Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 72

Chapter 73 [Savior] Grandpa, tell me, this is Mo Ha

This uninhabited space of the universe has a vast star field, and it takes three days and three nights to sail back to the border of the empire. It is very likely that you will encounter a surprise attack by the star thief group on the way, so Ling’an also took extra care and allowed the starship to turn on. Anti-detection system, return home at the fastest speed.

However, when everyone sailed to the depths of no man’s land, they still inevitably encountered the interception of star thief.

Ling’an saw a peculiarly shaped Star Pirate ship from the surveillance screen. The ship was ten times larger than the “Black Rose” piloted by Mo Qifeng before, almost comparable to the command ship of the Honor Legion. .

The huge star thief ship lay across the vast universe, and happened to stop Ling’an’s starship.

I saw the fiery red lines stretched and spread, like blood-colored vines covering the dark hull. There is a blooming rose flower on the top of the spacecraft, and all the red vines on the hull are finally close to the rhizome of the flower. Connected.

-The Scarlet Rose, the Star Pirate Ship that was rumored to be rampant in the universe unimpeded, can finally be seen with my own eyes today.

Mo Lin frowned when he saw the Star Pirate Ship, and his fists were firmly clenched at his sides: “Are they here to rescue Mo Qifeng?”

Luo Fei nodded: “Well, Uncle said before that Mo Qifeng and his accomplices are probably on the way to meet him.”

The special forces of the Glory Legion acted in advance to capture Mo Qifeng, but the star pirates were fast enough to intercept them on the road.

Ling’an went to Alden Star to rescue Luo Fei this time with only a few subordinates, and there was definitely no chance of winning with the Star Thief gang head-on.

However, Ling’an’s expression was unusually calm, as if he was ready in his chest.

The other party quickly sent a communication, and a man with red hair said faintly: “Major General Ling’an, I don’t want to oppose the Glory Legion. Please let me go. I will naturally let you leave the universe safely. Human area, I can also **** you personally.”

Ling An raised his eyebrows: “Oh? Should I thank you for your generosity? Mr. Maynard.”

This person is the leader of the star thief who has caused the empire to have a headache in recent years-Maynard Enders, who is ranked first on the list of most wanted criminals.

Maynard is powerful, driving the Star Pirate ship in the universe, specializing in crimes on the border between the Empire and the Federation, looting countless finances, and killing many merchants. The Empire took many actions and failed to catch him. Ling An had only heard of this person’s name before, but it was the first time he saw him in person today.

The man is about forty years old, and his sharp eyes are like a vicious snake.

However, Ling An met these eyes, but showed no fear at all. Instead, his expression was calm as if he was talking to an ordinary person.

Maynard couldn’t help but smiled and said, “General Ling’an deserves to be General Lingyu’s own son, and he can still be so peaceful at this time. However, the general should also be aware of current affairs. You only brought a few people. You have to protect His Royal Highness and fight with us head-on. You can’t take advantage of it. I don’t want to hurt the general. As long as you take His Royal Highness away and leave my people behind, we will treat it as if we haven’t seen it before. Isn’t that right? The best of both worlds?”

He didn’t want to hurt Ling’an. After all, Ling’an was Ling Yu’s own son and the younger brother of the empire’s queen Lin Yuan. If he killed Ling’an, his Majesty would definitely do his best to arrest him. He didn’t want to follow the entire empire. The royal family is the enemy. Therefore, it was his goal to force Ling’an back and save his subordinates.

Because the communication device on Ling’an was connected to Zhongming, Luo Fei and Mo Lin also saw the man from the holographic screen.

Hearing this, Mo Lin couldn’t help but looked at Luo Fei worriedly: “What he said also makes sense. We are weak now, and there is no way to confront the entire Star Thieves group head-on. Is it true that Mo Qi is going to be confronted? Feng give it to him?”

Luo Fei frowned and was silent.

But after a while, he smiled slightly, gently held Mo Lin’s hand, and said softly: “Don’t be afraid, we are not alone, we also have reinforcements!”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw countless dark blue warships suddenly appeared around.

