Moral Degeneration


The drive back to the University was quiet. I kept stealing glances in the backseat as the girls whispered to one another. They were giggling and kissing and I felt better about the whole thing. 


When we got close to the campus I risked talking. “Can I expect you home now, Ava?”


“What do you mean?” She asked hesitantly. 


“I want you to fix things with your mother and Violet. Your mom hasn’t said anything. But I can tell she’s worried. I think you need to talk,” I said. “The last time you talked wasn’t the best outcome.”


She blushed but nodded. “Yeah. I should apologize.” There was a long pause. “Ow,” she said. Willow had pinched her. 


“She’s not the only one you should apologize to,” Willow said. 


“Right. Right.” Ava sighed. “I’m sorry to you too, Russ.”


“About what?” I asked, teasing her. 


She rolled her eyes. “Being mean to you. And talking behind your back. And well all of it. I haven’t been the best the last few weeks.”


“Apology accepted. I forgive you. We all go through rough patches. I just want you to talk to me when you have a problem. Not shutting down. I know your mom is just as guilty. But that’s why I’m here. To fix things.”


Ava smiled and the girls went back to cuddling in the back. I caught them staring at me from the rear view mirror. Only about midnight I was still feeling pumped after all the sex. I’d have to go home and fool around with Luna or Audrey and Violet. 


We made it back to the girls' cars. They hesitated as if they wanted to say something. But then they were getting out. I waved them off. Made sure they got to Willow's car and headed home. After filling up Luna’s tank I was coming down from my high. 


Yawning and tired, I took a shower. I remembered that Luna was still on her period, so I doubted it was worth waking her up just for me to get off. I found her cuddled up in my bed. She didn’t sleep in her own much anymore. I didn’t try to stop her. Who didn’t want a hot blonde to come home to. I put on some sweatpants and cuddled up behind her. 


She half-woke up. Smacking her lips she asked, “My car okay?” 


“Duh,” I said, kissing her cheek. 


“Good. That’s what matters.” We laid like that for a minute. “Ava okay?” 


“Better,” I said. “She’s working through some things. But I think she will be back tomorrow.” 


Luna let out a sigh. “Thanks.” She mumbled, “for everything.” 


“Anything for you, Luna,” I whispered. My hands grabbed her breast and started to move down. She winced. 


“Still hurting. Want a blowjob?” She asked. 


I chuckled in her ear. “From you? Always. It can wait till tomorrow,” I said. 


“You’re the best,” she mumbled and was back to sleep. I felt pretty lucky to have her. Happy to fool around as much as talk I felt a little bad having ignored her lately. I planned to make it up to her that weekend. 


I started to doze off as well, but then I heard a slight knock at my door. Thinking Audrey and Violet wanted some fun I began to force myself awake. Walking over quickly so they didn’t wake Luna up I was surprised to see Ava and Willow. 


They were caught off guard to see me without a shirt on. I let them ogle me as I stepped out and shut the door. “What’s up?” 


“Um, we wanted to talk,” Willow said shyly. 


“Sure. Downstairs or…?” 


“My room,” Ava said and turned toward it. She probably knew who was in mine. Willow and I followed. I couldn’t help but watch their tight asses in their jeans. They apparently just got back from the campus. I was surprised that Willow was there, but they were best friends. It probably wasn’t odd for her to stay the night. 


We got into Ava’s room. It hadn’t been touched since Brianna and I ransacked it for clothes for our date. I had tried to pick up, but there were still some clothes lying around. “God dang it, Luna,” Ava whispered, picking up a few garments. Hanging them back up I left her to her assumption. 


“What’s up?” I asked again. I moved to sit in Ava’s desk chair. “I thought you 2 would be going off to do your own thing.” 


“We were talking to your friends, Lanny and Mary,” Willow said. I guessed Mary was Mercedes real name. “Kind of went through their own history. They mentioned you had offered them a kid.” They paused waiting for me to deny it, I guessed. 


“Yeah,” I said nonchalantly. “I usually offer it to anyone that wants it. I’ve been pretty open about that with you, Ava.” 

