Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch218- Split!


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Claws wreathed in lightning slashed across, meeting the ethereal armor of the Susanoo. A sizzling sound filled the air, and sparks flew as the two energies collided. The sizzling of the energies intertwining reminded onlookers of the impending approach of a thunderstorm, the electrifying aroma of ozone thick in the air. As Koushin sent electric bolts into the ground, each warrior could feel the tremors, the soil pulsing and vibrating beneath their feet.

This was a battlefield steeped in determination and willpower. On one side stood Madara and Itachi, the formidable Akatsuki leaders, and on the other, the combined might of Konoha's best—including Koushin, Naruto, and the Five Kages. As Koushin and Ino confronted Madara, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Shin, Sai, Choji, Temari, and Yuyu rallied alongside Naruto against Itachi, their powers merging and clashing in an awe-inspiring dance of combat. Yet it was clear whose power was dominant—the Susanoo faltered, cracks appearing in its ethereal structure.

From within his armor, Koushin smiled beneath his mask, channeling chakra into his feet, which sent out a constant stream of electric bolts. The bolts struck the ground, further destabilizing the field around Madara, making it difficult for him to maintain his stance, much less focus his techniques.

Madara's eyes flared with desperate energy as he activated his Human Path, attempting to extract Ino's soul from the creature. But he met with a shocking resistance. Koushin stomped his foot, and the resulting seismic wave distorted Madara's chakra, breaking his concentration.

Koushin's anger was palpable. Every time Madara dared to oppose his 'Pumpkin', a fierce rage bubbled within him. Madara’s spells weren’t fatal, yet it was intense. He might have been momentarily soothed, but he silently vowed a painful vengeance against Madara.

Ino, still seething, unleashed a final roar from her controlled beast. A cataclysmic torrent of fire and lightning spewed forth, enveloping the weakened Susanoo and Madara within it. His ethereal armor shattered, the once-untouchable Uchiha was finally overwhelmed, his form lost within the storm of elemental fury. The once-dominant Susanoo, under the relentless onslaught, started breaking apart piece by piece, its structure eroding, revealing its vulnerabilities with every crack and fissure.

At this time, Itachi appeared next to Madara, his form looking disheveled. Hashirama and Tobirama were still in his Susanoo, covering his back. When Itachi materialized, Naruto and others—Hinata, Kakashi, Shin, Sai, Yuyu, Shino, Choji, Shikamaru, and Temari—also arrived and landed next to Koushin.

Naruto waved his hand, and Purifying Golden Wind swept across the battlefield. Ino's eyes, who was still controlling the beast, cleared, her clenched claws loosening, she returned to Koushin's side. Ino, Koushin's cherished girlfriend, met his gaze with relief. As Mei watched the reunion, a pang of jealousy struck her, making her yearn for that kind of attention from Koushin. The depth of Koushin's emotions for Ino was evident, and it left Mei with an aching heart, longing for such fervent affections to be directed at her. Meanwhile, the other Kages exchanged impressed glances, recognizing the continuously surprising prowess of Koushin.

Tsunade and the other Kages—Oonoki, A, Rasa, and Mei—also arrived, positioning themselves strategically around the battlefield.

Itachi turned to Madara and said, "Do it!"

Madara nodded, and with an unparalleled focus, he began to channel his chakra. The air around him grew thick with tension, like an electric field on the verge of a lightning strike. The Ten Tails, now suspended in mid-air, roared in protest as it felt its chakra flow diverting. Suddenly, the behemoth's body began to crack down the middle, the split widening as Yang and Yin chakra were forcibly separated.

The Ten Tails struggled mightily, its chakra whirling in frenzied patterns, resisting the tug that aimed to tear it asunder. But it was useless. Two distinct entities—each with ten tails and equal in size but contrasting in aura—materialized. The Yin portion of the Ten Tails floated toward Itachi, who welcomed it with a solemn, nearly reverent expression, while the Yang half tethered itself to Madara. As the chakra settled, both Uchihas transformed, their bodies encased in multi-layered ethereal armor, eyes glowing with newfound intensity.

Itachi's transformation was accompanied by a fleeting vision of his younger brother, Sasuke, at the tender age of five. The haunting memories of the massacre day flooded back—the day Sasuke was tragically taken by an unknown assailant. With the promise of the Eye of the Moon plan, Itachi hoped to finally unveil the concealed truths of that day.

Amidst the swirling vortex of chaos, where the energies of the Ten Tails clashed and converged, two figures stood as if they were the eyes of the storm—Madara and Itachi. The Ten Tails' Yang and Yin had sealed themselves within them, altering them into something beyond human comprehension.

Madara's once lush, ebony mane had turned a spectral white, as if the unbounded energies within had leeched the color from each strand. His skin had lightened into an almost ethereal pallor, ghostly yet pulsing with an untold, ominous power. Twisted horns of onyx spiraled from his temples, each a towering testament to his newly-acquired, almost god-like strength. But it was his eyes that held the most transformation—the Rinnegan. Already a fearsome sight, it now seemed as though the very pattern of the ripples within them danced with a newfound, terrifying inner fire. Around him, an aura erupted, a blend of stygian darkness and blinding light, as if he were a star born from a black hole.

A few paces away, Itachi too underwent a metamorphosis. His raven-black hair lightened, turning as white as virgin snow yet heavy with a hidden, explosive energy. His skin became moon-pale, so that he looked like a celestial being who had descended to the earthly realm. From his forehead emerged two horns, smaller and more elegantly curved than Madara's, yet their ivory sheen radiated an intimidation all its own. When he opened his eyes, the Mangekyou Sharingan had undergone a chilling transformation; they were now two Rinnesharingans, their intricate designs vivid and restless against his changed complexion. A dual aura encapsulated him—serene yet foreboding, as if he were a tranquil lake under a looming tempest, both calming and unsettling in its complex duality.

Thus, they stood—two Titans forever changed by the ultimate sealing, each a contrasting yet complementary pillar of terrifying power.

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