Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

Update schedule changes / PSA


Alright guys I'm gonna level with you. I need to dial back the pace I'm uploading at.

I tend to go hard when I'm doing anything I enjoy, but my wife pulled me aside today and asked me to slow it down.

I get up early and work, come home for a bit (this is generally when I write/finish up chapters and upload them), and then leave for my night job. It hasn't really been too much of an issue, but she pointed out that's it's been more than a month since I took the kids to the park. A few weeks since I got everyone ice-cream and we just hung out in the living room, a month or two since I showed up between jobs and put on a movie for everybody.

Instead, I've literally written the equivalent of The Hobbit (in pure wordcount anyway) every single month since starting this Webnovel. Which, you know, is actually kinda cool but... I think I'm going a bit overboard. It's starting to affect my life a bit. If I was just a crazy hermit hellbent on writing a lifetimes worth of books in a year I'd already be well on the way, but I have a family.

I need a bit of moderation; and I suddenly understand why most authors (there's probably more than a few on this site that could handle my level of output just as 'easily' as I do) tend to update every other day or so.

I very selfishly still wish I was entirely superhuman and could just keep cranking out content at the speed I currently am but...I actually think it's negatively impacting the story as well. My pacing is a little fucked up lately, the story wandered a bit after the Corruptor Boss, etc. I think it actually turned out okay for the most part (Looking at the Cuddlebugs specifically, I love those little turds) but thats not gonna last.

I'm going to be shifting to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday schedule starting next week.

Maybe the occasional weekend off (for me not the story), which won't be so bad since I'll have time to actually backlog chapters for you guys now.

I can handle the 14 hour workdays, but the equivalent of 3 jobs (including writing), but never having a day off between my 'real' jobs and writing has finally slain me after about 3 months or whatever it's been. Worse than that my wife's not happy and my kids are getting about as resentful as small children can be of anything.

My youngest son (4) told me he wanted me to be hurt again last night because I 'Sat on the bed and cuddled and played with him'.

That one fucking killed me, guys. I felt like a total piece of shit.

I just really love writing and wanted to tell a good story, but at some point the horse ran away with the rider. I need be a responsible father, and bring everything in-line to a point where people in my life aren't being neglected for my hobbies.

So yeah.

No update today, I'm taking everyone out for lunch and ice cream, and then taking my kids to the park, where I will pretend to be a monster and chase them around while making stupid noises.

Love you guys, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.