“You have,” Ava said. She and Willow sat on her bed, facing my general direction, but not looking at me. They held hands at least. I wasn’t too sure where this was going, but I had an idea. 


“Speak,” I said. “I’m done reading minds. I’m too tired. What do you want?”


“I want to have sex,” Willow said. I appreciated her bluntness. She blushed as I locked eyes with her. “Mary explained a little better that men are rare. I um never really had the urge, but I know Ava did. I was surprised that they didn’t mind sharing you. Lanny said that they discussed having a man a long time ago. And neither wanted to pass up the option, but if they had it their way they wanted to have a man together. They were pretty thankful for that.” 

Willow and Ava held hands. “I am struggling getting past Ava fooling around with you without telling me,” Willow admitted. “If it was another girl, I wouldn’t be having this conversation. But I really haven’t been around men.” 


“You were quite receptive to my advances at the New Year’s party,” I noted. 


“Yes, but I didn’t know how to respond to it. I kind of thought you were joking,” she said shyly. She really had no idea how to react to a man. 


“I’m not up for revenge,” I said. “As you may have noticed. I get around. But I’m not about to cuck some chick willingly. If you want to experience what Ava did, then she will have to be a part of it. Just like with Lanny and Mer-Mary.” 


They smiled looking to one another and nodded. I repositioned my dick. They were too cute. Ava was taller with long dark hair. Darker skin and perkier nipples and breasts. Willow was shorter, her brown hair in a pixie cut she was able to pull it off nicely. No real bust to speak of, both had fantastic asses. 


“Alright. I will consider this,” I said as if I was doing them some sort of favor. I was getting better at playing into the game. The game of women being more sexually active than men. “But I want 2 things.” They hesitated but nodded. “First, I want to hear your own sexual fantasies. I feel a little bad telling Ava’s secrets. So I want you Willow, to talk about your own dark kinks.” 


“What if I don’t have any?” She asked meekly. 


“Don’t give me that shit. This isn’t normal. I think both of you are getting off on this. I don’t want Ava to start regressing. Ava too will have to tell us what she secretly likes,” I said. 


“I can do my best,” Willow came up with. “I’m still new to this type of thing.” She blushed. Ava was a little more hesitant but nodded. I guessed she was still keeping some stuff back. 


“And the other thing?” Ava asked. 


“I want you to be truthful to each other,” I said. “And to me. I am an outside observer. But I am all about communication. If you have a problem with me. Say it. Don’t go talking behind my back or each other’s. If I have to I will drag you back to the strip club and make you pay for the next session with the girls.” 


“Fine,” Ava said, surprising me. I guessed she must have liked the strip club more than she was letting on. 


“Okay,” Willow said. 


“Perfect. The deal is struck. No take backs,” I said. Standing up looked down at the both of them. “Per my first request. I want to hear your own sexual fantasies. I will start.” Pulling the chair over I set it in front of them and sat down. “I have always wanted my feet rubbed by 2 beautiful women.” Without shame I sat down and extended my legs. Setting my feet on their thighs they hesitated but began to rub. I smiled broadly. I could see Ava trying not to get turned on. 


“Since we know Ava’s secret, I want to know your fantasy Willow.” I eyed the smaller woman. She barely put any effort into the foot rub. 


“I um, have been fantasizing about being with a man as of late,” she whispered. 


“Oh, fun. Anyone I know?” I asked. She blushed but refused to answer. She dug into my feet harder. “Ava, your turn. How long have you been hiding your foot fetish?” She blushed. “No judgment. We don’t care. It is perfectly healthy to enjoy parts of the human body.” 

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “It started with Willow, actually.” She didn’t look to the little girl. “We were changing for PE, back in high school. And I noticed her small feet. And the next thing I knew, I was staring at them every chance I could.” 


I pulled my legs back. Moving over to Willow I pulled her up and moved her to the chair. Taking her legs I pulled off her socks and plopped one in my lap and one in Ava’s. She shyly let us start rubbing them. Ava hesitated, but I went right in there. Finding a knot I pushed into it. Willow groaned loudly. Ava slowly did the same. 


