Marvel: A New God’s Reign

Chapter 79: Not a Double Date with Two Girls


"All men are jealous idiots. And women are stupid too, to feel happy about it. It's true, there are idiots everywhere!"

- Holo, (Spice and Wolf)


<(Atem POV)> 

"Atem, when we said we wanted to go on a vacation date with you as a reward for our graduation, we meant somewhere local and hopefully... romantic. But never in our wildest dreams could we imagine that you would take us to a different planet. Are you sure that it is even fine for us to be here? They seem to take security very seriously on this planet. Maybe, they won't appreciate the fact that we directly teleported here without any documentation." Wanda voiced her concerns with an audible gulp as she looked around to see if anyone was following them.  

We were currently walking through the streets of the planet Xandar, the capital of the Nova intergalactic empire. Now, some might ask me why I chose this place for a date despite there already being so many romantic locations present on Earth. Of course, there can only be one answer, to impress the girls. I had originally planned to take them to the moon but unfortunately, there weren't any good restaurants or activities to do there. Also, the moon was romantic but only when viewed from afar, not when you have to spend an entire day on it.

That's why Xandar seemed the next best place to bring them on a date. They wouldn't just be visiting a completely new planet but also be able to eat and do stuff that they have never experienced before as well... and I'll be able to show off a little too. It is a win-win for everyone. 

"It's fine. They are supposed to be a free and peace-loving empire... at least that's what they advertise. I am sure they won't mind us sightseeing a little. After all, we do not have any bad intentions against this planet or their empire, right?" I waved away her concerns with a laugh. 

'By the way, is public sex considered illegal here too? I might have to do more research on that subject' 

"I don't reckon watching a lot of sci-fi flicks but is it common for aliens to sport their ball sacks down on their chins?" Anna Marie, aka, Rogue curiously asked while pointing at a pink-skinned humanoid alien with a huge ball sack attached to his chin kissing his partner who had a similar but slightly smaller ball sack on their chin as well. 

"Stop pointing at them, that's not nice, Anna. Also, stop calling them aliens, we are the aliens for them in this case." Wanda quickly admonished her friend, trying to get her to lower her finger. 

"What? I am just pointing out the obvious. It's ain't like I am insulting them." Anna shrugged. "Also, look at their chin-balls bumping against each other while they are kissing and tell me it doesn't look hella funny and disgusting at the same time, right sugar?" She asked before moving her attention onto me as she hugged my left hand. 

"... Honestly, it is indeed a little funny. I wonder if they feel the same pain as well when they are kicked there." I wondered, not trying to hide my curiosity at all. "Anyway, I heard of an amusement park near here. How about we go there and have some fun." I suggested.

"Well, darlin', an amusement park sounds like a hoot and all, but what if we go do some shoppin' instead? They got all sorts of unique stuff 'round here. Have y'all laid eyes on them dress designs them alien ladies sportin'? It seems they even come with auto-adjustin' and auto-dryin' features, ain't that just awesome? Anna stated in her unique southern accent. 

"Oh... I see. And what about you Wanda? You want to go shopping too?" I asked, trying to hide my disappointment.

"Well, honestly, I am curious about how shopping on a different planet feels like as well…" Wanda answered truthfully. "But we can always go to the amusement park instead if you want. That might be entertaining too." Wanda quickly added after seeing the deflated expression on my face.

'Seems like only men understand the real thrill of amusement parks…' I thought with a snort. Either that or I just want to go there because I don't remember ever going to one in my previous life. 

"No, it's okay. I think we will have more fun shopping and dining. By the way, I only have a couple of million units to my name here, so try not to buy some extremely expensive... like a battleship or something." I warned before starting to walk towards the nearest weirdly shaped building that looked like a shopping mall meant to attract the ultra-rich. 

Now, some might ask where I got a couple of millions in Nova units. Well, let's just say that my new "Holy Empire" was doing quite well in the intergalactic trading of mineral resources and had quickly transformed from a small inconsequential planet exporting crystals of various properties to being one of the most important strategic trading partners of Knowhere and the Kree empire. 

Of course, we were still too small to be officially recognized by the Nova empire especially since we weren't their direct trading partners, but we were slowly getting there. After we start "accepting" some of the not-so-fortunate civilizations into our fold in the future, of course, for their own development, there will barely be anyone who won't be taking us seriously. 

"Look at those sweet skateboards, they are floatin'. Maybe, I should buy one to use at missions and stuff. In fact, all of us X-men could use a flying skateboard, what do ya think red?" Anna asked. She looked like she was completely fascinated with all the stuff she had seen here like she wanted to buy everything she laid her eyes upon. She seemed like an impulsive buyer.

"Oh yeah, of course, go on. I was just wondering if we should tell the others that Atem took us on a date to another planet. They would probably go crazy with jealousy if they came to know of it. Maybe, we should avoid telling them that... for Atem's sake." Wanda proposed while giving me a sympathetic look. 

"You can tell them if you want. It won't really be an annoyance for me to bring them here for dates. Plus, I have a couple of other places in my mind that are equally as good dating spots as well." I shrugged. 

"Won't be an annoyance, huh?... We will see." Anna smirked, looking like she knew something that I didn't. 

Even Wanda seemed to have a knowing smile on her face like they were in on a joke I wasn't. 

'Well, whatever. My dick is invincible. I can take on everyone coming my way.' 

Anyway, the rest of the day turned out to be quite fun without any extreme events happening. There was no villain suddenly attacking us, no apocalyptic event being triggered by our presence, or any of the Nova cops trying to put us under arrest. I mean some might have tried but unfortunately for them, seeing through glamor magic wasn't a skill they had. So, all we three did was a lot of shopping, do some sightseeing and buy expensive items that even the average citizens of Nova can't buy, and go to a fancy restaurant for dinner... which was a mistake since the food we ordered was not just moving but also alive and looked absolutely disgusting. 

However, there was one strange thing that did happen after we were done shopping.

"Two girls on a single date? I am proud to see that a few of the males in this generation still have some balls and know how to have fun." An old man hollered encouragingly. He was driving a floating space shuttle that looked awfully similar to a vintage race car with three alien chicks of three different species. 

"Umm..., thanks?" I replied taking it as a compliment. 

"If you people want to party and enjoy the real nightlife here in Xandar, you can always visit my nightclub. It's called Stan's Marvel. I host the craziest parties in the entire Nova kingdom." He acknowledged with a nod. "You can come and release some steam there if life ever gets too complicated for you, isn't that right girls?" He offered while hugging his girls tighter, even fondling a few of them. "Hahaha, take care, kid. AND DON'T LET THE PARTY END!" He yelled before speeding away without even letting me respond. 

"Okay, that was... weird," Anna muttered while Wanda just nodded after her.

I on the other hand was still looking in the direction the old man had left. "By the way, have we seen him somewhere before? That old man looked awfully familiar for some reason. I wonder if he is some sort of intergalactic celebrity." 


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