My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 87 – In Bed With Sophia

"Alright, that’s the end of the hour." Sophia spoke up, signalling the end of my test.

Although I had given the ever so composed, ethereally beautiful woman a handful of orgasms over the last hour, she didn’t even look the slightest bit exhausted or out of breath. In fact, despite the fact that she was naked and her pussy was more than a little wet, you would be hard-pressed to tell what we just did given the calm, collected demeanour that fell back onto her face once the hour was up.

I, on the other hand, was much more exhausted and needed a few seconds to catch my breath, which I did as I flopped down onto the bed beside the naked woman. Even though I hadn’t been on the receiving end of much other than a clumsy bit of fondling here and there, I put a lot of effort and focus into pleasing her. Sex could really be quite tiring work.

"So… How’d I do?" I asked as I turned over on the bed to look at her, all the while reaching out with a hand and idly tracing my fingers over her irresistibly smooth and tanned skin. Hopefully, she wasn’t going to mind the familiarity of my touch, but given what we just did together, surely I was going to be afforded some liberties.

"You have potential," Sophia responded rather vaguely, not at all easing my worries until she went on further to explain, but luckily she didn’t seem to mind my idle touching of her body. "Although not as talented as some of the more experienced men and women at my establishment, your general skills must be at rather high ranks for your level."

"My sensual massage and kissing general skills are at rank 15, stuck at the bottleneck there. Oh, and cunnilingus is getting close to there as well. It was at rank 12 last I checked, but it probably ranked up since then." I spoke up, hoping that this would impress her since Damien mentioned once that having general skills at rank 15 was recommended for the 2nd class evolution, something that happened at level 30. The fact that I got a couple of skills there at level 13 just had to be an impressive feat and painted me in a good light.

However, all Sophia said in regard to this was. "Interesting…"

For a few seconds after that, the woman gave me a strange, almost contemplative look. For the life of me, I had no idea what she was thinking and that was a little nerve-racking on my part. Hoping to push past that awkward moment, I spoke up, asking. "So, does this mean I’m going to get the job?"

"Oh, yes definitely. You’re already more talented than many of the men and women when they start working for me." Sophia responded with a big smile, whatever look she was giving me moments before immediately fading away. "Tomorrow morning, we will head into the Red Den together and I will have Arriana show you the ropes. The earlier parts of the day are the perfect times to get accustomed to the way we operate. By the time the busy part of the day, late in the afternoon, comes around you should know your way around fairly well."

"That sounds great!" I cheered, excited that this was finally going to happen. However, as excited as I was about that, there was another part of me that was a little disappointed. That said, my disappointment had nothing to do with my future job prospect, but with what I was hoping tonight was going to be like.

Apparently, Sophia could pick up on this rather easily and tilted her head with a look of concern on her face as she asked. "What is it?"

"I umm… I don’t mean to be rude or anything but…" I nervously said, truly not wanting to offend her or anything like that. "But, I was kind of expecting having sex with you to be different. I overheard a rumour that just getting fingered or eaten out by you was life-changing, and although that orgasm you gave me earlier, at the end of the interview was powerful, it wasn’t quite that powerful."

"Don’t get me wrong, I realise that you were not giving it your all during the last hour was part of the test, as clients wouldn’t at all care about my pleasure. I was just hoping for… a little bit more… if you’re okay with that." The more I spoke the more nervous and meek I got, something I rarely experienced as of late. It was only thanks to this woman’s intimidating, powerful demeanour that I was more reserved than I had grown accustomed to being in this world.

"You’re right that it was part of the test, but although most clients won't care about your pleasure, there are some that will want to eat you out or make you cum. Whether or not they actually know what they are doing and can make you cum is a different question, but that's beside the point right now." Sophia responded as her eyes narrowed and she focused her gaze intently on me, staring me down, straight into my sparkling blue eyes. "No, you want to experience me in full. You want me to make you cum so hard, your life will never be the same, don’t you?"

"Yes…" I answer her with a nervous gulp.

Leaning over on the bed, the woman’s lips got closer and closer to mine until they were only a mere fraction of an inch away. "Many men and women come to a great distance and pay a great sum to experience me in full. Why should I give you that honour and joy for free, Evelyn?"

"I umm… I umm…" I stammered, unable to find the right words with my heart beating nervously in my chest. It had been a long time since I was this nervous, but now I was getting a first-hand reminder of how Caiden must have felt when I was thoroughly teasing him earlier in the day.

"I’ll tell you what, Evelyn, dear…" Sophia drew her words out, drawing out the tension. "I’ll give you a little taste of my full capabilities, but if you want to experience me in full, you’ll have to reach your full potential, become the best, most desired woman at my establishment, become the Crowning Jewel of the Red Den."

"If you can accomplish that, I won’t just let you experience me in full, I’ll let you have me whenever you want. Until then, though, this little taste is all you are going to get. Not even all the money in the world will get you more until you become my Jewel." 