The dark blue battleship, like a dense swarm of bees, quickly surrounded the star thief ship. And directly behind those warships, a giant ship appeared silently in the universe. It was the command mothership of the military headquarters. The mothership’s hull was midnight blue with a silver-white crescent moon on it.

—The Night Legion?

-Could it be that General Ling Yu arrived in person? !

The moment he saw the command mothership, even Mo Lin, who had never understood the military organization, recognized it.

With a midnight blue hull and a simple and neat crescent moon, the Imperial Dark Night Legion is also the only legion led by General Omega, with extremely powerful combat capabilities!

At that time, General Ling Yu had several battles on the front line and the Federation that made the enemy frightened. Later, the identity of Lingyu General Omega was revealed and was punished by the military. Even the Dark Night Legion was disbanded. In fact, the Dark Night Legion did not completely disappear, but was secretly hidden by the Majesty of the year on a remote planet to perform special tasks. In the political turmoil more than 20 years ago, Ling Yu suddenly returned with his army, and cooperated with his Majesty to eliminate the traitors from the army, and the Dark Night Army was rebuilt. General Ling Yu also became the only Omega four-star general in the history of the empire.

He is Ling’an’s father, Luo Fei’s pro-grandfather, and the person Mo Lin admires most.

Since the Night Legion appeared, of course they were not “weak and weak”.

With such a powerful backup as the Dark Night Legion, it is more than enough to deal with a Star Thieves ship!

Now the headache should be that the Star Thief gang didn’t take it, and he might be thinking about how to escape.

Looking at Luo Fei with a smile on his face, Mo Lin couldn’t help but wondered: “You already knew that General Ling Yu would come?”

Luo Fei said: “I also just found out, because Zhongming can feel the signal of Grandpa’s Mecha Suzaku.”

As soon as the voice fell, the commander-in-chief of the Night Legion suddenly opened the top porthole, and a fiery red mecha rose to the sky, suddenly spreading its wings above the command ship, and the eyes in front of the cockpit The golden light beam, like a sharp knife, shot straight at the surrounded Star Pirate Ship.

Maynard’s face suddenly changed: “It’s Suzaku!”

When the men heard this, they made a mess: “What to do?!” “We can’t escape!”

Suzaku, the **** of war, the S-class battle armor with the most battles in the history of the empire and the most annihilated enemy forces, and the strongest battle armor awarded the Medal of Honor by the Mecha Association.

Even Chongming is a fan of it. Seeing Suzaku appeared, he immediately said with excitement, “It’s Senior Suzaku!! Hahaha, I made you arrogant. Did you kick the iron plate in the end?”

Maynard realized the seriousness of the problem, driving the Star Pirate Ship and immediately turned and fled.

The God of War Suzaku appeared, and it was obvious that General Ling Yu had personally rushed to this uninhabited land of the universe.

However, it was too late to escape now.

An indifferent face suddenly appeared on the communication screen of the Scarlet Rose. The man’s eyes were sharp as a sword, and his voice was clear and powerful: “Maynard, you are too arrogant to realize that Mo Qifeng is just a bait. I am under the highest order of the military department to arrest you, and I will kill you all in one net today. Do you want to escape? It’s too late!”

When he said this, he waved his hand altogether and said, “All the soldiers of the Dark Night Legion obey orders, grab them, don’t let them go!”

At the command of the general, the densely packed warships immediately began to move. A large number of drones attached to the Star Pirates ship quickly destroyed the defensive cover; the vanguard’s battle armor used electromagnetic knives to cut off the important passages of the Star Pirates ship, and large warships stopped from all directions. The way of Star Pirate Ship.

That behemoth that lies across the universe is like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered!

Almost in an instant, the star thief ship was destroyed, and the vanguard troops quickly sneaked into the spacecraft and arrested all the star thief on the spacecraft.

Mo Lin was shocked when he saw this scene-is this the combat effectiveness of the Night Legion?

General Ling Yu personally led the Dark Night Legion, the star thief was almost unable to resist, so he was beaten to death?

