Moral Degeneration


I got back to the house to find Luna and Ava asleep on the couch. After cleaning up I set some items in order then was back out the door. I didn’t have to go far. It was about 1 pm so I wasn’t too late. But I knocked on Ryleigh’s door and hoped she would see me. It took time but Rose eventually answered the door. 


“Russ,” she said awkwardly. I was surprised she was awake. Linda was soon next to her. Both taller women were staring down at me. 


“Rose, Linda, is Ryleigh in?” I asked. 


“She is, but I don’t think she will want to see you,” Linda said sweetly. She frowned, giving me a sorry look instead of an angry one that I deserved. I let out a sigh. I hoped it masked my worry. I hoped she didn’t blab. 


“Would you mind asking?” I asked. Linda nodded and stepped inside. 


“Come in,” Rose said. I nodded and was taken inside. I nervously sat on their couch. “I heard there was some drama at your place.”


“Yes, something to do with my guardian's shipping company. The Feds said there was terrorist activity.” She nodded and then asked the real question. 


“A police officer friend of mine was killed. Linda was asked to vouch that she saw you on the day she was killed. Is there a reason for that?”


“A police officer?” I asked. “I remember a stalker of a friend of mine was killed. Was she a police officer?”


“Stalker?” She asked. “What do you mean?”


“A woman I know. Her wife was stabbed by her stalker. She had a restraining order on the woman but the police wouldn’t do anything. Are you saying she was a police officer?” 


“I uh don’t know. Maybe I heard wrong,” she said with a sigh. I nodded as Ryleigh came in. She shyly looked up at me. I gave her my best smile. 


“I’m sorry I ruined our friendship Ryleigh,” I said immediately. Standing up I pulled the gift from my back pocket. It was wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. 


“I had promised you a day for your birthday. Since I messed that up I at least wanted to get you something,” I said. I handed it out to her. She actually smiled sweetly. 


Hesitantly she got closer and took the present from me. “Open it,” Linda said with a smile on her face. 


Ryleigh did slowly. The rectangular jewelry box opened to reveal the diamond necklace I bought her. “I said you deserved diamonds,” I mumbled with a blush.Her smile widened as tears came to her eyes. Ryleighs parents awed and gasped. Linda helped her put it on. 


“I know I don’t deserve it. But can I take you out for your birthday? Just a few hours? I mean, only if you want. I understand if you don’t want to,” I said quickly. 


She looked up to her mother. Linda nodded. Rose frowned but nodded as well. “Should I wear something else?” Ryleigh asked shyly.


“It’s cold. Wear something warm,” I said. “We can do whatever you want.”


She was soon running back to her room and changing. Rose gave me a look. “I need to let you know. I have guns in my basement. If you hurt that girl. You will regret it.” 


I faked a gulp and nervously nodded quickly. “I’ll have her home in a few hours. I promise. I just think people should be with friends on their birthday too.” Rose slowly nodded. A firm look on her face. 


Ryleigh came out in jeans and a tight shirt. I did my best not to stare at her rack. Taking her hand I walked us outside. She had a big smile on her face as I opened her door for her. 


“I got this for you too,” I said. Reaching in back I pulled out one of my hoodies. “I mean. If you want it.” She had seen me wear it multiple times. She blushed and nodded. Putting it on it hid her chest. 


“Russ, are you driving?” Rose asked from the open door. 


“Yep,” I said and got in. Going in reverse I got out of there before she could stop me. 


“Okay, my friend. Where first?”


“I don’t know,” she whispered. 


“Ry, no going back to the shy you. Anything you want. We can do laser tag. The arcade. Mini golf.” 


“Hmmm you did promise to teach me how to drive,” she eventually said. 


I laughed and nodded. Finding a nice empty parking lot we switched spots and I walked her through it. We spent an hour goofing off in the car. She only almost hit a few things. Then we were off to a museum. 


I stayed by her side. Commenting with her on every art piece. She just liked to stare at the pretty paintings as we walked around. I caught her touching the necklace every now and then. A smile on her face. The museum took longer than I expected. After we left I had to take her home so she could have dinner with her moms. 


“Thank you,” Ryleigh said. “For keeping your promise.”


“I prefer to. Annoys me if I can’t keep a promise. I’m sorry it wasn’t a full day. But I hope I can make it up to you.”




“By giving you a full day,” I said. “Sunup to sundown. I mean you can drive a little. But you need more practice. And there are more art museums. And fun things to do. I’m sure we could fill a day.”


She giggled and nodded. We hadn’t talked about last night once. Something I preferred. 


“Can we keep being friends?” I asked hesitantly. 


