Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 1: I Left You a Gift.

Lucas was a 23-year-old who dropped out of college when he heard his grandfather was very sick. His parents were always away, and his only brother was in Europe. That's why Lucas stayed with his grandfather, who was dying of cancer and didn’t have that much time left.

His grandfather ran a massage parlor. Lucas would help around the house, doing simple odds and ends to keep the place clean. When he was a teen, he would help run the business, mostly as a janitor. It was a small family business that only his grandfather was in charge of. In the end, once he was about to pass away, Lucas was the one who would inherit the property.

But once his grandfather’s health deteriorated to such an alarming level. He was sent to hospice care for the last month of his life.

"Why do you look so down?" asked his grandfather. "You know it's a good business, and it has always made me a lot of money... Cough! Cough… Just look in the basement. You'll find a secret compartment with our family's ancient massage techniques. I was going to pass down this technique to your father, but he ran off like a coward… Saying he never wanted to be a masseur… So I will leave it with you… Remember to use it to make people happy and to earn some money… Cough!... And to find a woman…"

When his grandfather died, Lucas was left with a massive burden on his shoulders. The business was now his. He was in charge of operating a business that he had no idea how to run. This was mainly because he had never massaged anyone before and thought you needed to be certified to do so.

'Haah... Great... I have no clue how to massage anyone, let alone run this place… all I know is how to clean up stuff… What am I going to do?' Thought Lucas.

His grandfather had left him the keys to the massage parlor and home. With a heavy heart, Lucas entered the massage parlor to look around.

He looked at the rooms and noticed they were dusty and had cobwebs all over the place.

'Huh? I’m gone for one month, and everything goes to shit… I-I better get to cleaning the place. Don’t want grandpa haunting me...'

The parlor was a small shop with two floors. On the first floor, people would come in to book an appointment, and there were two massage rooms and a waiting room where clients would wait for their massage. On the second floor was a living place where his grandfather lived before he was taken to hospice.

Lucas cleaned up the house and the parlor and started thinking about how he would run the business.

Lucas remembered that his grandfather's clientele seemed to consist only of women. They consistently requested him for his renowned massages, which made them all red in the face after a session. And they walked away kinda funny, like they had to go to the bathroom to relieve themselves.

'Hmm... They did mention that his massages were magical, but I have no clue what he did to be so good, though… I hope Grandpa wasn’t lying about the family technique hiding in the basement.'

Lucas went into the basement to find the hidden compartment. He looked all around but found nothing.

'Huh? There is nothing here. Grandpa must have been delusional in his final moments. Fuck…'

Lucas was about to leave when he suddenly stepped on something that made an unusual sound from the floor. He felt the wooden floor give way to the weight of his foot and noticed a slightly different piece of wood flooring that was hard to notice at first glance.

'There! That has to be the secret compartment Grandpa was talking about!' Lucas thought as he quickly kneeled down to examine the floor. After a few seconds, he found a small indent and pressed on it, which made the wood panel in the floor pop open to reveal the hidden compartment.

'Oh! There really is something here!'

The compartment contained a small statue.

It was a black stone statue with a naked man and woman. The woman was moaning as the man massaged her breasts. The stone was old and worn out. It was a bizarre statue, and he had no idea that his grandfather had such an item. This thing looked so ancient that Lucas was worried he might break it just by touching it.

'Grandpa is crazy… What in the hell is this thing?'

Lucas carefully lifted the statue to examine it more closely. Suddenly, the statue began to glow, and Lucas felt a tingling sensation in his hands. The glow got brighter and brighter until Lucas had to close his eyes as the entire basement was covered in a blinding light.

'Huh?! God damn! I can’t see anything!' Lucas thought as he desperately tried to shield his eyes from the light.

After a second, the blinding light faded, and everything seemed normal at first.

Lucas opened his eyes to find that the statue was gone, and all that was left was a glow coming from his hands.

Lucas gazed at the palms of his hands and noticed a glowing purple tattoo on them. The glow faded after a few seconds, leaving only these strange tattoos.

The tattoos resembled runes with multiple smaller circles connecting to the larger circle in the center, but there was something peculiar about them. All the smaller circles were empty except for the bigger circle, which still had a purple glow to them.

Lucas carefully examined the tattoos and counted a total of 20 empty circles.

He didn't feel any pain, and the tattoos themselves didn't feel too hot to the touch, but he could feel a foreign energy coming from them.

"Um?... I guess... These are the massage techniques that Grandpa was talking about. But how does this work… Wait! W-What happened to the statue?” Lucas said out loud.

<So the old man passed away, huh? How long has it been since I've last seen a human?>

'Huh?! Did someone just talk to me?' Lucas wondered as he looked around, but he found nobody.

<Look at the palm of your hand, kid.>

Lucas did as he was told and noticed that there were new words that appeared around his tattoos.

'What the fuck is this?! The Massage Tree for the Female Body? Who the fuck are you?' Lucas said in his mind as he started to panic.

<Calm down. My name is Lucius. I am the god of pleasure that was stuck in the statue. And I was summoned when you touched my statue. It disappeared and became the tattoo on your palms. And no one can see those tattoos but you.>

'What the fuck?! The statue became the tattoos?... Have I gone crazy!?'

Lucas had started to believe that he must have hit his head or something, but no matter what he did, the mysterious voice kept talking to him.

< You're not a crazy kid!... Let's not waste time and get right to the point. The massage your grandfather used was an ancient technique that had been passed down through your family. It was a technique that would give women pleasure. And the more you can charm them, the more essence you will receive in order to become stronger. So, I suggest you find some partners and start using the technique as soon as possible.>

'What the hell are you talking about?! I can't give anyone a massage! I've never given anyone a massage before!'

<Relax. I will show you what to do. All you need to do is follow my instructions.>

'Wait! You are just a tattoo. How are you going to show me anything?'

<What? You have too little faith in yourself, kid. I'm a god... I know exactly where a woman needs to be touched, and you will be able to use the technique through me.>

Lucas was stunned at the whole situation.

He didn't know if he had gone crazy or was hallucinating.

<Well, I think we should start immediately. What do you say?>

'Wait! What are you exactly?'

<I'm a god… A god of pleasure. I’m able to pass down my skills to my avatar. And my techniques are used to please women in any way possible. As you level up, you'll learn new techniques... So, how about we start?>

Lucas had thought he lost his sanity. He was going to question the voice in his head when he heard a knocking coming from the upstairs door.

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