Luo Fei lightly hugged Mo Lin’s shoulders and smiled and said, “I have never been able to catch this star thief gang because of their erratic movements and there is no way to determine their location. This time, Mo Qifeng was used as a bait. , To bring out their bosses. Grandpa personally took the shot, which shows that the military department attaches great importance to the action of eliminating star thief. We also self-defeatingly helped the military department a favor.”

Mo Lin stared intently at the scene on the Chongming monitoring screen, his eyes full of admiration.

Luo Fei looked at his little fan’s expression and couldn’t help but wonder: “Do you really admire my grandpa?”

Mo Lin nodded: “Yeah.”

No one of the Omegas of the empire does not worship General Ling Yu. As the only Omega general in the history of the empire, he really gives the Omegas a face.

Mo Lin admired Ling Yu very much when he was very young. He often read his information and listened to his father’s legendary stories about him with relish. Unexpectedly, one day, I could witness the actual combat scenes of the Dark Night Legion with my own eyes, and see the demeanor of the God of War Suzaku with my own eyes.

This is the same as a small fan seeing an idol, and the excitement is difficult to express in words.

Since he knew Mo Han, Luo Fei knew that Mo Han was a male **** at Hermann University, and there were countless fans who worshipped him. Unexpectedly, he also had someone he admired, who happened to be his grandfather. Luo Fei looked at him with an admiring expression, couldn’t help smiling, and said softly in his ear: “Introduce you to my grandpa later.”

Mo Lin’s face warmed slightly: “How do you introduce?”

Luo Fei said calmly: “Just tell the truth, say you are my Omega, the person I identify.”

Mo Lin: “…”

Luo Fei patted Mo Lin on the shoulder and said: “Don’t worry, my grandfather looks cold and serious, but he actually treats us juniors very well. Last birthday party, I was in a daze because I saw you, and he asked me what happened. I didn’t tell the truth at the time, only that you were my friend. Now telling him the truth, he shouldn’t be too surprised.”

Mo Lin was silent for a while before whispering: “Don’t tell him the truth first.”

Luo Fei was stunned: “Why?”

Mo Lin said, “I don’t want any elders to know about the two of us, except for General Ling’an.”

After all, the NR virus on his body has not been resolved. Mo Lin does not want the elders to know that he and Luo Fei have marked each other. After three months, if he cannot survive, the elders will feel sorry for Luo Fei. He does not want to let this. The impact of the incident expanded.

Seeing that Mo Lin’s face was not so good, Luo Fei had to follow him and said, “Okay, I’ll listen to you. I won’t tell Grandpa for the time being.”


The Dark Night Legion moved quickly, and it took almost a few minutes for the Star Thieves to be captured.

A battleship of the vanguard forces captured Maynard and others back to the command mothership.

After a while, Ling’an’s face appeared on the holographic screen of Zhongming. He smiled and said, “Luo Fei, Mo Lin, the general asks you to come over.”

Luo Fei nodded, and the next moment, the small warship protecting the mothership in front of the Night Legion commanded mothership immediately separated to both sides, giving Luo Fei a passage. Luo Fei drove Zhongming to the bottom of the command mothership and entered the mothership through the large apron.

The size of this mothership is much larger than that of the interstellar passenger spacecraft, almost comparable to the tallest building in the capital star, and it is enough to hold thousands of battle armors.

Ling’an just arrived when he came out of the cockpit. Luo Fei followed his uncle, walked through the long corridor, took the elevator, and came to the top command room together.

There were only a few officers in the command room at the moment, all with the rank of major general or higher. Ling’an and Luo Fei immediately stood upright and saluted them. Mo Lin was not a soldier, so they had to quietly follow Luo Fei.

Ling Yu confessed to his subordinates a few words, and then took Ling An, Luo Fei and Mo Lin to the lounge next door.

Luo Fei naturally had to salute his grandfather in front of outsiders in accordance with the etiquette of the military department, but he was not so particular in private. After arriving in the lounge, Luo Fei immediately said with a smile: “Grandpa is really amazing. The arrogance was gone, and everyone paled with fright…”

Ling Yu raised her eyebrows and interrupted him: “Don’t be mean.”

