it in time, but in fact this time the German Navy ’s high seas fleet flinched, allowing them to change their routes more The British Royal Navy Squadron approached.

“The fighting ability of these aircraft is very general. Although the firepower is strong, but the flexibility is insufficient.” While driving the aircraft with a smoother roll to get rid of an American p41 fighter, the German pilot in the cockpit summed up to his friendly army. The shortage of enemy aircraft: “I think they should be land-based fighters. Using two fuselage aircraft on an aircraft carrier is definitely an idiot.”

He shook the joystick of his plane neatly and quickly threw away the slightly clumsy American p41 fighter. His wingmen opened fire on this awkward enemy fighter plane, and directly turned the opponent into a burning part.

Although the p41 fighter is equipped with a lot of armor to protect the pilot and fuel because of its wealth. However, in the face of the 20 and 30 mm cannons equipped with German aircraft, it still seemed pale and weak. Even the larger and stronger B17 strategic bomber is not cheap in front of the German large-caliber cannon, let alone the P41 fighter.

The temporarily developed p41 fighter, after all, is not an opponent of the fw190 fighter that has been tested for war. During the brief exchange of fire, 11 p41 fighters were shot down, and only two fw190 were buried in the sea because they did not adapt to the changes of their opponents.

On the other hand, when the rival parties in the sky are fighting each other and there is no victory or defeat, the German attack fleet has already let the chaotic British fleet pay a heavy price. A cruiser of the British Royal Navy was hit and burned, and was forced to slow down from the fleet. Queen Elizabeth was destroyed by several anti-aircraft artillery, resulting in a loophole in the anti-aircraft fire network and was once again hit by a German aircraft.

The side battle of this British battleship exploded and caught fire, and affected many anti-aircraft guns on the side. Even more annoying to Dudley Bond is that the fire on Queen Elizabeth is getting bigger and bigger because of the inexperience of the damage control personnel, and some of them are out of control. Under desperate circumstances, the battleship Queen Elizabeth once again slowed down and retreated to a slightly backward position, seeking the protection of several destroyers and cruisers around.

Looking anxiously at the pocket watch, Dudley Bond found that the time was only at 14:30 in the afternoon, about 4:30 in the afternoon he hoped, and there was still a long two hours to be tormented. The land-based p41 fighter has a limited range and cannot stay for too long. Now, it seems that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the Royal Navy ’s fleet.

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