Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch209- Koushin vs Madara


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Hey guys, I'm gonna go on a little rant here. Please don't take this as me begging for money or getting mad about people not showering me with dollars. This rant is about the lack of support, and it's been kind of frustrating me. Now, I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say I don't expect any financial support from my readers. My Patreon page is there for that reason because I do need your support, but that was always secondary.

I write because I genuinely enjoy it, and I want people to share their ideas with me. When no one does, it feels like I'm just talking to myself instead of having a meaningful conversation. I mean, I don't even know if there are still people out there reading my novels at this point. I really think it might just be a couple of die-hard fans.

Anyway, both my novels currently have only one patron each. "Koushin" is about to wrap up, so I'll finish that one, but "High School Chronicles" has just started. I mean, it's only been three weeks since school started, for crying out loud!

So, if anyone out there is reading this, I just want to say I love you.


Back at where Koushin was battling with Madara,

"Ino, Paarthurnax, help Lady Tsunade and the others. Let me deal with this old corpse," Koushin directed, a teasing edge lining his words. He vaulted from the massive dragon's head, his form transforming into a dazzling beam of purple light. The playful cadence of his voice cut through the tense silence, a reminder of his unwavering confidence and unique charm.

"Come then, brat! Show me the source of your arrogance!" Madara's challenge echoed across the battlefield, a tumultuous growl against the flashing beam. The battlefield vibrated as Koushin's light form collided with the Perfect Susanoo, the impact sending the giant ethereal warrior flying away, dust and debris clouding the scene.

His purple form traced an arc in the sky, following the Susanoo as it retreated. His gaze flickered briefly to Kakashi, who was under imminent threat from Obito's Susanoo. However, a familiar blonde figure — Naruto — was already on the move towards Kakashi, prompting Koushin to refocus his attention on Madara.

As he neared Madara, his purple light began to coalesce, reshaping into his human form. His feet hit the ground, leaving an imprint in the dirt. His smirk remained intact, his violet eyes reflecting the sun's rays as he stared up at the tumbling Susanoo.

"Madara, you do have a flair for the dramatic," Koushin observed, crossing his arms over his chest. "But that doesn't change the fact that your theatrics are as outdated as your fashion sense."

He deftly sidestepped a swing of the Susanoo's chakra blade, his form nothing more than a blur. He was not a man to stay idle during a fight. The battle was his stage, and he was the main attraction.

Madara's eyes flared, a growl of irritation rumbling from his throat. "Impudent child!" he spat, his Susanoo surging towards Koushin. "I'll crush you!"

Koushin only chuckled at his threat, spinning on his heel to face Madara. His eyes were twinkling with mischief, the grin on his face growing wider. "I've been called worse," he retorted, "But tell me, how does it feel to be outclassed by a 'child'?"

Madara didn't get a chance to answer as Koushin launched himself at the Susanoo, his form blurring into the purple beam once again. The collision rattled the battlefield, the Susanoo staggering under the blow.

Sending Madara's Susanoo — with Madara inside — flying away from the main battlefield, Koushin stood with a mocking smile. "So, old corpse, ready to see the Uchiha pride you have is nothing but a false shell you put around yourself to protect your last bit of self-esteem?" His voice was dripping with sarcasm, his eyebrows raising in a challenging arch. "Hashirama is the only one that can stand against you, you said? Here I am. Years younger than you and I will put you in your place. Come, show me what you got."

Madara, inside the luminescent construct of the Susanoo, seethed. The mockery in Koushin's voice touched a primal nerve, igniting a raging inferno of anger deep within his ancient soul. His Rinnegan swirled, emanating a dark, foreboding energy. "Young fool," he sneered, his voice a venomous drawl, "Age and pride are not shields against inevitable defeat. You think to stand against me with wit and jests? I'll show you the might of the Uchiha."

Koushin just leaned his head to the side, the playful gleam in his violet eyes intensifying. "Well, aren’t we a dramatic one?" he drawled, unfazed. "You see, Madara, the might of the Uchiha seems a lot like an old man swinging his cane at the youngsters passing by his lawn."