“It’s not weird,” I lied. It was a little weird for me. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” That was at least true. “She does have very cute feet.” I marveled at them. Willow blushed as she covered her face. “Did you offer to rub Micah’s feet? Is that why he called you weird?”

Ava let out a long sigh. “Don’t remind me. I hate that prick. He made my last semester hell. Willow was the only thing that made it better.” 

“He is a dumbass. Come on. Talk. You will feel better,” I said. 


“I kissed him,” Ava said. “Only I used my tongue.” 


“Scandalous,” I said. “Let me guess. He freaked out?” 


Ava nodded. A few tears in her eyes. “Broke up with me immediately. Said he wanted to take things slow, but that was too far.” 


“What a dumbass,” I said. 


“He talked behind my back. Said I was a slut. I didn’t know what I did to deserve it, but I shut off after that. Willow was there for me. We went slow. I kept it all bottled up,” she said. 


“Then I came, and opened the bottle,” I said. “Good.” The girls gave me a weird look. “If I hadn’t come along then it would have happened eventually. Rather get it over with. Okay, Willow, another fantasy.” 


“Um I have always wanted to try anal,” she admitted. 


“What a great opportunity,” I said. Dropping her feet I went to the floor and pulled out the sex toy box under Ava’s bed. I opened it up to reveal all the lube, porn, and toys. “Now, since Willow, you get to have some attention. I would like to iron out what you girls want. Do you want the same exact things as Ava? Or do you want me to take your vaginal virginity?” 


“I mean, I’ve used toys. Kind of broke my hymen a few months back,” Willow said. “I would like to see where things go.” 


“Ok. I don’t usually do this, but we will be using a safe word. This is experimenting for you girls. If you feel uncomfortable at any time. You just say the word ‘lesbo’ and we can stop,” I said. “I will start driving. So if you don’t want to do what I say. Just say the magic word and we can move on.” 

I pulled Willow to stand up. She was a little shorter than me. I didn’t hesitate and started kissing her. She left it at lips for a moment, moaning in my mouth. But I was skilled. I could make strippers weak in the knees. I started using my tongue and her body shook. My hand moved along her denim jeans. Slowly running my fingers upward I found the general area of her slit and began running my fingers along it. Her legs tried to buckle, but I held her ass up. We continued to kiss as I rubbed her between the legs. 


Pulling back I saw the lust in Ava’s eyed. “Start playing with yourself,” I ordered. She blushed but was standing to pull her own pants down. I moved to behind Willow. Kissing her neck I let my fingers run across her bare skin under her shirt. She shivered more, leaning into my face as I kissed her. 


Slowly pulling her shirt up I got my first glimpse of her tits. They were tiny, but with the pixie cut and small stature they fit her perfectly. She moaned as my hand moved up her abs to her nipples. Pinching them. 


“Take off your shirt too,” I ordered Ava. The darker girl nodded. Her eyes locked with Willow.


When she was fully nude I remarked, “you’re both so beautiful. Thank you for including me in your fun.” I still kissed Willow’s neck. Unbuttoning her jeans and pulling the zipper down her tight ass shook as I revealed her body. Her smooth legs were trembling as she stood in front of Ava. Ava was slowly playing with her clit as she watched us.  


“What do you want?” I ran my finger along her lower lips. “The front or the back?” My other hand pushed a finger to her sphincter. She shivered again. 


“Front,” she said. I nodded. Disrobing I let my erect dick poke her. Willow was plenty wet from my teasing. 


“I want you to kiss your girlfriend,” I said. Willow walked up. The taller Ava looked down at her. They kissed, but it was too timid. “Like you mean it,” I ordered. Their hands went to one another’s bodies and they moaned in one another’s mouths as they used their tongues. “Lay on the bed,” I ordered. They didn’t hesitate and were on the bed. I felt like they may have liked me ordering them around. 


