Mountain and Forest Kingdom

Chapter 567 Water Grassland


Heidi stood on the bow of the boat and shouted to Lawrence, and the boat under her feet quickly approached the shore driven by the current.

Lawrence noticed the changes in Heidi. With the teachings of Dana and other powerful people, as well as the research and attempts of magic in several academies, Heidi also transformed various useful theoretical knowledge into power.

A person's thinking is easily restricted, and it is easier for different people to gather together to discuss and find solutions to problems.

For example, when the Barbarian Legion goes out to fight, they will hold meetings to discuss and listen to the opinions of different people.

Both traditional savages and savages with a militarized education do well in accepting opinions.

Lawrence is good at listening to opinions, and also likes to share knowledge with others and help others solve their problems.

Over the years, he has basically taught everything he knows to those who are extremely fast learners. What is left for Lawrence is only endless ideological and political topics, which are usually very difficult to understand, or the people who hear them are always confused. I feel like I understand it all at once and don’t need to hear similar words over and over again.

This makes it seem nagging.

Delenn and others did not like Lawrence's preaching, and so did Sofia after they got acquainted with him. Girls such as Heidi and Sophie Lolita would believe his words without reason.

Heidi is one of the beneficiaries. Regardless of the reasons and motivations, Heidi has benefited a lot from Lawrence.

Dana taught her how to control and use the power of blood, while Lawrence taught her the precautions for teamwork and life, and also gave her guidance on the use of abilities.

Whether as a prophet, a king, or a parent, Lawrence did what was right.

"Prophet!" The people on the boat were half-kneeling on the boat to salute. There were not many places on the shore, and they were already occupied by Lawrence's team.

Lawrence said calmly: "Does this place completely belong to me?"

Delen saw Lawrence, whom he had not seen for a long time, and replied: "The Boks here have obeyed our discipline, and now they all belong to the powerful Crowfeather Prophet, His Majesty Lawrence."

Because this issue has been discussed a long time ago, Delen and others will pay attention to Lawrence's face issue when they are outside.

Sariel couldn't call Lawrence directly by his name in public, especially on important occasions. Fortunately, she habitually kept her mouth shut on such important occasions, like a female bodyguard.

Maintaining a man's face is something that most women agree with, especially witches, a class of supernatural beings dominated by men. This kind of thing itself is absolutely something that should be done.

Salil didn't mean to be disrespectful, but she didn't have this awareness before, and Lawrence didn't think it was necessary. Later, when she felt bad, she made it clear to Salil and others, and everyone accepted it naturally.

"Let's go over and take a look. The rest of us are preparing to cook here and have a night's rest. We will go to Snow Mountain Castle tomorrow."

"Yes, Master." Heidi agreed and quickly arranged a boat to pick them up.

Most of the people did not get on the boat with Lawrence. Lawrence only took Cassandra and Catherine on the boat with him.

Delenn went to take care of two naughty little boys. The two children became more honest after seeing Delenn.

Things like momentum are very important. Children are not afraid of Sariel, but they are very honest with people like Delen and Olaua.

Salil started to lead everyone in cooking, and Lolita and Sophie also got off the boat to help.

Lolita and Sophie both saw Tim and Lana. They didn't know Lana. They only noticed Tim who looked happy and Fuao who was standing in the distance helping to unload things.

Sophie took the initiative and said: "Lord Salil, I'm going to find some bird eggs. There are a lot of bird eggs here."

Salil smiled casually and said, "No, we brought eggs. Eggs are more delicious than bird eggs."

Compared with the strange-tasting bird eggs, eggs are more in line with most people's tastes.

Under Lawrence's various culinary influences, women such as Saryl preferred the food at home to the wild boars, wild birds, and mice running outside.

Sofia, who was standing next to Salil, said, "It would be nice to try it!"

Only then did Salil realize that Sophia was also there, and thought that Sophia and Lawrence had gone to the boat.

"Then let's find some." Salil didn't mind this kind of thing, "I'm going to make soup. Are there any suitable vegetables here?"

Sophie replied: "Only in spring will there be some green vegetables. In autumn, most things here wither. The Pork people here feed on bird eggs, palm-sized fish, and finger-sized shrimps,"

Lolita rushed to say: "There are many wild geese and flying geese here. They lay eggs and make their homes in the reeds. They don't eat fish, they are aquatic plants in the water. People here don't eat bird meat but bird eggs. We eat them, but not tasty."

