My Third Empire

Chapter 1207 - One mind

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Zaitsev walked along the dim promenade. He passed through bunkers built with various tables and chairs. Behind these bunkers were soldiers and wounded. Some of the sides were originally used as telegraph rooms. The food storage room is now full of people in need of treatment.

In the doorway of a room with the ammunition warehouse sign, the words “no fireworks” are marked in Russian below. Standing two smoking officers, they carried the helmets of ordinary soldiers, carrying Mosinagan guns, and saw Zaitsev passing by, standing up and paying respect to a military salute. Obviously, there is no more ammunition in the house, and it is no longer necessary to prohibit fireworks.

“No retreat! If the Germans come in, keep fighting as much as possible to the last moment!” Zaitsev walked deeper and deeper, and said to the soldiers left on both sides. His words swayed in the corridor, accompanied by his own footsteps.

The ammunition was almost completely exhausted. The few machine guns were almost destroyed in the fierce fighting just outside. Now the soldiers guarding here are nothing but submachine guns and rifles. God knows it. Zaitsev did not intend to count on how long they would stick, because he was just holding on to his promise to Stalin.

He promised Stalin to stick to the last moment, then he must stick to the last moment. As long as he Zaitsev is still alive in this world, the one he stepped on must be Soviet territory! Carrying a rifle, he walked through the soldiers standing on both sides of the corridor step by step. Some soldiers ran to the doorway carrying ammunition boxes. Some were trying to strengthen the various bunkers around them.

Suddenly, a man in a shirt ran over and pulled Zaitsev. He looked at the direction of the entrance in panic and prayed with a trembling voice: “The Germans are already above us! Comrade Zaitsev! Comrade Stalin has left us, and now we continue to resist, What is the role? “

This person Zaitsev knows that he is a staff member beside Stalin and has made several good economic reform proposals to Stalin. However, in this state of war, who cares about an economic reform proposal to change people’s livelihood? Zaitsev stopped and watched the other person frown, instead of answering the other party’s question, he asked, “What about your gun? Everyone here must fight to the end, why don’t you take weapons?”

“I am just a consultant, Zaitsev! You know me, I have not shot, nor have I been trained” This consultant is in vain. At first glance, it is the kind of super high education, and I have never eaten it. Any bitter rich man. He begged Zaitsev in mourning, but because of the choppy talk, it was far from the kind of bird’s eye view of the world when he talked about the application of economics in front of Stalin.

Zaitsev stared at the other person ’s eyes and suddenly stretched his arm and pressed it on the other person ’s shoulder: “Oh? So, are you sure you are not capable of fighting, just a civilian? No training, no ability Learn, so you do n’t have to fight, just wait here to wait for the decent departure after the war? “

The consultant felt that Zaitsev was really too good to speak, and even so reasonable he said what he wanted to express. He nodded excitedly, and he just hugged him and said that he would surrender. I invite you to a French meal.

But when he just wanted to thank Zaitsev, he suddenly felt something sharp pierced his stomach, so he looked down and saw Zaitsev holding a dagger in his hand, and The other end of the dagger was buried deep in his white shirt. The blood rushed out along the bleeding channel on the dagger and began to spread on the white cloth. The consultant raised his head hard and saw Zaitsev’s twisted and deformed face.

“Why?” The consultant wanted to know the reason why the other party suddenly started, but the pain made him start to struggle even when he talked. He reached out to grab Zaitsev’s clothes, but found that he had no strength to raise his arm. . He staggered, and then fell to the ground, dagger pulled out of his liver, tearing the wound even more.

In the end, the man who made a lot of achievements in the economic field closed his eyes in pain on the ground, surrounded by lively soldiers and officers. Zaitsev held a **** dagger in his hand, then looked coldly at the corpse on the ground, and said, “Since you are not capable of fighting, then I will take care of you by hand.”