Watching them kiss for a minute the smaller Willow appeared light on Ava. Their smooth and skinny bodies were soon pressed up against each other. Groaning as the make out session became more heated. I was ready to go. Getting a condom out I put it on. Willow on top I leaned forward and began licking her pussy. 


She jolted from the touch, but my hands parted her tiny tight cheeks. Licking her clit my nose poked into her cunt. With a gasp she started shaking and almost immediately came hard. Screaming she held on for dear life to Ava. Her small body didn’t know what to do as I kept eating her out. 


When she shivered for the last time she asked, “What the fuck?” Looking back to me I gave a wolfish grin. These girls were seriously too easy for a man to make cum. Standing up I lined my dick up with her pussy and started to slide in. She gasped as I filled her. There was no maidenhead, but she was still tight. 

“Fuck,” I groaned as I pushed in. Her body shook. Ava and her held hands as I kept going. Then my dick made it all the way. I didn’t want to give her a chance to say the safe word. Pulling out I shoved back in hard. My balls slapped Ava’s slit as I was once more at the base in Willow. Her body trembled as she cursed. I kept going. 


In and out I slammed hard into her. My heavy testicles slapping Ava with every thrust. Willow recovered and the women began to kiss again. I kept a constant pace but then Willow came. Shaking she pulled away from Ava and began to pant as she cutely squeaked. My hands on her ass gripped her harder as I kept pounding. 


“Fuck fuck fuck,” she squeaked as her body was rocked forward by my thrust and pulled back by my hands. I groaned going faster. She continued to shake. Ava started licking her nipples as Willow’s body was pushed forward more. Loud slaps sounded as I kept pounding into her. Her tight cunt squeezing me she came harder and I wasn’t able to stop. 

Bottoming out inside of her I groaned and came. My dick nestled as far as it could she gasped as the condom stretched with each spurt. Her head rocking as I pushed in again and again she took it all. With a loud sigh she became boneless as I stopped pushing into her. Still balls deep I slowly pulled out. Willow gasped as I exited, but did not move. 


Ava underneath her I rolled Willow over. She grunted but her legs trembled in an aftershock as she fell to the mattress. “Fuck,” she gasped. “What the fuck was that?”


“Just a dick,” I assured her. “Can you forgive Ava?” She nodded numbly. “Okay, Ava, want a turn?” She looked to my dick as I removed the condom. “Or are you both done, and don’t want me in your bedroom fun anymore?” 


Willow woke up a little. Looking to Ava she ordered, “I want to hear what you want. No more making me guess.” 


Ava bit her lip. “I love you,” she said to Willow. “But I also am attracted to men.” 


Willow nodded. “I can see a little of the appeal,” she said. “I think I can accept you joining us. For now. As long as it is with both of us. Can you agree to that?” Ava nodded. The darker girl moved over and began kissing her. I guessed Willow really wore the pants in the relationship. “Okay. Keep doing what you’re doing,” Willow added. I nodded and moved Ava on top of her. With a condom reloaded I dove in. 


Ava gasped. Her hands digging into her comforter as I bottomed out into her pussy. She wasn’t as tight as Willow, but still felt heavenly. Ready to go I didn’t wait to start humping her. After a few thrusts she came just as hard as Willow did. The girls kissed. I felt like a king as I had another threesome. 

This world really was the best. I was able to release my lust on all of these women. Turned on more and more by the fact that I was some exotic sex toy that they wanted to join them every now and then. I was now officially banging a mother and her 2 daughters. It had been a long road to get there, but I had done what most men dreamed. 


I made Ava scream as I pounded into her relentlessly. Willow grew bolder and snaked her hand down to start playing with Ava’s clit as I pounded harder and harder. After Ava came 3 times I bottomed out and filled another condom. I was going through them quickly, but it was hard to say no to sex. I’d have to make a call to the Nightingales or come up with a new way to get condoms. Either way I wasn’t near done as I started fucking Willow again. She groaned and tried to say she was hurting. But as I pounded she got more in the mood. 


Ava mounted her face and I made out with the girl as I fucked her girlfriend harder. Plunging in and out they screamed and shook as my apparent magic dick made them feel better than ever before.  

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