With that said, Sophia’s lips finally reached my own, but the embrace was unlike any kiss I had ever shared with someone before. Just the feel of her soft lips was accompanied by a burst of pleasure through my body. By the time her tongue got involved in the kiss, I was cumming hard, harder than I had ever cum before.

Sophia hadn’t touched me anywhere but my lips, and yet she sent enough pleasure and arousal coursing through my body to set my pussy on fire. My body tensed up as my vagina convulsed and spasmed in the throes of one of the most powerful orgasms of my life, to the point that I thought I might have died again. Luckily thought that wasn’t the case, and there was no immediate visit back to the department of heavenly rebirths destined for me today.

As the other woman’s lips pulled away from mine, I was left a breathless, exhausted husk of a woman. My mind felt like it had melted a little from the all-encompassing orgasms, but a part of my consciousness still hung onto my bearings just enough to notice the smug look on Sophia’s face.

This was a challenge. Whether or not she meant that smug grin as one, I didn’t know, but that was just how I took it. As such, I acted in response immediately. The last remnant of my rational mind reached out, flipping the mental switch of my one more time skill as I touched myself on the leg, all the while hoping that this skill would actually work on me. Thankfully, it did.

Just like that, the breathless, exhausted husk I was left as recovered in a matter of seconds. With my body's stamina and vigour restored, I gathered my thoughts properly a few seconds later. Like that, I returned the woman’s grin as I said. "Oh, is that all you’ve got?"

Seeing me recover near instantaneously from what should have been an overwhelming orgasm, Sophia’s ever-composed facade broke down into surprise for a split second. However, soon enough, the woman had collected herself again, but she was not the kind of woman to take my act of defiance lying down. Which of course, was what I was hoping for.

Once more, Sophia leaned in for a kiss. Much like last time, the moment her lips touched mine, an explosion of pleasure coursed through my body. However, this time I didn’t cum immediately, but not because of anything on my part. No, it was more like there was some exterior force stopping me from cumming. Sophia’s doing, no doubt.

As my pleasure grew greater and greater from our shared, intense kiss, the denied orgasms left me wanting a release. The longer the kiss went on, the worse and worse it got. Eventually, Sophia pulled her lips away from me, seemingly not going to finish me off, and I couldn’t help but whimper in response. "Please, let me cum…"

As soon as the words left my mouth, the woman let out a victorious chuckle as my denied orgasms flooded my body. Not just one, either, but a few, one after the other. Now that I had cum, my one more time skill ran its course and my fatigue and exhaustion from earlier came back, made worse by the extra strain of this even more powerful series of orgasms.

For more than a few seconds, I remained sprawled out on the bed, my body occasionally jerking from the aftershocks of my mind-blowing orgasms still coursing through me. Although I assumed Sophia thought she had won our little exchange based on the victorious chuckle she let out when she made me cum, deep down I knew I had. She said I would only get one taste of her power in full, and yet I had made her give me another.

Eventually, after god knows how long, I recovered enough to regain my senses fully. To my surprise, this entire time, Sophia had remained by my side, completely naked. I realised that we still had something to talk about, but given that we weren’t going to be having sex anymore, I assumed that conversation would happen with our clothes on. Apparently not, but you weren’t going to see me complaining about it. Just getting to see her, oh, so womanly curves, was a feast for the eyes.

"I see that you have one or two secrets that you haven’t told me about." Sophia grinned as she looked down at me. "Don’t worry, I won't pry. You have shown yourself capable enough. I’ll let you have whatever secrets you wish to hold to yourself."

Hearing her say this, I realised that I just used a class skill in front of her that I didn’t tell her about, clueing her onto the fact that my tier 0 class wasn’t the prostitute class like she assumed earlier, making that bit of deception for nothing. Hearing this also made me realise something else. There is a bit of information I hadn’t told her that would probably be handy.

"Yes… I might have a few secrets. One of which I should probably admit. You see, I have a trait that will prove incredibly useful working at the Red Den. Thanks to it, I can't get pregnant unless I want to and I can’t catch anything." I explained, purposefully leaving out the part of the trait that makes it impossible for lasting damage to be done to me. I felt that aspect of the trait would raise too many questions or seem too good to be true. Not to mention, I’d rather not get put forward to take on the more rough clients all the time. 

Sure, rough sex was fun from time to time, but I didn’t want to be known at the Red Den as the woman you could be as rough as possible with and never hurt her. That would attract a certain kind of clientele that would distract from the more fun and varied experiences I was hoping to have in the coming days.

"That is useful. You won’t need to take any tea of the nightlily or ever see the in-house healer." Sophia nodded her head approvingly as she said this. "Both of which will save me money. So, I think it's fair then if your pay rate starts out a little higher than normal."

"Oh, okay… Thanks." I responded, taken a little off guard by this as the money wasn’t really the reason I was getting into this line of work.