It took her time. Close to her house she pointed for me to stop a block away. I did so and she leaned over to kiss me. It was sweet and simple. I ignored the feds behind us. 


She pulled back a little. “Friends that kiss?” I asked with my best grin. She laughed and nodded. Drawing closer we kissed again. This was more heated. I hate to say how much I missed it. Our tongues in one another’s mouths we had practiced for hours. It was good to see it felt just as good now. 


Ryleigh moved closer to me. Her chest pushing against mine as I grabbed her ass. She began to pant as the kiss only grew more heated. When I thought it might progress further she pulled away. Staring into my eyes for a bit. 


“I don’t want to know what happened last night. Or think about it. I don’t want you to tell me about anyone else. When you and I are together. That is the only thing I want to think about. No one else,” she said. 


I was surprised she said so much all at once. A few tears in her eyes I knew she was serious. “I will do everything I can to make that happen,” I said. 


Rumors would still fly. But I guessed she was choosing ignorance for now. That was fine with me. I kissed her. Ryleigh’s thick lips drew my eye as they puckered and I kissed her again. 


“Anything else you need from me?” I asked. 


“If you can keep your word. You will be all of my firsts,” she said. “All. I dreamed of that too when we met.” Her words were soft as she spoke them. Almost a whisper. “Do you-do you still want that?” She asked, biting her lip. 


I nodded. “More than anything.” We started kissing again. Leaning into her our kiss became more heated. I didn’t touch her chest but I got my fill as we made out heavily. Laughing as we felt the joy of finally being on the same page. 


Ryleigh and I made out for a long time. Sometimes her pushing into me and taking charge or me pushing into her. We pulled and hungered to be close to one another like teenagers. Simply happy for the fresh feeling of it all. 


We didn’t stop until we heard a tapping on the window. Turning around, Linda and Rose were there. Ryleigh yelped nervously seeing them. 


“You were getting late,” Rose said. We were only a block away. They must have seen us. “Ry out.”


“Sorry,” I whispered as I blushed. Ryleigh gave me a kiss on the cheek and giggled as she got out. I frowned trying to apologize to her moms as they stared me down. Rose did anyway. Linda appeared happy to have caught us. I was glad we hadn’t gone much passed kissing. 


Rose gave me a look that said she was watching me. I nodded and waved bye to Ryleigh. When they were back at home I kicked it into drive and headed home. It was getting dark and I was hungry. 


When I walked in the door Violet yelled, “there you are. How dare you take my car.”


“Sorry sorry,” I said. “Had to take care of some things.” Ava, Luna, and Audrey were inside. Smiling at me I moved to sit down with them. “How’d the office go?”


“Good,” Audrey said. She moved her hand to the top of mine. “I know you don’t want to talk about it. But again. Thank you. I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t here.”


“You don’t need to thank me,” I said. “You’re my family. I’m here to protect you.” Violet grumbled but moved over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 


“I guess you’re forgiven. But stop stealing my car,” she whined. 


“No promises,” I said. “Now. What should we have for dinner?” Audrey ordered us pizza and we ate our fill. The girls passed out on the couch with me in the middle. Audrey and Violet spooned on one side. Their hands on me for comfort. Luna and Ava were on my other side. I stroked their hair and made them feel comfortable to help them sleep. 


When they were passed out I carried them to their rooms one by one. None stirred. I kissed foreheads and bundled them up. It was only 8 pm by the time they were nestled away. 


I considered waking Luna up for some fun. But for now I let her sleep. Going to the basement I moved my back against the wall. Permanent marker in hand I marked my height. Moving away I thought maybe I was about a quarter inch taller than the last time I checked. 


I wasn’t completely sold that I was getting stronger and taller the more virginities I took. It could be as simple as me angling the marker accidentally. I’d have to do testing. A lot more testing. I was willing to make that sacrifice. 


So many mysteries left to figure out I started working out. The first time I worked out I could only curl 5 pounds multiple times. Now I was curling 20 lbs. Muscles were appearing on my body. I was taller and had more weight. It would take time, but eventually I would be up to strength once more.


I still needed to figure out who tried to kidnap me. Who my father was. And maybe most important of all why I was transported to this place. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I couldn’t help but question if I was crazy again. Was this all some hallucination or was I brought her for a specific reason? 


Letting out a sigh I decided to leave that question for another day. I had to plan for the future. Get stronger. Make money. Make sure my kids and girls are safe. So many things left to do I focused on the task in front of me. Then I would move to the next and the next. Until eventually I didn’t have any worries and I could live out my days with a harem of beautiful women that were just happy to be with me. 


It was a lofty goal. But in this world I felt it was achievable. 



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