Luo Fei scratched his head, brought Mo Lin to the front with a smile, and introduced: “Grandpa, this is Mo Han, you’ve seen it before.”

Ling Yu took a close look at the young man in front of him. He did see Mo Han at Luo Fei’s birthday party. Luo Fei was still in a daze for three seconds because of Mo Han’s appearance. From Luo Fei’s defense of Mo Han, we can see how good the relationship between these two people is.

Mo Lin immediately bowed politely: “Hello, General.”

Ling Yu nodded, very satisfied with his politeness, and said warmly: “Hello, I have heard of you. It is said that you are a hacker genius. He has cracked a lot of viruses, and he is indeed young and promising.”

Mo Lin was flattered by the praise, his cheeks blushed slightly: “The general is overwhelmed.”

Ling Yu smiled at him, then looked back at Luo Fei and said, “Luo Fei, why did you leave the border?”

Luo Fei touched his nose and explained: “During the holidays, I went on a trip with Mo Han. Mo Han was kidnapped by Mo Qifeng on the way. I followed Mo Qifeng until I came to the border of the empire. The situation was critical at the time, so I had to Uncle for help, let the Glory Legion stop Mo Qifeng’s spacecraft. Just as a cosmic sandstorm appeared, Mo Han and I were swept away. We couldn’t find a navigation path in the universe, and we drifted for a while, and we found Alden of the Federation. Planet, I lived on that planet for a few days temporarily.”

Ling’an smiled and said, “That’s right. I followed the Chongming signal to find Alden Star. Let’s go back to the Empire first. Luo Fei has been missing for so long, and my brother must be worried about it.”

Ling Yu nodded: “Okay.”

Having concealed it from grandpa for the time being, Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief and took Mo Lin down to rest.

It was not until Luo Fei left that Ling Yu frowned and asked Ling An, “Is Mo Han an Omega?”

Ling’an was startled: “How do you know?”

Ling Yu said lightly: “He was marked by Luo Fei? I can tell the Omega pheromone breath on his body. The young man is probably embarrassed, so he didn’t tell me the truth.”

Ling An smiled and said, “I can’t hide it from you.”

Thinking of his son being marked privately by Nishizawa, Ling Yu couldn’t help frowning and said: “Luo Fei, this stinky boy, really learned his father’s bad ailments!”

Ling’an: “…”

Find the disguised Omega in the crowd, and complete the mark during the cosmic voyage, such as His Majesty Nishizawa, and Luo Fei, the father and son are really the same bad things.

Ling An held back a smile and said: “This may also be genetically inherited? Luo Fei’s sense of smell is indeed as keen as His Majesty Nishizawa.”

Ling Yu paused, and said: “Mo Han is Mr. Mo Qiming’s most beloved baby. Luo Fei did this, but it’s not easy to explain to the Mo family.”

Ling’an said, “I believe that Eluofi’s cheeky should be able to handle the Mo family.”

He hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still didn’t tell the story of Mo Lin being injected with NR virus. He promised that Mo Lin would not tell anyone, he should keep his promise. However, Ling’an was very worried. Luo Fei had a deep affection for Mo Lin. If something happened to Mo Lin, Luo Fei would definitely be very painful.

He also has a beloved one, and if he loses him, he will feel painful even thinking about it. Luo Fei was still so young, she definitely couldn’t bear the blow of Mo Lin’s departure. Moreover, Ling’an has a good impression of Mo Lin. This Omega is strong and calm, and he has suffered so many sins in the Mo family, which is really heartbreaking.

Thinking of this, Ling An immediately wrote a message: “My dear, haven’t your pharmaceutical companies developed a lot of virus antibodies in the past few years? Have you heard of NR virus?”

Currently in no man’s land in the universe, there is no network connection with the empire, and the message sending fails.

Ling An immediately calmed down, and everything had to go back to the empire.

No matter what, he must use all his strength to save Mo Lin.

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