Six-year-old Lolita has already tasted many delicacies and has slaughtered many birds and beasts with her little hands.

Salil was not interested in these, "Oh, so, there is nothing else to eat here?"

Sophie replied: "Yes, Lord Salil, the people here are very poor and their clothes are not intact. When we came over, we gave them clothes and wheat. Now these are the slaves of the Prophet."

There is no such thing as mutual benefit in this era, and it is impossible to help the people here for free. Not killing them all is already a perfect manifestation of education.

Now that Lawrence has sent people here to develop the land, Heidi Delen and others will not allow the people here to remain independent of the Kingdom of Stars.

Salil nodded, "As long as they are willing."

Sophie smiled and said: "Yes, they are very willing."

It's not a malicious smile, nor a mockery, but a genuine willingness.

In ancient dynasties, if rulers and conquerors were willing to give money and food to the people who occupied the areas without robbing their families, livestock and property, or treating these people too harshly, then most people were actually willing.

It’s just that most conquests of foreign races are often accompanied by burning, killing and looting. This is not only true for foreign races, but also for different forces and their own people. In war, people will die.

In an era when there is no concept of country, patriotic people will only be treated as crazy.

Driven by food and clothing, as well as absolute suppression in terms of numbers, both the Bok people living on the water and the Tagla people in the mountains chose the wisest path of integration.

Before the arrival of Lawrence's conquerors, the people here didn't even dare to eat bird meat. They only looked for bird eggs to eat. They usually ate more aquatic plants, fish and shrimp, and occasionally traded with the mountain people below the waterfall.

The poor food determines the upper limit of the population, but the comfortable environment also determines that this group of people will not become extinct as long as they do not encounter any major accidents.

Most of the area is water, and you can see the mountains in the distance. You can often see dense reeds on the water, and you can also see some wild ducks and swans floating on the water.

There is very little land in the entire region, and this sparse land is not suitable for growing crops. In addition, the water level varies greatly due to climate and seasons, which often submerges the land or leaves part of the land vacant. Therefore, the residents made plants that can float on the water. Islands of plants cope with this harsh environment.

Whenever the snowy mountains melt and the water flows surge, the water level in this area will rise significantly.

When fall and winter arrive, water levels in the area will decrease.

Most of the soil and resources were washed downstream, leaving the area only suitable for some waterbirds and aquatic plants.

The number of water birds is not large. People here only look for bird eggs in specific seasons. Most of the time they do not harm the water birds, fearing that the water birds will never return.

Lawrence soon met the savages in this area. Their skin was blackened by the sun, and most of them were very thin due to long-term consumption of fish, aquatic plants and other things.

Obese people are not suitable for fishing, nor are they suitable for making some handicrafts, such as twisting ropes and weaving fishing nets, which are all done by men who look thin.

The people here are mainly old and weak, and there are less than ten adult males, who are basically the only labor force in each household.

There is a language barrier. These people have not yet mastered the Luofen language, and Lawrence cannot communicate with individuals who do not possess extraordinary powers.

Lawrence stood on the floating island. It looked like a farmyard filled with weeds and hay. The ground was covered with soft hay, and some tender green reeds stubbornly grew in some places.

The houses here are mainly thatched houses, and most areas have a dry color due to the color of hay and reeds.

Heidi took the initiative and said: "This place is very poor and backward. The Tagela people's place is better. The food and housing of the mountain people are slightly better, but it is much worse than the place where our livestock lives."

Lawrence nodded, "Those people are much stronger than the people here, so they can occupy better land and eat better."

A strong person will never wrong himself, this is normal.

If the strong live the same life as ordinary people, whether they have the same food, drink, shelter, or salary, then it must be that the ruler does not respect strength enough.

Especially in the military and violent institutions, if the strong and the weak receive the same salary and enjoy the same treatment, problems will inevitably arise.

Whether it is barbarian areas, Eastern and Western countries, or even primitive societies in the mountains and rivers, status is determined by strength.

The only counterexample is the elves in the Green Forest Kingdom, but now the fragile balance that was originally maintained in isolation has been thrown into chaos when faced with a crisis.

The Elf Queen has always been faced with a question, who should she let die? Let someone fight the barbarians. (End of chapter)

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