My Reverse Life

Recollections: The tale of six children and the lord of darkness.

I will probably extend my break for another week because of unforeseen circumstances. I'll release this chapter just as a bonus story.

Miyazaki Aria

I remember something I do vividly when I was just regaining my previous life memory. I think is about a week after?. Anyway, the exact time isn't important. What is important is what I am doing at the time? That day, Irana have trouble falling asleep, at first she just want to call mom and tell her a story. But I stop her and tell her that I am going to tell her a story instead. At first, she was doubtful. But she smiles and trusts me anyway. She said because I am her Onee-chan so I probably know more than her. Even though we were the same age. Anyway, I tell Irana to lie down and I will tell her the story. The story goes like this.

Once upon a time, when the world was covered in nothing but darkness. There's was a being who often called by others the Lord of Darkness. He was the one who cause the world covered in darkness. Because of that, everyone subsequently fear him and didn't dare to approach him. The Lord of Darkness lives in solitude. No one to talk to, no one to accompany. Eventually, he went into madness and almost destroy the world that was already covered in darkness. But in memory of his loved one, he managed to regain his reason and stop himself. Tired of living in solitude, tired of seeing the world covered in darkness. He decided to end his own life. But before that, he must do something about his overwhelming power.

The Lord of Darkness then creates six beings. He gives the six beings immortality so time will not affect them. He gave them an awareness so they can think on their own. He shows them the current state of the world and tells them his ideal reality of what the world should look like. He tells them about the cruel fate could have been and how someone must have strong determination to change them. Then he tells them about the end. Everything will meet the end no matter what. Even the so-called immortal will meet their end in some way or another.

The six being or the six children then live with the Lord of Darkness for a long time until they mature. The Lord of Darkness teaches the six children about ethics and morals. About the existence of a once beautiful world that illuminates by light. He brought the six children all around the world to see all kinds of different things and tell them the story behind them. The Lord of Darkness feels like he is being born again. His emotion that has long since vanished being brought back by the six children. He feels happy for the first time in millennia. A smile could be seen forming in his once expressionless face. But that's just a mere moment. He knew once the children had already matured, he will meet his inevitable end.

The six children grew up and mature. The Lord of Darkness smiles and is happy for them. He then divided his power into six and give them to the children. The Six Primordial Authority hence born. 

The Beginning, The Time, The Awareness, The Reality, The Destiny, and The End.

After he gives them his power. He creates a bubble that surrounds the six children. He then takes one last look at all the six children. He then smiles at them and gives them his final word of goodbye. Afterward, everything in existence vanished, crumbled, destroyed... Everything meets its inevitable end leaving none but the six children alone in the vast abyss. None was left, even The Lord of Darkness himself.

 To this day, I am still contemplating about that story. I don't remember ever hearing that story anywhere, yet I can convey it naturally. I feel like that story is an important part of my life. But I don't know what is important about it.

By the way, Irana is crying after hearing my story. Because of that, is even hard for her to fall asleep. She ends up running to our parent's room and asking mom to tell her a story...

Of course, after she talks about how meanie I am to tell her such as sad story.


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