Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today

Chapter 48: Twin Elemental City

Buildings rose around them. People shoved by in all directions, hurrying here and there. Hui stuck close to Li Xiang, somewhat concerned someone might try to take advantage of her, but no one paid them any attention.

A city! It’s nothing like the cities I’m used to, no gleaming steel and glass, no cars and smog, but still… the atmosphere feels the same, somehow. Despite himself, Hui relaxed a little.

A half block into the city, Li Xiang stopped abruptly. She pointed to her right. “There’s a clothes store.”

Hui turned. A small secondhand robes shop opened up off the main road, dingy and disused. He hesitated, then shrugged mentally. Who knows what prices are like? I might not be able to afford better. In the end, it’s only underclothes. “Right, thanks.”

Li Xiang put her back against the wall, one leg bent, arms crossed. “I’ll wait for you out here. Don’t come out until you’re fully dressed!”

A few of the passerby turned and stared at Hui. Some murmured amongst themselves, casting short glances at Li Xiang as well. One or two of the men scowled at Hui, clearly judging him unworthy of Li Xiang.

“Got it, got it,” Hui said, tugging his robes shut self-consciously. Heat crawled up his cheeks. Could you not say that so loudly? They’ll all think… that we—

Argh, I can’t say that to her! Does she even know what dual-cultivation is? Hui shook his head at himself and ducked into the shop.

In short order, he found a set of underclothes that more-or-less fit him, and only had a few questionable stains on them. He brought the clothes up to the counter, where the shopkeep blinked lazily at him.

“These, please?”

“Two spirit stones,” the shopkeep said.

Hui blinked. “Do… do you take gold?”

Disdain and disgust fought greed on the shopkeep’s face. In the end, he sighed and held out his hand. “Fifty gold.”

“A fifty? For—secondhand underclothes?” Hui asked, flabbergasted.

The shopkeep peered at him. “Gold’s all but worthless ‘round these parts. What kind of hick sect do you come from? This is a cultivator’s city. Spirit stones are the only thing worth anything around here.”

Xixing took my gold. My sect gave me this gold. It’s good enough for me, good enough for mortals, why isn’t it good enough for you? Hui grumbled internally.

After a second, he sighed. A city of clans, all grouped together? Of course they wouldn’t value gold. I wouldn’t call Starbound Sect a hick sect—not that I know what other sects look like—but we live in the midst of mortal villages, not surrounded by other cultivators. When the sect interacts with mortals, we use gold. Plenty of people use gold internally in the sect, it’s only higher-rank items we apparently trade in spirit stones for.

He frowned. Wait… could it be? Is Starbound Sect lacking in spirit stones? Do we use gold for low-level items… because we’re poor, and we don’t have enough spirit stones to support a spirit-stone based economy for the whole sect?

Oh, shit. No wonder their prices were so exorbitant! I didn’t realize how much trouble we were in, my fellow sectmates!

…I wonder if I get spirit stones in my stipend.

He shook his head, banishing his chaotic thoughts. “Ten gold.”

“Alright, put the clothes down, then.”

Gritting his teeth, Hui tried again. “T-twenty?”

“Fifty. Take it or leave it. Honestly, I’m the one losing here, taking your worthless gold.”

Pulling out his bag of gold, he handed over the required gold and took the clothes. Sliding a much lighter bag away with a scowl, he ducked into the back room to put his new clothes on. Dammit. Cities are too damn expensive.

I wonder if it’s the sect that’s strange, or if the city is crazy expensive.

Fully dressed, he rejoined Li Xiang outside, smoothing his robes in place. She pushed up and nodded. “How much?”

“Fifty gold. Apparently they only take spirit stones around here,” Hui said.

Li Xiang stared. “I’ve heard from elders that Twin Elemental City is expensive, but that’s…”

“Do you have spirit stones?” Hui asked.

“Not on me! I wouldn’t dream of trading one for ordinary clothes. What a waste that would be!” Li Xiang said, shaking her head emphatically.

So maybe it’s the city that’s strange, then, Hui thought to himself. He sighed. I should’ve had Master take me back up the peak. Even if it wasted time. I could have bought five sets of robes, custom-ordered, for fifty gold back at the sect!

“What are we here for?” Li Xiang asked, pushing off the wall.

Hui stretched his legs to keep up with her. “I’ve… received an invite, in Master’s stead.”

“An invite to what?”

“To a dinner. There wasn’t more information, but Master warned me to keep my eyes open,” Hui said. I don’t want to share too much with Li Xiang. She’s too pure, she might blurt it out without thinking.

“Hmm, I see. Dinner with who?”

Hui spread his hands, shrugging. “I have a jade that will react when we get close.”

“But until then, we’re free? Let’s go see the sights! I want to see that gold tiger up close,” Li Xiang said, excited.

Hui smiled and gestured for her to lead the way. He fell in behind her, smiling to himself. Wandering a city at leisure with a pretty girl. I never got to experience this before. It’s almost like…

Almost like…

Almost like… a date!

His eyes widened. Wait, is this a date? Am I on a date with Li Xiang?

Hui’s blood ran cold. The Starbound Peak disciples are going to kill me!

No, no, this is wonderful! They’ll never know, and, and I get a date with Li Xiang! Smiling wide, he jogged to catch up with her.

She glanced at him and smiled back. “You’ve never been in a city before, have you?”

“I ha—haven’t!” Hui replied.

“Well, stick close to me. I’m almost fourth stage, so as long as you stay close, I should be able to keep you safe,” Li Xiang said firmly.

“Yes, ma’am!” Hui chirped, happily pulling close to her. He breathed in her scent and leaned in close. His hand brushed hers.

She lifted her hand and pointed. “Look, a parasol shop!”

Hui turned, but not without glancing at her first. Is she self-conscious about this, too? Wait, does that mean… could it be?

Out of the corner of his eye, Li Xiang lowered her hand and rubbed it, touching the spot their hands had touched.

Ah, cute! Cute! If this is a fantasy, let me have it, world! Hui grinned to himself, then looked at Li Xiang. “Do you want a parasol? I can get one for you.”

“No, no. Save your gold, if they even take gold. Let’s not waste money here,” she replied, waving a hand.

“Hmm? Then why point out the parasol shop?” Hui asked, teasing gently.

Li Xiang frowned. “I… I don’t know. I felt nervous, suddenly. No, not nervous, but…” She glanced at Hui and frowned deeper. “A… good nervous?”

“Ah, it’s okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to say it,” Hui said, his heart pounding. Li Xiang, if you accidentally confess to this small disciple on the spot, he might drop dead, okay? I love how straightforward you are, but it’s scary sometimes!

“Ah! Excited, that’s it. I’m excited. I must be excited to be in a new place,” she said, nodding to herself. With that, all the tension dissipated from her shoulders. She smiled easily at Hui. “The tiger’s just up ahead!”

Hui smiled and nodded, internally crying. Li Xiang… you’re too pure. I’m dying. I’m going to die, for real. Don’t tell me… that’s really all it was? And I got my hopes up, too.

A scream rang from a nearby alley. Li Xiang bolted upright. “Hui, did you hear that?”

“Huh? Yeah,” Hui said. He glanced around them. No one else is acting like they did… is it too troublesome? Or… is it…

“I can’t leave someone in danger!” Li Xiang declared. She sprinted off into the alley.

“Li Xiang, wait—”

She vanished into the crowd.

Hui let out a sigh and followed her, operating his movement technique to catch up. Ah, this could be a real problem.

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