My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 313

Chapter 309 Something happened to the defensive fort

On the battlefield of Buzhou, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the sky was raging, and hundreds of terrifying volcanoes continued to erupt, and the whole world looked like a misty mist.

Chu Ming successively used the Heavenly Palm of the Great Desolate Prisoner, directly using one hundred thousand years of skill, making this land no longer able to withstand such a terrifying impact, and the magma erupted directly.

Under the attack of this terrifying force, countless half-orc warriors died unfavorably, and Chu Ming would often cause millions of casualties.

The centaur, tauren, half-pig, snake, sphinx, tiger, werewolf, and two-headed tribes have all received a huge impact.

These races belonged to prominent families in the half-human continent. In the entire half-orc army, more than half of the half-orc warriors came from these big families.

Following Chu Ming’s attack, these big families suffered heavy losses, and the number of half-orcs army was directly destroyed by more than 80%.

From beginning to end, the half-man king did not appear.

After Chu Ming personally took action to maimed the half-orcs army, it was the turn of the Dawn Legion and the orcs army to appear.

Chu Ming hovered high above the battlefield, looking at the chaotic battle situation below inexplicably, and his heart was calm.

For the Dawn Legion or the orc army, this battle was naturally a complete victory, but Chu Ming did not take it lightly.

Wild fire, in spring.

The half-orcs are a special species, and they must be driven to extinction. Otherwise, once the fish that slipped through the net survived, this population would easily resurrect.

Therefore, Chu Ming was thinking about how to eliminate the remaining half-orcs after the war.

You know, the area of ​​the half-human continent is extremely large, almost as large as a few hundred earths.

In such a big place, if one or two half orcs hide in a certain corner, it is really hard to find.

It’s a bit difficult.

The point is that Chu Ming doesn’t know when the half-human mother star will arrive. If the earthlings fail to become truly powerful before the opponent arrives, they may be tragically slaughtered by the opponent.

Moreover, every time a half-orc is left behind, the pressure will become greater when facing the half-human home planet in the future.

Therefore, before the half-human home planet descends, the half-orcs must be killed as much as possible to prevent the opponent’s counterattack.

Chu Ming quietly watched the battle below, his mind drifting far away.

There is no suspense in this battle. Under the leadership of the four great sacred beasts, the maimed army of orcs can’t defend at all, and can only retreat steadily at this time.

However, Chu Ming always felt something was wrong, his figure stood in the void, and his eyelids couldn’t help beating.

“what happened?”

“Could it be that the half-human mother star is coming?”

“It won’t be so fast!”

Chu Ming thought a little bit, just as he carefully figured out where the omission occurred, the super communicator he was carrying rang.

Chu Ming picked up the super communicator and found that Xiao Ya was calling, and his expression suddenly changed.

Xiao Ya is the head of the Intelligence Department of the Suguang Organization. Usually, Chu Ming is rarely notified of small matters, and usually everyone solves them.

But now, the other party directly called to inform him, and you don’t need to ask to know that something must have happened.

Now that the situation on the battlefield is very good, it can only show that something happened at home.

It is very possible that the earth is in trouble.

While thinking of copying, Chu Ming picked up the super communicator and connected to Xiao Ya’s phone.

As soon as it was connected, Xiaoya said anxiously: “Boss, it’s not good, our Sugon organization’s defensive fortress located outside the African space channel has fallen.”

“The defensive fortress has fallen?”

Chu Ming couldn’t help being shocked, and his complexion changed drastically.

You know, no matter which defensive fortress, there are a large number of Dawn Warriors at hand.

When the number of people is the largest, the number of people in each fortress can reach more than 50 million.

Nowadays, the dawn army is on the front line, leaving relatively few manpower to garrison the defensive fortress, but the number is also tens of thousands.

If the defensive fortress falls, then the Dawn Warriors stationed in it must be more fortunate.

Although Chu Ming was nervous in his heart, he was still very calm on the surface, and his tone was as usual, making it impossible to see his inner thoughts.

“What happened, tell me in detail.”

Chu Ming said calmly.

On the other hand, Xiaoya was obviously anxious, and immediately explained eagerly:

“Boss, the defensive fortress of our Dawn Organization outside the African space channel was occupied by orcs.

At the beginning, only the strongholds far away from the defensive fortress were occupied by the orcs. Later, these half-orcs slowly infiltrated and eventually occupied the entire defensive fortress.

These half-orcs are like viruses, taking advantage of the dawn of warriors not paying attention to the crazy spread.

The main reason is that the main force of the Dawn Legion went to the front to fight the half-orcs, and the remaining soldiers were a little taken lightly. I didn’t expect the half-orcs to kill here.

We were careless and failed to spot the enemy in time.

Now we don’t know what to do. Not long ago, the Fighting Ministry sent out several waves of attacks, all of which were wiped out by the opponent and suffered heavy losses.

Boss, what should we do next? ”

Hearing Xiaoya’s feedback, Chu Ming gradually understood what happened.

It seems that the battle on the front line made the soldiers in the rear relax their vigilance. The enemy took advantage of the dawn and the soldiers were not prepared, and finally took the opportunity to attack the defensive fortress.

Chu Ming pondered for a moment, and said: “It’s okay, I’ll go back and have a look.”

Before the words fell, Chu Ming’s energy surged, and his surrounding energy quickly twisted and collapsed.

The victory was already locked on the Buzhou battlefield, and Chu Ming felt that it would be OK for him to go back and take a look, and it would not consume much time in total.

At the same time, in the defensive fortress outside the African space passage, the entire vast building is full of blood.

There are pregnant lives everywhere, or they are giving birth, and the blood between the whole world and the earth has been thick and can’t be dissipated.

The strength of the Dawn Warriors stationed in the defensive fortress has mostly reached the air. With this level of physical quality, after being combined with the half-orcs, the offspring of them will not lose their lives.

To be precise, these people are powerful and having a child is not enough to be fatal.

Being invaded by a half-orc, both men and women cannot escape the disaster.

The most important thing is that these human beings who are left with half-orc cubs, all the surviving people have undergone physical changes.

Some of them grow a tail inexplicably, some grow a pair of tentacles, some grow a pair of wings, and some palms become beast claws.

In short, all the people who survived became half-orcs, and even their brains were invaded, as if their memories were forcibly rewritten by a special genetic power, and they were loyal to the half-humans ever since.

As for those who did not survive, they had become dead bodies in one place at this time, and became the nourishment for the growth of countless half-orcs cubs.

Not only have their bodies changed, but their combat effectiveness seems to have increased a lot.

The Dawn Legion organized several waves of offensives, all of which returned without success, and had no choice but to ask Chu Ming for help.

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