Outside the Kremlin palace wall, a dozen trucks and armored vehicles surrounded by a simple headquarters, a dozen German senior generals were standing in front of a German marshal, arguing fiercely. Everyone looked excited, it seemed that this was a very important thing for them.

“Should it be the Kremlin that our 1st Armored Grenadier Division took the lead in? We lost a total of 90 soldiers in battle. This time let us withdraw our troops. What a joke.” A German division commander looked at Marshal Lundstedt in front of him complained angrily.

Another officer also pointed to the location on the map and said to Lundstadt: “We stormed in this direction for so many days. Finally, in order to cooperate with the SS special forces, we gave up the position and let them perform. once?”

Lundstedt was also very helpless, because in the pre-script, his troops should now be standing a few blocks away, but because the Soviet defense forces deployed nearby were so weak that he Before he could give an order to stop the attack, his troops had already entered the Kremlin.

“The head of state doesn’t know that we have occupied this Soviet palace. Behind us, two or three blocks away, the SS troops are still preparing various equipment. Various cameras and news reporters, even for a while The national flag unit is ready for even a new uniform. “An officer in charge of the liaison special forces said with his hands to Lundstadt:” You know the significance of the SS to the head of state, we can be the first Breaking into the Kremlin is definitely a happy thing for the head of state. “

“Maybe, but I think that no matter which unit, the German army captures the Kremlin, it is something that is worthy of the head of state.” After all, Lundstedt was a German marshal. When he spoke, his majesty was still very sufficient. There was no voice from the SS officers, and the generals of the National Defense Army were more confident.

But Lundstedt is now riding a tiger and has a dumb feeling of eating Coptis chinensis. He will undoubtedly offend the SS forces, and may make the heads of the SS feel unpleasant gains and losses. For a while, he really did not know how to choose.

“Long live the head of state! Marshal!” An officer jumped out of the armored command vehicle with a telegram, and ran across several electromechanics and officers like a teleporter, standing in front of Marshal Lundstedt and standing upright. A military salute: “Call from the Supreme Command!”

“Nian!” Lundstedt unwittingly felt the sweat on his forehead. He was nervous now, for fear of embarrassing sentences in the message. After all, the SS has always claimed itself as the head of the army, not to mention the order of the attack, but the original script was arranged.

“My Marshal, Marshal, are you sure you want to read it?” The officer took the message, embarrassed, and asked the marshal in front of him. The officers all around raised their ears and wanted to hear the opinions from the head of state.

“Nian!” Lundstedt took a deep breath, unable to take care of his old face, and waved to the other side to continue.

“My lord marshal, are you stupid?” After reading the message, the officer looked up at Lundstadt and saw a helpless look on the miserable face of the other party.

Seeing that the other party did not interrupt his intention to read aloud, the officer had to continue to read: “Which unit has entered the Kremlin will be the name of the unit! This is the honor of our soldiers, how can we give up? There are some soft eggs in the a group army, you will get me back to the military academy again! Head of State Akado? Rudolph. “

God turns! This is the turning point of God. After Lundstedt heard Arkado’s scolding, he felt for the first time that the head of the head above him was so tempered with himself. This is the head of state from the National Defense Forces. This is the head of state that I have been willing to support. This is the majesty of the future emperor who is admirable to the five bodies!

Lundstedt took the message, then smiled and folded the paper carefully in half, stuffing it into the pocket of his jacket. Then the Marshal of the German National Defence Force walked in front of the SS officer and reached out to pat the opponent’s arm and said: “We are all soldiers of the head of state, there is no need to quarrel over this little thing, right?”

Half an hour later, on a steeply collapsed tower of a Kremlin, a dozen German Wehrmacht soldiers, mixed with three or five soldiers wearing SS uniforms, worked together to put a huge German 4D national flag on the building The top of the thing unfolds against the wind.

This moment was recorded by dozens of journalists carrying various cameras and video recorders, and the most beautiful one was named “One Heart, One Heart” and was posted on the front page of the German daily newspaper three days later.

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