My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 308

Chapter 304 Half-human

The Red Desolate Continent, a half-human continent.

In a huge temple, the half-man king sat high on the throne, swept across all directions with an astonishing evil spirit, overturning a lot of half-orcs in the hall.

The many half-orcs who had been kneeling on the ground were all stumbling, and they became sloppy in the blink of an eye.

In the center of the hall, a thin-body winged human warrior was kneeling on the ground, his face pale and his expression extremely nervous.

The Wing Human race has a pair of white wings, flying extremely fast, most of the tribe people are in the half-human continent as a scout.

The winged human warrior in front of him was a scout in the half-orc army, bringing the latest news from the front line to the half-man king.

However, the half-human king didn’t seem to be happy when he heard the news, but his suffocation became more and more serious.

On the tall and majestic throne, the half-man king sat on it with an indifferent expression. The huge horns exudes bursts of black light, and the heat is constantly erupting from his nostrils. It seems that his mood is very unbeautiful.

“Your news is true? The earthlings took the entire sacred beast continent in just half a day?”

The half-human king’s huge bull head was full of murderous, his face became extremely hideous, and he asked angrily.

The winged human warrior was so frightened that he did not dare to breathe. At this time, he could only respond categorically: “Yes, it is true!”

“how can that be!”

The half-man king furiously vented, and the super heavy hammer in his hand smashed to the ground fiercely.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying crack appeared on the hard ground, spreading crazily towards the distance.

An unlucky werewolf was just kneeling at the place where the crack passed. When the crack appeared, he didn’t dare to get up, but fell into the bottom of the big pit with a normal sound.


The half-man king yelled and kicked the werewolf warrior.

I saw that the werewolf warrior in the airborne realm hadn’t reacted yet, and his huge body had been kicked and exploded into a cloud of blood mist on the spot.

All the orc warriors were so frightened that they didn’t dare to pant. At this time, they could only kneel down cautiously, and no one dared to speak.

The half-man king stood up, black light was glowing above the huge bull head, the terrifying karma was already thick and could not be removed, turning into a cloud of shadow shrouded behind him.

The half-human king said sharply: “I have seen human warriors, and I also know the strength of the human race. How can they have such a powerful force and occupy the entire sacred beast continent in only half a day?”

Hearing the question from the half-man king, no one dared to refute it.

The half-human king has a violent temper. At this moment, the opponent is angry. If anyone dared to talk to him, he might be killed on the spot.

The werewolf warrior who was kicked and exploded was their fate.

The half-human king shook the huge bull’s head, and said in a cold voice: “I think your news is wrong. Did the humans and the orcs team up to deliberately create false news to deceive me?”

Hearing the words of the half-human king, the Wing Human Race warrior could not help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and whispered:

“I can see clearly that the human race and the orc race have fought fiercely. The four great sacred beasts have all lost to a human teenager, and the hundreds of millions of orc army has also lost more than half.

If the other party just confuses us for acting, the price paid is a bit too great.

I don’t feel like it. ”

“Don’t you think it looks like?”

The half-human king immediately struck his neck, his sharp eyes fixed on the winged human warrior, and a ball of heat spurted from his nostrils.

“I don’t want you to think, I want me to think!”

The half-man king said angrily, and immediately thought of a question, and continued to ask: “By the way, is there any news about the Sphinx team I sent out not long ago?”

Upon hearing this, the Winged Human Warrior immediately responded: “I haven’t gotten any news yet.”

“Then what use do I want you to do?!”

The half-human king snorted suddenly, raised his hand and smashed the wing human warrior with a punch.

Although the winged human warriors were careful enough, they still provoke the half-man king.

The half-human king’s strength has long been a half-step transcendent powerhouse, and his punch is so terrifying that he immediately blasted the body of the winged human warrior to pieces.

With the bang, the ground meat was flying all over the sky, the blood was everywhere, and the whole temple was full of strong blood.

All the orc warriors were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and dared not move.

The half-human king roared: “Everyone will listen to me. Tomorrow will launch a total decisive battle against the Holy Beast Continent. I don’t care what tricks they play. After tomorrow, I want to make the entire Scarlet Desolate Continent become my half-human race. territory!”

Hearing the roar of the half-man king, all the half-orcs shouted:

“Great King Wannian!”

The half-man king put the giant hammer on his shoulders, and looked towards the east with stern eyes.

“The orcs, the humans, will all be prisoners of my half-orcs.”

Before the words fell, the half-human king’s huge body burst out suddenly, returning to the God of War Mountain to rest and have fun.

The half-orc warriors in the hall felt that the half-man king had gone away, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It is too difficult to follow the half-human king who has a tyrannical temperament.

Representatives of the major races got up one after another and surrounded the tauren warriors.

Today’s half-human king is the strongest among the tauren warriors, and the tauren belongs to the royal family of the half-human continent, and all the major races are vying to fawn.

Half-horse warriors, half-pig warriors, snake warriors, sphinx warriors, tiger warriors, werewolf warriors, two-headed warriors, and corpse warriors all stepped forward and surrounded the members of the tauren tribe.

The combat effectiveness of these races is relatively strong, and they can be ranked in the half-human continent. At this time, they are still eligible to go to the front.

As for other relatively weak races, they are not even qualified to come forward to give gifts at this time.

The werewolf warrior said in a frightened voice: “Brother Niu, did you say that our werewolf tribe was on the cusp? Just now the king kicked my brother to death. Shouldn’t the king be angry with us werewolf tribe?”

The tauren warrior from the royal family chuckled, and said: “It’s not that our king has a gentle temperament and a kind heart, and treats all tribes equally Don’t worry, we won’t specifically target you werewolves. Family.”

The werewolf warriors had an urge to scold their mother when they heard this. No one knows what the king is. I believe in your evil.

Before the werewolf warriors could finish their questions, the Sphinx warriors hurriedly stepped forward and asked: “Brother Niu, my third uncle has quietly gone to the earth with a team of our clan to perform a mission. If the mission comes out of an accident, we Sphinx Are you going to suffer?”

The smile on the Tauren warrior’s face gradually disappeared, his complexion became dignified, and he said, “This matter is a bit tricky. Judging from the reaction of the king just now, the king is quite concerned about this matter.”

The Sphinx warrior immediately took a step forward, took out a piece of exquisite source stone gem from his body, handed it respectfully to the Tauren warrior’s hand, and shouted: “Brother Niu, help us!”

The tauren warrior took the source stone Baoyu and responded with a smile: “Don’t worry, wrap it around me.”

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