Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch55- Scheme and Charge!


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“Welcome to my abode. Sorry in advance but I am ordered to kill you all.” Said the white-haired teen as he looked down on us with mercy.


“My Lord, I can attest to that white eye. The numbers match and the prisoners are unable to leave their ditch.” Arachne Summon whose name is Aca reported.

“Power levels?” I asked while scratching the piece of root of my other summon. The plant shivered in delight, while the Arachne looked jealous.

“According to the scale you explained, I would say 20 to 24 of them are between Genin? level and one of them is clearly stronger.” Aca said.

“Can you describe the strongest enemy?” I asked. It was a surprise to me as well, but it turned out Aca can control the spiders in a certain perimeter. Sadly the area is fairly small, and spiders cannot be full time spies, but when she is close to them, regular arachnids get smarter enough to report their findings.

“Don’t have a solid description but I am sure of my conclusion, master.” She responded.

“Taste my power and tell me how weak I am compared to the strongest enemy.” I answered as I let out my full power. Of course that was only chakra-wise. There were many other tricks in Ninja World that were more important than pure power.

“You are a little bit weaker, master. Not much, but yeah.” She answered while looking scared.

“Don’t worry, I will not punish you for telling the truth. False praise in such a situation would end up with my demise, so telling the truth only solidified your loyalty in my eyes.” I patted her head, much to her joy.

“Thank you for your praise, master.” Her 8 legs danced happily.

“Alright, time to raid the base.” I sighed as I looked at Harrada, my plant monster.

“Say, Harrada, can you create a solid ground and let prisoners climb up to the base?” I asked while scratching the root. It should be "Its thoughts appeared in my mind, confirming my question.

“Master, why do you want to let those beasts climb to the base? Wouldn’t it make the battle harder?” Aca asked.

“You see, Aca, those are prisoners, thus kept against their wills. If we let them free, firstly their guardians will want to take them back to their cages, and prisoners also will fight back to get free. We can use this mayhem to cull their numbers and tire them out.” I smirked. She copied my emotions.

“I will let spiders know, so they can poison the strong ones in the chaos.”

“You do that.” I nodded and let them both go. In no time at all, alarms started to sound in the base.


“What was that?” Neji jumped on his feet as soon as he heard the alarms and rushed in my direction.

“A jailbreak.” I smirked.

“What? You let loose those lunatics?” He asked in anger.

“I let them loose so they can wear out our enemies and if we are lucky kill them all.” I answered back bemused.

“What if they attack us after they have kill them all?” He asked defiantly.

“Don’t worry, little boy.” I walked to him and looked down on him. Thanks to the  little modifications I made when I was first born I was a little taller than Neji who was a year older than me. “They will not even kill half of them. Otherwise, Orochimaru wouldn’t be the man everyone is afraid of.”

“That is not the poin—”

“What is then?” I was quite irritated.

“You said you wouldn't let any harm come to us, but you did this!” He opened his arms wide, showing everything. “Aren’t you afraid something would happen to us?”

“You don’t have to worry, bolty boy. Just follow your orders, and let me handle the rest.” I turned my back after that remark and walked towards Hinata. “What do you see?”

“Ex-captives climbed out of their ditch and attacked the guards. From both sides, more than 20 people have already died. Mostly captives.” Hinata reported in one breath.

“Good, let me know when there are 5 captives only. Then we will charge.”


“Sir, we cannot hold them back. They are like feral animals. They charge without any care of themselves.” A Sound Chunin reported to the white haired teen. The teen looked at the man and sighed helplessly. “Tell ours to fall back, I will take care of the rest.

“Sir, is this… wise?” Chunin asked.

“Don’t worry, I alone will suffice.” Teen answered and walked slowly. His eyes looked burdened. ‘Why haven’t I died? I always hung on so he could take over my body, but now he found a better one, why do I have to keep on living and sin?’

When he arrived on the battlefield, the angry and freedom-sighted mad prisoners looked at the teen like rabid dogs. There was one last hurdle stopping them from their dreams. With the teen dead, they could once again be free. Away from the snake and away from the screams.


“That is the situation.” Hinata reported the latest developments beside me. I sighed in distress. Finally taking action, Kimimaro?

“We are charging now, we can’t wait for him to kill prisoners. While he is occupied, we will end others.” I ordered and looked at the faces around me.

Neji, Sai and Shin as Chunin. Shino, Hinata, Kiba, Sakura, Tenten, Yuyu, Shiro, Kafu and Kiku as Genin. Basically all the Genin from our generation were here. Genma’s team head no one promoted and Genma himself was dealing with something else. Same went for Kakashi and Gai. Lee was still injured, the little sucker.

Hyuuga Iroha also let me lead his team since all genins were basically together. Welp, Asuma and his team had other arrangements. That is why my pumpkin wasn’t with us.

With my order 9 Genin and 3 Chunin charged forward without any fear. Neji still had some defiance in him, but I will subdue him in no time. Shino was beside me, ready for my command. I love this guy. Hinata is as usual, ready to do whatever she can do but without hurting anyone if possible.

When we arrived at the secret door, I kicked it down with a foot Rasengan, and blew the entrance off. The flashy entrance distracted the Sound Shinobi who were silently watching Kimimaro cutting down the tens of prisoners. While they were dumbfounded, we charged with Kunai in hand.

Their number was already half of what they used to be after they clashed with prisoners. Now that Kimimaro was also employed himself with the ex-captives, we had free reign in our raid.

Sai released dozens of beasts as soon as we entered. All of them surrounded the Sound Shinobi as we charged forward. In no time at all, bloody Kunai in our hands, our eyes were locked on Kimimaro.

Kimimaro, too, finished his battle, almost at the same time as we did. He looked at us without any emotion on his face but deep down in his eyes, one could see the burden he was carrying and the mercy he wanted to deliver.

“Welcome to my abode. Sorry in advance but I am ordered to kill you all.”

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