Madara’s Susanoo surged forward, a colossal entity of wrath and power, the air pulsating around it, resonating with the contained rage. Its blade swung with enough power to split mountains, aimed at Koushin, who dodged it effortlessly. "Your words will be your undoing, boy!" Madara bellowed.

Koushin merely flashed a devilish grin. "Undoing?" he mused, twirling around Madara’s relentless attacks. "Funny, I was going to say the same about your overreliance on that giant ethereal action figure of yours."

A symphony of arcing purple lightning danced vibrantly around Koushin, juxtaposed by the curling blue flames of Hellfire, gifts from Mehrunes Dagon's Realm. The flames danced with mischief much like their master, each tendril of fire mirroring Koushin’s playful sneer, a visible manifestation of his jeering aura. This lightning wasn’t merely an elemental trick; it was a herald of Koushin’s mastery, his unique bloodline limit. It was a whisper of the sky’s wrath, a rarity that sung tales of his exquisite control over chakra and the elemental finesse he possessed. This fusion of thunder and fire had earned him a resounding title across the realms: Koushin the Thunderfire.

The air was thick with the energy emanating from his lightning and the raw, tempestuous power of the Susanoo. His body was a vortex of elemental fury; his eyes shimmered with unspoken excitement, reflecting the tempest swirling around him. The Hellfire lent a blue hue to his eyes, creating a visual dance of blue and purple, a stunning maelstrom matching the powers around him.

Madara, the ancient Uchiha, enveloped within his ethereal giant, sneered, the tomoe of his Rinnegan swirling in calculated rage. "You mistake wit for wisdom, child," he retorted, his voice dripping with scorn. "I will grind your insolence into the dust!"

Koushin danced around the battlefield, the Hellfire and the unique purple lightning pulsating around him in a celestial dance, a visual symphony narrating his playful defiance. "Child, child, child! Such fixation on youth, Madara! Jealousy is such an unbecoming shade on you. Or is it just the hue of your ancient pride?”

His feet touched the ground lightly, the electrified atmosphere humming tunes of impending chaos. The aura around him seemed to laugh, echoing his teasing tone, challenging the ancient warrior before him.

The colossal Susanoo swung its blade with seismic power, only to meet the air where Koushin had been moments ago. Koushin’s form was elusive, a laughing shadow bathed in thunder and fire. “See Madara, this is your problem," he mocked, his voice dancing with his elements. "All brawn and no subtlety. It’s like trying to capture the wind with a net.”

Koushin, the dancing maestro, had the whole world joining in on his lively performance. Swathed in a radiant purple lightning cloak, his agile silhouette weaved in and out of existence across the sprawling battlefield. Like a shooting star, he left trails of azure flames in his wake, casting an electrifying-blue ambiance upon the battleground. There was no hearty laughter or playful taunts, just a mischievous grin that adorned his face.

Madara's colossal Susanoo, a towering spectacle of ethereal energy, hoisted its mighty sword, ready to strike. But Koushin, with his lightning-charged nimbleness, turned what should have been a lethal blow into a mere breeze. He gracefully glided beneath the descending blade, his footwork light as air, effortlessly sidestepping the deadly onslaught. Each pass left Madara's blade meeting nothing but empty space, while Koushin's smoky blue flames trailed behind like an afterthought.

Observing the futility of his gargantuan sword against Koushin's lithe form, Madara decided to change tactics. He swiftly closed the gap, his Susanoo's massive hand reaching out to catch the elusive whirlwind that was Koushin. Yet, with a sudden burst of his flame-fueled speed, Koushin took to the skies, leaving behind a dazzling display of blue and purple brilliance. From above, he plunged headfirst, delivering a fierce kick that sent shockwaves rippling through the terrain as it met the Susanoo's palm.

Madara, never one to be outdone, reacted with lightning speed. The world around Koushin twisted and contorted as the Uchiha, fueled by his Rinnegan, unleashed a potent Genjutsu. The ground transformed into a tumultuous sea, the sky morphed into liquid, and phantom versions of the Susanoo sprang forth from all directions, lunging playfully towards Koushin.

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