"Now I believe you wanted to talk more about these sex toys." Sophia moved onto the topic of conversation I had been wanting to talk about with her since the prospect of recreating proper sex toys in this world first appeared to be not just plausible but easily done with her help. "I noticed you used one on me during the hour and it was actually quite pleasant. I had worried that introducing the sale of them at the Red Den might lessen business in the more important departments, but I don’t think I have much to worry about there."

"Although it was pleasant enough, how pleasurable it could potentially be seemed highly dependent on the skill of the user. Meaning, many clients wouldn’t use them instead of hiring our services, just as an aside, or even maybe hire us to use the toys on them since our ability to use them will always outperform theirs. Like a sword, anyone can wield it, but only true swordmasters turn the act into an art form."

"So I take it that means you are interested in having sex toys to sell? Which begs the question of how we would go about getting them made. I don’t actually know much if anything about crafting, let alone crafting magical items." I responded, hopeful that before too long I would have a score of magical sex toys that wouldn’t vanish on me after a few minutes.

I really wanted was some more butt plugs, properly made ones this time, but my skill wasn’t really suited for those specific toys as they would disappear way too quickly. What I loved most about butt plugs was that you could keep them in while you went out and did things in public and none would be the wiser, but that was just something I couldn’t achieve with my skill as it was, at least not to any meaningful degree.

"Yes, I am very interested in that. It could be a very good revenue stream as the sales don’t have to be restricted to just the city, which of course would be something you would get a cut from." Sophia explained, again taking me by surprise because I hadn’t thought about earning money off this until now.

"I’ll try to organise a meeting with some of the novice dwarven crafters in the city, the same ones that made my bath for me. However, I don’t know when we will be able to meet. Dwarven crafters can be a bit hard to work with at times. They tend to go at their own pace and think about little else. If you can spark their interest though, they will dedicate much time and focus on their work."

"Novices?" I raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Oh, right, you might not be familiar with dwarven customs," Sophia responded, explaining what she had said. "Don’t let the fact that the dwarves consider themselves novices make you think that their work is shoddy. Dwarven novices are more skilled than humans who are masters of their craft."

"If you could get one of the dwarven masters to work on something for you, then whatever you have them make would truly be a masterpiece, but that is incredibly hard and expensive. Few dwarves leave their mountain holds to the north. In fact, the only ones that do are their novices, who travel the world seeking to improve their craft, but even they are rare. It's a blessing that there is a handful staying in the city as it is."

"Wow, cool…" I responded, taking in her words as I recalled something said much earlier in the day. "Didn’t you mention that the… present you gave Vel was made by dwarves to the north."

"Yes, although that wasn’t made by masters but journeymen, those that are a step above novices in dwarven society," Sophia answered, before continuing on with the discussion of sex toys.

For the next few minutes, we went over the different types of sex toys I could conjure and their uses. Our main topic of conversation was which sex toys would sell the best and which I thought would be the best to have made first. All in all, it was a very mundane, business-focused conversation, despite the fact that the two of us were lying naked on the bed.

In time, though, our talks drew to an end. With the decision made that the first sex toy we would show the dwarves and hopefully have made for us would be a simple, tried and tested dildo, Sophia said goodbye for the night.

Left on my own, I departed from the random bedroom I found myself in and headed back to Vel and my bedrooms. Given that my clothes were still back in the parlour, I had no choice but to walk naked through the estate halls. Oh, and of course, now that Sophia was no longer with me, I just had to cross paths with one of the estate’s maids, going about some task or another at this late hour.

With a friendly passing greeting, acting as if nothing at all was wrong, I left that maid in my wake utterly confused. Not to mention, I got a little joy out of the exhibitionist nature of the interaction.

Soon enough, though, I found my way back to Vel and my bedrooms. However, instead of going into my own bedroom though, I snuck back into Vel’s and cuddled up under the covers with her for the night. Before drifting off to sleep, I pulled up my system notifications to see what had improved.

Conjure Sex Toys has reached rank 6

Conjure Sex Toys has reached rank 7

Fascinate has reached rank 7

One More Time has reached rank 2

Simulate has reached rank 9

Cunnilingus has reached rank 13

Seduction has reached rank 7

Sex Toys has reached rank 12

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Slut
Level: 13

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 33
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 20
Charm: 48

Class Skills: 8/10
Conjure Sex Toy, Rank 7
Freshen Up, Rank 7
Fascinate, Rank 7
No Lube Needed, Rank 4
One More Time, Rank 2
Sense Gaze, Rank 6
Stimulate, Rank 9
Tight Fit, Rank 7

General Skills:
Anal Intercourse, Rank 5
Cunnilingus, Rank 13
Dagger, Rank 3
Deception, Rank 6
Felatio, Rank 7
Kissing, Rank 15
Seduction, Rank 7
Sensual Massage, Rank 15
Sex Toys, Rank 12
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 11

Blessed By An Angel
Monster Lover

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