Lady of Curses

Chapter 53-Needed rest

''Ten nights, with everything included.'' Karla put a gold coin on the counter as she said that. 

The receptionist looked at the gold and then back at Karla. She gazed at Karla for some time with suspicion, and seeing this Karla knew she had to say something. 

''Loot from bandit camp.'' Hopefully, this will be enough to stop the receptionist from thinking that Karla had stolen the coin from somewhere. 

Hering that the receptionist accepted the gold and gave Karla a key to her room, but there still was some suspicion in the receptionist's eyes. But Karla couldn't blame her, after all, she looked terrible, with dirt all over her and her armor, with a spear that had some blood on its blade, and the big sack she was lugging around didn't help either. 

Karla took the key, looked at the number, and started to walk in her room's direction. Under the watchful eyes of both the staff and some residents Karla went where the lift was. On the way one of the staff offered to take her luggage, but she declined and continued on her way. Seeing Karla walk in the lift's direction the lift attendant pressed the button and called the lift down. 

So Karla didn't have to wait long, the lift doors opened almost at the same time when Karla arrived at the door. When she walked inside she saw the attendant gesturing if she needed help, but Karla just waved her spear indicating that she got it. The attendant just nodded and got back to his post. 

Karla pressed the 3rd floor button. The doors closed and the lift started to slowly climb. While in the lift she started to look around the lift. She was impressed by the spacious room the lift had, all around her she could see some depiction of nature engraved all over the walls and the carpet, it all looked just so fancy. 

Karla had to say she was impressed, and she couldn't wait to see her room, and by looking at this lift and how the lobby looked she won't be disappointed. 

When the lift finally stopped and the door opened Karla was greeted by a beautiful hallway, but she didn't stop or slow her steps to admire it, because right now all she wanted was to get some rest. Karla was tired from the long journey, after all, she and the group had to move fast because they had no idea when the main force of the bandits would return, and there was a possibility they would chase after them.

So she and the group walked without stopping until they got to this city. They could have stopped in some village and rested there, but none of them wanted to risk getting captured again, so they decided to get to this city as fast as possible because this city was the largest settlement nearby. When they got here the group split up and Karla decided to spoil herself, so she chose this hotel to be her temporary residence.

Karla found her room and using her key opened the door. The moment she stepped inside the room, she closed and locked the door behind her, and threw her sack and spear on the floor. The armor took a bit longer to get off, but when she got it off she threw it on the floor near the sack, and the rest of her cloaths got the same treatment.

Now completely naked, Karla found the bed and just went and collapsed on it, days worth of exhaustion caught up with her, and just like that she closed her eyes and went to sleep. 


''Mmmhm~'' Slowly Karla opened her eyes from her sleep. Looking around she got a little confused as to where she was, but quickly she remembered how she got here. 

She got out of bed and stretched her body, happy that she finally got some decent rest. She wasn't a fan of the sleeping conditions she had to endure when she was walking to this city. 

Karla took another look at the luxurious room before forming a smile on her face and finding a shower. The shower was behind a wooden door. The bathroom was spacious and Karla took a pause when she saw it, but after just a moment she found the shower and went for it. The shower was in a corner and had two walls made out of glass and one of them had a door. 

Karla stepped inside the shower and for a moment got confused as to how to use it. But after some time she figured it out, she turned one of the knobs, and the water started to spray from the shower head. The water was the perfect temperature so she just left it and started to wash herself. 

On one of the walls, there was some soaps, both in solid and liquid form so, Krala grabbed one of the many choices and started to wash herself. While doing that she started to think about her future. 

First was if she wanted to go back to her town, and frankly no, she had no friends or family there, and the only reason she would consider going back there was for her job. But she was sure that by now her old boss had already found a new baker and she wasn't needed, plus she had all the loot from the bandit camp, so she was set for some time. 

She hadn't checked all the loot she got, because at one point she just started grabbing stuff and putting them in her sack, but she was sure there was some valuable stuff in there. 

So now that she decided to not go back to her old town, she had to find what to do. Fortunately, she had already figured out what she wanted to do, and now she only needed to go get some stuff from the city and she could start her new life. 

Thinking about her future inevitably reminded her of her past, more precisely how she got here. She was just a normal woman who one night decided to go to a bar, there she found a kindred soal another beastkin woman, but all that was a lie. 

The woman got Karla black-out drunk and then kidnapped her. The next moment she knew it she was in a cart tied up and gagged and the woman was taking her somewhere. To this day Karla has no idea what the woman intended to do with her because, at one point in the journey the bandits attacked, they killed the woman because she resisted and took Karla to their base.

There she met others and slowly lost her mind, it got so bad that all she did was curse them nonstop. Until she got her answer, in the form of her savior, the dark lady, and the rest was history. 

Karla started to think about the black lady and her body started to get hot, so she turned the water a little bit colder and finished showering. She got out of the shower, grabbed one of the towels, and gently wiped herself dry, she was especially gentle with her ears and tail.

While she was drying herself, Karla saw something on one of the shelves that was attached to the wall near a mirror. There were multiple things there, and some of them she didn't even know the function of, but one item caught her interest. The item looked like a cylinder and had an engraving of something that looked like a wind on it. 

She grabbed the cylinder and saw that at one end there was a monster core, and at the other end, there was a hole. Her guess was right, Karla thought this was some kind of magic tool, and by the looks of it, she was right. She activated the magic tool and a warm gust of wind started to come out from the open side. 

Seeing this made Karla happy, she quickly put the towel to the side and used this tool to dry herself completely. With this tool's help, Karla was dry pretty fast.  She put the tool where she took it from, and then exited the bathroom. 

After she got out of the bathroom she opened the window curtains so that she could see outside. From the window, she could see a mesmerizing garden, with a pond on one side. Looking up Karla saw that it was past noon, so she had slept a good bit because she got to the hotel somewhere in the morning. She still needed some rest, but for now, it should do, and she still had things to do. She could leave everything for tomorrow, but the sooner she is done the better. 

Karla closed the curtains and went to where her stuff was. She picked up the armor and the spear and put them in one corner, the dirty clothes she folded and put right beside the armor. Next, she opened her sack and started looking for some clothes, she knew she had some because she remembers putting some clothes in the sack. 

After a bit of searching, she found some plain-looking clothes, that suited her. It took some time to find the right clothes because of the pants and underwear, after all, she had a tail. She put on the clothes and was ready to go out. 

She took a look around the room before checking if she had everything she needed. After confirming that she had a knife and a pouch with some coins she left her room. 


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