Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 257: Just Give A Reason!


Ignoring Henry's attack on its fullest, Emma appeared before Joe's father and grabbed his head with her palm.


The moment Joe's father saw Emma's figure before him, his eyes widened, and wanted to react, but it was already too late.




Smashing his head into the ground, creating a huge pit filled with debris, Emma raised her other hand and with powerful motion, hit Joe's father in the stomach with her elbow.


With trembling body and blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, Joe's father glanced at Emma and muttered quietly, "H...How?"

Emma, who looked as cold as ice, stood up and putting her feet onto Joe's father's body smiled.

However, instead of answering, what happened was something that not even Henry or the Dia Family's leader would have anticipated.

"It's easy. Just a bit of modification and you can achieve anything."

Above him, what Joe's father was able to see was as Emma's body and face started to move, and shortly her appearance turned into Greg's.


Henry who saw this from the distance turned instantly speechless, but after a small while later, he came back to his senses.

"Get away from him!", said Henry calmly and raised his scythe, but just before he could have done anything, Russ and Wayne appeared on both of his sides.


"It seems our plan had worked perfectly.", said Russ with a smile from Henry's side, while not letting the butler to do anything funny.

Seeing that each of them was beaten, Henry sighed slightly and made his weapon to vanish.

However, Joe's father didn't look as relaxed as Henry did. No, he looked extremely irritated, that both him and Henry, two experts who were on the God rank got fooled and beaten by a mere kid.

"Take your foot off me right-, bleargh!"

"You just stay silent there!", said Greg with a piercing glare and pushed his feet deeper into the stomach he just punched a few moments ago.


Ignoring the whimpering below his feet, Greg looked toward the side and said calmly, "It appears a few of them started to come toward this direction. One of them is Scott."

As everyone listened to this nodded and glanced at Russ.

"Should we fight against them or retreat for the time being?", asked Greg calmly.

While thinking for a bit, Russ glanced at Henry then at Joe's father, and only a small while later did he start to talk.

"Wayne and I will take care of them. Retreating will be only useless."

Instantly as he said that Russ moved his hand and hit Henry in the back of his neck.


After examining Henry that he was truly knocked him unconscious, Russ waved his hand, and with Wayne on his side, he vanished into thin air.




Explosion after explosions sounded in the surroundings, while the earth shook and trembled like it was the end of the world.

After this went on for a few minutes, suddenly the powerful eruptions and tremors stopped and what followed was only sheer silence.

"It seems they have finished.", said Greg calmly and watched as Russ's and Wayne's figure flashed on the side, while they threw several bodies onto the ground.

Among them, one was Scott's body, which surprised Joe's father quite a lot.

But couldn't watch the sight for long enough, because the next second, suddenly Joe's figure appeared before him.

"... Son?"


The moment Joe heard his father's gentle voice, suddenly his expression darkened and his hand moved.



With a powerful punch right in his face, Joe smashed his own father's head deeper into the ground, making blood to flow out instantly.




Punch after punch, Joe smashed his father's face like missiles, while his emotionless expression never left his face.

Greg who was standing on the man's stomach all this time, now seeing Joe's sudden rage stepped back and waited in silence.

He exactly knew just what kind of things did his father just do to reach the heights he was in today, but he knew it also how he archived his success.

The fact alone that he tried to kill not only his friends but his very own son and wife too, from which, he succeeded to kill the latter one made even Greg's blood to boil.

In Greg's and everyone else's opinion, who knew the truth, what the man, who led the Dia Family almost all the way to the top, was inexcusable.

That's why Greg didn't stop Joe from doing what he was doing right now.

Even though it was not visible on the outside, but Greg knew and felt it clearly that deep inside, Joe was crying. 

Crying because of both anger and frustration. He didn't understand why his father needed to do such things only to reach the spot they were in today.

"Was it truly worth it? Was it truly worth it for you just to lose everything you have loved?", asked Joe with ice coldness in his voice as he smashed his father's face without stopping.

"My mother, all those innocent people, and even my sister! YOU KILLED ALL OF THEM! WAS IT TRULY WORTH IT?"


Instantly as the angry shout erupted from Joe, what followed was a first, covered with thunder falling down from above, planting the once powerful-looking expert's face deep into the soil and dirt amongst the debris.

When the others around Joe heard what he just said, all of them turned speechless.

Even Greg turned silent, but it wasn't because of the fact he heard at the beginning, but instead what he heard in the end.

"Killed his sister? He killed his daughter too?!"

Greg couldn't believe that such a person truly existed. Killing innocent people was one thing, but to go kill the ones who you have loved...

It was just simply outrageous.

"Why didn't he tell me that though? He told me that his mother had been killed by his father's order, but he never told me his sister got killed too."

As Greg thought about the unknown reason, Joe stopped assaulting his father and looked down at his face.

Covered in blood, distorted face, and broken bones. The expert, who has been thought of as one of a powerful expert, now looked as pitiful as an old man.

"Just tell me... Just tell me why you needed to do all of that! Was it because of fame? Because of glory?"

Listening to the quiet voice of Joe, the man opened his broken jaw and started to mutter out words.

"I... Did not... have a choice..."

"What do you mean you didn't have a choice? You try to lie to me once again?", asked Joe with rising anger in his eyes and raised his fist once again, ready to attack.

However, the next sentence made not only Joe, but Greg, Mila, and the two men to froze up instantly.

"Their... Fate... Their fate was cursed..."


This time not even Greg was able to hold it back and stepped forward.

"You don't believe that we will believe your ridiculous reason such as that? Cursed fate? Was that truly the reason why you have killed thousands of people, including your beloved ones?"

On the side, Mila, Russ, and even Wayne, who always stood in silence, frowned slightly and nodded in agreement.

However, Joe's father could only cough up another huge amount of blood and shook his head.

"I never intended... You to believe me... Even I would not believe it... But that is the truth... I promise..."

Glancing at each other in confusion, the 5 stayed silent for a while and looked back at Joe's father.

"What is this Cursed Fate you talked about?", asked Joe with ice coldness, while the doubt never left his eyes.

"Cough... Cough..."

Coughing up another round of his blood, the man glanced up at the sky and said, "As you have already known it, I can see other's fates in a limited manner. Those whose fates I can see, allows me to use unique powers on their bodies."

"But... While this power of mine could be called as a blessing, at the same time, it is also a curse."

Glancing at Joe, with visible sorrow in his eyes, thick drops of tears started to flow out of Joe's father's eyes.

"Those whose fate has a curse, I need to kill. If not... If not..."

"Then even more innocent people would have died until now... Alongside me..."

The moment the 5 heard this, they turned extremely silent.

More innocent people would have died? Did he need to kill? What?

Everything that Joe's father had said until now, sounded outrageously ridiculous.

A Guardian that gave the owner a power that was this wicked truly existed? Kill or die? Was it a joke or should they believe him?

Greg wanted to believe the story but didn't know if Joe will. To find it out, he glanced to the side, but what he was only able to see was his best friend's troubled expression.

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